// Copyright Yahoo. Licensed under the terms of the Apache 2.0 license. See LICENSE in the project root. package com.yahoo.search.query.profile; import com.google.common.collect.ImmutableList; import com.yahoo.component.ComponentId; import com.yahoo.component.provider.FreezableSimpleComponent; import com.yahoo.processing.IllegalInputException; import com.yahoo.processing.request.CompoundName; import com.yahoo.processing.request.Properties; import com.yahoo.search.query.profile.compiled.CompiledQueryProfile; import com.yahoo.search.query.profile.compiled.CompiledQueryProfileRegistry; import com.yahoo.search.query.profile.types.FieldDescription; import com.yahoo.search.query.profile.types.QueryProfileFieldType; import com.yahoo.search.query.profile.types.QueryProfileType; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.regex.Matcher; import java.util.regex.Pattern; /** * A query profile is a data container with an id and a class (type). More precisely, it contains * * * This serves the purpose of an intermediate format between configuration and runtime structures - the runtime * structure used is QueryProfileProperties. * * @author bratseth */ public class QueryProfile extends FreezableSimpleComponent implements Cloneable { /** The name of the source of this (a file) */ private final String source; /** The query profile registry owning this, or null if none (which will only happen in tests) */ public final QueryProfileRegistry owner; /** Defines the permissible content of this, or null if any content is permissible */ private QueryProfileType type = null; /** The value at this query profile - allows non-fields to have values, e.g a=value1, a.b=value2 */ private Object value = null; /** The variants of this, or null if none */ private QueryProfileVariants variants = null; /** The resolved variant dimensions of this, or null if none or not resolved yet (is resolved at freeze) */ private List resolvedDimensions = null; /** The query profiles inherited by this, or null if none */ private List inherited = null; /** The content of this profile. The values may be primitives, substitutable strings or other query profiles */ private CopyOnWriteContent content = new CopyOnWriteContent(); /** * Field override settings: fieldName→OverrideValue. These overrides the override * setting in the type (if any) of this field). If there are no query profile level settings, this is null. */ private Map overridable = null; /** * Creates a new query profile from an id. * The query profile can be modified freely (but not accessed) until it is {@link #freeze frozen}. * At that point it becomes readable but unmodifiable, which it stays until it goes out of reference. */ public QueryProfile(ComponentId id) { this(id, id.stringValue()); } /** Convenience shorthand for new QueryProfile(new ComponentId(idString)) */ public QueryProfile(String idString) { this(new ComponentId(idString)); } public QueryProfile(ComponentId id, String sourceName) { this(id, sourceName, null); } public QueryProfile(ComponentId id, String sourceName, QueryProfileRegistry owner) { super(id); this.source = sourceName; this.owner = owner; if ( ! id.isAnonymous()) validateName(id.getName()); } // ----------------- Public API ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // ----------------- Setters and getters public String getSource() { return source; } protected final QueryProfileRegistry getOwner() { return owner; } /** Returns the type of this or null if it has no type */ public QueryProfileType getType() { return type; } /** Sets the type of this, or set to null to not use any type checking in this profile */ public void setType(QueryProfileType type) { this.type = type; } /** Returns the virtual variants of this, or null if none */ public QueryProfileVariants getVariants() { return variants; } /** * Returns the list of profiles inherited by this. * Note that order matters for inherited profiles - variables are resolved depth first in the order found in * the inherited list. This always returns an unmodifiable list - use addInherited to add. */ public List inherited() { if (isFrozen()) return inherited; // Frozen profiles always have an unmodifiable, non-null list if (inherited == null) return Collections.emptyList(); return Collections.unmodifiableList(inherited); } /** Adds a profile to the end of the inherited list of this. Throws an exception if this is frozen. */ public void addInherited(QueryProfile profile) { addInherited(profile, (DimensionValues)null); } public final void addInherited(QueryProfile