// Copyright 2017 Yahoo Holdings. Licensed under the terms of the Apache 2.0 license. See LICENSE in the project root. package com.yahoo.search.rendering; import com.yahoo.search.Result; import com.yahoo.search.grouping.result.Group; import com.yahoo.search.grouping.result.GroupList; import com.yahoo.search.grouping.result.HitList; import com.yahoo.search.query.context.QueryContext; import com.yahoo.search.result.ErrorHit; import com.yahoo.search.result.ErrorMessage; import com.yahoo.search.result.Hit; import com.yahoo.search.result.HitGroup; import java.io.IOException; import java.io.Writer; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.List; /** * Renders each part of a result to a writer. * The renderers are cloned just before rendering, * and must therefore obey the following contract: *
  1. At construction time, only final members shall be initialized, * and these must refer to immutable data only. *
  2. State mutated during rendering shall be initialized in the init method. *
* * @author Tony Vaagenes */ abstract public class SectionedRenderer extends Renderer { /** * Wraps the Writer instance. * The result is given as a parameter to all the callback methods. * Must be overridden if the generic parameter WRITER != java.io.Writer. */ @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public WRITER wrapWriter(Writer writer) { return (WRITER)writer; } /** * Called at the start of rendering. */ abstract public void beginResult(WRITER writer, Result result) throws IOException; /** * Called at the end of rendering. */ abstract public void endResult(WRITER writer, Result result) throws IOException; /** * Called if there are errors in the result. */ abstract public void error(WRITER writer, Collection errorMessages) throws IOException; /** * Called if there are no hits in the result. */ abstract public void emptyResult(WRITER writer, Result result) throws IOException; /** * Called if there is a non-null query context for the query of the result. */ abstract public void queryContext(WRITER writer, QueryContext queryContext) throws IOException; /** * Called when a HitGroup is encountered. After all its children have been provided * to methods of this class, endHitGroup is called. */ abstract public void beginHitGroup(WRITER writer, HitGroup hitGroup) throws IOException; /** * Called after all the children of the HitGroup have been provided to methods of this class. * See beginHitGroup. */ abstract public void endHitGroup(WRITER writer, HitGroup hitGroup) throws IOException; /** * Called when a Hit is encountered. */ abstract public void hit(WRITER writer, Hit hit) throws IOException; /** * Called when an errorHit is encountered. * Forwards to hit() per default. */ public void errorHit(WRITER writer, ErrorHit errorHit) throws IOException { hit(writer, (Hit)errorHit); } /* Begin Grouping */ /** * Same as beginHitGroup, but for Group(grouping api). * Forwards to beginHitGroup() per default. */ public void beginGroup(WRITER writer, Group group) throws IOException { beginHitGroup(writer, group); } /** * Same as endHitGroup, but for Group(grouping api). * Forwards to endHitGroup() per default. */ public void endGroup(WRITER writer, Group group) throws IOException { endHitGroup(writer, group); } /** * Same as beginHitGroup, but for GroupList(grouping api). * Forwards to beginHitGroup() per default. */ public void beginGroupList(WRITER writer, GroupList groupList) throws IOException { beginHitGroup(writer, groupList); } /** * Same as endHitGroup, but for GroupList(grouping api). * Forwards to endHitGroup() per default. */ public void endGroupList(WRITER writer, GroupList groupList) throws IOException { endHitGroup(writer, groupList); } /** * Same as beginHitGroup, but for HitList(grouping api). * Forwards to beginHitGroup() per default. */ public void beginHitList(WRITER writer, HitList hitList) throws IOException { beginHitGroup(writer, hitList); } /** * Same as endHitGroup, but for HitList(grouping api). * Forwards to endHitGroup() per default. */ public void endHitList(WRITER writer, HitList hitList) throws IOException { endHitGroup(writer, hitList); } /* End Grouping */ /** * Picks apart the result and feeds it to the other methods. */ @Override public final void render(Writer writer, Result result) throws IOException { WRITER wrappedWriter = wrapWriter(writer); beginResult(wrappedWriter, result); renderResultContent(wrappedWriter, result); endResult(wrappedWriter, result); } private void renderResultContent(WRITER writer, Result result) throws IOException { if (result.hits().getError() != null || result.hits().getQuery().errors().size() > 0) { error(writer, asUnmodifiableSearchErrorList(result.hits().getQuery().errors(), result.hits().getError())); } if (result.getConcreteHitCount() == 0) { emptyResult(writer, result); } if (result.getContext(false) != null) { queryContext(writer, result.getContext(false)); } renderHitGroup(writer, result.hits()); } private Collection asUnmodifiableSearchErrorList(List queryErrors,ErrorMessage resultError) { if (queryErrors.size() == 0) return Collections.singletonList(resultError); List searchErrors = new ArrayList<>(queryErrors.size() + (resultError != null ? 1 :0) ); for (int i=0; i