// Copyright Yahoo. Licensed under the terms of the Apache 2.0 license. See LICENSE in the project root. package com.yahoo.search.result; import com.google.common.base.Predicate; import com.google.common.collect.Iterables; import com.yahoo.collections.ListenableArrayList; import com.yahoo.net.URI; import com.yahoo.prelude.fastsearch.SortDataHitSorter; import com.yahoo.processing.response.ArrayDataList; import com.yahoo.processing.response.DataList; import com.yahoo.processing.response.DefaultIncomingData; import com.yahoo.processing.response.IncomingData; import com.yahoo.search.query.Sorting; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import java.util.Set; import java.util.concurrent.CompletableFuture; import java.util.stream.Collectors; /** *

A group of ordered hits. Since hitGroup is itself a kind of Hit, * this can compose hierarchies of grouped hits. * *

Group hits has a relevancy just as other hits - they can be ordered * between each other and in comparison to other hits. * *

Note that a group is by default a meta hit, but it can also contain its own content * in addition to subgroup content, in which case it should be set to non-meta. * * @author bratseth */ public class HitGroup extends Hit implements DataList, Cloneable, Iterable { // This does its own book-keeping of its various state variables // (see methods towards the end). For state variables which are recursive // (depending on the state of hits in subgroups), the strategy is to do // book-keeping on only this immediate level, but not do recursive calls to // find the true recursive state when queried. This is sort of a middle ground // between handling the complexity of recursive state book-keeping and the // query cost of not doing any book-keeping. // There is also a method, analyse which recursively updates the recursive // state of the group and all subgroups. This should be called if the hits // may have changed their own state in a way that may impact the recursive // state of this. private ListenableArrayList hits = new ListenableArrayList<>(16); transient private List unmodifiableHits = Collections.unmodifiableList(hits); /** Whether or not the hits are sorted */ private boolean hitsSorted = true; /** Whether or not deletion of hits breaks the sorted ordering */ private boolean deletionBreaksOrdering = false; /** Whether the hits should be sorted (again) */ private boolean orderedHits = false; /** The current number of concrete (non-meta) hits in the result */ private int concreteHitCount = 0; /** Number of hits known to have sort data */ private int hitsWithSortData = 0; /** The class used to determine the ordering of the hits of this */ transient private HitOrderer hitOrderer = null; /** Accounting the number of subgroups to allow some early returns when the number is 0 */ private int subgroupCount = 0; /** * The number of hits not cached at this level, not counting hits in subgroups or * any nested hitgroups themselves */ private int notCachedCount = 0; /** * A direct reference to the errors of this result, or null if there are no errors. * The error hit will also be listed in the set of this of this result */ private DefaultErrorHit errorHit = null; private final CompletableFuture> completedFuture; private final IncomingData incomingHits; /** Creates an invalid group of hits. Id must be set before handoff. */ public HitGroup() { incomingHits = new IncomingData.NullIncomingData<>(this); setRelevance(new Relevance(1)); setMeta(true); completedFuture = new IncomingData.NullIncomingData.ImmediateFuture<>(this); } /** * Creates a hit group with max relevancy (1) * * @param id the id of this hit - any string, it is convenient to make this unique in the result containing this */ public HitGroup(String id) { this(id,new Relevance(1)); } /** * Creates a hit group * * @param id the id of this hit - any string, it is convenient to make this unique in the result containing this * @param relevance the relevance of this group of hits, preferably a number between 0 and 1 */ public HitGroup(String id, double relevance) { this(id,new Relevance(relevance)); } /** * Creates a group hit * * @param id the id of this hit - any string, it is convenient to make this unique in the result containing this * @param relevance the relevancy of this group of hits */ public HitGroup(String id, Relevance relevance) { super(id, relevance); this.incomingHits = new