// Copyright Vespa.ai. Licensed under the terms of the Apache 2.0 license. See LICENSE in the project root. package com.yahoo.search.pagetemplates; import com.yahoo.component.ComponentId; import com.yahoo.component.provider.FreezableComponent; import com.yahoo.search.pagetemplates.model.PageElement; import com.yahoo.search.pagetemplates.model.PageTemplateVisitor; import com.yahoo.search.pagetemplates.model.Section; import com.yahoo.search.pagetemplates.model.Source; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.Set; /** * A page template represents a particular way to organize a result page. It is a recursive structure of * page template elements. * * @author bratseth */ public final class PageTemplate extends FreezableComponent implements PageElement { /** The root section of this page */ private Section section=new Section(); /** The sources mentioned (recursively) in this page template, or null if this is not frozen */ private Set sources=null; public PageTemplate(ComponentId id) { super(id); } public void setSection(Section section) { ensureNotFrozen(); this.section=section; } /** Returns the root section of this. This is never null. */ public Section getSection() { return section; } /** * Returns an unmodifiable set of all the sources this template may include (depending on choice resolution). * If the template allows (somewhere) the "any" source (*), Source.any will be in the set returned. * This operation is fast on frozen page templates (i.e at execution time). */ public Set getSources() { if (isFrozen()) return sources; SourceVisitor sourceVisitor=new SourceVisitor(); getSection().accept(sourceVisitor); return Collections.unmodifiableSet(sourceVisitor.getSources()); } @Override public void freeze() { if (isFrozen()) return; resolvePlaceholders(); section.freeze(); sources=getSources(); super.freeze(); } /** Validates and creates the necessary internal references between placeholders and their resolving choices */ private void resolvePlaceholders() { try { PlaceholderMappingVisitor placeholderMappingVisitor=new PlaceholderMappingVisitor(); accept(placeholderMappingVisitor); accept(new PlaceholderReferenceCreatingVisitor(placeholderMappingVisitor.getMap())); } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) { throw new IllegalArgumentException(this + " is invalid",e); } } /** Accepts a visitor to this structure */ @Override public void accept(PageTemplateVisitor visitor) { visitor.visit(this); section.accept(visitor); } @Override public String toString() { return "page template '" + getId() + "'"; } }