// Copyright Yahoo. Licensed under the terms of the Apache 2.0 license. See LICENSE in the project root. package com.yahoo.search.dispatch.searchcluster; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; import java.util.logging.Logger; /** * A group in a search cluster. This class is multithread safe. * * @author bratseth * @author ollivir */ public class Group { private static final Logger log = Logger.getLogger(Group.class.getName()); private final static double maxContentSkew = 0.10; private final static int minDocsPerNodeToRequireLowSkew = 100; private final int id; private final List nodes; // Using volatile to ensure visibility for reader. // All updates are done in a single writer thread private volatile boolean hasSufficientCoverage = true; private volatile boolean hasFullCoverage = true; private volatile long activeDocuments = 0; private volatile long targetActiveDocuments = 0; private volatile boolean isBlockingWrites = false; private volatile boolean isBalanced = true; public Group(int id, List nodes) { this.id = id; this.nodes = List.copyOf(nodes); int idx = 0; for (var node: nodes) { node.setPathIndex(idx); idx++; } } /** * Returns the unique identity of this group. * NOTE: This is a contiguous index from 0, NOT necessarily the group id assigned by the user or node repo. */ public int id() { return id; } /** Returns the nodes in this group as an immutable list */ public List nodes() { return nodes; } /** * Returns whether this group has sufficient active documents * (compared to other groups) that should receive traffic */ public boolean hasSufficientCoverage() { return hasSufficientCoverage; } void setHasSufficientCoverage(boolean sufficientCoverage) { hasSufficientCoverage = sufficientCoverage; } public int workingNodes() { return (int) nodes.stream().filter(node -> node.isWorking() == Boolean.TRUE).count(); } public void aggregateNodeValues() { List workingNodes = new ArrayList<>(nodes); workingNodes.removeIf(node -> node.isWorking() != Boolean.TRUE); long activeDocs = workingNodes.stream().mapToLong(Node::getActiveDocuments).sum(); activeDocuments = activeDocs; targetActiveDocuments = workingNodes.stream().mapToLong(Node::getTargetActiveDocuments).sum(); isBlockingWrites = nodes.stream().anyMatch(Node::isBlockingWrites); int numWorkingNodes = workingNodes.size(); if (numWorkingNodes > 0) { long average = activeDocs / numWorkingNodes; long skew = workingNodes.stream().mapToLong(node -> Math.abs(node.getActiveDocuments() - average)).sum(); boolean balanced = skew <= activeDocs * maxContentSkew; if (balanced != isBalanced) { if (!isSparse()) log.info("Content in " + this + ", with " + numWorkingNodes + "/" + nodes.size() + " working nodes, is " + (balanced ? "" : "not ") + "well balanced. Current deviation: " + skew * 100 / activeDocs + "%. Active documents: " + activeDocs + ", skew: " + skew + ", average: " + average + (balanced ? "" : ". Top-k summary fetch optimization is deactivated.")); isBalanced = balanced; } } else { isBalanced = true; } } /** Returns the active documents on this group. If unknown, 0 is returned. */ long activeDocuments() { return activeDocuments; } /** Returns the target active documents on this group. If unknown, 0 is returned. */ long targetActiveDocuments() { return targetActiveDocuments; } /** Returns whether any node in this group is currently blocking write operations */ public boolean isBlockingWrites() { return isBlockingWrites; } /** Returns whether the nodes in the group have about the same number of documents */ public boolean isBalanced() { return isBalanced; } /** Returns whether this group has too few documents per node to expect it to be balanced */ public boolean isSparse() { if (nodes.isEmpty()) return false; return activeDocuments() / nodes.size() < minDocsPerNodeToRequireLowSkew; } public boolean fullCoverageStatusChanged(boolean hasFullCoverageNow) { boolean previousState = hasFullCoverage; hasFullCoverage = hasFullCoverageNow; return previousState != hasFullCoverageNow; } @Override public String toString() { return "group " + id; } @Override public int hashCode() { return id; } @Override public boolean equals(Object other) { if (other == this) return true; if (!(other instanceof Group)) return false; return ((Group) other).id == this.id; } }