// Copyright 2017 Yahoo Holdings. Licensed under the terms of the Apache 2.0 license. See LICENSE in the project root. package com.yahoo.search.federation; import com.google.common.collect.ImmutableList; import com.google.inject.Inject; import com.yahoo.collections.Pair; import com.yahoo.component.ComponentId; import com.yahoo.component.ComponentSpecification; import com.yahoo.component.chain.Chain; import com.yahoo.component.chain.dependencies.After; import com.yahoo.component.chain.dependencies.Provides; import com.yahoo.component.provider.ComponentRegistry; import com.yahoo.concurrent.CopyOnWriteHashMap; import com.yahoo.errorhandling.Results; import com.yahoo.errorhandling.Results.Builder; import com.yahoo.prelude.IndexFacts; import com.yahoo.processing.request.CompoundName; import com.yahoo.search.Query; import com.yahoo.search.Result; import com.yahoo.search.Searcher; import com.yahoo.search.federation.selection.FederationTarget; import com.yahoo.search.federation.selection.TargetSelector; import com.yahoo.search.federation.sourceref.SearchChainInvocationSpec; import com.yahoo.search.federation.sourceref.SearchChainResolver; import com.yahoo.search.federation.sourceref.SingleTarget; import com.yahoo.search.federation.sourceref.SourceRefResolver; import com.yahoo.search.federation.sourceref.SourcesTarget; import com.yahoo.search.federation.sourceref.UnresolvedSearchChainException; import com.yahoo.search.query.Properties; import com.yahoo.search.query.properties.QueryProperties; import com.yahoo.search.query.properties.SubProperties; import com.yahoo.search.result.ErrorMessage; import com.yahoo.search.result.Hit; import com.yahoo.search.result.HitGroup; import com.yahoo.search.result.HitOrderer; import com.yahoo.search.searchchain.AsyncExecution; import com.yahoo.search.searchchain.Execution; import com.yahoo.search.searchchain.ForkingSearcher; import com.yahoo.search.searchchain.FutureResult; import com.yahoo.search.searchchain.SearchChainRegistry; import com.yahoo.search.searchchain.model.federation.FederationOptions; import org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils; import java.time.Clock; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.IdentityHashMap; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.LinkedHashSet; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Map.Entry; import java.util.Objects; import java.util.Optional; import java.util.Set; import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit; import java.util.logging.Logger; import static com.google.common.base.Preconditions.checkNotNull; import static com.yahoo.collections.CollectionUtil.first; import static com.yahoo.container.util.Util.quote; import static com.yahoo.search.federation.StrictContractsConfig.PropagateSourceProperties; /** * This searcher takes a set of sources, looks them up in config and fire off the correct searchchains. * * @author Arne Bergene Fossaa * @author Tony Vaagenes * @author bratseth */ @Provides(FederationSearcher.FEDERATION) @After("*") public class FederationSearcher extends ForkingSearcher { public static final String FEDERATION = "Federation"; private static final Logger log = Logger.getLogger(FederationSearcher.class.getName()); /** The name of the query property containing the source name added to the query to each source by this */ public final static CompoundName SOURCENAME = new CompoundName("sourceName"); public final static CompoundName PROVIDERNAME = new CompoundName("providerName"); /** Logging field name constants */ public static final String LOG_COUNT_PREFIX = "count_"; private final SearchChainResolver searchChainResolver; private final PropagateSourceProperties.Enum propagateSourceProperties; private final SourceRefResolver sourceRefResolver; private final CopyOnWriteHashMap map = new CopyOnWriteHashMap<>(); private final boolean strictSearchchain; private final TargetSelector targetSelector; private final Clock clock = Clock.systemUTC(); private static final List queryAndHits = ImmutableList.of(Query.OFFSET, Query.HITS); @Inject public FederationSearcher(FederationConfig config, StrictContractsConfig strict, ComponentRegistry targetSelectors) { this(createResolver(config), strict.searchchains(), strict.propagateSourceProperties(), resolveSelector(config.targetSelector(), targetSelectors)); } private