// Copyright 2017 Yahoo Holdings. Licensed under the terms of the Apache 2.0 license. See LICENSE in the project root. package com.yahoo.prelude.hitfield; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import java.util.ListIterator; import com.yahoo.prelude.searcher.JuniperSearcher; import com.yahoo.text.XML; /** * Represents a Field in a Hit. The original raw content and the field * name cannot be modified. But the tokenized version can be retrieved * and set. * * @author Lars Christian Jensen */ public class HitField { private final String name; private final String rawContent; private final boolean isCJK; private boolean xmlProperty; private List tokenizedContent = null; private String content = null; private Object original; /** * @param f The field name * @param c The field content */ public HitField(String f, String c) { this(f, c, c.indexOf(JuniperSearcher.RAW_HIGHLIGHT_CHAR) > -1); } /** * @param f The field name * @param c The field content */ public HitField(String f, XMLString c) { this(f, c, c.toString().indexOf(JuniperSearcher.RAW_HIGHLIGHT_CHAR) > -1); } /** * @param f The field name * @param c The field content * @param cjk true if this is a cjk-document */ public HitField(String f, String c, boolean cjk) { this(f, c, cjk, false); } /** * @param f The field name * @param c The field content * @param cjk true if this is a cjk-document */ public HitField(String f, XMLString c, boolean cjk) { this(f, c.toString(), cjk, true); } /** * @param f The field name * @param c The field content * @param cjk true if this is a cjk-document * @param xmlProperty true if this should not quote XML syntax */ public HitField(String f, String c, boolean cjk, boolean xmlProperty) { name = f; rawContent = c; content = null; isCJK = cjk; this.xmlProperty = xmlProperty; } /** * @return the name of this field */ public String getName() { return name; } /** * @return the raw/original content of this field */ public String getRawContent() { return rawContent; } private List tokenizeUnknown() { List pre = new ArrayList<>(); if (rawContent.length() == 0) return pre; int i = 0; int j = 0; i = rawContent.indexOf('\u001E'); if (i == 0) { pre.add(new SeparatorFieldPart(rawContent.substring(0,1))); j = 1; i = rawContent.indexOf('\u001E', j); } while(i != -1) { tokenizeSnippet(pre, rawContent.substring(j, i)); pre.add(new SeparatorFieldPart(rawContent.substring(i,i+1))); i++; j = i; i = rawContent.indexOf('\u001E', j); } if (j < rawContent.length()) { tokenizeSnippet(pre, rawContent.substring(j)); } return pre; } private boolean isAnnotationChar(char c) { return c == AnnotateStringFieldPart.RAW_ANNOTATE_BEGIN_CHAR || c == AnnotateStringFieldPart.RAW_ANNOTATE_SEPARATOR_CHAR || c == AnnotateStringFieldPart.RAW_ANNOTATE_END_CHAR; } private void tokenizeSnippet(List resultParts, String content) { int head = 0; int tail = 0; boolean justFinishedIncompleteAnnotation = false; int numRawHighLightChars = 0; List localParts = new ArrayList<>(); if (content.length() == 0) { return; } boolean prevHeadLetterOrDigital = Character.isLetterOrDigit(content.charAt(0)); for ( ;head < content.length(); head++) { char headChar = content.charAt(head); if (isAnnotationChar(headChar)) { if (headChar == AnnotateStringFieldPart.RAW_ANNOTATE_BEGIN_CHAR) { int nextHead = content.indexOf(AnnotateStringFieldPart.RAW_ANNOTATE_END_CHAR, head); boolean incompleteAnnotation = (nextHead == -1); boolean skippedInvalidHighlightChar = false; if (head > tail) { int currHead = head; if (incompleteAnnotation && content.charAt(head-1) == JuniperSearcher.RAW_HIGHLIGHT_CHAR && numRawHighLightChars % 2 == 1) { currHead--; // skip invalid highlight char skippedInvalidHighlightChar = true; } localParts.add(createToken(content.substring(tail, currHead), prevHeadLetterOrDigital)); } if (!skippedInvalidHighlightChar) { localParts.add(new AnnotateStringFieldPart(content, head)); } head = nextHead; } else if (headChar == AnnotateStringFieldPart.RAW_ANNOTATE_SEPARATOR_CHAR) { localParts.clear(); head = content.indexOf(AnnotateStringFieldPart.RAW_ANNOTATE_END_CHAR, head); justFinishedIncompleteAnnotation = true; } else if (headChar == AnnotateStringFieldPart.RAW_ANNOTATE_END_CHAR) { localParts.clear(); justFinishedIncompleteAnnotation = true; } if (head == -1) { head = content.length(); } else { if (head + 1 < content.length()) { prevHeadLetterOrDigital = Character.isLetterOrDigit(content.charAt(head + 1)); } } tail = head + 1; } else { if (headChar == JuniperSearcher.RAW_HIGHLIGHT_CHAR) { if (justFinishedIncompleteAnnotation) { tail = head + 1; // skip invalid highlight char } else { ++numRawHighLightChars; } } boolean currHeadLetterOrDigital = Character.isLetterOrDigit(headChar); if (currHeadLetterOrDigital != prevHeadLetterOrDigital & head > tail) { localParts.add(createToken(content.substring(tail, head), prevHeadLetterOrDigital)); tail = head; prevHeadLetterOrDigital = currHeadLetterOrDigital; } justFinishedIncompleteAnnotation = false; } } if (head > tail) { localParts.add(createToken(content.substring(tail), prevHeadLetterOrDigital)); } resultParts.addAll(localParts); } private FieldPart createToken(String substring, boolean