// Copyright Yahoo. Licensed under the terms of the Apache 2.0 license. See LICENSE in the project root. package com.yahoo.search; import com.google.common.collect.ImmutableList; import com.google.common.collect.ImmutableMap; import com.yahoo.collections.Tuple2; import com.yahoo.component.Version; import com.yahoo.container.jdisc.HttpRequest; import com.yahoo.fs4.MapEncoder; import com.yahoo.language.process.Embedder; import com.yahoo.prelude.fastsearch.DocumentDatabase; import com.yahoo.prelude.query.Highlight; import com.yahoo.prelude.query.textualrepresentation.TextualQueryRepresentation; import com.yahoo.processing.request.CompoundName; import com.yahoo.search.dispatch.Dispatcher; import com.yahoo.search.dispatch.rpc.ProtobufSerialization; import com.yahoo.search.federation.FederationSearcher; import com.yahoo.search.query.Model; import com.yahoo.search.query.ParameterParser; import com.yahoo.search.query.Presentation; import com.yahoo.search.query.Properties; import com.yahoo.search.query.QueryTree; import com.yahoo.search.query.Ranking; import com.yahoo.search.query.Select; import com.yahoo.search.query.SessionId; import com.yahoo.search.query.Sorting; import com.yahoo.search.query.Sorting.AttributeSorter; import com.yahoo.search.query.Sorting.FieldOrder; import com.yahoo.search.query.Sorting.Order; import com.yahoo.search.query.UniqueRequestId; import com.yahoo.search.query.context.QueryContext; import com.yahoo.search.query.profile.ModelObjectMap; import com.yahoo.search.query.profile.QueryProfileProperties; import com.yahoo.search.query.profile.compiled.CompiledQueryProfile; import com.yahoo.search.query.profile.compiled.CompiledQueryProfileRegistry; import com.yahoo.search.query.profile.types.FieldDescription; import com.yahoo.search.query.profile.types.FieldType; import com.yahoo.search.query.profile.types.QueryProfileFieldType; import com.yahoo.search.query.profile.types.QueryProfileType; import com.yahoo.search.query.profile.types.QueryProfileTypeRegistry; import com.yahoo.search.query.properties.DefaultProperties; import com.yahoo.search.query.properties.PropertyMap; import com.yahoo.search.query.properties.QueryProperties; import com.yahoo.search.query.properties.QueryPropertyAliases; import com.yahoo.search.query.properties.RequestContextProperties; import com.yahoo.search.yql.NullItemException; import com.yahoo.search.yql.VespaSerializer; import com.yahoo.search.yql.YqlParser; import com.yahoo.yolean.Exceptions; import java.nio.ByteBuffer; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Set; import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit; import java.util.logging.Level; import java.util.logging.Logger; /** * A search query containing all the information required to produce a Result. *

* The Query contains: *

* *

* The properties has three sources *

  1. They may be set in some Searcher component already executed for this Query - the properties acts as * a blackboard for communicating arbitrary objects between Searcher components. *
  2. Properties set in the search Request received - the properties acts as a way to parametrize Searcher * components from the Request. *
  3. Properties defined in the selected {@link com.yahoo.search.query.profile.QueryProfile} - this provides * defaults for the parameters to Searcher components. Note that by using query profile types, the components may * define the set of parameters they support. *
* When looked up, the properties are accessed in the priority order listed above. *

* The identity of a query is determined by its content. * * @author Arne Bergene Fossaa * @author bratseth */ public class Query extends com.yahoo.processing.Request implements Cloneable { // Note to developers: If you think you should add something here you are probably wrong // To add state to the query: Do properties.set("myNewState",new MyNewState()) instead. /** The type of the query */ public enum Type { ALL(0,"all"), ANY(1,"any"), PHRASE(2,"phrase"), ADVANCED(3,"adv"), WEB(4,"web"), PROGRAMMATIC(5, "prog"), YQL(6, "yql"), SELECT(7, "select"); private final int intValue; private final String stringValue; Type(int intValue, String stringValue) { this.intValue = intValue; this.stringValue = stringValue; } /** Converts a type argument value into a query type */ public static Type getType(String typeString) { for (Type type : Type.values()) if (type.stringValue.equals(typeString)) return type; return ALL; } public int asInt() { return intValue; } public String toString() { return stringValue; } } //-------------- Query properties treated as fields in Query --------------- /** The offset from the most relevant hits found from this query */ private int offset = 0; /** The number of hits to return */ private int hits = 10; /** The query context level, 0 means no tracing */ private int traceLevel = 0; /** The query explain level, 0 means no explaining */ private int explainLevel = 0; // The timeout to be used when dumping rank features private static final long dumpTimeout = (6 * 60 * 1000); // 6 minutes private static final long defaultTimeout = 500; /** The timeout of the query, in