profile,String[] dimensionValues) { addInherited(profile, DimensionValues.createFrom(dimensionValues)); } /** Adds a profile to the end of the inherited list of this for the given variant. Throws an exception if this is frozen. */ public void addInherited(QueryProfile profile, DimensionValues dimensionValues) { ensureNotFrozen(); DimensionBinding dimensionBinding=DimensionBinding.createFrom(getDimensions(), dimensionValues); if (dimensionBinding.isNull()) { if (inherited == null) inherited = new ArrayList<>(); inherited.add(profile); } else { if (variants == null) variants = new QueryProfileVariants(dimensionBinding.getDimensions(), this); variants.inherit(profile,dimensionBinding.getValues()); } } /** * Returns the content fields declared in this (i.e not including those inherited) as a read-only map. * * @throws IllegalStateException if this is frozen */ public Map declaredContent() { ensureNotFrozen(); return content.unmodifiableMap(); } /** * Returns if the given field is declared explicitly as overridable or not in this or any nested profiles * (i.e not including overridable settings inherited and from types). * * @param name the (possibly dotted) field name to return * @param context the context in which the name is resolved, or null if none * @return true/false if this is declared overridable/not overridable in this instance, null if it is not * given any value is this profile instance * @throws IllegalStateException if this is frozen */ public Boolean isDeclaredOverridable(String name, Map context) { return isDeclaredOverridable(new CompoundName(name), DimensionBinding.createFrom(getDimensions(), context)); } /** Sets the dimensions over which this may vary. Note: This will erase any currently defined variants */ public void setDimensions(String[] dimensions) { ensureNotFrozen(); variants = new QueryProfileVariants(dimensions, this); } /** Returns the value set at this node, to allow non-leafs to have values. Returns null if none. */ public Object getValue() { return value; } public void setValue(Object value) { ensureNotFrozen(); this.value = value; } /** Returns the variant dimensions to be used in this - an unmodifiable list of dimension names */ public List getDimensions() { if (isFrozen()) return resolvedDimensions; if (variants != null) return variants.getDimensions(); if (inherited == null) return null; for (QueryProfile inheritedProfile : inherited) { List inheritedDimensions = inheritedProfile.getDimensions(); if (inheritedDimensions != null) return inheritedDimensions; } return null; } // ----------------- Query profile facade API /** * Sets the overridability of a field in this profile, * this overrides the corresponding setting in the type (if any) */ public final void setOverridable(String fieldName, boolean overridable, Map context) { setOverridable(new CompoundName(fieldName), overridable, DimensionBinding.createFrom(getDimensions(), context)); } /** * Sets the overridability of a field in this profile, * this overrides the corresponding setting in the type (if any) */ public final void setOverridable(String fieldName, boolean overridable, DimensionValues dimensionValues) { setOverridable(new CompoundName(fieldName), overridable, DimensionBinding.createFrom(getDimensions(), dimensionValues)); } /** * Return all objects that start with the given prefix path using no context. Use "" to list all. *

* For example, if {a.d => "a.d-value" ,a.e => "a.e-value", b.d => "b.d-value", then calling listValues("a") * will return {"d" => "a.d-value","e" => "a.e-value"} */ public final Map listValues(String prefix) { return listValues(new CompoundName(prefix)); } /** * Return all objects that start with the given prefix path using no context. Use "" to list all. *

* For example, if {a.d => "a.d-value" ,a.e => "a.e-value", b.d => "b.d-value", then calling listValues("a") * will return {"d" => "a.d-value","e" => "a.e-value"} */ public final Map listValues(CompoundName prefix) { return listValues(prefix, null); } /** * Return all objects that start with the given prefix path. Use "" to list all. *

* For example, if {a.d => "a.d-value" ,a.e => "a.e-value", b.d => "b.d-value", then calling listValues("a") * will return {"d" => "a.d-value","e" => "a.e-value"} */ public final Map listValues(String prefix, Map context) { return listValues(new CompoundName(prefix), context); } /** * Return all objects that start with the given prefix path. Use "" to list all. *

