// Copyright 2017 Yahoo Holdings. Licensed under the terms of the Apache 2.0 license. See LICENSE in the project root. package com.yahoo.prelude.fastsearch; import java.util.Optional; import com.yahoo.compress.CompressionType; import com.yahoo.container.search.LegacyEmulationConfig; import com.yahoo.fs4.BasicPacket; import com.yahoo.fs4.ChannelTimeoutException; import com.yahoo.fs4.GetDocSumsPacket; import com.yahoo.fs4.Packet; import com.yahoo.fs4.PingPacket; import com.yahoo.fs4.PongPacket; import com.yahoo.fs4.QueryPacket; import com.yahoo.fs4.QueryResultPacket; import com.yahoo.fs4.mplex.Backend; import com.yahoo.fs4.mplex.FS4Channel; import com.yahoo.fs4.mplex.InvalidChannelException; import com.yahoo.prelude.Ping; import com.yahoo.prelude.Pong; import com.yahoo.prelude.querytransform.QueryRewrite; import com.yahoo.processing.request.CompoundName; import com.yahoo.search.Query; import com.yahoo.search.Result; import com.yahoo.search.dispatch.Dispatcher; import com.yahoo.search.dispatch.SearchCluster; import com.yahoo.search.grouping.GroupingRequest; import com.yahoo.search.grouping.request.GroupingOperation; import com.yahoo.search.query.Ranking; import com.yahoo.search.result.ErrorMessage; import com.yahoo.search.result.Hit; import com.yahoo.search.result.HitGroup; import com.yahoo.search.searchchain.Execution; import edu.umd.cs.findbugs.annotations.NonNull; import java.io.IOException; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.logging.Level; import static com.yahoo.container.util.Util.quote; /** * The searcher which forwards queries to fdispatch nodes, using the fnet/fs4 * network layer. * * @author bratseth */ // TODO: Clean up all the duplication in the various search methods by // switching to doing all the error handling using exceptions below doSearch2. // Right now half is done by exceptions handled in doSearch2 and half by setting // errors on results and returning them. It could be handy to create a QueryHandlingErrorException // or similar which could wrap an error message, and then just always throw that and // catch and unwrap into a results with an error in high level methods. -Jon public class FastSearcher extends VespaBackEndSearcher { /** If this is turned on this will make search queries directly to the local search node when possible */ private final static CompoundName dispatchDirect = new CompoundName("dispatch.direct"); /** Unless turned off this will fill summaries by dispatching directly to search nodes over RPC when possible */ private final static CompoundName dispatchSummaries = new CompoundName("dispatch.summaries"); /** The compression method which will be used with rpc dispatch. "lz4" (default) and "none" is supported. */ private final static CompoundName dispatchCompression = new CompoundName("dispatch.compression"); /** Used to dispatch directly to search nodes over RPC, replacing the old fnet communication path */ private final Dispatcher dispatcher; private final Backend dispatchBackend; private final FS4ResourcePool fs4ResourcePool; /** * Creates a Fastsearcher. * * @param dispatchBackend The backend object containing the connection to the dispatch node this should talk to * over the fs4 protocol * @param fs4ResourcePool the resource pool used to create direct connections to the local search nodes when * bypassing the dispatch node * @param dispatcher the dispatcher used (when enabled) to send summary requests over the rpc protocol. * Eventually we will move everything to this protocol and never use dispatch nodes. * At that point we won't need a cluster searcher above this to select and pass the right * backend. * @param docSumParams document summary parameters * @param clusterParams the cluster number, and other cluster backend parameters * @param cacheParams the size, lifetime, and controller of our cache * @param documentdbInfoConfig