milliseconds */ private long timeout = defaultTimeout; /** Whether this query is forbidden to access cached information */ private boolean noCache = false; /** Whether or not grouping should use a session cache */ private boolean groupingSessionCache = true; //-------------- Generic property containers -------------------------------- /** The synchronous view of the JDisc request causing this query */ private final HttpRequest httpRequest; /** The context, or null if there is no context */ private QueryContext context = null; /** Used for downstream session caches */ private UniqueRequestId requestId = null; //--------------- Owned sub-objects containing query properties ---------------- /** The ranking requested in this query */ private Ranking ranking = new Ranking(this); /** The query query and/or query program declaration */ private Model model = new Model(this); /** How results of this query should be presented */ private Presentation presentation = new Presentation(this); /** The selection of where-clause and grouping */ private Select select = new Select(this); //---------------- Tracing ---------------------------------------------------- private static final Logger log = Logger.getLogger(Query.class.getName()); /** The time this query was created */ private long startTime; //---------------- Static property handling ------------------------------------ public static final CompoundName OFFSET = new CompoundName("offset"); public static final CompoundName HITS = new CompoundName("hits"); public static final CompoundName QUERY_PROFILE = new CompoundName("queryProfile"); public static final CompoundName SEARCH_CHAIN = new CompoundName("searchChain"); public static final CompoundName TRACE_LEVEL = new CompoundName("traceLevel"); public static final CompoundName EXPLAIN_LEVEL = new CompoundName("explainLevel"); public static final CompoundName NO_CACHE = new CompoundName("noCache"); public static final CompoundName GROUPING_SESSION_CACHE = new CompoundName("groupingSessionCache"); public static final CompoundName TIMEOUT = new CompoundName("timeout"); private static final QueryProfileType argumentType; static { argumentType = new QueryProfileType("native"); argumentType.setBuiltin(true); argumentType.addField(new FieldDescription(OFFSET.toString(), "integer", "offset start")); argumentType.addField(new FieldDescription(HITS.toString(), "integer", "hits count")); argumentType.addField(new FieldDescription(QUERY_PROFILE.toString(), "string")); argumentType.addField(new FieldDescription(SEARCH_CHAIN.toString(), "string")); argumentType.addField(new FieldDescription(TRACE_LEVEL.toString(), "integer", "tracelevel")); argumentType.addField(new FieldDescription(EXPLAIN_LEVEL.toString(), "integer", "explainlevel")); argumentType.addField(new FieldDescription(NO_CACHE.toString(), "boolean", "nocache")); argumentType.addField(new FieldDescription(GROUPING_SESSION_CACHE.toString(), "boolean", "groupingSessionCache")); argumentType.addField(new FieldDescription(TIMEOUT.toString(), "string", "timeout")); argumentType.addField(new FieldDescription(FederationSearcher.SOURCENAME.toString(),"string")); argumentType.addField(new FieldDescription(FederationSearcher.PROVIDERNAME.toString(),"string")); argumentType.addField(new FieldDescription(Presentation.PRESENTATION, new QueryProfileFieldType(Presentation.getArgumentType()))); argumentType.addField(new FieldDescription(Ranking.RANKING, new QueryProfileFieldType(Ranking.getArgumentType()))); argumentType.addField(new FieldDescription(Model.MODEL, new QueryProfileFieldType(Model.getArgumentType()))); argumentType.addField(new FieldDescription(Select.SELECT, new QueryProfileFieldType(Select.getArgumentType()))); argumentType.addField(new FieldDescription(Dispatcher.DISPATCH, new QueryProfileFieldType(Dispatcher.getArgumentType()))); argumentType.freeze(); } public static QueryProfileType getArgumentType() { return argumentType; } /** The aliases of query properties */ private static final Map propertyAliases; static { Map propertyAliasesBuilder = new HashMap<>(); addAliases(Query.getArgumentType(), propertyAliasesBuilder); addAliases(Ranking.getArgumentType(), propertyAliasesBuilder); addAliases(Model.getArgumentType(), propertyAliasesBuilder); addAliases(Presentation.getArgumentType(), propertyAliasesBuilder); addAliases(Select.getArgumentType(), propertyAliasesBuilder); propertyAliases = ImmutableMap.copyOf(propertyAliasesBuilder); } private static void addAliases(QueryProfileType arguments, Map aliases) { CompoundName prefix = getPrefix(arguments); for (FieldDescription field : arguments.fields().values()) { for (String alias : field.getAliases()) aliases.put(alias, prefix.append(field.getName())); } } private static CompoundName getPrefix(QueryProfileType type) { if (type.getId().getName().equals("native")) return CompoundName.empty; // The arguments of this directly return type.getComponentIdAsCompoundName(); } public static void addNativeQueryProfileTypesTo(QueryProfileTypeRegistry registry) { // Add modifiable copies to allow query profile types in this to add to these