* For example, if {a.d => "a.d-value" ,a.e => "a.e-value", b.d => "b.d-value", then calling listValues("a") * will return {"d" => "a.d-value","e" => "a.e-value"} */ public final Map listValues(CompoundName prefix, Map context) { return listValues(prefix, context, null); } /** * Adds all objects that start with the given path prefix to the given value map. Use "" to list all. *

* For example, if {a.d => "a.d-value" ,a.e => "a.e-value", b.d => "b.d-value", then calling listValues("a") * will return {"d" => "a.d-value","e" => "a.e-value"} */ public Map listValues(CompoundName prefix, Map context, Properties substitution) { Map values = visitValues(prefix, context).values(); if (substitution == null) return values; for (Map.Entry entry : values.entrySet()) { if (entry.getValue().getClass() == String.class) continue; // Shortcut if (entry.getValue() instanceof SubstituteString) { entry.setValue(((SubstituteString) entry.getValue()).substitute(context, substitution)); } } return values; } AllValuesQueryProfileVisitor visitValues(CompoundName prefix, Map context) { return visitValues(prefix, context, new CompoundNameChildCache()); } AllValuesQueryProfileVisitor visitValues(CompoundName prefix, Map context, CompoundNameChildCache pathCache) { AllValuesQueryProfileVisitor visitor = new AllValuesQueryProfileVisitor(prefix, pathCache); accept(visitor, DimensionBinding.createFrom(getDimensions(), context), null); return visitor; } /** * Returns a value from this query profile by resolving the given name: *

  • The name up to the first dot is the value looked up in the value of this profile *
  • The rest of the name (if any) is used as the name to look up in the referenced query profile *
* * If this name does not resolve completely into a value in this or any inherited profile, null is returned. */ public final Object get(String name) { return get(name,(Map)null); } /** Returns a value from this using the given property context for resolution and using this for substitution */ public final Object get(String name, Map context) { return get(name, context, null); } /** Returns a value from this using the given dimensions for resolution */ public final Object get(String name, String[] dimensionValues) { return get(name, dimensionValues,null); } public final Object get(String name, String[] dimensionValues, Properties substitution) { return get(name, DimensionValues.createFrom(dimensionValues), substitution); } /** Returns a value from this using the given dimensions for resolution */ public final Object get(String name, DimensionValues dimensionValues, Properties substitution) { return get(name, DimensionBinding.createFrom(getDimensions(), dimensionValues), substitution); } public final Object get(String name, Map context, Properties substitution) { return get(name, DimensionBinding.createFrom(getDimensions(), context), substitution); } public final Object get(CompoundName name, Map context, Properties substitution) { return get(name, DimensionBinding.createFrom(getDimensions(), context), substitution); } final Object get(String name, DimensionBinding binding,Properties substitution) { return get(new CompoundName(name), binding, substitution); } final Object get(CompoundName name, DimensionBinding binding, Properties substitution) { Object node = get(name, binding); if (node != null && node.getClass() == String.class) return node; // Shortcut if (node instanceof SubstituteString) return ((SubstituteString)node).substitute(binding.getContext(), substitution); return node; } final Object get(CompoundName name, DimensionBinding dimensionBinding) { return lookup(name, false, dimensionBinding); } /** * Returns the node at the position prescribed by the given name (without doing substitutions) - * a primitive value, a substitutable string, a query profile, or null if not found. */ public final Object lookup(String name, Map context) { return lookup(new CompoundName(name),true,DimensionBinding.createFrom(getDimensions(),context)); } /** Sets a value in this or any nested profile using null as context */ public final void set(String name, Object value, QueryProfileRegistry registry) { set(name, value, (Map)null, registry); } /** * Sets a value in this or any nested profile. Any missing structure needed to set this will be created. * If this value is already set, this will overwrite the previous value. * * @param name the name of the field, possibly a dotted name which will cause setting of a variable in a subprofile * @param value the value to assign to the name, a primitive wrapper, string or a query profile * @param context the context used to resolve where this value should be set, or null if none * @throws IllegalArgumentException if the given name is illegal given the