static TargetSelector resolveSelector(String selectorId, ComponentRegistry targetSelectors) { if (selectorId.isEmpty()) return null; return checkNotNull(targetSelectors.getComponent(selectorId), "Missing target selector with id" + quote(selectorId)); } // for testing public FederationSearcher(ComponentId id, SearchChainResolver searchChainResolver) { this(searchChainResolver, false, PropagateSourceProperties.ALL, null); } private FederationSearcher(SearchChainResolver searchChainResolver, boolean strictSearchchain, PropagateSourceProperties.Enum propagateSourceProperties, TargetSelector targetSelector) { this.searchChainResolver = searchChainResolver; sourceRefResolver = new SourceRefResolver(searchChainResolver); this.strictSearchchain = strictSearchchain; this.propagateSourceProperties = propagateSourceProperties; this.targetSelector = targetSelector; } private static SearchChainResolver createResolver(FederationConfig config) { SearchChainResolver.Builder builder = new SearchChainResolver.Builder(); for (FederationConfig.Target target : config.target()) { boolean isDefaultProviderForSource = true; for (FederationConfig.Target.SearchChain searchChain : target.searchChain()) { if (searchChain.providerId() == null || searchChain.providerId().isEmpty()) { addSearchChain(builder, target, searchChain); } else { addSourceForProvider(builder, target, searchChain, isDefaultProviderForSource); isDefaultProviderForSource = false; } } //Allow source groups to use by default. if (target.useByDefault()) builder.useTargetByDefault(target.id()); } return builder.build(); } private static void addSearchChain(SearchChainResolver.Builder builder, FederationConfig.Target target, FederationConfig.Target.SearchChain searchChain) { if (!target.id().equals(searchChain.searchChainId())) throw new RuntimeException("Invalid federation config, " + target.id() + " != " + searchChain.searchChainId()); builder.addSearchChain(ComponentId.fromString(searchChain.searchChainId()), federationOptions(searchChain), searchChain.documentTypes()); } private static void addSourceForProvider(SearchChainResolver.Builder builder, FederationConfig.Target target, FederationConfig.Target.SearchChain searchChain, boolean isDefaultProvider) { builder.addSourceForProvider( ComponentId.fromString(target.id()), ComponentId.fromString(searchChain.providerId()), ComponentId.fromString(searchChain.searchChainId()), isDefaultProvider, federationOptions(searchChain), searchChain.documentTypes()); } private static FederationOptions federationOptions(FederationConfig.Target.SearchChain searchChain) { return new FederationOptions(). setOptional(searchChain.optional()). setUseByDefault(searchChain.useByDefault()). setTimeoutInMilliseconds(searchChain.timeoutMillis()). setRequestTimeoutInMilliseconds(searchChain.requestTimeoutMillis()); } @Override public Result search(Query query, Execution execution) { Result mergedResults = execution.search(query); Results targets = getTargets(query.getModel().getSources(), query.properties(), execution.context().getIndexFacts()); warnIfUnresolvedSearchChains(targets.errors(), mergedResults.hits()); Collection prunedTargets = pruneTargetsWithoutDocumentTypes(query.getModel().getRestrict(), targets.data()); Results regularTargetHandlers = resolveSearchChains(prunedTargets, execution.searchChainRegistry()); query.errors().addAll(regularTargetHandlers.errors()); Set targetHandlers = new LinkedHashSet<>(regularTargetHandlers.data()); targetHandlers.addAll(getAdditionalTargets(query, execution, targetSelector)); traceTargets(query, targetHandlers); if (targetHandlers.isEmpty()) return mergedResults; else if (targetHandlers.size() > 1) search(query, execution, targetHandlers, mergedResults); else if (shouldExecuteTargetLongerThanThread(query, targetHandlers.iterator().next())) search(query, execution, targetHandlers, mergedResults); // one target, but search in separate thread else search(query, execution, first(targetHandlers), mergedResults); // search in this thread return mergedResults; } private void search(Query query, Execution execution, Target target, Result mergedResults) { Optional result = search(query, execution, target); if (result.isPresent()) { mergeResult(query, target, mergedResults, result.get()); } else { addSearchChainTimedOutError(query, target.getId()); } } private void search(Query query, Execution execution, Collection targets, Result mergedResults) { FederationResult results = search(query, execution, targets); results.waitForAll((int)query.getTimeLeft(), clock); HitOrderer s = null; for (FederationResult.TargetResult targetResult : results.all()) { if ( ! targetResult.successfullyCompleted()) { addSearchChainTimedOutError(query, targetResult.target.getId()); } else { if (s == null) { s = dirtyCopyIfModifiedOrderer(mergedResults.hits(), targetResult.getOrTimeoutError().hits().getOrderer()); } mergeResult(query, targetResult.target, mergedResults, targetResult.getOrTimeoutError()); } } } private Optional search(Query query, Execution execution, Target target) { long timeout = target.federationOptions().getSearchChainExecutionTimeoutInMilliseconds(query.getTimeLeft()); if (timeout <= 0) { return Optional.empty(); } Execution newExecution = new Execution(target.getChain(), execution.context()); if (strictSearchchain) { query.resetTimeout(); return Optional.of(newExecution.search(createFederationQuery(query, query, Window.from(query), timeout, target))); } else { return Optional.of(newExecution.search(cloneFederationQuery(query, Window.from(query), timeout, target))); } } private FederationResult search(Query query, Execution execution, Collection targets) { FederationResult.Builder result = new FederationResult.Builder(); for (Target target : targets) result.add(target, searchAsynchronously(query, execution, Window.from(targets, query), target)); return result.build(); } private FutureResult searchAsynchronously(Query query, Execution execution, Window window, Target target) { long timeout = target.federationOptions().getSearchChainExecutionTimeoutInMilliseconds(query.getTimeLeft()); if (timeout <= 0) return new FutureResult(() -> new Result(query, ErrorMessage.createTimeout("Timed out before federation")), execution, query); Query clonedQuery = cloneFederationQuery(query, window, timeout, target); return new AsyncExecution(target.getChain(), execution).search(clonedQuery); } private Query cloneFederationQuery(Query query, Window window, long timeout, Target target) { query.getModel().getQueryTree(); // performance: parse query before cloning such that it is only done once Query clonedQuery = Query.createNewQuery(query); return createFederationQuery(query, clonedQuery, window, timeout, target); } private Query createFederationQuery(Query query, Query outgoing, Window window, long timeout, Target target) { ComponentId chainId = target.getChain().getId(); String sourceName = chainId.getName(); outgoing.properties().set(SOURCENAME, sourceName); String providerName = chainId.getName(); if (chainId.getNamespace() != null) providerName = chainId.getNamespace().getName(); outgoing.properties().set(PROVIDERNAME, providerName); outgoing.setTimeout(timeout); switch (propagateSourceProperties) { case ALL: propagatePerSourceQueryProperties(query, outgoing, window, sourceName, providerName, Query.nativeProperties); break; case OFFSET_HITS: propagatePerSourceQueryProperties(query, outgoing, window, sourceName, providerName, queryAndHits); break; } //TODO: FederationTarget //TODO: only for target produced by this, not others target.modifyTargetQuery(outgoing); return outgoing; } private void propagatePerSourceQueryProperties(Query original, Query outgoing, Window window, String sourceName, String providerName, List queryProperties) { for (CompoundName key : queryProperties) { Object value = getSourceOrProviderProperty(original, key, sourceName, providerName, window.get(key)); if (value != null) outgoing.properties().set(key, value); } } private Object getSourceOrProviderProperty(Query query, CompoundName propertyName, String sourceName, String providerName, Object defaultValue) { Object result = getProperty(query, new SourceKey(sourceName, propertyName.toString())); if (result == null) result = getProperty(query, new ProviderKey(providerName, propertyName.toString())); if (result == null) result = defaultValue; return result; } private Object getProperty(Query query, CompoundKey key) { CompoundName name = map.get(key); if (name == null) { name = new CompoundName(key.toString()); map.put(key, name); } return query.properties().get(name); } private