isToken) { if (xmlProperty) { // TODO: Model this with something better than ImmutableFieldPart return new ImmutableFieldPart(substring, isToken); } else { return new StringFieldPart(substring, isToken); } } private List tokenizePretokenized() { String[] pre = rawContent.split("\u001F+"); List tokenized = new ArrayList<>(pre.length); for (int i = 0; i < pre.length; i++) { tokenized.add(createToken(pre[i], true)); } return tokenized; } private void tokenizeContent() { List pre; if (isCJK) { pre = tokenizePretokenized(); } else { pre = tokenizeUnknown(); } setTokenizedContentUnchecked(pre); } /** * Get a list representation of the tokens in the content. This is * only a copy, changes here will not affect the HitField. * * @return a list containing the content in tokenized form. */ public List getTokenizedContent() { List l = new ArrayList<>(); for (ListIterator i = tokenIterator(); i.hasNext(); ) { l.add(i.next()); } return l; } private List ensureTokenized() { if (tokenizedContent == null) { tokenizeContent(); } return tokenizedContent; } /** * Return an iterator for the tokens, delimiters and markup elements * of the field. */ public ListIterator listIterator() { return new FieldIterator(ensureTokenized(), this); } /** * Return an iterator for the tokens in the field */ public ListIterator tokenIterator() { return new TokenFieldIterator(ensureTokenized(), this); } /** * Only FieldPart objects must be present in the list. * * @param list contains the new content of this HitField in tokenized form. */ public void setTokenizedContent(List list) { tokenizedContent = new ArrayList<>(list.size()); for (Iterator i = list.iterator(); i.hasNext(); ) { tokenizedContent.add(i.next()); } // Must null content reference _before_ calling getContent() content = null; } private void setTokenizedContentUnchecked(List list) { tokenizedContent = list; // Must null content reference _before_ calling getContent() content = null; } /** * @return the content of this field */ public String getContent() { if (content == null) { StringBuilder buf = new StringBuilder(); Iterator iter = ensureTokenized().iterator(); while(iter.hasNext()) { buf.append(iter.next().getContent()); } content = buf.toString(); } return content; } /** * @return the content of this field, using the arguments as bolding * tags */ public String getContent(String boldOpenTag, String boldCloseTag, String separatorTag) { StringBuilder buf = new StringBuilder(); Iterator iter = ensureTokenized().iterator(); while(iter.hasNext()) { FieldPart f = iter.next(); if (f instanceof BoldOpenFieldPart && boldOpenTag != null && boldOpenTag.length() > 0) buf.append(boldOpenTag); else if (f instanceof BoldCloseFieldPart && boldCloseTag != null && boldCloseTag.length() > 0) buf.append(boldCloseTag); else if (f instanceof SeparatorFieldPart && separatorTag != null && separatorTag.length() > 0) buf.append(separatorTag); else buf.append(f.getContent()); } return buf.toString(); } public void markDirty() { content = null; } /** * @param inAttribute whether to quote quotation marks * @return the content of this field as an XML string */ public String quotedContent(boolean inAttribute) { StringBuilder xml = new StringBuilder(); Iterator iter = ensureTokenized().iterator(); while(iter.hasNext()) { FieldPart f = iter.next(); if (f.isFinal()) xml.append(f.getContent()); else xml.append(XML.xmlEscape(f.getContent(), inAttribute)); } return xml.toString(); } /** * @return the content of this field, using the arguments as bolding * tags, as an XML string */ public String quotedContent(String boldOpenTag, String boldCloseTag, String separatorTag, boolean inAttribute) { StringBuilder xml = new StringBuilder(); Iterator iter = ensureTokenized().iterator(); while(iter.hasNext()) { FieldPart f = iter.next(); if (f instanceof BoldOpenFieldPart && boldOpenTag != null && boldOpenTag.length() > 0) xml.append(boldOpenTag); else if (f instanceof BoldCloseFieldPart && boldCloseTag != null && boldCloseTag.length() > 0) xml.append(boldCloseTag); else if (f instanceof SeparatorFieldPart && separatorTag != null && separatorTag.length() > 0) xml.append(separatorTag); else if (f.isFinal()) xml.append(f.getContent()); else xml.append(XML.xmlEscape(f.getContent(), inAttribute)); } return xml.toString(); } /** * @return the content of the field, stripped of markup */ public String bareContent(boolean XMLQuote, boolean inAttribute) { StringBuilder bareContent = new StringBuilder(); Iterator iter = ensureTokenized().iterator(); while(iter.hasNext()) { FieldPart f = iter.next(); if (f instanceof MarkupFieldPart) continue; if (XMLQuote) bareContent.append(XML.xmlEscape(f.getContent(), inAttribute)); else bareContent.append(f.getContent()); } return bareContent.toString(); } public String toString() { return getContent(); } /** * Fetch the object which (the String representation of) this HitField was * built from. This may be null as setting the original is optional. */ public Object getOriginal() { return original; } /** * Optionally set the object which this HitField should represent. */ public void setOriginal(Object original) { this.original = original; } }