document database parameters */ public FastSearcher(Backend dispatchBackend, FS4ResourcePool fs4ResourcePool, Dispatcher dispatcher, SummaryParameters docSumParams, ClusterParams clusterParams, CacheParams cacheParams, DocumentdbInfoConfig documentdbInfoConfig) { init(docSumParams, clusterParams, cacheParams, documentdbInfoConfig); this.dispatchBackend = dispatchBackend; this.fs4ResourcePool = fs4ResourcePool; this.dispatcher = dispatcher; } private int countFastHits(Result result) { int count = 0; for (Iterator i = hitIterator(result); i.hasNext();) { if (i.next() instanceof FastHit) count++; } return count; } /** * Pings the backend. Does not propagate to other searchers. */ @Override public Pong ping(Ping ping, Execution execution) { return ping(ping, dispatchBackend, getName()); } public static Pong ping(Ping ping, Backend backend, String name) { FS4Channel channel = backend.openPingChannel(); // If you want to change this code, you need to understand // com.yahoo.prelude.cluster.ClusterSearcher.ping(Searcher) and // com.yahoo.prelude.cluster.TrafficNodeMonitor.failed(ErrorMessage) try { PingPacket pingPacket = new PingPacket(); try { boolean couldSend = channel.sendPacket(pingPacket); if ( ! couldSend) { return new Pong(ErrorMessage.createBackendCommunicationError("Could not ping " + name)); } } catch (InvalidChannelException e) { return new Pong(ErrorMessage.createBackendCommunicationError("Invalid channel " + name)); } catch (IllegalStateException e) { return new Pong(ErrorMessage.createBackendCommunicationError("Illegal state in FS4: " + e.getMessage())); } catch (IOException e) { return new Pong(ErrorMessage.createBackendCommunicationError("IO error while sending ping: " + e.getMessage())); } // We should only get a single packet BasicPacket[] packets; try { packets = channel.receivePackets(ping.getTimeout(), 1); } catch (ChannelTimeoutException e) { return new Pong(ErrorMessage.createNoAnswerWhenPingingNode("timeout while waiting for fdispatch for " + name)); } catch (InvalidChannelException e) { return new Pong(ErrorMessage.createBackendCommunicationError("Invalid channel for " + name)); } if (packets.length == 0) { return new Pong(ErrorMessage.createBackendCommunicationError(name + " got no packets back")); } try { ensureInstanceOf(PongPacket.class, packets[0], name); } catch (TimeoutException e) { return new Pong(ErrorMessage.createTimeout(e.getMessage())); } catch (IOException e) { return new Pong(ErrorMessage.createBackendCommunicationError("Unexpected packet class returned after ping: " + e.getMessage())); } return new Pong((PongPacket)packets[0]); } finally { if (channel != null) { channel.close(); } } } protected void transformQuery(Query query) { QueryRewrite.rewriteSddocname(query); } @Override public Result doSearch2(Query query, QueryPacket queryPacket, CacheKey cacheKey, Execution execution) { FS4Channel channel = null; try { if (dispatcher.searchCluster().groupSize() == 1) forceSinglePassGrouping(query); channel = chooseBackend(query).openChannel(); channel.setQuery(query); Result result = searchTwoPhase(channel, query, queryPacket, cacheKey); if (query.properties().getBoolean(Ranking.RANKFEATURES, false)) { // There is currently no correct choice for which // summary class we want to fetch at this point. If we // fetch the one selected by the user it may not // contain the data we need. If we fetch the default // one we end up fetching docsums twice unless the // user also requested the default one. fill(result, query.getPresentation().getSummary(), execution); // ARGH } return result; } catch (TimeoutException e) { return new Result(query,ErrorMessage.createTimeout(e.getMessage())); } catch (IOException e) { Result result = new Result(query); if (query.getTraceLevel() >= 1) query.trace(getName() + " error response: " + result, false, 