// Copyright Vespa.ai. Licensed under the terms of the Apache 2.0 license. See LICENSE in the project root. package com.yahoo.search.query.profile.types; import com.yahoo.processing.request.CompoundName; import com.yahoo.search.query.profile.QueryProfile; import java.util.List; /** * A field description of a query profile type. Immutable. * Field descriptions can be sorted by name. * * @author bratseth */ public class FieldDescription implements Comparable { private final CompoundName name; private final FieldType type; private final List aliases; /** If true, this value must be provided either in the query profile or in the search request */ private final boolean mandatory; /** If true, assignments to this value from outside will be ignored */ private final boolean overridable; public FieldDescription(String name, FieldType type) { this(name,type,false); } public FieldDescription(String name, String type) { this(name,FieldType.fromString(type, null)); } public FieldDescription(String name, FieldType type, boolean mandatory) { this(name, type, mandatory, true); } public FieldDescription(String name, String type, String aliases) { this(name, type, aliases, false, true); } public FieldDescription(String name, FieldType type, String aliases) { this(name, type, aliases, false, true); } /** * Creates a field description * * @param name the name of the field * @param typeString the type of the field represented as a string - see {@link com.yahoo.search.query.profile.types.FieldType} * @param aliases a space-separated list of alias names of this field name. Aliases are not following dotted * (meaning they are global, not that they cannot contain dots) and are case insensitive. Null is permissible * if there are no aliases * @param mandatory whether it is mandatory to provide a value for this field. default: false * @param overridable whether this can be overridden when first set in a profile. Default: true */ public FieldDescription(String name, String typeString, String aliases, boolean mandatory, boolean overridable) { this(name,FieldType.fromString(typeString, null), aliases, mandatory, overridable); } public FieldDescription(String name, FieldType type, boolean mandatory, boolean overridable) { this(name, type, null, mandatory, overridable); } public FieldDescription(String name, FieldType type, String aliases, boolean mandatory, boolean overridable) { this(CompoundName.from(name), type, aliases, mandatory, overridable); } /** * Creates a field description from a list where the aliases are represented as a comma-separated string */ public FieldDescription(CompoundName name, FieldType type, String aliases, boolean mandatory, boolean overridable) { this(name, type, toList(aliases), mandatory, overridable); } /** * Creates a field description * * @param name the name of the field, empty means it describes the value held by the query profile itself * @param type the type of the field represented as a string - see {@link com.yahoo.search.query.profile.types.FieldType} * @param aliases a list of aliases, never null. Aliases are not following dotted * (meaning they are global, not that they cannot contain dots) and are case insensitive. * @param mandatory whether it is mandatory to provide a value for this field. default: false * @param overridable whether this can be overridden when first set in a profile. Default: true */ public FieldDescription(CompoundName name, FieldType type, List aliases, boolean mandatory, boolean overridable) { for (String nameComponent : name.asList()) QueryProfile.validateName(nameComponent); this.name = name; this.type = type; // Forbidden until we can figure out the right semantics if (name.isCompound() && ! aliases.isEmpty()) throw new IllegalArgumentException("Aliases are not allowed with compound names"); this.aliases = List.copyOf(aliases); this.mandatory = mandatory; this.overridable = overridable; } private static List toList(String string) { if (string == null || string.isEmpty()) return List.of(); return List.of(string.split(" ")); } /** Returns the full name of this as a string */ public String getName() { return name.toString(); } /** Returns the full name of this as a compound name */ public CompoundName getCompoundName() { return name; } public FieldType getType() { return type; } /** Returns a unmodifiable list of the aliases of this. An empty list (never null) if there are none. */ public List getAliases() { return aliases; } /** Returns whether this field must be provided in the query profile or the search definition. Default: false */ public boolean isMandatory() { return mandatory; } /** Returns false if overrides to values for this field from the outside should be ignored. Default: true */ public boolean isOverridable() { return overridable; } @Override public int compareTo(FieldDescription other) { return name.toString().compareTo(other.name.toString()); } /** Returns a copy of this with the name set to the argument name */ public FieldDescription withName(CompoundName name) { return new FieldDescription(name, type, aliases, mandatory, overridable); } /** Returns a copy of this with the type set to the argument type */ public FieldDescription withType(FieldType type) { return new FieldDescription(name, type, aliases, mandatory, overridable); } @Override public String toString() { return "field '" + name + "' type " + type.stringValue() + "" + (mandatory?" (mandatory)":"") + (!overridable?" (not overridable)":""); } }