registry.register(Query.getArgumentType().unfrozen()); registry.register(Ranking.getArgumentType().unfrozen()); registry.register(Model.getArgumentType().unfrozen()); registry.register(Select.getArgumentType().unfrozen()); registry.register(Presentation.getArgumentType().unfrozen()); registry.register(DefaultProperties.argumentType.unfrozen()); } /** Returns an unmodifiable list of all the native properties under a Query */ public static final List nativeProperties = ImmutableList.copyOf(namesUnder(CompoundName.empty, Query.getArgumentType())); private static List namesUnder(CompoundName prefix, QueryProfileType type) { if ( type == null) return Collections.emptyList(); // Names not known statically List names = new ArrayList<>(); for (Map.Entry field : type.fields().entrySet()) { if (field.getValue().getType() instanceof QueryProfileFieldType) { names.addAll(namesUnder(prefix.append(field.getKey()), ((QueryProfileFieldType) field.getValue().getType()).getQueryProfileType())); } else { names.add(prefix.append(field.getKey())); } } return names; } //---------------- Construction ------------------------------------ /** * Constructs an empty (null) query */ public Query() { this(""); } /** * Construct a query from a string formatted in the http style, e.g ?query=test&offset=10&hits=13 * The query must be uri encoded. */ public Query(String query) { this(query, null); } /** * Creates a query from a request * * @param request the HTTP request from which this is created */ public Query(HttpRequest request) { this(request, null); } /** * Construct a query from a string formatted in the http style, e.g ?query=test&offset=10&hits=13 * The query must be uri encoded. */ public Query(String query, CompiledQueryProfile queryProfile) { this(HttpRequest.createTestRequest(query, com.yahoo.jdisc.http.HttpRequest.Method.GET), queryProfile); } /** * Creates a query from a request * * @param request the HTTP request from which this is created * @param queryProfile the query profile to use for this query, or null if none */ public Query(HttpRequest request, CompiledQueryProfile queryProfile) { this(request, request.propertyMap(), queryProfile); } /** * Creates a query from a request * * @param request the HTTP request from which this is created * @param requestMap the property map of the query * @param queryProfile the query profile to use for this query, or null if none */ public Query(HttpRequest request, Map requestMap, CompiledQueryProfile queryProfile) { super(new QueryPropertyAliases(propertyAliases)); this.httpRequest = request; init(requestMap, queryProfile, Embedder.throwsOnUse); } // TODO: Deprecate most constructors above here private Query(Builder builder) { this(builder.getRequest(), builder.getRequestMap(), builder.getQueryProfile(), builder.getEmbedder()); } private Query(HttpRequest request, Map requestMap, CompiledQueryProfile queryProfile, Embedder embedder) { super(new QueryPropertyAliases(propertyAliases)); this.httpRequest = request; init(requestMap, queryProfile, embedder); } private void init(Map requestMap, CompiledQueryProfile queryProfile, Embedder embedder) { startTime = httpRequest.getJDiscRequest().creationTime(TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS); if (queryProfile != null) { // Move all request parameters to the query profile just to validate that the parameter settings are legal Properties queryProfileProperties = new QueryProfileProperties(queryProfile, embedder); properties().chain(queryProfileProperties); // TODO: Just checking legality rather than actually setting would be faster setPropertiesFromRequestMap(requestMap, properties(), true); // Adds errors to the query for illegal set attempts // Create the full chain properties().chain(new QueryProperties(this, queryProfile.getRegistry(), embedder)). chain(new ModelObjectMap()). chain(new RequestContextProperties(requestMap)). chain(queryProfileProperties). chain(new DefaultProperties()); // Pass the values from the query profile which maps through a field in the Query object model // through the property chain to cause those values to be set in the Query object model setFieldsFrom(queryProfileProperties, requestMap); // We need special handling for "select" because it can be both the prefix of the nested JSON select // parameters, and a plain select expression. The latter will be disallowed by query profile types // since they contain the former. String select = requestMap.get(Select.SELECT); if (select != null) properties().set(Select.SELECT, select); } else { // bypass these complications if there is no query profile to get values from and validate against properties(). chain(new QueryProperties(this, CompiledQueryProfileRegistry.empty, embedder)). chain(new PropertyMap()). chain(new DefaultProperties()); setPropertiesFromRequestMap(requestMap, properties(), false); } properties().setParentQuery(this); traceProperties(); } public Query(Query query) { this(query, query.getStartTime()); } private Query(Query query, long startTime) { super(query.properties().clone()); this.startTime = startTime; this.httpRequest = query.httpRequest; query.copyPropertiesTo(this); } /** * Creates