// Copyright 2016 Yahoo Inc. Licensed under the terms of the Apache 2.0 license. See LICENSE in the project root. /** * Class representing a long string field in the result set. * */ package com.yahoo.prelude.fastsearch; import java.nio.ByteBuffer; import com.yahoo.io.SlowInflate; import com.yahoo.text.Utf8; import com.yahoo.data.access.Inspector; /** * @author Bjørn Borud */ public class LongstringField extends DocsumField implements VariableLengthField { public LongstringField(String name) { super(name); } @Override public Object decode(ByteBuffer b) { long dataLen = 0; long len = ((long) b.getInt()) & 0xffffffffL; boolean compressed; String field; // if MSB is set this is a compressed field. set the compressed // flag accordingly and decompress the data compressed = ((len & 0x80000000) != 0); if (compressed) { len &= 0x7fffffff; dataLen = b.getInt(); len -= 4; } byte[] tmp = new byte[(int) len]; b.get(tmp); if (compressed) { SlowInflate inf = new SlowInflate(); tmp = inf.unpack(tmp, (int) dataLen); } field = Utf8.toString(tmp); return field; } @Override public Object decode(ByteBuffer b, FastHit hit) { Object field = decode(b); hit.setField(name, field); return field; } @Override public int getLength(ByteBuffer b) { int offset = b.position(); // MSB = compression flag, re decode int len = b.getInt() & 0x7fffffff; b.position(offset + len + (Integer.SIZE >> 3)); return len + (Integer.SIZE >> 3); } @Override public boolean isCompressed(ByteBuffer b) { int offset = b.position(); // MSB = compression flag, re decode int compressed = b.getInt() & 0x80000000; b.position(offset); return compressed != 0; } @Override public int sizeOfLength() { return Integer.SIZE >> 3; } @Override public Object convert(Inspector value) { return value.asString(""); } }