// Copyright 2017 Yahoo Holdings. Licensed under the terms of the Apache 2.0 license. See LICENSE in the project root. package com.yahoo.search.query.profile; import com.yahoo.processing.request.CompoundName; import com.yahoo.search.query.profile.compiled.CompiledQueryProfile; import com.yahoo.search.query.profile.compiled.CompiledQueryProfileRegistry; import com.yahoo.search.query.profile.compiled.DimensionalMap; import com.yahoo.search.query.profile.compiled.ValueWithSource; import com.yahoo.search.query.profile.types.QueryProfileType; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Set; import java.util.logging.Logger; /** * Compile a set of query profiles into compiled profiles. * * @author bratseth */ public class QueryProfileCompiler { private static final Logger log = Logger.getLogger(QueryProfileCompiler.class.getName()); public static CompiledQueryProfileRegistry compile(QueryProfileRegistry input) { CompiledQueryProfileRegistry output = new CompiledQueryProfileRegistry(input.getTypeRegistry()); for (QueryProfile inputProfile : input.allComponents()) { output.register(compile(inputProfile, output)); } return output; } public static CompiledQueryProfile compile(QueryProfile in, CompiledQueryProfileRegistry registry) { try { DimensionalMap.Builder values = new DimensionalMap.Builder<>(); DimensionalMap.Builder types = new DimensionalMap.Builder<>(); DimensionalMap.Builder references = new DimensionalMap.Builder<>(); DimensionalMap.Builder unoverridables = new DimensionalMap.Builder<>(); // Resolve values for each existing variant and combine into a single data structure Set variants = collectVariants(CompoundName.empty, in, DimensionBinding.nullBinding); variants.add(new DimensionBindingForPath(DimensionBinding.nullBinding, CompoundName.empty)); // if this contains no variants log.fine(() -> "Compiling " + in.toString() + " having " + variants.size() + " variants"); for (DimensionBindingForPath variant : variants) { log.finer(() -> " Compiling variant " + variant); for (Map.Entry entry : in.visitValues(variant.path(), variant.binding().getContext()).valuesWithSource().entrySet()) { values.put(variant.path().append(entry.getKey()), variant.binding(), entry.getValue()); } for (Map.Entry entry : in.listTypes(variant.path(), variant.binding().getContext()).entrySet()) types.put(variant.path().append(entry.getKey()), variant.binding(), entry.getValue()); for (CompoundName reference : in.listReferences(variant.path(), variant.binding().getContext())) references.put(variant.path().append(reference), variant.binding(), Boolean.TRUE); // Used as a set; value is ignored for (CompoundName name : in.listUnoverridable(variant.path(), variant.binding().getContext())) unoverridables.put(variant.path().append(name), variant.binding(), Boolean.TRUE); // Used as a set; value is ignored } return new CompiledQueryProfile(in.getId(), in.getType(), values.build(), types.build(), references.build(), unoverridables.build(), registry); } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Invalid " + in, e); } } /** * Returns all the unique combinations of dimension values which have values reachable from this profile. * * @param profile the profile we are collecting the variants of * @param currentVariant the variant we must have to arrive at this point in the query profile graph */ private static Set collectVariants(CompoundName path, QueryProfile profile, DimensionBinding currentVariant) { Set variants = new HashSet<>(); variants.addAll(collectVariantsFromValues(path, profile.getContent(), currentVariant)); variants.addAll(collectVariantsInThis(path, profile, currentVariant)); if (profile instanceof BackedOverridableQueryProfile) variants.addAll(collectVariantsInThis(path, ((BackedOverridableQueryProfile) profile).getBacking(), currentVariant)); Set parentVariants; for (QueryProfile inheritedProfile : profile.inherited()) { parentVariants = collectVariants(path, inheritedProfile, currentVariant); variants.addAll(parentVariants); variants.addAll(combined(variants, parentVariants)); // parents and children may have different variant