a new query from another query, but with time sensitive fields reset. */ public static Query createNewQuery(Query query) { return new Query(query, System.currentTimeMillis()); } /** * Calls properties().set on each value in the given properties which is declared in this query or * one of its dependent objects. This will ensure the appropriate setters are called on this and all * dependent objects for the appropriate subset of the given property values */ private void setFieldsFrom(Properties properties, Map context) { setFrom(CompoundName.empty, properties, Query.getArgumentType(), context); } /** * For each field in the given query profile type, take the corresponding value from originalProperties * (if any) set it to properties(), recursively. */ private void setFrom(CompoundName prefix, Properties originalProperties, QueryProfileType arguments, Map context) { prefix = prefix.append(getPrefix(arguments)); for (FieldDescription field : arguments.fields().values()) { if (field.getType() == FieldType.genericQueryProfileType) { // Generic map CompoundName fullName = prefix.append(field.getName()); for (Map.Entry entry : originalProperties.listProperties(fullName, context).entrySet()) { properties().set(fullName.append(entry.getKey()), entry.getValue(), context); } } else if (field.getType() instanceof QueryProfileFieldType) { // Nested arguments setFrom(prefix, originalProperties, ((QueryProfileFieldType)field.getType()).getQueryProfileType(), context); } else { CompoundName fullName = prefix.append(field.getName()); Object value = originalProperties.get(fullName, context); if (value != null) { properties().set(fullName, value, context); } } } } /** Calls properties.set on all entries in requestMap */ private void setPropertiesFromRequestMap(Map requestMap, Properties properties, boolean ignoreSelect) { for (var entry : requestMap.entrySet()) { if (ignoreSelect && entry.getKey().equals(Select.SELECT)) continue; properties.set(entry.getKey(), entry.getValue(), requestMap); } } /** Returns the properties of this query. The properties are modifiable */ @Override public Properties properties() { return (Properties)super.properties(); } /** * Traces how properties was resolved and from where. Done after the fact to avoid special handling * of tracelevel, which is the property deciding whether this needs to be done */ private void traceProperties() { if (traceLevel == 0) return; CompiledQueryProfile profile = null; QueryProfileProperties profileProperties = properties().getInstance(QueryProfileProperties.class); if (profileProperties != null) profile = profileProperties.getQueryProfile(); if (profile == null) trace("No query profile is used", false, 1); else trace("Using " + profile.toString(), false, 1); if (traceLevel < 4) return; StringBuilder b = new StringBuilder("Resolved properties:\n"); Set mentioned = new HashSet<>(); for (Map.Entry requestProperty : requestProperties().entrySet() ) { Object resolvedValue = properties().get(requestProperty.getKey(), requestProperties()); if (resolvedValue == null && requestProperty.getKey().equals("queryProfile")) resolvedValue = requestProperty.getValue(); b.append(requestProperty.getKey()); b.append(": "); b.append(resolvedValue); // (may be null) b.append(" ("); if (profile != null && ! profile.isOverridable(new CompoundName(requestProperty.getKey()), requestProperties())) b.append("from query profile - unoverridable, ignoring request value"); else b.append("from request"); b.append(")\n"); mentioned.add(requestProperty.getKey()); } if (profile != null) { appendQueryProfileProperties(profile, mentioned, b); } trace(b.toString(),false,4); } private Map requestProperties() { return httpRequest.propertyMap(); } private void appendQueryProfileProperties(CompiledQueryProfile profile, Set mentioned, StringBuilder b) { for (var property : profile.listValuesWithSources(CompoundName.empty, requestProperties(), properties()).entrySet()) { if ( ! mentioned.contains(property.getKey())) b.append(property.getKey()).append(": ").append(property.getValue()).append("\n"); } } /** * Validates this query * * @return the reason if it is invalid, null if it is valid */ public String validate() { // Validate the query profile QueryProfileProperties queryProfileProperties = properties().getInstance(QueryProfileProperties.class); if (queryProfileProperties == null) return null; // Valid StringBuilder missingName = new StringBuilder(); if ( ! queryProfileProperties.isComplete(missingName, httpRequest.propertyMap())) return "Incomplete query: Parameter '" + missingName + "' is mandatory in " + queryProfileProperties.getQueryProfile() + " but is not set"; else return null; // is valid } /** Returns the time (in milliseconds since epoch) when this query was started */ public long getStartTime() { return startTime; } /** Returns the time (in milliseconds) since the query was started/created */ public long getDurationTime() { return System.currentTimeMillis() - startTime; } /** * Get the appropriate timeout for the query. * * @return timeout in milliseconds */ public long getTimeLeft() { return getTimeout() - getDurationTime(); } /** * Returns the number of milliseconds to wait for a response from a search backend * before timing it out. Default is 500. *

