// Copyright Yahoo. Licensed under the terms of the Apache 2.0 license. See LICENSE in the project root. package com.yahoo.search.querytransform; import com.yahoo.component.chain.dependencies.After; import com.yahoo.component.chain.dependencies.Provides; import com.yahoo.prelude.query.PredicateQueryItem; import com.yahoo.processing.IllegalInputException; import com.yahoo.processing.request.CompoundName; import com.yahoo.search.Query; import com.yahoo.search.Result; import com.yahoo.search.Searcher; import com.yahoo.search.grouping.request.parser.TokenMgrException; import com.yahoo.search.result.ErrorMessage; import com.yahoo.search.searchchain.Execution; import java.math.BigInteger; import static com.yahoo.prelude.querytransform.NormalizingSearcher.ACCENT_REMOVAL; import static com.yahoo.prelude.querytransform.StemmingSearcher.STEMMING; import static com.yahoo.yolean.Exceptions.toMessageString; /** * Searcher that builds a PredicateItem from the &boolean properties and inserts it into a query. * * @author Magnar Nedland */ @After({ STEMMING, ACCENT_REMOVAL }) @Provides(BooleanSearcher.PREDICATE) public class BooleanSearcher extends Searcher { private static final CompoundName FIELD = new CompoundName("boolean.field"); private static final CompoundName ATTRIBUTES = new CompoundName("boolean.attributes"); private static final CompoundName RANGE_ATTRIBUTES = new CompoundName("boolean.rangeAttributes"); public static final String PREDICATE = "predicate"; @Override public Result search(Query query, Execution execution) { String fieldName = query.properties().getString(FIELD); if (fieldName != null) { return search(query, execution, fieldName); } else { if (query.isTraceable(5)) { query.trace("BooleanSearcher: Nothing added to query", false, 5); } } return execution.search(query); } private Result search(Query query, Execution execution, String fieldName) { String attributes = query.properties().getString(ATTRIBUTES); String rangeAttributes = query.properties().getString(RANGE_ATTRIBUTES); if (query.isTraceable(5)) { query.trace("BooleanSearcher: fieldName(" + fieldName + "), attributes(" + attributes + "), rangeAttributes(" + rangeAttributes + ")", false, 5); } if (attributes != null || rangeAttributes != null) { try { addPredicateTerm(query, fieldName, attributes, rangeAttributes); if (query.isTraceable(4)) { query.trace("BooleanSearcher: Added boolean operator", true, 4); } } catch (TokenMgrException e) { return new Result(query, ErrorMessage.createInvalidQueryParameter(toMessageString(e))); } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) { throw new IllegalInputException("Failed boolean search on field '" + fieldName + "'", e); } } else { if (query.isTraceable(5)) { query.trace("BooleanSearcher: Nothing added to query", false, 5); } } return execution.search(query); } // Adds a boolean term ANDed to the query, based on the supplied properties. private void addPredicateTerm(Query query, String fieldName, String attributes, String rangeAttributes) { PredicateQueryItem item = new PredicateQueryItem(); item.setIndexName(fieldName); new PredicateValueAttributeParser(item).parse(attributes); new PredicateRangeAttributeParser(item).parse(rangeAttributes); query.getModel().getQueryTree().and(item); } static public class PredicateValueAttributeParser extends BooleanAttributeParser { private final PredicateQueryItem item; public PredicateValueAttributeParser(PredicateQueryItem item) { this.item = item; } @Override protected void addAttribute(String attribute, String value) { item.addFeature(attribute, value); } @Override protected void addAttribute(String attribute, String value, BigInteger subQueryMask) { item.addFeature(attribute, value, subQueryMask.longValue()); } } static private class PredicateRangeAttributeParser extends BooleanAttributeParser { private final PredicateQueryItem item; public PredicateRangeAttributeParser(PredicateQueryItem item) { this.item = item; } @Override protected void addAttribute(String attribute, String value) { item.addRangeFeature(attribute, Long.parseLong(value)); } @Override protected void addAttribute(String attribute, String value, BigInteger subQueryMask) { item.addRangeFeature(attribute, Long.parseLong(value), subQueryMask.longValue()); } } }