dimensions } variants.addAll(wildcardExpanded(variants)); return variants; } /** * For variants which are underspecified we must explicitly resolve each possible combination * of actual left-side values. * * I.e if we have the variants [-,b=b1], [a=a1,-], [a=a2,-], * this returns the variants [a=a1,b=b1], [a=a2,b=b1] * * This is necessary because left-specified values takes precedence, such that resolving [a=a1,b=b1] would * lead us to the compiled profile [a=a1,-], which may contain default values for properties where * we should have preferred variant values in [-,b=b1]. */ private static Set wildcardExpanded(Set variants) { Set expanded = new HashSet<>(); for (var variant : variants) { if (hasWildcardBeforeEnd(variant.binding())) expanded.addAll(wildcardExpanded(variant, variants)); } return expanded; } private static boolean hasWildcardBeforeEnd(DimensionBinding variant) { for (int i = 0; i < variant.getValues().size() - 1; i++) { // -1 to not check the rightmost if (variant.getValues().get(i) == null) return true; } return false; } private static Set wildcardExpanded(DimensionBindingForPath variantToExpand, Set variants) { Set expanded = new HashSet<>(); for (var variant : variants) { if (variant.binding().isNull()) continue; DimensionBinding combined = variantToExpand.binding().combineWith(variant.binding()); if ( ! combined.isInvalid() ) { expanded.add(new DimensionBindingForPath(combined, variantToExpand.path())); } } return expanded; } /** Generates a set of all the (legal) combinations of the variants in the given sets */ private static Set combined(Set v1s, Set v2s) { Set combinedVariants = new HashSet<>(); for (DimensionBindingForPath v1 : v1s) { if (v1.binding().isNull()) continue; for (DimensionBindingForPath v2 : v2s) { if (v1.binding().isNull()) continue; DimensionBinding combined = v1.binding().combineWith(v2.binding()); if ( combined.isInvalid() ) continue; combinedVariants.add(new DimensionBindingForPath(combined, v1.path())); } } return combinedVariants; } private static Set collectVariantsInThis(CompoundName path, QueryProfile profile, DimensionBinding currentVariant) { QueryProfileVariants profileVariants = profile.getVariants(); Set variants = new HashSet<>(); if (profileVariants != null) { for (QueryProfileVariant variant : profile.getVariants().getVariants()) { // Allow switching order since we're entering another profile DimensionBinding combinedVariant = DimensionBinding.createFrom(profile.getDimensions(), variant.getDimensionValues()).combineWith(currentVariant); if (combinedVariant.isInvalid()) continue; // values at this point in the graph are unreachable variants.add(new DimensionBindingForPath(combinedVariant, path)); variants.addAll(collectVariantsFromValues(path, variant.values(), combinedVariant)); for (QueryProfile variantInheritedProfile : variant.inherited()) variants.addAll(collectVariants(path, variantInheritedProfile, combinedVariant)); } } return variants; } private static Set collectVariantsFromValues(CompoundName path, Map values, DimensionBinding currentVariant) { Set variants = new HashSet<>(); for (Map.Entry entry : values.entrySet()) { if (entry.getValue() instanceof QueryProfile) variants.addAll(collectVariants(path.append(entry.getKey()), (QueryProfile)entry.getValue(), currentVariant)); } return variants; } private static class DimensionBindingForPath { private final DimensionBinding binding; private final CompoundName path; public DimensionBindingForPath(DimensionBinding binding, CompoundName path) { this.binding = binding; this.path = path; } public DimensionBinding binding() { return binding; } public CompoundName path() { return path; } @Override public boolean equals(Object o) { if ( o == this ) return true; if ( ! (o instanceof DimensionBindingForPath)) return false; DimensionBindingForPath other = (DimensionBindingForPath)o; return other.binding.equals(this.binding) && other.path.equals(this.path); } @Override public int hashCode() { return binding.hashCode() + 17 * path.hashCode(); } @Override public String toString() { return binding + " for path " + path; } } }