* Note: If Ranking.RANKFEATURES is turned on, this is hardcoded to 6 minutes. * * @return timeout in milliseconds. */ public long getTimeout() { return properties().getBoolean(Ranking.RANKFEATURES, false) ? dumpTimeout : timeout; } /** * Sets the number of milliseconds to wait for a response from a search backend * before time out. Default is 500 ms. */ public void setTimeout(long timeout) { if (timeout > 1000000000 || timeout < 0) throw new IllegalArgumentException("'timeout' must be positive and smaller than 1000000000 ms but was " + timeout); this.timeout = timeout; } /** * Sets timeout from a string which will be parsed as a */ public void setTimeout(String timeoutString) { setTimeout(ParameterParser.asMilliSeconds(timeoutString, timeout)); } /** * Resets the start time of the query. This will ensure that the query will run * for the same amount of time as a newly created query. */ public void resetTimeout() { this.startTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); } /** * Sets the context level of this query, 0 means no tracing * Higher numbers means increasingly more tracing */ public void setTraceLevel(int traceLevel) { this.traceLevel = traceLevel; } /** * Sets the explain level of this query, 0 means no tracing * Higher numbers means increasingly more explaining */ public void setExplainLevel(int explainLevel) { this.explainLevel = explainLevel; } /** * Returns the context level of this query, 0 means no tracing * Higher numbers means increasingly more tracing */ public int getTraceLevel() { return traceLevel; } /** * Returns the explain level of this query, 0 means no tracing * Higher numbers means increasingly more explaining */ public int getExplainLevel() { return explainLevel; } /** * Returns the context level of this query, 0 means no tracing * Higher numbers means increasingly more tracing */ public final boolean isTraceable(int level) { return traceLevel >= level; } /** Returns whether this query should never be served from a cache. Default is false */ public boolean getNoCache() { return noCache; } /** Sets whether this query should never be server from a cache. Default is false */ public void setNoCache(boolean noCache) { this.noCache = noCache; } /** Returns whether this query should use the grouping session cache. Default is false */ public boolean getGroupingSessionCache() { return groupingSessionCache; } /** Sets whether this query should use the grouping session cache. Default is false */ public void setGroupingSessionCache(boolean groupingSessionCache) { this.groupingSessionCache = groupingSessionCache; } /** * Returns the offset from the most relevant hits requested by the submitter * of this query. * Default is 0 - to return the most relevant hits */ public int getOffset() { return offset; } /** * Returns the number of hits requested by the submitter of this query. * The default is 10. */ public int getHits() { return hits; } /** * Sets the number of hits requested. If hits is less than 0, an * IllegalArgumentException is thrown. Default number of hits is 10. */ public void setHits(int hits) { if (hits < 0) throw new IllegalArgumentException("Must be a positive number"); this.hits = hits; } /** * Set the hit offset. Can not be less than 0. Default is 0. */ public void setOffset(int offset) { if (offset < 0) throw new IllegalArgumentException("Must be a positive number"); this.offset = offset; } /** Convenience method to set both the offset and the number of hits to return */ public void setWindow(int offset,int hits) { setOffset(offset); setHits(hits); } /** Returns a string describing this query */ @Override public String toString() { String queryTree; // getQueryTree isn't exception safe try { queryTree = model.getQueryTree().toString(); } catch (Exception | StackOverflowError e) { queryTree = "[Could not parse user input: " + model.getQueryString() + "]"; } return "query '" + queryTree + "'"; } /** Returns a string describing this query in more detail */ public String toDetailString() { String queryTree; // getQueryTree isn't exception safe try { queryTree = model.getQueryTree().toString(); } catch (Exception | StackOverflowError e) { queryTree = "Could not parse user input: " + model.getQueryString(); } return "query=[" + queryTree + "]" + " offset=" + getOffset() + " hits=" + getHits() + "]"; } /** * Encodes this query onto the given buffer * * @param buffer The buffer to encode the query to * @return the number of encoded items */ public int encode(ByteBuffer buffer) { return model.getQueryTree().encode(buffer); } /** * Adds a context message to this query and to the info log, * if the context level of the query is sufficiently high. * The context information will be carried over to the result at creation. * The message parameter will be included with XML escaping. * * @param message the message to add * @param traceLevel the context level of the message, this method will do nothing * if the traceLevel of the query is lower than