IncomingData.NullIncomingData<>(this); setMeta(true); completedFuture = new IncomingData.NullIncomingData.ImmediateFuture<>(this); } /** * Creates a group hit * * @param id the id of this hit - any string, it is convenient to make this unique in the result containing this * @param relevance the relevancy of this group of hits * @param incomingHits the incoming buffer to which new hits can be added asynchronously */ protected HitGroup(String id, Relevance relevance, IncomingData incomingHits) { super(id, relevance); this.incomingHits = incomingHits; setMeta(true); completedFuture = new ArrayDataList.DrainOnGetFuture<>(this); } /** * Creates a HitGroup which contains data which arrives in the future. * * @param id the id of this * @return a HitGroup which is incomplete and which has an {@link #incoming} where new hits can be added later */ public static HitGroup createAsync(String id) { DefaultIncomingData incomingData = new DefaultIncomingData<>(); HitGroup hitGroup = new HitGroup(id, new Relevance(1), incomingData); incomingData.assignOwner(hitGroup); return hitGroup; } /** Calls setId(new URI(id)) */ @Override public void setId(String id) { setId(new URI(id)); } /** * Assign an id to this hit. * For HitGroups, this is a legal call also when an id is already set, * i.e hit groups allows their ids to be reassigned. * This is to allow hit groups to be inserted in new structures with an id reflecting their * role/placement in the structure. * * @param id the new or initial iof of this hit */ @Override public void setId(URI id) { super.assignId(id); } /** * Turn off internal resorting of hits. * * @param ordered set to true to tell this group that the hits set in it is already correctly ordered and should * never be resorted. Set to false to use the default lazy resorting by hit ordering. */ public void setOrdered(boolean ordered) { this.orderedHits = ordered; } /** * Returns the number of hits available immediately in this group * (counting a subgroup as one hit). */ public int size() { return hits.size(); } public void ensureCapacity(int minCapacity) { hits.ensureCapacity(minCapacity); } /** *

Returns the number of concrete hits contained in this group * and all subgroups. This should equal the * requested hits count if the query has that many matches.

*/ public int getConcreteSize() { if (subgroupCount<1) return concreteHitCount; int recursiveConcreteCount=concreteHitCount; for (Hit hit : hits) { if (hit instanceof HitGroup) recursiveConcreteCount+=((HitGroup)hit).getConcreteSize(); } return recursiveConcreteCount; } /** *

Returns the number of concrete hits contained in this group, * without counting hits in subgroups. */ public int getConcreteSizeShallow() { return concreteHitCount; } /** * Returns the number of HitGroups present immediately in this list of hits. */ public int getSubgroupCount() { return subgroupCount; } /** * Adds a hit to this group. * If the given hit is an ErrorHit and this group already have an error hit, * the errors in the given hit are merged into the errors of this. * * @return the resulting hit - this is usually the input hit, but if an error hit was added, * and there was already an error hit present, that hit, containing the merged information * is returned */ @Override public Hit add(Hit hit) { if (hit.isMeta() && hit instanceof DefaultErrorHit) { if (errorHit != null) { errorHit.addErrors((DefaultErrorHit)hit); return errorHit; // don't add another error hit } else { errorHit = merge(consumeAnyQueryErrors(), (DefaultErrorHit) hit); hit = errorHit; // Add this hit below } } handleNewHit(hit); hits.add(hit); return hit; } /** Adds a list of hits to this group, the same as calling add for each item in the list. */ public void addAll(List hits) { for (Hit hit : hits) add(hit); } /** * Returns the hit at the given (0-base) index in this group of hit * (without searching any subgroups). * * @param index the index into this list * @throws IndexOutOfBoundsException if there is no hit at the given index */ public Hit get(int index) { updateHits(); ensureSorted(); return hits.get(index); } /** Same as {@link #get(String,int)} */ public Hit get(String id) { return get(id,-1); } public Hit get(String id, int depth) { return get(new URI(id), depth); } /** * Returns the hit with the given id, or null if there is no hit with this id * in this group or any subgroup. * This method is o(min(number of nested hits