1); result.hits().addError(ErrorMessage.createBackendCommunicationError(getName() + " failed: "+ e.getMessage())); return result; } finally { if (channel != null) channel.close(); } } /** When we only search a single node, doing all grouping in one pass is more efficient */ private void forceSinglePassGrouping(Query query) { for (GroupingRequest groupingRequest : GroupingRequest.getRequests(query)) forceSinglePassGrouping(groupingRequest.getRootOperation()); } private void forceSinglePassGrouping(GroupingOperation operation) { operation.setForceSinglePass(true); for (GroupingOperation childOperation : operation.getChildren()) forceSinglePassGrouping(childOperation); } /** * Returns the backend object to issue a search request over. * Normally this is the backend field of this instance, which connects to the dispatch node this talk to * (which is why this instance was chosen by the cluster controller). However, when certain conditions obtain * (see below), we will instead return a backend instance which connects directly to the local search node * for efficiency. */ private Backend chooseBackend(Query query) { if ( ! query.properties().getBoolean(dispatchDirect, true)) return dispatchBackend; if (query.properties().getBoolean(com.yahoo.search.query.Model.ESTIMATE)) return dispatchBackend; Optional directDispatchRecipient = dispatcher.searchCluster().directDispatchTarget(); if ( ! directDispatchRecipient.isPresent()) return dispatchBackend; // Dispatch directly to the single, local search node query.trace(false, 2, "Dispatching directly to ", directDispatchRecipient.get()); return fs4ResourcePool.getBackend(directDispatchRecipient.get().hostname(), directDispatchRecipient.get().fs4port(), Optional.of(directDispatchRecipient.get().key())); } /** * Perform a partial docsum fill for a temporary result * representing a partition of the complete fill request. * * @param result result containing a partition of the unfilled hits * @param summaryClass the summary class we want to fill with **/ protected void doPartialFill(Result result, String summaryClass) { if (result.isFilled(summaryClass)) return; Query query = result.getQuery(); traceQuery(getName(), "fill", query, query.getOffset(), query.getHits(), 1, quotedSummaryClass(summaryClass)); if (query.properties().getBoolean(dispatchSummaries, true) && ! summaryNeedsQuery(query) && query.getRanking().getLocation() == null && ! cacheControl.useCache(query) && ! legacyEmulationConfigIsSet(getDocumentDatabase(query))) { CompressionType compression = CompressionType.valueOf(query.properties().getString(dispatchCompression, "LZ4").toUpperCase()); dispatcher.fill(result, summaryClass, getDocumentDatabase(query), compression); return; } CacheKey cacheKey = null; PacketWrapper packetWrapper = null; if (getCacheControl().useCache(query)) { cacheKey = fetchCacheKeyFromHits(result.hits(), summaryClass); if (cacheKey == null) { QueryPacket queryPacket = QueryPacket.create(query); cacheKey = new CacheKey(queryPacket); } packetWrapper = cacheLookupTwoPhase(cacheKey, result, summaryClass); } FS4Channel channel = chooseBackend(query).openChannel(); channel.setQuery(query); Packet[] receivedPackets; try { DocsumPacketKey[] packetKeys; if (countFastHits(result) > 0) { packetKeys = getPacketKeys(result, summaryClass, false); if (packetKeys.length == 0) { receivedPackets = new Packet[0]; } else { try { receivedPackets = fetchSummaries(channel, result, summaryClass); } catch (InvalidChannelException e) { result.hits().addError(ErrorMessage.createBackendCommunicationError("Invalid channel " + getName() + " (summary fetch)")); return; } catch (ChannelTimeoutException e) { result.hits().addError(ErrorMessage.createTimeout("timeout waiting for summaries from " + getName())); return; } catch (IOException e) { result.hits().addError(ErrorMessage.createBackendCommunicationError( "IO error while