// Copyright Vespa.ai. Licensed under the terms of the Apache 2.0 license. See LICENSE in the project root. package com.yahoo.search.dispatch; import org.apache.commons.math3.distribution.TDistribution; /** * Use StudentT distribution and estimate how many hits you need from each partition * to to get the globally top-k documents with the desired probability * * @author baldersheim */ public class TopKEstimator { private final TDistribution studentT; private final double defaultP; private final boolean estimate; private final double skewFactor; private final double [] defaultCumulativeProbability; private final static int MIN_N = 2; private static boolean needEstimate(double p) { return (0.0 < p) && (p < 1.0); } TopKEstimator(double freedom, double defaultProbability) { this(freedom, defaultProbability, 0.0); } public TopKEstimator(double freedom, double defaultProbability, double skewFactor) { this.studentT = new TDistribution(null, freedom); defaultP = defaultProbability; estimate = needEstimate(defaultP); this.skewFactor = skewFactor; defaultCumulativeProbability = new double[64]; for (int i=0; i < defaultCumulativeProbability.length; i++) { defaultCumulativeProbability[i] = computeCumulativeProbability(i+MIN_N, defaultP); } } private double inverseCumulativeProbability(int n, double p) { if (p == defaultP && (n >= MIN_N) && (n < defaultCumulativeProbability.length + MIN_N)) { return defaultCumulativeProbability[n - MIN_N]; } return computeCumulativeProbability(n, p); } private double computeCumulativeProbability(int n, double p) { double p_inverse = 1 - (1 - p)/computeN(n); return studentT.inverseCumulativeProbability(p_inverse); } private double computeN(double n) { double p_max = (1 + skewFactor)/n; return Math.max(1, 1/p_max); } double estimateExactK(double k, int n_i, double p) { double n = computeN(n_i); double variance = k * 1/n * (1 - 1/n); return k/n + inverseCumulativeProbability(n_i, p) * Math.sqrt(variance); } double estimateExactK(double k, int n) { return estimateExactK(k, n, defaultP); } public int estimateK(int k, int n) { return (estimate && (n >= MIN_N)) ? Math.min(k, (int)Math.ceil(estimateExactK(k, n, defaultP))) : k; } public int estimateK(int k, int n, double p) { return (needEstimate(p) && (n >= MIN_N)) ? Math.min(k, (int)Math.ceil(estimateExactK(k, n, p))) : k; } }