in this result, depth)). * * @param id the id of the hit to return from this or any nested group * @param depth the max depth to recurse into nested groups: -1: Recurse infinitely deep, 0: Only look at hits in * the list of this group, 1: Look at hits in this group, and the hits of any immediate nested HitGroups, * etc. * @return the hit, or null if not found */ public Hit get(URI id, int depth) { updateHits(); for (Iterator i = unorderedIterator(); i.hasNext();) { Hit hit = i.next(); URI hitUri = hit.getId(); if (hitUri != null && hitUri.equals(id)) { return hit; } if (hit instanceof HitGroup && depth != 0) { Hit found=((HitGroup)hit).get(id,depth-1); if (found!=null) return found; } } return null; } /** * Inserts the given hit at the specified index in this group. */ public void set(int index, Hit hit) { updateHits(); if (hit instanceof ErrorHit) { // Merge instead add(hit); return; } handleNewHit(hit); Hit oldHit = hits.set(index, hit); if (oldHit!=null) handleRemovedHit(oldHit); } /** * Adds a hit to this group in the specified index, * all existing hits on this index and higher will have their index increased by one. * * Note: If the group was sorted, it will still be considered sorted after this call. */ public void add(int index, Hit hit) { if (hit instanceof ErrorHit) { // Merge instead add(hit); return; } boolean wasSorted = hitsSorted; handleNewHit(hit); hits.add(index, hit); hitsSorted = wasSorted; } /** * Removes a hit from this group or any subgroup * * @param uriString the uri of the hit to remove * @return the hit to remove, or null if the hit was not present */ public Hit remove(String uriString) { return remove(new URI(uriString)); } /** * Removes a hit from this group or any subgroup. * * @param uri the uri of the hit to remove. * @return the hit removed, or null if not found. */ public Hit remove(URI uri) { for (Iterator it = hits.iterator(); it.hasNext(); ) { Hit hit = it.next(); if (uri.equals(hit.getId())) { it.remove(); handleRemovedHit(hit); return hit; } else if (hit instanceof HitGroup) { Hit removed = ((HitGroup)hit).remove(uri); if (removed != null) { return removed; } } } return null; } /** * Removes a hit from this group (not considering the hits of any subgroup) * * @param index the position of the hit to remove * @return the hit removed * @throws IndexOutOfBoundsException if there is no hit at the given position */ public Hit remove(int index) { updateHits(); Hit hit = hits.remove(index); handleRemovedHit(hit); return hit; } /** Adds an error to this result */ public void addError(ErrorMessage error) { getError(); // update the list of errors if (errorHit == null) add(new DefaultErrorHit(getSource(), error)); else errorHit.addError(error); } /** merge any errors from the other HitGroup into this */ public void addErrorsFrom(HitGroup other) { ErrorHit otherErrorHit = other.getErrorHit(); if (otherErrorHit != null) { for (ErrorMessage msg : otherErrorHit.errors()) { addError(msg); } } } /** Returns the error hit containing all error information, or null if no error has occurred */ public ErrorHit getErrorHit() { getError(); // Make sure the error hit is updated return errorHit; } /** * Removes the error hit of this. * This removes all error messages of this and the query producing it. * * @return the error hit which was removed, or null if there were no errors */ public DefaultErrorHit removeErrorHit() { updateHits(); // Consume and remove from the query producing this as well DefaultErrorHit removed = errorHit; if (removed != null) remove(removed.getId()); errorHit = null; return removed; } /** * Returns the first error in this result, * or null if no searcher has produced an error AND the query doesn't contain an error */ public ErrorMessage getError() { updateHits(); if (errorHit == null) return null; else return errorHit.errors().iterator().next(); } /** * Combines two error hits to one. Any one argument may be null, in which case the other is returned. * * @return true if this should also be added to the list of hits of this result */ private DefaultErrorHit merge(DefaultErrorHit first, DefaultErrorHit second) { if (first == null) return second; if (second == null) return first; String mergedSource = first.getSource()!