ErrorMessage missingSearchChainsErrorMessage(List unresolvedSearchChainExceptions) { String message = StringUtils.join(getMessagesSet(unresolvedSearchChainExceptions), ' ') + " Valid source refs are " + StringUtils.join(allSourceRefDescriptions().iterator(), ", ") +'.'; return ErrorMessage.createInvalidQueryParameter(message); } private List allSourceRefDescriptions() { List descriptions = new ArrayList<>(); for (com.yahoo.search.federation.sourceref.Target target : searchChainResolver.allTopLevelTargets()) { descriptions.add(target.searchRefDescription()); } return descriptions; } private Set getMessagesSet(List unresolvedSearchChainExceptions) { Set messages = new LinkedHashSet<>(); for (UnresolvedSearchChainException exception : unresolvedSearchChainExceptions) { messages.add(exception.getMessage()); } return messages; } private void warnIfUnresolvedSearchChains(List missingTargets, HitGroup errorHitGroup) { if (!missingTargets.isEmpty()) { errorHitGroup.addError(missingSearchChainsErrorMessage(missingTargets)); } } @Override public Collection getSearchChainsForwarded(SearchChainRegistry registry) { List searchChains = new ArrayList<>(); for (com.yahoo.search.federation.sourceref.Target target : searchChainResolver.allTopLevelTargets()) { if (target instanceof SourcesTarget) { searchChains.addAll(commentedSourceProviderSearchChains((SourcesTarget)target, registry)); } else if (target instanceof SingleTarget) { searchChains.add(commentedSearchChain((SingleTarget)target, registry)); } else { log.warning("Invalid target type " + target.getClass().getName()); } } return searchChains; } private CommentedSearchChain commentedSearchChain(SingleTarget singleTarget, SearchChainRegistry registry) { return new CommentedSearchChain("If source refs contains '" + singleTarget.getId() + "'.", registry.getChain(singleTarget.getId())); } private List commentedSourceProviderSearchChains(SourcesTarget sourcesTarget, SearchChainRegistry registry) { List commentedSearchChains = new ArrayList<>(); String ifMatchingSourceRefPrefix = "If source refs contains '" + sourcesTarget.getId() + "' and provider is '"; commentedSearchChains.add( new CommentedSearchChain(ifMatchingSourceRefPrefix + sourcesTarget.defaultProviderSource().provider + "'(or not given).", registry.getChain(sourcesTarget.defaultProviderSource().searchChainId))); for (SearchChainInvocationSpec providerSource : sourcesTarget.allProviderSources()) { if (!providerSource.equals(sourcesTarget.defaultProviderSource())) { commentedSearchChains.add( new CommentedSearchChain(ifMatchingSourceRefPrefix + providerSource.provider + "'.", registry.getChain(providerSource.searchChainId))); } } return commentedSearchChains; } /** * Returns the set of properties set for the source or provider given in the query (if any). * * If the query has not set sourceName or providerName, null will be returned */ public static Properties getSourceProperties(Query query) { String sourceName = query.properties().getString(SOURCENAME); String providerName = query.properties().getString(PROVIDERNAME); if (sourceName == null || providerName == null) return null; Properties sourceProperties = new SubProperties("source." + sourceName, query.properties()); Properties providerProperties = new SubProperties("provider." + providerName, query.properties()); sourceProperties.chain(providerProperties); return sourceProperties; } @Override public void fill(Result result, String summaryClass, Execution execution) { UniqueExecutionsToResults uniqueExecutionsToResults = new UniqueExecutionsToResults(); addResultsToFill(result.hits(), result, summaryClass, uniqueExecutionsToResults); Set, Map>> resultsForAllChains = uniqueExecutionsToResults.resultsToFill.entrySet(); int numberOfCallsToFillNeeded = 0; for (Entry, Map> resultsToFillForAChain : resultsForAllChains) { numberOfCallsToFillNeeded += resultsToFillForAChain.getValue().size(); } List> futureFilledResults = new ArrayList<>(); for (Entry, Map> resultsToFillForAChain : resultsForAllChains) { Chain chain = resultsToFillForAChain.getKey(); Execution chainExecution = (chain == null) ? execution : new Execution(chain, execution.context()); for (Entry resultsToFillForAChainAndQuery : resultsToFillForAChain.getValue().entrySet()) { Result resultToFill = resultsToFillForAChainAndQuery.getValue(); if (numberOfCallsToFillNeeded == 1) { chainExecution.fill(resultToFill, summaryClass); propagateErrors(resultToFill, result); } else { AsyncExecution asyncFill = new AsyncExecution(chainExecution); futureFilledResults.add(new Pair<>(resultToFill, asyncFill.fill(resultToFill, summaryClass))); } } } for (Pair futureFilledResult : futureFilledResults) { // futureFilledResult is a pair of a result to be filled and the future in which that same result is filled Optional filledResult = futureFilledResult.getSecond().getIfAvailable(result.getQuery().getTimeLeft(), TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS); if (filledResult.isPresent()) { // fill completed propagateErrors(filledResult.get(), result); } else { // fill timed out: Remove these hits as they are incomplete and may cause a race when accessed later result.hits().addError(futureFilledResult.getSecond().createTimeoutError()); for (Iterator i = futureFilledResult.getFirst().hits().unorderedDeepIterator(); i.hasNext(); ) { // Note that some of these hits may be filled, but as the fill thread may still be working on them // and we do not synchronize with it we need to discard all Hit removed = result.hits().remove(i.next().getId()); } } } } private void propagateErrors(Result source, Result destination) { ErrorMessage error = source.hits().getError(); if (error != null) destination.hits().addError(error); } private void addResultsToFill(HitGroup hitGroup, Result result, String summaryClass, UniqueExecutionsToResults uniqueExecutionsToResults) { for (Hit hit : hitGroup) { if (hit instanceof HitGroup) { addResultsToFill((HitGroup) hit, result, summaryClass, uniqueExecutionsToResults); } else { if ( ! hit.isFilled(summaryClass)) getSearchChainGroup(hit, result, uniqueExecutionsToResults).hits().add(hit); } } } private Result getSearchChainGroup(Hit hit, Result result, UniqueExecutionsToResults uniqueExecutionsToResults) { @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") Chain chain = (Chain) hit.getSearcherSpecificMetaData(this); Query query = hit.getQuery() !=null ? hit.getQuery() : result.getQuery(); return uniqueExecutionsToResults.get(chain, query); } /** * TODO This is probably a dirty hack for bug 4711376. There are probably better ways. * But I will leave that to trd-processing@ * * @param group The merging hitgroup to be updated if necessary * @param orderer The per provider hit orderer. * @return The hitorderer chosen */ private HitOrderer dirtyCopyIfModifiedOrderer(HitGroup group, HitOrderer orderer) { if (orderer != null) { HitOrderer old = group.getOrderer(); if ((old == null) || ! orderer.equals(old)) { group.setOrderer(orderer); } } return orderer; } private Results getTargets(Set sources, Properties properties, IndexFacts indexFacts) { return sources.isEmpty() ? defaultSearchChains(properties): resolveSources(sources, properties, indexFacts); } private Results resolveSources(Set sources, Properties properties, IndexFacts indexFacts) { Results.Builder result = new Builder<>(); for (String source : sources) { try { result.addAllData(sourceRefResolver.resolve(asSourceSpec(source), properties, indexFacts)); } catch (UnresolvedSearchChainException e) { result.addError(e); } } return result.build(); } public Results defaultSearchChains(Properties sourceToProviderMap) { Results.Builder result = new Builder<>(); for (com.yahoo.search.federation.sourceref.Target target : searchChainResolver.defaultTargets()) { try { result.addData(target.responsibleSearchChain(sourceToProviderMap)); } catch (UnresolvedSearchChainException e) { result.addError(e); } } return result.build(); } private ComponentSpecification asSourceSpec(String source) { try { return new ComponentSpecification(source); } catch(Exception e) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("The source ref '" + source + "' used for federation is not valid.", e); } } private void traceTargets(Query query, Collection targets) { int traceFederationLevel = 2; if ( ! query.isTraceable(traceFederationLevel)) return; query.trace("Federating to " + targets, traceFederationLevel); } /** * Returns true if we are requested to keep executing a target longer than we're waiting for it. * This is useful to populate caches inside targets. */ private boolean shouldExecuteTargetLongerThanThread(Query