this value */ public void trace(String message, int traceLevel) { trace(message, false, traceLevel); } public void trace(Object message, int traceLevel) { if ( ! isTraceable(traceLevel)) return; getContext(true).trace(message, 0); } /** * Adds a trace message to this query * if the trace level of the query is sufficiently high. * * @param message the message to add * @param includeQuery true to append the query root stringValue * at the end of the message * @param traceLevel the context level of the message, this method will do nothing * if the traceLevel of the query is lower than this value */ public void trace(String message, boolean includeQuery, int traceLevel) { if ( ! isTraceable(traceLevel)) return; if (includeQuery) message += ": [" + queryTreeText() + "]"; log.log(Level.FINE,message); // Pass 0 as traceLevel as the trace level check is already done above, // and it is not propagated to trace until execution has started // (it is done in the execution.search method) getContext(true).trace(message, 0); } /** * Adds a trace message to this query * if the trace level of the query is sufficiently high. * * @param includeQuery true to append the query root stringValue at the end of the message * @param traceLevel the context level of the message, this method will do nothing * if the traceLevel of the query is lower than this value * @param messages the messages whose toStrings will be concatenated into the trace message. * Concatenation will only happen if the trace level is sufficiently high. */ public void trace(boolean includeQuery, int traceLevel, Object... messages) { if ( ! isTraceable(traceLevel)) return; StringBuilder concatenated = new StringBuilder(); for (Object message : messages) concatenated.append(message); trace(concatenated.toString(), includeQuery, traceLevel); } /** * Set the context information for another query to be part of this query's * context information. This is to be used if creating fresh query objects as * part of a plug-in's execution. The query should be attached before it is * used, in case an exception causes premature termination. This is enforced * by an IllegalStateException. In other words, intended use is create the * new query, and attach the context to the invoking query as soon as the new * query is properly initialized. * *

* This method will always set the argument query's context level to the context * level of this query. * * @param query * The query which should be traced as a part of this query. * @throws IllegalStateException * If the query given as argument already has context * information. */ public void attachContext(Query query) throws IllegalStateException { query.setTraceLevel(getTraceLevel()); query.setExplainLevel(getExplainLevel()); if (context == null) { // Nothing to attach to. This is about the same as // getTraceLevel() == 0, // but is a direct test of what will make the function superfluous. return; } if (query.getContext(false) != null) { // If we added the other query's context info as a subnode in this // query's context tree, we would have to check for loops in the // context graph. If we simply created a new node without checking, // we might silently overwrite useful information. throw new IllegalStateException("Query to attach already has context information stored."); } query.context = context; } private String queryTreeText() { QueryTree root = getModel().getQueryTree(); if (getTraceLevel() < 2) return root.toString(); if (getTraceLevel() < 6) return yqlRepresentation(); else return "\n" + yqlRepresentation() + "\n" + new TextualQueryRepresentation(root.getRoot()) + "\n"; } /** * Serialize this query as YQL+. This method will never throw exceptions, * but instead return a human readable error message if a problem occurred while * serializing the query. Hits and offset information will be included if * different from default, while linguistics metadata are not added. * * @return a valid YQL+ query string or a human readable error message * @see Query#yqlRepresentation(boolean) */ public String yqlRepresentation() { try { return yqlRepresentation(true); } catch (NullItemException e) { return "Query currently a placeholder, NullItem encountered."; } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) { return "Invalid query: " + Exceptions.toMessageString(e); } catch (RuntimeException e) { return "Unexpected error parsing or serializing query: " + Exceptions.toMessageString(e); } } private void commaSeparated(StringBuilder yql, Set fields) { int initLen = yql.length(); for (String field : fields) { if (yql.length() > initLen) { yql.append(", "); } yql.append(field); } } /** @deprecated remove the ignored segmenterVersion argument from invocations */ @Deprecated // TODO: Remove on Vespa 8 public String yqlRepresentation(Tuple2 segmenterVersion, boolean includeHitsAndOffset) { return yqlRepresentation(includeHitsAndOffset); } /** * Serialize this query as YQL+. This will create a string representation * which should always be legal YQL+. If a problem occurs, a * RuntimeException is thrown. * * @param includeHitsAndOffset whether to include hits and offset