=null ? first.getSource() : second.getSource(); List mergedErrors = new ArrayList<>(); mergedErrors.addAll(first.errors()); mergedErrors.addAll(second.errors()); return new DefaultErrorHit(mergedSource, mergedErrors); } /** * Must be called before the list of hits, or anything dependent on the list of hits, is removed. * Consumes errors from the query if there is one set for this group */ private void updateHits() { DefaultErrorHit queryErrors = consumeAnyQueryErrors(); if (queryErrors != null) add(queryErrors); } /** * Consumes errors from the query and returns them in a new error hit * * @return the error hit containing all query errors, or null if no query errors should be consumed */ private DefaultErrorHit consumeAnyQueryErrors() { if (errorHit != null) return null; if (getQuery() == null) return null; if (getQuery().errors().isEmpty()) return null; // Move errors from the query into this List queryErrors = getQuery().errors().stream().map(this::toSearchError).collect(Collectors.toList()); getQuery().errors().clear(); // TODO: Remove this line (not promised, can be done at any time) return new DefaultErrorHit(getSource(), queryErrors); } /** Compatibility */ private ErrorMessage toSearchError(com.yahoo.processing.request.ErrorMessage error) { if (error instanceof ErrorMessage) return (ErrorMessage)error; else return new ErrorMessage(error.getCode(), error.getMessage(), error.getDetailedMessage(), error.getCause()); } /** * Remove the first offset concrete hits in this group, * and hits beyond offset+numHits */ public void trim(int offset, int numHits) { updateHits(); ensureSorted(); int highBound = numHits + offset; // Largest offset +1 boolean needToTrim = (offset > 0) || (hits.size() > highBound); if ( ! needToTrim ) return; int currentIndex = -1; ListenableArrayList newHits = new ListenableArrayList<>(numHits); for (Iterator i = hits.iterator(); i.hasNext();) { Hit hit = i.next(); if (hit.isAuxiliary()) { newHits.add(hit); } else { currentIndex++; if (currentIndex < offset || currentIndex >= highBound) { handleRemovedHit(hit); } else { newHits.add(hit); } } } for (Runnable listener : hits.listeners()) newHits.addListener(listener); hits = newHits; unmodifiableHits = Collections.unmodifiableList(hits); } /** * Returns an iterator of the hits in this group. *

* This iterator is modifiable - removals will take effect in this group of hits. */ public Iterator iterator() { updateHits(); ensureSorted(); return new HitIterator(this, hits); } /** * Returns an iterator that does depth-first traversal of leaf hits of this group. Calling this method has the * side-effect of sorting the internal list of hits. * * @return A modifiable iterator. */ public Iterator deepIterator() { return new DeepHitIterator(iterator(), true); } /** * Returns an iterator that does depth-first traversal of leaf hits of this group, in a potentially unsorted order. * As opposed to {@link #deepIterator()}, this method has no side-effect. * * @return A modifiable iterator. */ public Iterator unorderedDeepIterator() { return new DeepHitIterator(unorderedIterator(), false); } /** Returns a read only list view of the hits in this */ public List asList() { updateHits(); ensureSorted(); return unmodifiableHits; } /** * Returns a read only list view of the hits in this which is potentially unsorted. * Using this over getHits is potentially faster when a sorted view is not needed. */ public List asUnorderedHits() { updateHits(); return unmodifiableHits; } /** * Returns an iterator of the hits in this group in a potentially unsorted order. *

* Using this over getPreludeHitIterator is potentially faster when a sorted view is not needed. *

* This iterator is modifiable - removals will take effect in this group of hits. */ public Iterator unorderedIterator() { updateHits(); return new HitIterator(this, hits); } /** * Force hit sorting now. * This is not normally useful because a group will stay sorted automatically, * but it is in the case where * the hits have changed their internal state in a way that should change ordering */ public void sort() { if (hitOrderer == null) { Collections.sort(hits); hitsSorted = true; } else if (sortableWithSortData()) { SortDataHitSorter.sort(this, hits); hitsSorted = true; } else { // This may or may not lead to a sorted result set, but it's a best effort hitOrderer.order(hits); if (likelyHitsHaveCorrectValueForSortFields()) { hitsSorted = true; } } } private boolean sortableWithSortData() { return hitsWithSortData > 0 && hitsWithSortData == concreteHitCount; } private boolean likelyHitsHaveCorrectValueForSortFields() { if (hitOrderer == null) { return true; } else { Set filledFields = getFilled(); return filledFields == null || !filledFields.isEmpty(); } } /** * Sets the hit orderer for this group. * * @param hitOrderer the new hit orderer, or null to use default relevancy ordering */ public void setOrderer(HitOrderer hitOrderer) { this.hitOrderer = hitOrderer; if (hits.size() > 1) { hitsSorted = false; } } /** * Explicitly set whether the hits in this group are correctly sorted at this moment. * If the contained hits are modified directly in a way that * may break ordering, you should call setSorted(false). */ public void setSorted(boolean sorted) { this.hitsSorted = sorted; } /** Returns the orderer used by this group, or null if the default relevancy order is used */ public HitOrderer getOrderer() { return hitOrderer; } public void setDeletionBreaksOrdering(boolean flag) { deletionBreaksOrdering = flag; } public boolean getDeletionBreaksOrdering() { return deletionBreaksOrdering; } /** Called before hit lists or positions are used */ private void ensureSorted() { if ( ! orderedHits && ! hitsSorted && (sortableWithSortData() || likelyHitsHaveCorrectValueForSortFields())) { sort(); } } /** * Returns true if all the hits recursively contained in this * is cached */ @Override public boolean isCached() { if (notCachedCount<1) return true; if (subgroupCount<1) return false; // No need to check below // Else check recursively for (Hit hit : hits) { if (hit instanceof HitGroup) { if (hit.isCached()) return true; } } return false; } /** * Returns whether all hits in this result have been filled with * the properties contained in the given summary class. Note that * this method will also return true if no hits in this result are * fillable. */ public boolean isFilled(String summaryClass) { Set filled = getFilled(); return (filled == null || filled.contains(summaryClass)); } /** * Sets sorting information to be the same as for the provided hitGroup. * The contained hits should already be sorted in the order specified by * the hitGroup given as argument. */ public void copyOrdering(HitGroup hitGroup) { setOrderer(hitGroup.getOrderer()); setDeletionBreaksOrdering(hitGroup.getDeletionBreaksOrdering()); setOrdered(hitGroup.orderedHits); } // -------------- State bookkeeping /** Ensures result invariants. Must be called when a hit is added to this result. */ @SuppressWarnings("deprecation") private void handleNewHit(Hit hit) { if (!hit.isAuxiliary()) concreteHitCount++; if (hit.getAddNumber() < 0) { hit.setAddNumber(size()); } if (SortDataHitSorter.isSortable(hit, currentSorting())) { hitsWithSortData++; } hitsSorted = false; Set hitFilled = hit.getFilled(); if (hitFilled != null) { Set filled = getFilledInternal(); if (filled == null) { if (hitFilled.isEmpty()) { filled = null; } else if (hitFilled.size() == 1) { filled = Collections.singleton(hitFilled.iterator().next()); } else { filled = new HashSet<>(hitFilled); } setFilledInternal(filled); } else { if (filled.size() == 1) { if ( ! hitFilled.contains(filled.iterator().next())) { filled = null; // No intersection setFilledInternal(filled); } } else { filled.retainAll(hitFilled); } } } if (hit instanceof HitGroup) { subgroupCount++; } if (!hit.isCached()) { notCachedCount++; } } // Filled is not kept in sync at removal private void handleRemovedHit(Hit hit) { if ( ! hit.isAuxiliary()) { concreteHitCount--; if ( ! hit.isCached()) notCachedCount--; } else if (hit instanceof HitGroup) { subgroupCount--; } else if (hit instanceof DefaultErrorHit) { errorHit = null; } if (SortDataHitSorter.isSortable(hit, currentSorting())) { hitsWithSortData--; } if (deletionBreaksOrdering) { hitsSorted = false; } } private void analyzeHit(Hit hit) { if (hit instanceof HitGroup) { ((HitGroup)hit).analyze(); } if (!hit.isAuxiliary()) concreteHitCount++; if (!hit.isCached()) notCachedCount++; if (SortDataHitSorter.isSortable(hit, currentSorting())) { hitsWithSortData++; } } /** * Update concreteHitCount, cached and filled by iterating trough the hits of this result. * Recursively also update all subgroups. */ public void analyze() { concreteHitCount = 0; setFilledInternal(null); notCachedCount = 0; hitsWithSortData = 0; Set filled = getFilledInternal(); Iterator i = unorderedIterator(); while (filled == null && i.hasNext()) { Hit hit = i.next(); analyzeHit(hit); Set hitFilled = hit.getFilled(); if (hitFilled != null) { filled = (hitFilled.size() == 1) ? Collections.singleton(hitFilled.iterator().next()) : hitFilled.isEmpty() ? null : new HashSet<>(hitFilled); setFilledInternal(filled); } } String singleKey = null; if (filled != null && filled.size() == 1) { singleKey = filled.iterator().next(); } for (; i.hasNext();) { Hit hit = i.next(); analyzeHit(hit); if (filled != null) { Set hitFilled = hit.getFilled(); if (hitFilled == null) { // Intentionally empty. Strange semantic, null -> matches everything } else if (hitFilled.isEmpty()) { filled = null; // No intersection setFilledInternal(filled); } else { if (filled.size() == 1) { if ( ! hitFilled.contains(singleKey)) { filled = null; // No intersection setFilledInternal(filled); singleKey = null; } } else { filled.retainAll(hitFilled); if (filled.size() == 1) { singleKey = filled.iterator().next(); } } } } } } public HitGroup clone() { HitGroup hitGroupClone = (HitGroup) super.clone(); hitGroupClone.hits = new ListenableArrayList<>(this.hits.size()); hitGroupClone.unmodifiableHits = Collections.unmodifiableList(hitGroupClone.hits); for (Iterator i = this.hits.iterator(); i.hasNext();) { Hit hitClone = i.next().clone(); hitGroupClone.hits.add(hitClone); } if (this.errorHit != null) { // Find the cloned error and assign it for (Hit hit : hitGroupClone.asList()) { if (hit instanceof DefaultErrorHit) hitGroupClone.errorHit=(DefaultErrorHit)hit; } } if (this.getFilledInternal()!=null) { hitGroupClone.setFilledInternal(new HashSet<>(this.getFilledInternal())); } return hitGroupClone; } @Override public void setFillable() {} /** Ignored as this should always be derived from the content hits */ @Override public void setFilled(String summaryClass) {} @Override public boolean isFillable() { return fillableHits().iterator().hasNext(); } /** Returns the set of summaries for which all concrete hits recursively below this is filled. */ @Override public Set getFilled() { /* This is an optimisation to avoid creating many temporary hash sets in the happy path. The simple naive implementation is Set filled = null; for (Hit hit : hits) { if (hit.getFilled() == null) continue; if (filled == null) filled = new HashSet<>(hit.getFilled()); else filled.retainAll(hit.getFilled()); } return filled; */ Iterator iterator = hits.iterator(); Set firstSummaryNames = getSummaryNamesNextFilledHit(iterator); if (firstSummaryNames == null || firstSummaryNames.isEmpty()) return firstSummaryNames; Set intersection = firstSummaryNames; while (iterator.hasNext()) { Set summaryNames = getSummaryNamesNextFilledHit(iterator); if (summaryNames == null) continue; if (intersection.size() == 1) return getFilledSingle(intersection.iterator().next(), summaryNames, iterator); boolean identical = false; if (intersection == firstSummaryNames) { // Here we have detected the first inequality and we must create a modifiable set for later use of retainAll identical = intersection.equals(summaryNames); if (!identical) { intersection = new HashSet<>(firstSummaryNames); } } if ( ! identical ) { intersection.retainAll(summaryNames); } } return intersection; } private Set getSummaryNamesNextFilledHit(Iterator hitIterator) { while (hitIterator.hasNext()) { Set filled = hitIterator.next().getFilled(); if (filled != null) return filled; } return null; } private Set getFilledSingle(String summaryName, Set summaryNames, Iterator iterator) { while (true) { if (summaryNames == null) { return Collections.singleton(summaryName); } else if (!summaryNames.contains(summaryName)) { return Collections.emptySet(); } summaryNames = getSummaryNamesNextFilledHit(iterator); } } private Iterable fillableHits() { Predicate isFillable = hit -> hit.isFillable(); return Iterables.filter(hits, isFillable); } private Sorting currentSorting() { var query = getQuery(); if(query == null) { return null; } else { return query.getRanking().getSorting(); } } /** Returns the incoming hit buffer to which new hits can be added to this asynchronous, if supported by the instance */ @Override public IncomingData incoming() { return incomingHits; } @Override public CompletableFuture> completeFuture() { return completedFuture; } @Override public void addDataListener(Runnable runnable) { hits.addListener(runnable); } @Override public void close() { super.close(); hits = null; unmodifiableHits = null; hitOrderer = null; incomingHits.drain(); // Just to gc as much as possible } }