types of this or any nested query profile * @throws IllegalStateException if this query profile is frozen */ public final void set(CompoundName name, Object value, Map context, QueryProfileRegistry registry) { set(name, value, DimensionBinding.createFrom(getDimensions(), context), registry); } public final void set(String name, Object value, Map context, QueryProfileRegistry registry) { set(new CompoundName(name), value, DimensionBinding.createFrom(getDimensions(), context), registry); } public final void set(String name, Object value, String[] dimensionValues, QueryProfileRegistry registry) { set(name, value, DimensionValues.createFrom(dimensionValues), registry); } /** * Sets a value in this or any nested profile. Any missing structure needed to set this will be created. * If this value is already set, this will overwrite the previous value. * * @param name the name of the field, possibly a dotted name which will cause setting of a variable in a subprofile * @param value the value to assign to the name, a primitive wrapper, string or a query profile * @param dimensionValues the dimension values - will be matched by order to the dimensions set in this - if this is * shorter or longer than the number of dimensions it will be adjusted as needed * @param registry the registry used to resolve query profile references. If null is passed query profile references * will cause an exception * @throws IllegalArgumentException if the given name is illegal given the types of this or any nested query profile * @throws IllegalStateException if this query profile is frozen */ public final void set(String name, Object value, DimensionValues dimensionValues, QueryProfileRegistry registry) { set(new CompoundName(name), value, DimensionBinding.createFrom(getDimensions(), dimensionValues), registry); } // ----------------- Misc public boolean isExplicit() { return !getId().isAnonymous(); } /** * Switches this from write-only to read-only mode. * This profile can never be modified again after this method returns. * Calling this on an already frozen profile has no effect. * * Calling this will also freeze any profiles inherited and referenced by this. */ // TODO: Remove/simplify as query profiles are not used at query time public synchronized void freeze() { if (isFrozen()) return; resolvedDimensions=getDimensions(); if (variants !=null) variants.freeze(); if (inherited!=null) { for (QueryProfile inheritedProfile : inherited) inheritedProfile.freeze(); } content.freeze(); inherited= inherited==null ? ImmutableList.of() : ImmutableList.copyOf(inherited); super.freeze(); } @Override public String toString() { return "query profile '" + getId() + "'" + (type!=null ? " of type '" + type.getId() + "'" : ""); } /** * Returns a clone of this. The clone will not be frozen and will contain copied inherited and content collections * pointing to the same values as this. */ @Override public QueryProfile clone() { if (isFrozen()) return this; QueryProfile clone = (QueryProfile)super.clone(); if (variants != null) clone.variants = variants.clone(); if (inherited != null) clone.inherited = new ArrayList<>(inherited); if (this.content != null) clone.content = content.clone(); return clone; } /** * Clones a value of a type which may appear in a query profile if cloning is necessary (i.e if it is * not immutable). Returns the input type otherwise. */ static Object cloneIfNecessary(Object object) { if (object instanceof QueryProfile) return ((QueryProfile)object).clone(); return object; // Other types are immutable } /** Throws IllegalArgumentException if the given string is not a valid query profile name */ public static void validateName(String name) { Matcher nameMatcher = namePattern.matcher(name); if ( ! nameMatcher.matches()) throw new IllegalArgumentException("Illegal name '" + name + "'"); } // ----------------- For subclass use -------------------------------------------------------------------- /** Override this to intercept all writes to this profile (or any nested profiles) */ protected void set(CompoundName name, Object value, DimensionBinding binding, QueryProfileRegistry registry) { try { setNode(name, value, null, binding, registry); } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) { throw new IllegalInputException("Could not set '" + name + "' to '" + value + "'", e); } } /** * Returns true if this value is definitely overridable in this (set and not unoverridable), * false if it is declared unoverridable (in instance or type), and null if this profile has no * opinion on the matter because the value is not set