talking on channel " + getName() + " (summary fetch): " + e.getMessage())); return; } if (receivedPackets.length == 0) { result.hits().addError(ErrorMessage.createBackendCommunicationError(getName() + " got no packets back (summary fetch)")); return; } } } else { packetKeys = new DocsumPacketKey[0]; receivedPackets = new Packet[0]; } int skippedHits; try { FillHitsResult fillHitsResult = fillHits(result, receivedPackets, summaryClass); skippedHits = fillHitsResult.skippedHits; if (fillHitsResult.error != null) { result.hits().addError(ErrorMessage.createTimeout(fillHitsResult.error)); return; } } catch (TimeoutException e) { result.hits().addError(ErrorMessage.createTimeout(e.getMessage())); return; } catch (IOException e) { result.hits().addError(ErrorMessage.createBackendCommunicationError("Error filling hits with summary fields, source: " + getName() + " Exception thrown: " + e.getMessage())); return; } if (skippedHits == 0 && packetWrapper != null) { cacheControl.updateCacheEntry(cacheKey, query, packetKeys, receivedPackets); } if ( skippedHits > 0 ) result.hits().addError(com.yahoo.search.result.ErrorMessage.createEmptyDocsums("Missing hit data for summary '" + summaryClass + "' for " + skippedHits + " hits")); result.analyzeHits(); if (query.getTraceLevel() >= 3) { int hitNumber = 0; for (Iterator i = hitIterator(result); i.hasNext();) { com.yahoo.search.result.Hit hit = i.next(); if ( ! (hit instanceof FastHit)) continue; FastHit fastHit = (FastHit) hit; String traceMsg = "Hit: " + (hitNumber++) + " from " + (fastHit.isCached() ? "cache" : "backend" ); if ( ! fastHit.isFilled(summaryClass)) traceMsg += ". Error, hit, not filled"; query.trace(traceMsg, false, 3); } } } finally { channel.close(); } } private boolean legacyEmulationConfigIsSet(DocumentDatabase db) { LegacyEmulationConfig config = db.getDocsumDefinitionSet().legacyEmulationConfig(); if (config.forceFillEmptyFields()) return true; if (config.stringBackedFeatureData()) return true; if (config.stringBackedStructuredData()) return true; return false; } private static @NonNull Optional quotedSummaryClass(String summaryClass) { return Optional.of(summaryClass == null ? "[null]" : quote(summaryClass)); } private CacheKey fetchCacheKeyFromHits(HitGroup hits, String summaryClass) { for (Iterator i = hits.unorderedDeepIterator(); i.hasNext();) { Hit h = i.next(); if (h instanceof FastHit) { FastHit hit = (FastHit) h; if (hit.isFilled(summaryClass)) { continue; } if (hit.getCacheKey() != null) { return hit.getCacheKey(); } } } return null; } private Result searchTwoPhase(FS4Channel channel, Query query, QueryPacket queryPacket, CacheKey cacheKey) throws IOException { if (isLoggingFine()) getLogger().finest("sending query packet"); try { boolean couldSend = channel.sendPacket(queryPacket); if ( ! couldSend) return new Result(query,ErrorMessage.createBackendCommunicationError("Could not reach '" + getName() + "'")); } catch (InvalidChannelException e) { return new Result(query,ErrorMessage.createBackendCommunicationError("Invalid channel " + getName())); } catch (IllegalStateException e) { return new Result(query, ErrorMessage.createBackendCommunicationError("Illegal state in FS4: " + e.getMessage())); } BasicPacket[] basicPackets; try { basicPackets = channel.receivePackets(query.getTimeLeft(), 1); } catch (ChannelTimeoutException e) { return new Result(query,ErrorMessage.createTimeout("Timeout while waiting for " + getName())); } catch (InvalidChannelException e) { return new Result(query,ErrorMessage.createBackendCommunicationError("Invalid channel for " + getName())); } if (basicPackets.length == 0) { return new Result(query,ErrorMessage.createBackendCommunicationError(getName() + " got no packets back")); } if (isLoggingFine()) getLogger().finest("got packets " + basicPackets.length + " packets"); ensureInstanceOf(QueryResultPacket.class, basicPackets[0], getName()); QueryResultPacket resultPacket = (QueryResultPacket) basicPackets[0]; if (isLoggingFine()) getLogger().finest("got query packet. " + "docsumClass=" + query.getPresentation().getSummary()); if (query.getPresentation().getSummary() == null) query.getPresentation().setSummary(getDefaultDocsumClass()); Result result = new Result(query); addMetaInfo(query, queryPacket.getQueryPacketData(), resultPacket, result, false); addUnfilledHits(result, resultPacket.getDocuments(), false, queryPacket.getQueryPacketData(), cacheKey, channel.distributionKey()); Packet[] packets; PacketWrapper packetWrapper = cacheControl.lookup(cacheKey, query); if (packetWrapper != null) { cacheControl.updateCacheEntry(cacheKey, query, resultPacket); } else { if (resultPacket.getCoverageFeature() && ! resultPacket.getCoverageFull()) { // Don't add error here, it was done in first phase // No check if packetWrapper already exists, since incomplete // first phase data won't be cached anyway. } else { packets = new Packet[1]; packets[0] = resultPacket; cacheControl.cache(cacheKey, query, new DocsumPacketKey[0], packets, channel.distributionKey()); } } return result; } private Packet[] convertBasicPackets(BasicPacket[] basicPackets) throws ClassCastException { // trying to cast a BasicPacket[] to Packet[] will compile, // but lead to a runtime error. At least that's what I got // from testing and reading the specification. I'm just happy // if someone tells me what's the proper Java way of doing // this. -SK Packet[] packets = new Packet[basicPackets.length]; for (int i = 0; i < basicPackets.length; i++) { packets[i] = (Packet) basicPackets[i]; } return packets; } private Packet[] fetchSummaries(FS4Channel channel, Result result, String summaryClass) throws InvalidChannelException, ChannelTimeoutException, ClassCastException, IOException { BasicPacket[] receivedPackets; boolean summaryNeedsQuery = summaryNeedsQuery(result.getQuery()); if (result.getQuery().getTraceLevel() >=3) result.getQuery().trace((summaryNeedsQuery ? "Resending " : "Not resending ") + "query during document summary fetching", 3); GetDocSumsPacket docsumsPacket = GetDocSumsPacket.create(result, summaryClass, summaryNeedsQuery); int compressionLimit = result.getQuery().properties().getInteger(PACKET_COMPRESSION_LIMIT, 0); docsumsPacket.setCompressionLimit(compressionLimit); if (compressionLimit != 0) { docsumsPacket.setCompressionType(result.getQuery().properties().getString(PACKET_COMPRESSION_TYPE, "lz4")); } boolean couldSend = channel.sendPacket(docsumsPacket); if ( ! couldSend) throw new IOException("Could not successfully send GetDocSumsPacket."); receivedPackets = channel.receivePackets(result.getQuery().getTimeLeft(), docsumsPacket.getNumDocsums() + 1); return convertBasicPackets(receivedPackets); } public String toString() { return "fast searcher (" + getName() + ") " + dispatchBackend; } /** * Returns an array of the hits contained in this result * * @param filled true to return all hits, false to return only unfilled hits * @return array of docids, empty array if no hits */ private DocsumPacketKey[] getPacketKeys(Result result, String summaryClass, boolean filled) { DocsumPacketKey[] packetKeys = new DocsumPacketKey[result.getHitCount()]; int x = 0; for (Iterator i = hitIterator(result); i.hasNext();) { com.yahoo.search.result.Hit hit = i.next(); if (hit instanceof FastHit) { FastHit fastHit = (FastHit) hit; if(filled || !fastHit.isFilled(summaryClass)) { packetKeys[x] = new DocsumPacketKey(fastHit.getGlobalId(), fastHit.getPartId(), summaryClass); x++; } } } if (x < packetKeys.length) { DocsumPacketKey[] tmp = new DocsumPacketKey[x]; System.arraycopy(packetKeys, 0, tmp, 0, x); return tmp; } else { return packetKeys; } } protected boolean isLoggingFine() { return getLogger().isLoggable(Level.FINE); } }