// Copyright Vespa.ai. Licensed under the terms of the Apache 2.0 license. See LICENSE in the project root. package com.yahoo.search.searchchain; import com.yahoo.component.chain.Chain; import com.yahoo.search.Query; import com.yahoo.search.Result; import com.yahoo.search.Searcher; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.List; import java.util.concurrent.Callable; import java.util.concurrent.ExecutionException; import java.util.concurrent.Executor; import java.util.concurrent.Future; import java.util.concurrent.FutureTask; import java.util.concurrent.RejectedExecutionException; import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit; import java.util.concurrent.TimeoutException; /** * Provides asynchronous execution of searchchains. * *

* AsyncExecution is implemented as an asynchronous wrapper around Execution * that returns Future. *

* * This is used in the following way * *
 * Execution execution = new Execution(searchChain, context);
 * AsyncExecution asyncExecution = new AsyncExecution(execution);
 * Future<Result> future = asyncExecution.search(query)
 * try {
 *     result = future.get(timeout, TimeUnit.milliseconds);
 * } catch(TimeoutException e) {
 *     // Handle timeout
 * }
* *

* Note that the query is not a thread safe object and cannot be shared between * multiple concurrent executions - a clone() must be made, or a new query * created for each AsyncExecution instance. *

* * @see com.yahoo.search.searchchain.Execution * @author Arne Bergene Fossaa */ public class AsyncExecution { /** The execution this executes */ private final Execution execution; /** * Creates an async execution. * * @param chain the chain to execute * @param execution the execution holding the context of this */ public AsyncExecution(Chain chain, Execution execution) { this(execution.context(), chain); } /** * Creates an async execution. * * @param chain the chain to execute * @param context the context of this */ public AsyncExecution(Chain chain, Execution.Context context) { this(context, chain); } /** *

* Creates an async execution from an existing execution. This async * execution will execute the chain from the given execution, starting * from the next searcher in that chain. This is handy to execute * multiple queries to the rest of the chain in parallel. If the Execution * is freshly instantiated, the search will obviously start from the first * searcher. *

* *

* The state of the given execution is read on construction of this and not * used later - the argument execution can be reused for other purposes. *

* * @param execution the execution from which the state of this is created * * @see Execution#Execution(Chain, com.yahoo.search.searchchain.Execution.Context) * @see #AsyncExecution(Chain, Execution) */ public AsyncExecution(Execution execution) { this.execution = new Execution(execution); } private AsyncExecution(Execution.Context context, Chain chain) { this.execution = new Execution(chain, context); } /** * Does an async search. Note that the query argument cannot simultaneously * be used to execute any other searches, a clone() must be made of the * query for each async execution if the same query is to be used in more * than one. * * @see com.yahoo.search.searchchain.Execution */ public FutureResult search(Query query) { return getFutureResult(execution.context().executor(), () -> execution.search(query), query); } public FutureResult searchAndFill(Query query) { return getFutureResult(execution.context().executor(), () -> { Result result = execution.search(query); execution.fill(result, query.getPresentation().getSummary()); return result; }, query); } /** * The future of this functions returns the original Result * * @see com.yahoo.search.searchchain.Execution */ public FutureResult fill(Result result, String summaryClass) { return getFutureResult(execution.context().executor(), () -> { execution.fill(result, summaryClass); return result; }, result.getQuery()); } private static Future getFuture(Executor executor, Callable callable) { FutureTask future = new FutureTask<>(callable); try { executor.execute(future); } catch (RejectedExecutionException e) { future.run(); } return future; } private static Future runTask(Executor executor, Runnable runnable) { return getFuture(executor, () -> { runnable.run(); return null; }); } private FutureResult getFutureResult(Executor executor, Callable callable, Query query) { FutureResult future = new FutureResult(callable, execution, query); try { executor.execute(future); } catch (RejectedExecutionException e) { future.run(); } return future; } /* * Waits for all futures until the given timeout. If a FutureResult isn't * done when the timeout expires, it will be cancelled, and it will return a * result. All unfinished Futures will be cancelled. * * @return the list of results in the same order as returned from the task collection */ public static List waitForAll(Collection tasks, long timeoutMs) { if (tasks.isEmpty()) return new ArrayList<>(); // Copy the list in case it is modified while we are waiting List workingTasks = new ArrayList<>(tasks); try { runTask(tasks.stream().findAny().get().getExecution().context().executor(), () -> { for (FutureResult task : workingTasks) task.get(timeoutMs, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS); }).get(timeoutMs, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS); } catch (TimeoutException | InterruptedException | ExecutionException e) { // Handle timeouts below } List results = new ArrayList<>(tasks.size()); for (FutureResult atask : workingTasks) { Result result; if (atask.isDone() && !atask.isCancelled()) { result = atask.get(); // Since isDone() = true, this won't block. } else { // Not done and no errors thrown result = new Result(atask.getQuery(), atask.createTimeoutError()); } results.add(result); } return results; } }