in this. */ Boolean isLocalOverridable(String localName, DimensionBinding binding) { if (localLookup(localName, binding) == null) return null; // Not set if ( ! binding.isNull() && getVariants() != null) { Boolean variantIsOverriable = getVariants().isOverridable(localName, binding.getValues()); if (variantIsOverriable != null) return variantIsOverriable; } Boolean isLocalInstanceOverridable = isLocalInstanceOverridable(localName); if (isLocalInstanceOverridable != null) return isLocalInstanceOverridable; if (type != null) return type.isOverridable(localName); return true; } protected Boolean isLocalInstanceOverridable(String localName) { if (overridable == null) return null; return overridable.get(localName); } protected Object lookup(CompoundName name, boolean allowQueryProfileResult, DimensionBinding dimensionBinding) { SingleValueQueryProfileVisitor visitor = new SingleValueQueryProfileVisitor(name.asList(), allowQueryProfileResult); accept(visitor, dimensionBinding, null); return visitor.getResult(); } protected final void accept(QueryProfileVisitor visitor, DimensionBinding dimensionBinding, QueryProfile owner) { acceptAndEnter("", visitor, dimensionBinding, owner); } void acceptAndEnter(String key, QueryProfileVisitor visitor, DimensionBinding dimensionBinding, QueryProfile owner) { boolean allowContent = visitor.enter(key); accept(allowContent, visitor, dimensionBinding, owner); if (allowContent) visitor.leave(key); } /** * Visit the profiles and values referenced from this in order of decreasing precedence * * @param allowContent whether content in this should be visited * @param visitor the visitor * @param dimensionBinding the dimension binding to use */ final void accept(boolean allowContent, QueryProfileVisitor visitor, DimensionBinding dimensionBinding, QueryProfile owner) { visitor.onQueryProfile(this, dimensionBinding, owner, null); if (visitor.isDone()) return; visitVariants(allowContent, visitor, dimensionBinding); if (visitor.isDone()) return; if (allowContent) { visitContent(visitor, dimensionBinding); if (visitor.isDone()) return; } if (visitor.visitInherited()) visitInherited(allowContent, visitor, dimensionBinding, owner); } protected void visitVariants(boolean allowContent, QueryProfileVisitor visitor, DimensionBinding dimensionBinding) { if (getVariants() != null) getVariants().accept(allowContent, getType(), visitor, dimensionBinding); } protected void visitInherited(boolean allowContent, QueryProfileVisitor visitor, DimensionBinding dimensionBinding, QueryProfile owner) { if (inherited == null) return; for (QueryProfile inheritedProfile : inherited) { inheritedProfile.accept(allowContent, visitor, dimensionBinding.createFor(inheritedProfile.getDimensions()), owner); if (visitor.isDone()) return; } } private void visitContent(QueryProfileVisitor visitor, DimensionBinding dimensionBinding) { String contentKey = visitor.getLocalKey(); // Visit this' content if (contentKey != null) { // Get only the content of the current key if (type != null) contentKey = type.unalias(contentKey); visitor.acceptValue(contentKey, getContent(contentKey), dimensionBinding, this, null); } else { // get all content in this for (Map.Entry entry : getContent().entrySet()) { visitor.acceptValue(entry.getKey(), entry.getValue(), dimensionBinding, this, null); if (visitor.isDone()) return; } } } /** Returns a value from the content of this, or null if not present */ protected Object getContent(String key) { return content.get(key); } /** Returns all the content from this as an unmodifiable map */ protected Map getContent() { return content.unmodifiableMap(); } /** Sets the value of a node in this profile - the local name given must not be nested (contain dots) */ protected QueryProfile setLocalNode(String localName, Object value, QueryProfileType parentType, DimensionBinding dimensionBinding, QueryProfileRegistry registry) { if (parentType != null && type == null && ! isFrozen()) type = parentType; value = convertToSubstitutionString(value); value = checkAndConvertAssignment(localName, value, registry); localPut(localName, value, dimensionBinding); return this; } /** * Combines an existing and a new value for a query property key. * Return the new object to add to the state of the owning profile (/variant), or null if no new value needs to * be added (usually because the new value was added to the existing). */ static Object combineValues(Object newValue, Object existingValue) { if (newValue instanceof QueryProfile) { QueryProfile newProfile = (QueryProfile)newValue; if ( ! (existingValue instanceof