query, Target target) { return target.federationOptions().getRequestTimeoutInMilliseconds() > query.getTimeout(); } private static void addSearchChainTimedOutError(Query query, ComponentId searchChainId) { ErrorMessage timeoutMessage = ErrorMessage.createTimeout("The search chain '" + searchChainId + "' timed out."); timeoutMessage.setSource(searchChainId.stringValue()); query.errors().add(timeoutMessage); } private void mergeResult(Query query, Target target, Result mergedResults, Result result) { target.modifyTargetResult(result); ComponentId searchChainId = target.getId(); Chain searchChain = target.getChain(); mergedResults.mergeWith(result); HitGroup group = result.hits(); group.setId("source:" + searchChainId.getName()); group.setSearcherSpecificMetaData(this, searchChain); group.setMeta(false); // Set hit groups as non-meta as a default group.setAuxiliary(true); // Set hit group as auxiliary so that it doesn't contribute to count group.setSource(searchChainId.getName()); group.setQuery(result.getQuery()); for (Iterator it = group.unorderedDeepIterator(); it.hasNext();) { Hit hit = it.next(); hit.setSearcherSpecificMetaData(this, searchChain); hit.setSource(searchChainId.stringValue()); // This is the backend request meta hit, that is holding logging information // See HTTPBackendSearcher, where this hit is created if (hit.isMeta() && hit.types().contains("logging")) { // Augment this hit with count fields hit.setField(LOG_COUNT_PREFIX + "deep", result.getDeepHitCount()); hit.setField(LOG_COUNT_PREFIX + "total", result.getTotalHitCount()); int offset = result.getQuery().getOffset(); hit.setField(LOG_COUNT_PREFIX + "first", offset + 1); hit.setField(LOG_COUNT_PREFIX + "last", result.getConcreteHitCount() + offset); } } if (query.getTraceLevel()>=4) query.trace("Got " + group.getConcreteSize() + " hits from " + group.getId(),false, 4); mergedResults.hits().add(group); } private Results resolveSearchChains(Collection prunedTargets, SearchChainRegistry registry) { Results.Builder targetHandlers = new Results.Builder<>(); for (SearchChainInvocationSpec target: prunedTargets) { Chain chain = registry.getChain(target.searchChainId); if (chain == null) { targetHandlers.addError(ErrorMessage.createIllegalQuery("Could not find search chain '" + target.searchChainId + "'")); } else { targetHandlers.addData(new StandardTarget(target, chain)); } } return targetHandlers.build(); } private static List getAdditionalTargets(Query query, Execution execution, TargetSelector targetSelector) { if (targetSelector == null) return Collections.emptyList(); ArrayList result = new ArrayList<>(); for (FederationTarget target: targetSelector.getTargets(query, execution.searchChainRegistry())) result.add(new CustomTarget<>(targetSelector, target)); return result; } private Collection pruneTargetsWithoutDocumentTypes(Set restrict, List targets) { if (restrict.isEmpty()) return targets; Collection prunedTargets = new ArrayList<>(); for (SearchChainInvocationSpec target : targets) { if (target.documentTypes.isEmpty() || documentTypeIntersectionIsNonEmpty(restrict, target)) prunedTargets.add(target); } return prunedTargets; } private boolean documentTypeIntersectionIsNonEmpty(Set restrict, SearchChainInvocationSpec target) { for (String documentType : target.documentTypes) { if (restrict.contains(documentType)) return true; } return false; } /** A map from a unique search chain and query instance to a result */ private static class UniqueExecutionsToResults { /** Implemented as a nested identity hashmap */ final Map,Map> resultsToFill = new IdentityHashMap<>(); /** Returns a result to fill for a query and chain, by creating it if necessary */ public Result get(Chain chain, Query query) { Map resultsToFillForAChain = resultsToFill.get(chain); if (resultsToFillForAChain == null) { resultsToFillForAChain = new IdentityHashMap<>(); resultsToFill.put(chain,resultsToFillForAChain); } Result resultsToFillForAChainAndQuery = resultsToFillForAChain.get(query); if (resultsToFillForAChainAndQuery == null) { resultsToFillForAChainAndQuery = new Result(query); resultsToFillForAChain.put(query, resultsToFillForAChainAndQuery); } return resultsToFillForAChainAndQuery; } } /** A target for federation, containing a chain to which a federation query can be