// Copyright Vespa.ai. Licensed under the terms of the Apache 2.0 license. See LICENSE in the project root. package com.yahoo.search.ranking; import com.yahoo.search.result.FeatureData; import com.yahoo.search.result.Hit; import com.yahoo.tensor.Tensor; import static com.yahoo.searchlib.rankingexpression.Reference.RANKING_EXPRESSION_WRAPPER; import java.util.logging.Logger; class WrappedHit implements Comparable { private static final Logger logger = Logger.getLogger(WrappedHit.class.getName()); private final Hit hit; private final FeatureData matchFeatures; private int idx = -1; private WrappedHit(Hit hit, FeatureData matchFeatures) { this.hit = hit; this.matchFeatures = matchFeatures; } static WrappedHit from(Hit hit) { if (hit.getField("matchfeatures") instanceof FeatureData mf) { return new WrappedHit(hit, mf); } else { return null; } } double getScore() { return hit.getRelevance().getScore(); } void setScore(double value) { hit.setRelevance(value); } int getIdx() { if (idx < 0) { throw new IllegalStateException("Missing index"); } return idx; } void setIdx(int value) { if (idx == value) { return; } else if (idx < 0) { idx = value; } else { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Cannot re-assign index " + idx + " -> " + value); } } public int compareTo(WrappedHit other) { return hit.compareTo(other.hit); } Tensor getTensor(String argName) { var asTensor = matchFeatures.getTensor(argName); if (asTensor == null) { asTensor = matchFeatures.getTensor(alternate(argName)); } return asTensor; } private static final String RE_PREFIX = RANKING_EXPRESSION_WRAPPER + "("; private static final String RE_SUFFIX = ")"; private static final int RE_PRE_LEN = RE_PREFIX.length(); private static final int RE_SUF_LEN = RE_SUFFIX.length(); // rankingExpression(foo) <-> foo static String alternate(String argName) { if (argName.startsWith(RE_PREFIX) && argName.endsWith(RE_SUFFIX)) { return argName.substring(RE_PRE_LEN, argName.length() - RE_SUF_LEN); } else { return RE_PREFIX + argName + RE_SUFFIX; } } }