// Copyright 2016 Yahoo Inc. Licensed under the terms of the Apache 2.0 license. See LICENSE in the project root. package com.yahoo.prelude.searcher; import com.google.inject.Inject; import com.yahoo.component.ComponentId; import com.yahoo.component.chain.dependencies.After; import com.yahoo.component.chain.dependencies.Before; import com.yahoo.component.chain.dependencies.Provides; import com.yahoo.container.QrSearchersConfig; import com.yahoo.search.Query; import com.yahoo.search.Result; import com.yahoo.search.Searcher; import com.yahoo.search.result.ErrorMessage; import com.yahoo.search.result.Hit; import com.yahoo.search.result.HitGroup; import com.yahoo.search.searchchain.Execution; import com.yahoo.search.searchchain.PhaseNames; import java.util.*; /** * Flattens a result consisting of multiple hit groups containing hits * into a single flat list of hits. * * @author Bob Travis * @author Steinar Knutsen * @author Arne Fossaa */ @After(PhaseNames.BLENDED_RESULT) @Before(PhaseNames.UNBLENDED_RESULT) @Provides(BlendingSearcher.BLENDING) public class BlendingSearcher extends Searcher { public static final String BLENDING = "Blending"; private final String documentId; @Inject public BlendingSearcher(ComponentId id, QrSearchersConfig cfg) { super(id); QrSearchersConfig.Com.Yahoo.Prelude.Searcher.BlendingSearcher s = cfg.com().yahoo().prelude().searcher().BlendingSearcher(); documentId = s.docid().length() > 0 ? s.docid() : null; } /** * Only for legacy tests. */ public BlendingSearcher(String blendingDocumentId) { this.documentId = blendingDocumentId; } @Override public com.yahoo.search.Result search(com.yahoo.search.Query query, Execution execution) { Result result = execution.search(query); Result blended = blendResults(result, query, query.getOffset(), query.getHits(), execution); blended.trace("Blended result"); return blended; } /** * Fills this result by forwarding to the right chained searchers */ @Override public void fill(com.yahoo.search.Result result, String summaryClass, Execution execution) { execution.fill(result, summaryClass); result.analyzeHits(); } /** * Produce a single blended result list from a group of hitgroups. * * It is assumed that the results are ordered in hitgroups. If not, the blend will not be performed */ protected Result blendResults(Result result, Query q, int offset, int hits, Execution execution) { //Assert that there are more than one hitgroup and that there are only hitgroups on the lowest level boolean foundNonGroup = false; Iterator hitIterator = result.hits().iterator(); List groups = new ArrayList<>(); while (hitIterator.hasNext()) { Hit hit = hitIterator.next(); if (hit instanceof HitGroup) { groups.add((HitGroup)hit); hitIterator.remove(); } else if(!hit.isMeta()) { foundNonGroup = true; } } if(foundNonGroup) { result.hits().addError(ErrorMessage.createUnspecifiedError("Blendingsearcher could not blend - there are toplevel hits" + " that are not hitgroups")); return result; } if (groups.size() == 0) { return result; } else if (groups.size() == 1) { result.hits().addAll(groups.get(0).asUnorderedHits()); result.hits().setOrderer(groups.get(0).getOrderer()); return result; } else { if (documentId != null) { return blendResultsUniquely(result, q, offset, hits, groups, execution); } else { return blendResultsDirectly(result, q, offset, hits, groups, execution); } } } private Result sortAndTrimResults(Result result, Query q, int offset, int hits, Execution execution) { if (q.getRanking().getSorting() != null) { execution.fillAttributes(result); // Always correct as we can only sort on attributes result.hits().sort(); } result.hits().trim(offset, hits); return result; } private abstract class DocumentMerger { protected Set documentsToStrip; protected Result result; protected HitGroup group; abstract void put(HitGroup source, Hit hit, Execution execution); abstract void scan(Hit hit, int i, Execution execution); Result getResult() { return result; } //Since we cannot use prelude.hit#getProperty, we'll have to improvise private String getProperty(Hit hit, String field) { Object o = hit.getField(field); return o == null ? null : o.toString(); } protected void storeID(Hit hit, Execution execution) { String id = getProperty(hit, documentId); if (id != null) { documentsToStrip.add(id); } else { if (!result.isFilled(result.getQuery().getPresentation().getSummary())) { fill(result, result.getQuery().getPresentation().getSummary(), execution); id = getProperty(hit, documentId); if (id != null) { documentsToStrip.add(id); } } } } protected boolean known(HitGroup source, Hit hit, Execution execution) { String stripID = getProperty(hit, documentId); if (stripID == null) { if (!source.isFilled(result.getQuery().getPresentation().getSummary())) { Result nResult = new Result(result.getQuery()); nResult.hits().add(source); fill(nResult, nResult.getQuery().getPresentation().getSummary(), execution); stripID = getProperty(hit, documentId); if (stripID == null) { return false; } } else { return false; } } if (documentsToStrip.contains(stripID)) { return true; } documentsToStrip.add(stripID); return false; } void scanResult(Execution execution) { List hits = group.asUnorderedHits(); for (int i = hits.size()-1; i >= 0; i--) { Hit sniffHit = hits.get(i); if (!sniffHit.isMeta()) { scan(sniffHit, i, execution); } else { result.hits().add(sniffHit); } } } void mergeResults(List groups, Execution execution) { // note, different loop direction from scanResult() for(HitGroup group : groups.subList(1, groups.size())) { for(Hit hit : group.asList()) { if(hit.isMeta()) { result.hits().add(hit); } else { put(group, hit, execution); } } } } } private class BasicMerger extends DocumentMerger { BasicMerger(Result result, HitGroup group) { this.result = result; this.group = group; } void put(HitGroup source, Hit hit, Execution execution) { result.hits().add(hit); } void scan(Hit hit, int i, Execution execution) { result.hits().add(hit); } } private class UniqueMerger extends DocumentMerger { UniqueMerger(Result result, HitGroup group, Set documentsToStrip) { this.documentsToStrip = documentsToStrip; this.result = result; this.group = group; } void scan(Hit hit, int i, Execution execution) { result.hits().add(hit); if (!hit.isMeta()) { storeID(hit, execution); } } void put(HitGroup source, Hit hit, Execution execution) { if (!hit.isMeta()) { if (!known(source, hit, execution)) { addHit(hit); } } else { result.hits().add(hit); } } protected void addHit(Hit hit) { result.hits().add(hit); } } private Result blendResultsDirectly(Result result, Query q, int offset, int hits, List groups, Execution execution) { DocumentMerger m = new BasicMerger(result, groups.get(0)); m.scanResult(execution); m.mergeResults(groups, execution); return sortAndTrimResults(m.getResult(), q, offset, hits, execution); } private Result blendResultsUniquely(Result result, Query q, int offset, int hits, List groups, Execution execution) { DocumentMerger m = new UniqueMerger(result, groups.get(0), new HashSet<>(20)); m.scanResult(execution); m.mergeResults(groups, execution); return sortAndTrimResults(m.getResult(), q, offset, hits, execution); } }