forwarded. */ static abstract class Target { abstract Chain getChain(); abstract void modifyTargetQuery(Query query); abstract void modifyTargetResult(Result result); ComponentId getId() { return getChain().getId(); } public abstract FederationOptions federationOptions(); @Override public String toString() { return getChain().getId().stringValue(); } } /** * A handler representing a target created by the federation logic. * This is a value object, to ensure that identical target invocations are not invoked multiple times. */ private static class StandardTarget extends Target { private final SearchChainInvocationSpec target; private final Chain chain; public StandardTarget(SearchChainInvocationSpec target, Chain chain) { this.target = target; this.chain = chain; } @Override Chain getChain() { return chain; } @Override void modifyTargetQuery(Query query) {} @Override void modifyTargetResult(Result result) {} @Override public FederationOptions federationOptions() { return target.federationOptions; } @Override public boolean equals(Object o) { if (o == this) return true; if ( ! ( o instanceof StandardTarget)) return false; StandardTarget other = (StandardTarget)o; if ( ! Objects.equals(other.chain.getId(), this.chain.getId())) return false; if ( ! Objects.equals(other.target, this.target)) return false; return true; } @Override public int hashCode() { return Objects.hash(chain.getId(), target); } } /** A target handler where the target generation logic is delegated to the application provided target selector */ private static class CustomTarget extends Target { private final TargetSelector selector; private final FederationTarget target; CustomTarget(TargetSelector selector, FederationTarget target) { this.selector = selector; this.target = target; } @Override Chain getChain() { return target.getChain(); } @Override public void modifyTargetQuery(Query query) { selector.modifyTargetQuery(target, query); } @Override public void modifyTargetResult(Result result) { selector.modifyTargetResult(target, result); } @Override public FederationOptions federationOptions() { return target.getFederationOptions(); } } private static class CompoundKey { private final String sourceName; private final String propertyName; CompoundKey(String sourceName, String propertyName) { this.sourceName = sourceName; this.propertyName = propertyName; } @Override public int hashCode() { return sourceName.hashCode() ^ propertyName.hashCode(); } @Override public boolean equals(Object o) { CompoundKey rhs = (CompoundKey) o; return sourceName.equals(rhs.sourceName) && propertyName.equals(rhs.propertyName); } @Override public String toString() { return sourceName + '.' + propertyName; } } private static class SourceKey extends CompoundKey { public static final String SOURCE = "source."; SourceKey(String sourceName, String propertyName) { super(sourceName, propertyName); } @Override public int hashCode() { return super.hashCode() ^ 7; } @Override public boolean equals(Object o) { return (o instanceof SourceKey) && super.equals(o); } @Override public String toString() { return SOURCE + super.toString(); } } private static class ProviderKey extends CompoundKey { public static final String PROVIDER = "provider."; ProviderKey(String sourceName, String propertyName) { super(sourceName, propertyName); } @Override public int hashCode() { return super.hashCode() ^ 17; } @Override public boolean equals(Object o) { return (o instanceof ProviderKey) && super.equals(o); } @Override public String toString() { return PROVIDER + super.toString(); } } private static class Window { private final int hits; private final int offset; public Window(int hits, int offset) { this.hits = hits; this.offset = offset; } public Integer get(CompoundName parameterName) { if (parameterName.equals(Query.HITS)) return hits; if (parameterName.equals(Query.OFFSET)) return offset; return null; } public static Window from(Query query) { return new Window(query.getHits(), query.getOffset()); } public static Window from(Collection targets, Query query) { if (targets.size() == 1) // preserve requested top-level offsets return Window.from(query); else // request from offset 0 to enable correct upstream blending into a single top-level hit list return new Window(query.getHits() + query.getOffset(), 0); } } }