parameters converted to a offset/limit slice * @return a valid YQL+ query string * @throws RuntimeException if there is a problem serializing the query tree */ public String yqlRepresentation(boolean includeHitsAndOffset) { Set sources = getModel().getSources(); Set fields = getPresentation().getSummaryFields(); StringBuilder yql = new StringBuilder("select "); if (fields.isEmpty()) { yql.append('*'); } else { commaSeparated(yql, fields); } yql.append(" from "); if (sources.isEmpty()) { yql.append("sources *"); } else { if (sources.size() > 1) { yql.append("sources "); } commaSeparated(yql, sources); } yql.append(" where "); String insert = serializeSortingAndLimits(includeHitsAndOffset); yql.append(VespaSerializer.serialize(this, insert)); yql.append(';'); return yql.toString(); } private String serializeSortingAndLimits(boolean includeHitsAndOffset) { StringBuilder insert = new StringBuilder(); if (getRanking().getSorting() != null && getRanking().getSorting().fieldOrders().size() > 0) { serializeSorting(insert); } if (includeHitsAndOffset) { if (getOffset() != 0) { insert.append(" limit ").append(getHits() + getOffset()) .append(" offset ").append(getOffset()); } else if (getHits() != 10) { insert.append(" limit ").append(getHits()); } } if (getTimeout() != defaultTimeout) { insert.append(" timeout ").append(getTimeout()); } return insert.toString(); } private void serializeSorting(StringBuilder yql) { yql.append(" order by "); int initLen = yql.length(); for (FieldOrder f : getRanking().getSorting().fieldOrders()) { if (yql.length() > initLen) { yql.append(", "); } Class sorterType = f.getSorter().getClass(); if (sorterType == Sorting.RawSorter.class) { yql.append("[{\"") .append(YqlParser.SORTING_FUNCTION) .append("\": \"") .append(Sorting.RAW) .append("\"}]"); } else if (sorterType == Sorting.LowerCaseSorter.class) { yql.append("[{\"") .append(YqlParser.SORTING_FUNCTION) .append("\": \"") .append(Sorting.LOWERCASE) .append("\"}]"); } else if (sorterType == Sorting.UcaSorter.class) { Sorting.UcaSorter uca = (Sorting.UcaSorter) f.getSorter(); String ucaLocale = uca.getLocale(); Sorting.UcaSorter.Strength ucaStrength = uca.getStrength(); yql.append("[{\"") .append(YqlParser.SORTING_FUNCTION) .append("\": \"") .append(Sorting.UCA) .append("\""); if (ucaLocale != null) { yql.append(", \"") .append(YqlParser.SORTING_LOCALE) .append("\": \"") .append(ucaLocale) .append('"'); } if (ucaStrength != Sorting.UcaSorter.Strength.UNDEFINED) { yql.append(", \"") .append(YqlParser.SORTING_STRENGTH) .append("\": \"") .append(ucaStrength.name()) .append('"'); } yql.append("}]"); } yql.append(f.getFieldName()); if (f.getSortOrder() == Order.DESCENDING) { yql.append(" desc"); } } } /** Returns the context of this query, possibly creating it if missing. Returns the context, or null */ public QueryContext getContext(boolean create) { if (context == null && create) context = new QueryContext(getTraceLevel(),this); return context; } /** Returns a hash of this query based on (some of) its content. */ @Override public int hashCode() { return ranking.hashCode()+3*presentation.hashCode()+5* model.hashCode()+ 11*offset+ 13*hits; } /** Returns whether the given query is equal to this */ @Override public boolean equals(Object other) { if (this == other) return true; if ( ! (other instanceof Query)) return false; Query q = (Query) other; if (getOffset() != q.getOffset()) return false; if (getHits() != q.getHits()) return false; if ( ! getPresentation().equals(q.getPresentation())) return false; if ( ! getRanking().equals(q.getRanking())) return false; if ( ! getModel().equals(q.getModel())) return false; // TODO: Compare property settings return true; } /** Returns a clone of this query */ @Override public Query clone() { Query clone = (Query) super.clone(); copyPropertiesTo(clone); return clone; } private void copyPropertiesTo(Query clone) { clone.model = model.cloneFor(clone); clone.select = select.cloneFor(clone); clone.ranking = (Ranking) ranking.clone(); clone.presentation = (Presentation) presentation.clone(); clone.context = getContext(true).cloneFor(clone); // Correct the Query instance in properties clone.properties().setParentQuery(clone); assert (clone.properties().getParentQuery() == clone); clone.setTimeout(getTimeout()); clone.setTraceLevel(getTraceLevel()); clone.setExplainLevel(getExplainLevel()); clone.setHits(getHits()); clone.setOffset(getOffset()); clone.setNoCache(getNoCache()); clone.setGroupingSessionCache(getGroupingSessionCache()); clone.requestId = null; // Each clone should have their own requestId. } /** Returns the presentation to be used for this query, never null */ public Presentation getPresentation() { return presentation; } /** Returns the select to be used for this query, never null */ public Select getSelect() { return select; } /** Returns the ranking to be used for this query, never null */ public Ranking getRanking() { return ranking; } /** Returns the query representation model to be used for this query, never null */ public Model getModel() { return model; } /** * Return the HTTP request which caused this query. This