QueryProfile)) { if ( ! isModifiable(newProfile)) { // Make the query profile reference overridable newProfile = new BackedOverridableQueryProfile(newProfile); } newProfile.value = existingValue; return newProfile; } // if both are profiles: return combineProfiles(newProfile, (QueryProfile)existingValue); } else { if (existingValue instanceof QueryProfile) { // we need to set a non-leaf value on a query profile QueryProfile existingProfile = (QueryProfile)existingValue; if (isModifiable(existingProfile)) { existingProfile.setValue(newValue); return null; } else { QueryProfile existingOverridable = new BackedOverridableQueryProfile((QueryProfile)existingValue); existingOverridable.setValue(newValue); return existingOverridable; } } else { return newValue; } } } private static QueryProfile combineProfiles(QueryProfile newProfile, QueryProfile existingProfile) { QueryProfile returnValue = null; QueryProfile existingModifiable; // Ensure the existing profile is modifiable if (existingProfile.getClass() == QueryProfile.class) { existingModifiable = new BackedOverridableQueryProfile(existingProfile); returnValue = existingModifiable; } else { // is an overridable wrapper existingModifiable = existingProfile; // May be used as-is } // Make the existing profile inherit the new one if (existingModifiable instanceof BackedOverridableQueryProfile) ((BackedOverridableQueryProfile)existingModifiable).addInheritedHere(newProfile); else existingModifiable.addInherited(newProfile); // Remove content from the existing which the new one does not allow overrides of if (existingModifiable.content != null) { for (String key : existingModifiable.content.unmodifiableMap().keySet()) { if ( ! newProfile.isLocalOverridable(key, null)) { existingModifiable.content.remove(key); } } } return returnValue; } /** Returns whether the given profile may be modified from this profile */ private static boolean isModifiable(QueryProfile profile) { if (profile.isFrozen()) return false; if ( ! profile.isExplicit()) return true; // Implicitly defined from this - ok to modify then if (! (profile instanceof BackedOverridableQueryProfile)) return false; return true; } /** * Converts to the type of the receiving field, if possible and necessary. * * @return the value to be assigned: the original or a converted value * @throws IllegalArgumentException if the assignment is illegal */ protected Object checkAndConvertAssignment(String localName, Object value, QueryProfileRegistry registry) { if (type == null) return value; // no type checking FieldDescription fieldDescription = type.getField(localName); if (fieldDescription == null) { if (type.isStrict()) throw new IllegalInputException("'" + localName + "' is not declared in " + type + ", and the type is strict"); return value; } if (registry == null && (fieldDescription.getType() instanceof QueryProfileFieldType)) throw new IllegalInputException("A registry was not passed: Query profile references is not supported"); Object convertedValue = fieldDescription.getType().convertFrom(value, registry); if (convertedValue == null) throw new IllegalInputException("'" + value + "' is not a " + fieldDescription.getType().toInstanceDescription()); return convertedValue; } /** * Looks up all inherited profiles and adds any that matches this name. * This default implementation returns an empty profile. */ protected QueryProfile createSubProfile(String name, DimensionBinding dimensionBinding) { var id = owner != null ? owner.createAnonymousId(name) : ComponentId.createAnonymousComponentId(name); return new QueryProfile(id, source, owner); } /** Do a variant-aware content lookup in this */ protected Object localLookup(String name, DimensionBinding dimensionBinding) { Object node = null; if ( variants != null && ! dimensionBinding.isNull()) node = variants.get(name,type,true, dimensionBinding); if (node == null) node = content == null ? null : content.get(name); return node; } // ----------------- Private ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- private Boolean isDeclaredOverridable(CompoundName name,DimensionBinding dimensionBinding) { QueryProfile parent = lookupParentExact(name, true, dimensionBinding); if (parent.overridable == null) return null; return parent.overridable.get(name.last()); } /** * Sets the overridability of a field in this profile, * this overrides the corresponding setting in the type (if any) */ private void setOverridable(CompoundName fieldName, boolean overridable, DimensionBinding dimensionBinding) { QueryProfile parent = lookupParentExact(fieldName, true, dimensionBinding); if (dimensionBinding.isNull()) { if (parent.overridable == null) parent.overridable = new HashMap<>(); parent.overridable.put(fieldName.last(), overridable); } else { variants.setOverridable(fieldName.last(), overridable, dimensionBinding.getValues()); } } /** Sets a value to a (possibly non-local) node. */ private void setNode(CompoundName name, Object value, QueryProfileType parentType, DimensionBinding dimensionBinding, QueryProfileRegistry registry) { ensureNotFrozen(); if (name.isCompound()) { QueryProfile parent = getQueryProfileExact(name.first(), true, dimensionBinding); parent.setNode(name.rest(), value, parentType, dimensionBinding.createFor(parent.getDimensions()), registry); } else { setLocalNode(name.toString(), value,parentType, dimensionBinding, registry); } } /** * Looks up and, if necessary, creates, the query profile which should hold the given local name portion of the * given name. If the name contains no dots, this is returned. * * @param name the name of the variable to lookup the parent of * @param create whether or not to create the parent if it is not present * @return the parent, or null if not present and created is false */ private QueryProfile lookupParentExact(CompoundName name, boolean create, DimensionBinding dimensionBinding) { CompoundName rest = name.rest(); if (rest.isEmpty()) return this; QueryProfile topmostParent = getQueryProfileExact(name.first(), create, dimensionBinding); if (topmostParent == null) return null; return topmostParent.lookupParentExact(rest, create, dimensionBinding.createFor(topmostParent.getDimensions())); } /** * Returns a query profile from this by name * * @param localName the local name of the profile in this, this is never a compound * @param create whether the profile should be created if missing * @return the created profile, or null if not present, and create is false */ private QueryProfile getQueryProfileExact(String localName, boolean create, DimensionBinding dimensionBinding) { Object node = localExactLookup(localName, dimensionBinding); if (node instanceof QueryProfile) return (QueryProfile)node; if ( ! create) return null; QueryProfile queryProfile = createSubProfile(localName,dimensionBinding); if (type != null) { Class legalClass = type.getValueClass(localName); if (legalClass == null || ! legalClass.isInstance(queryProfile)) throw new RuntimeException("'" + localName + "' is not a legal query profile reference name in " + this); queryProfile.setType(type.getType(localName)); } localPut(localName, queryProfile, dimensionBinding); return queryProfile; } /** Do a variant-aware content lookup in this - without looking in any wrapped content. But by matching variant bindings exactly only */ private Object localExactLookup(String name, DimensionBinding dimensionBinding) { if (dimensionBinding.isNull()) return content == null ? null : content.get(name); if (variants == null) return null; QueryProfileVariant variant = variants.getVariant(dimensionBinding.getValues(),false); if (variant == null) return null; return variant.values().get(name); } /** Sets a value directly in this query profile (unless frozen) */ private void localPut(String localName, Object value, DimensionBinding dimensionBinding) { ensureNotFrozen(); if (type != null) localName = type.unalias(localName); validateName(localName); if (dimensionBinding.isNull()) { Object combinedValue = value instanceof QueryProfile ? combineValues(value, content == null ? null : content.get(localName)) : combineValues(value, localLookup(localName, dimensionBinding)); if (combinedValue != null) content.put(localName, combinedValue); } else { if (variants == null) variants = new QueryProfileVariants(dimensionBinding.getDimensions(), this); variants.set(localName, dimensionBinding.getValues(), value); } } /** Returns this value, or its corresponding substitution string if it contains substitutions */ static Object convertToSubstitutionString(Object value) { if (value == null) return value; if (value.getClass() != String.class) return value; SubstituteString substituteString = SubstituteString.create((String)value); if (substituteString == null) return value; return substituteString; } private static final Pattern namePattern = Pattern.compile("[$a-zA-Z_/][-$a-zA-Z0-9_/()]*"); /** * Returns a compiled version of this which produces faster lookup times * * @param registry the registry this will be added to by the caller, or null if none */ public CompiledQueryProfile compile(CompiledQueryProfileRegistry registry) { return QueryProfileCompiler.compile(this, registry); } }