// Copyright Yahoo. Licensed under the terms of the Apache 2.0 license. See LICENSE in the project root. package com.yahoo.prelude.query.parser; import com.yahoo.language.Linguistics; import com.yahoo.language.process.CharacterClasses; import com.yahoo.language.process.SpecialTokens; import com.yahoo.prelude.Index; import com.yahoo.prelude.IndexFacts; import com.yahoo.prelude.query.Substring; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.List; import static com.yahoo.prelude.query.parser.Token.Kind.*; /** * Query tokenizer. Singlethreaded. * * @author bratseth */ public final class Tokenizer { private final List tokens = new java.util.ArrayList<>(); private String source; /** Tokens which should be words, regardless of which characters they contain */ private SpecialTokens specialTokens = null; /** Whether to recognize tokens also as substrings of other tokens, needed for cjk */ private boolean substringSpecialTokens = false; private final CharacterClasses characterClasses; private int parensToEat = 0; private int indexLastExplicitlyChangedAt = 0; /** Creates a tokenizer which initializes from a given Linguistics */ public Tokenizer(Linguistics linguistics) { this.characterClasses = linguistics.getCharacterClasses(); } /** * Sets a list of tokens (Strings) which should be returned as WORD tokens regardless * of their content. This list is used directly by the Tokenizer and should not be changed * after calling this. The tokenizer will not change it. Special tokens are case * sensitive. */ public void setSpecialTokens(SpecialTokens specialTokens) { this.specialTokens = specialTokens; } /** Sets whether to recognize tokens also as substrings of other tokens, needed for cjk. Default false. */ public void setSubstringSpecialTokens(boolean substringSpecialTokens) { this.substringSpecialTokens = substringSpecialTokens; } /** * Resets this tokenizer and create tokens from the given string, using * "default" as the default index, and using no index information. * * @return a read-only list of tokens. This list can only be used by this thread */ public List tokenize(String string) { return tokenize(string, new IndexFacts().newSession(Collections.emptySet(), Collections.emptySet())); } /** * Resets this tokenizer and create tokens from the given string, using * "default" as the default index * * @return a read-only list of tokens. This list can only be used by this thread */ public List tokenize(String string, IndexFacts.Session indexFacts) { return tokenize(string, "default", indexFacts); } /** * Resets this tokenizer and create tokens from the given string. * * @param string the string to tokenize * @param defaultIndexName the name of the index to use as default * @param indexFacts information about the indexes we will search * @return a read-only list of tokens. This list can only be used by this thread */ // To avoid this we need to pass an IndexFacts.session down instead - easily done but not without breaking API's public List tokenize(String string, String defaultIndexName, IndexFacts.Session indexFacts) { this.source = string; tokens.clear(); parensToEat = 0; Index topLevelIndex = Index.nullIndex; Index defaultIndex = indexFacts.getIndex(defaultIndexName); if (defaultIndexName != null) { topLevelIndex = defaultIndex; } Index currentIndex = topLevelIndex; for (int i = 0; i < source.length(); i++) { if (currentIndex.isExact()) { i = consumeExact(i, currentIndex); // currentIndex may change after seeing a colon below currentIndex = topLevelIndex; } else { i = consumeSpecialToken(i); } if (i >= source.length()) break; int c = source.codePointAt(i); if (characterClasses.isLetterOrDigit(c) || (c == '\'' && acceptApostropheAsWordCharacter(currentIndex))) { i = consumeWordOrNumber(i, currentIndex); } else if (Character.isWhitespace(c)) { addToken(SPACE, " ", i, i + 1); } else if (c == '"' || c == '\u201C' || c == '\u201D' || c == '\u201E' || c == '\u201F' || c == '\u2039' || c == '\u203A' || c == '\u00AB' || c == '\u00BB' || c == '\u301D' || c == '\u301E' || c == '\u301F' || c == '\uFF02') { addToken(QUOTE, "\"", i, i + 1); } else if (c == '-' || c == '\uFF0D') { addToken(MINUS, "-", i, i + 1); } else if (c == '+' || c == '\uFF0B') { addToken(PLUS, "+", i, i + 1); } else if (c == '.' || c == '\uFF0E') { addToken(DOT, ".", i, i + 1); } else if (c == ',' || c == '\uFF0C') { addToken(COMMA, ",", i, i + 1); } else if (c == ':' || c == '\uFF1A') { currentIndex = determineCurrentIndex(defaultIndex, indexFacts); addToken(COLON, ":", i, i + 1); } else if (c == '(' || c == '\uFF08') { addToken(LBRACE, "(", i, i + 1); parensToEat++; } else if (c == ')' || c == '\uFF09') { addToken(RBRACE, ")", i, i + 1); parensToEat--; if (parensToEat < 0) parensToEat = 0; } else if (c == '[' || c == '\uFF3B') { addToken(LSQUAREBRACKET, "[", i, i + 1); } else if (c == ']' || c == '\uFF3D') { addToken(RSQUAREBRACKET, "]", i, i + 1); } else if (c == ';' || c == '\uFF1B') { addToken(SEMICOLON, ";", i, i + 1); } else if (c == '>' || c == '\uFF1E') { addToken(GREATER, ">", i, i + 1); } else if (c == '<' || c == '\uFF1C') { addToken(SMALLER, "<", i, i + 1); } else if (c == '!' || c == '\uFF01') { addToken(EXCLAMATION, "!", i, i + 1); } else if (c == '_' || c == '\uFF3F') { addToken(UNDERSCORE, "_", i, i + 1); } else if (c == '^' || c == '\uFF3E') { addToken(HAT, "^", i, i + 1); } else if (c == '*' || c == '\uFF0A') { addToken(STAR, "*", i, i + 1); } else if (c == '$' || c == '\uFF04') { addToken(DOLLAR, "$", i, i + 1); } else { addToken(NOISE, "", i, i + 1); } } addToken(EOF, "", source.length(), source.length()); source = null; return tokens; } private boolean acceptApostropheAsWordCharacter(Index currentIndex) { if ( ! (currentIndex.isUriIndex() || currentIndex.isHostIndex())) { return true; } // this is a heuristic to check whether we probably have reached the end of an URL element for (int i = tokens.size() - 1; i >= 0; --i) { switch (tokens.get(i).kind) { case COLON: if (i == indexLastExplicitlyChangedAt) return false; break; case SPACE: return true; default: // do nothing } } // really not sure whether we should choose false instead, on cause of the guard at // the start, but this seems like the conservative choice return true; } private Index determineCurrentIndex(Index defaultIndex, IndexFacts.Session indexFacts) { int backtrack = tokens.size(); int tokencnt = 0; for (int i = 1; i <= tokens.size(); i++) { backtrack = tokens.size() - i; Token lookAt = tokens.get(backtrack); if (lookAt.kind != WORD && lookAt.kind != UNDERSCORE && lookAt.kind != NUMBER && lookAt.kind != DOT) { // do not use this token backtrack++; break; } tokencnt++; } StringBuilder tmp = new StringBuilder(); for (int i = 0; i < tokencnt; i++) { Token useToken = tokens.get(backtrack + i); tmp.append(useToken.image); } String indexName = tmp.toString(); if (indexName.length() > 0) { String canonicIndexName = indexFacts.getCanonicName(indexName); Index index = indexFacts.getIndex(canonicIndexName); if (! index.isNull()) { indexLastExplicitlyChangedAt = tokens.size(); return index; } } return defaultIndex; } private int consumeSpecialToken(int start) { SpecialTokens.Token token = getSpecialToken(start); if (token == null) return start; tokens.add(toToken(token, start, source)); return start + token.token().length(); } private SpecialTokens.Token getSpecialToken(int start) { if (specialTokens == null) return null; return specialTokens.tokenize(source.substring(start), substringSpecialTokens); } private int consumeExact(int start,Index index) { if (index.getExactTerminator() == null) return consumeHeuristicExact(start); return consumeToTerminator(start, index.getExactTerminator()); } private boolean looksLikeExactEnd(int end) { int parens = parensToEat; boolean wantStar = true; boolean wantBang = true; boolean eatDigit = false; int endLimit = source.length(); while (end < endLimit) { char c = source.charAt(end++); if (Character.isWhitespace(c)) { // ends in whitespace return true; } // handle digits (after a ! sign) if (eatDigit && Character.isDigit(c)) { continue; } eatDigit = false; // ! digits or any number of ! signs: if (wantBang && c == '!') { eatDigit = true; while (end < endLimit) { c = source.charAt(end); if (c == '!') { end++; // more than one ! -> do not eat digits eatDigit = false; } else { break; } } wantBang = false; continue; } // star meaning prefix after a string: if (wantStar && (c == '*' || c == '\uFF0A')) { wantStar = false; continue; } // parens ending a group: if (parens > 0 && c == ')') { parens--; continue; } // something else return false; } // end of field return true; } private int consumeHeuristicExact(int start) { int curPos = -1; int actualStart = -1; int starPos = -1; int endLimit = source.length(); boolean suffStar = false; boolean isQuoted = false; boolean seenSome = false; boolean wantStartQuote = true; boolean wantEndQuote = false; boolean wantStartStar = true; // ignore whitespace at start until we something else boolean ignWS = true; for (curPos = start; curPos < endLimit; curPos++) { char c = source.charAt(curPos); if (Character.isWhitespace(c)) { if (ignWS) continue; // ends exact token unless quoted if (!wantEndQuote) break; } ignWS = false; if (c == '"') { if (wantStartQuote) { // starts actual token wantStartQuote = false; wantEndQuote = true; actualStart = curPos+1; } else if (wantEndQuote && looksLikeExactEnd(curPos+1)) { seenSome = true; wantEndQuote = false; isQuoted = true; // ends token break; } // else: part of exact token continue; } // no processing of non-quotes inside quotes if (wantEndQuote) continue; if (c == '*' || c == '\uFF0A') { if (wantStartStar) { suffStar = true; wantStartStar = false; starPos = curPos; continue; } } if (c == '!' || c == '*' || c == '\uFF0A') { // ends token if non-empty if (seenSome && looksLikeExactEnd(curPos)) break; } if (c == ')' && seenSome && looksLikeExactEnd(curPos)) { break; } if (!seenSome) { // everything else: something that starts the actual token actualStart = curPos; seenSome = true; wantStartQuote = false; wantStartStar = false; } } int end = curPos; // handle some ill-formed inputs: if (wantEndQuote) { // missing end quote: reprocess without quote handling isQuoted = false; actualStart = -1; starPos = -1; suffStar = false; seenSome = false; wantStartStar = true; // ignore whitespace at start until we something else ignWS = true; for (curPos = start; curPos < endLimit; curPos++) { char c = source.charAt(curPos); if (Character.isWhitespace(c)) { if (ignWS) continue; // ends exact token break; } ignWS = false; if (c == '*' || c == '\uFF0A') { if (wantStartStar) { suffStar = true; wantStartStar = false; starPos = curPos; continue; } } if (c == '!' || c == '*' || c == '\uFF0A') { // ends token if non-empty if (seenSome) break; } if (c == ')' && seenSome && parensToEat > 0) { break; } if (!seenSome) { // everything else: something that starts the actual token actualStart = curPos; seenSome = true; wantStartStar = false; } } end = curPos; } if (! seenSome) { // no token content: may need to include stars or whitespace if (suffStar) { // use the star as token: suffStar = false; actualStart = starPos; } else { // just include all we have (possibly whitespace or an empty string): actualStart = start; } } if (suffStar) { addToken(STAR, "*", starPos, starPos + 1); } tokens.add(new Token(WORD, source.substring(actualStart, end), true, new Substring(actualStart, end, source))); // skip terminating quote if (isQuoted) { end++; } return end; } private int consumeToTerminator(int start,String terminator) { int end = start; while (end < source.length()) { if (terminatorStartsAt(end,terminator)) break; end++; } tokens.add(new Token(WORD, source.substring(start, end), true, new Substring(start, end, source))); if (end >= source.length()) return end; else return end + terminator.length(); // Don't create a token for the terminator } private boolean terminatorStartsAt(int start,String terminator) { int terminatorPosition = 0; while ((terminatorPosition + start) < source.length()) { if (source.charAt(start+terminatorPosition) != terminator.charAt(terminatorPosition)) return false; terminatorPosition++; if (terminatorPosition >= terminator.length()) return true; // Reached end of terminator } return false; // Reached end of source before reaching end of terminator } /** Consumes a word or number and/or possibly a special token starting within this word or number */ private int consumeWordOrNumber(int start, Index currentIndex) { int tokenEnd = start; SpecialTokens.Token substringToken = null; boolean digitsOnly = true; // int underscores = 0; // boolean underscoresOnly = true; boolean quotesOnly = true; while (tokenEnd < source.length()) { if (substringSpecialTokens) { substringToken = getSpecialToken(tokenEnd); if (substringToken != null) break; } int c = source.codePointAt(tokenEnd); if (characterClasses.isLetter(c)) { digitsOnly = false; // if (c != '_') { // if (underscores > 3) { // break; // } else { // underscores = 0; // } // underscoresOnly = false; // } else { // underscores += 1; // } quotesOnly = false; } else if (characterClasses.isLatinDigit(c)) { // Yes, do nothing as long as the underscore logic // is deactivated. // underscoresOnly = false; quotesOnly = false; } else if (c == '\'') { if ( ! acceptApostropheAsWordCharacter(currentIndex)) { break; } // Otherwise consume apostrophes... digitsOnly = false; } else { break; } tokenEnd += Character.charCount(c); } // if (underscores > 3 && !underscoresOnly) { // tokenEnd -= underscores; // } if (tokenEnd>start) { // if (underscoresOnly) { // addToken(NOISE, source.substring(start, tokenEnd), start, tokenEnd); // } else if (quotesOnly) { addToken(NOISE, source.substring(start, tokenEnd), start, tokenEnd); } else { addToken(digitsOnly ? NUMBER : WORD, source.substring(start, tokenEnd), start, tokenEnd); } } if (substringToken == null) return --tokenEnd; // TODO: test the logic around tokenEnd with friends addToken(toToken(substringToken, tokenEnd, source)); return --tokenEnd + substringToken.token().length(); } private void addToken(Token.Kind kind, String word, int start, int end) { addToken(new Token(kind, word, false, new Substring(start, end, source))); } private void addToken(Token token) { tokens.add(token); } public Token toToken(SpecialTokens.Token specialToken, int start, String rawSource) { return new Token(Token.Kind.WORD, specialToken.replacement(), true, new Substring(start, start + specialToken.token().length(), rawSource)); // XXX: Unsafe? } }