will never be null * when running with queries from the network. */ public HttpRequest getHttpRequest() { return httpRequest; } /** Returns the session id of this query, or null if none is assigned */ public SessionId getSessionId() { if (requestId == null) return null; return new SessionId(requestId, getRanking().getProfile()); } /** Returns the session id of this query, and creates and assigns it if not already present */ public SessionId getSessionId(String serverId) { if (requestId == null) requestId = UniqueRequestId.next(serverId); return new SessionId(requestId, getRanking().getProfile()); } public boolean hasEncodableProperties() { if ( ! ranking.getProperties().isEmpty()) return true; if ( ! ranking.getFeatures().isEmpty()) return true; if ( ranking.getFreshness() != null) return true; if ( model.getSearchPath() != null) return true; if ( model.getDocumentDb() != null) return true; if ( presentation.getHighlight() != null && ! presentation.getHighlight().getHighlightItems().isEmpty()) return true; return false; } /** * Encodes properties of this query. * * @param buffer the buffer to encode to * @param encodeQueryData true to encode all properties, false to only include session information, not actual query data * @return the encoded length */ public int encodeAsProperties(ByteBuffer buffer, boolean encodeQueryData) { // Make sure we don't encode anything here if we have turned the property feature off // Due to sendQuery we sometimes end up turning this feature on and then encoding a 0 int as the number of // property maps - that's ok (probably we should simplify by just always turning the feature on) if (! hasEncodableProperties()) return 0; int start = buffer.position(); int mapCountPosition = buffer.position(); buffer.putInt(0); // map count will go here int mapCount = 0; // TODO: Push down mapCount += ranking.getProperties().encode(buffer, encodeQueryData); if (encodeQueryData) { mapCount += ranking.getFeatures().encode(buffer); // TODO: Push down if (presentation.getHighlight() != null) { mapCount += MapEncoder.encodeMultiMap(Highlight.HIGHLIGHTTERMS, presentation.getHighlight().getHighlightTerms(), buffer); } // TODO: Push down mapCount += MapEncoder.encodeMap("model", createModelMap(), buffer); } mapCount += MapEncoder.encodeSingleValue(DocumentDatabase.MATCH_PROPERTY, DocumentDatabase.SEARCH_DOC_TYPE_KEY, model.getDocumentDb(), buffer); mapCount += MapEncoder.encodeMap("caches", createCacheSettingMap(), buffer); buffer.putInt(mapCountPosition, mapCount); return buffer.position() - start; } private Map createCacheSettingMap() { if (getGroupingSessionCache() && ranking.getQueryCache()) { Map cacheSettingMap = new HashMap<>(); cacheSettingMap.put("grouping", true); cacheSettingMap.put("query", true); return cacheSettingMap; } if (getGroupingSessionCache()) return Collections.singletonMap("grouping", true); if (ranking.getQueryCache()) return Collections.singletonMap("query", true); return Collections.emptyMap(); } private Map createModelMap() { Map m = new HashMap<>(); if (model.getSearchPath() != null) m.put("searchpath", model.getSearchPath()); int traceLevel = ProtobufSerialization.getTraceLevelForBackend(this); if (traceLevel > 0) m.put("tracelevel", String.valueOf(traceLevel)); return m; } /** * Prepares this for binary serialization. *

* This must be invoked after all changes have been made to this query before it is passed * on to a receiving backend. Calling it is somewhat expensive, so it should only happen once. * If a prepared query is cloned, it stays prepared. */ public void prepare() { getModel().prepare(getRanking()); getPresentation().prepare(); getRanking().prepare(); } public static class Builder { private HttpRequest request = null; private Map requestMap = null; private CompiledQueryProfile queryProfile = null; private Embedder embedder = Embedder.throwsOnUse; public Builder setRequest(String query) { request = HttpRequest.createTestRequest(query, com.yahoo.jdisc.http.HttpRequest.Method.GET); return this; } public Builder setRequest(HttpRequest request) { this.request = request; return this; } public HttpRequest getRequest() { if (request == null) return HttpRequest.createTestRequest("", com.yahoo.jdisc.http.HttpRequest.Method.GET); return request; } /** Sets the request mao to use explicitly. If not set, the request map will be getRequest().propertyMap() */ public Builder setRequestMap(Map requestMap) { this.requestMap = requestMap; return this; } public Map getRequestMap() { if (requestMap == null) return getRequest().propertyMap(); return requestMap; } public Builder setQueryProfile(CompiledQueryProfile queryProfile) { this.queryProfile = queryProfile; return this; } /** Returns the query profile of this query, or null if none. */ public CompiledQueryProfile getQueryProfile() { return queryProfile; } public Builder setEmbedder(Embedder embedder) { this.embedder = embedder; return this; } public Embedder getEmbedder() { return embedder; } /** Creates a new query from this builder. No properties are required to before calling this. */ public Query build() { return new Query(this); } } }