// Copyright Vespa.ai. Licensed under the terms of the Apache 2.0 license. See LICENSE in the project root. package com.yahoo.search.yql; import com.yahoo.prelude.query.NumericInItem; import com.yahoo.prelude.query.StringInItem; import com.yahoo.prelude.query.WeightedSetItem; import java.util.Arrays; /** * Parser of parameter lists on the form {key:value, key:value} or [[key,value], [key,value], ...] * * @author bratseth */ class ParameterListParser { public static void addItemsFromString(String string, WeightedSetItem out) { var s = new ParsableString(string); switch (s.peek()) { case '[' : addArrayItems(s, out); break; case '{' : addMapItems(s, out); break; default : throw new IllegalArgumentException("Expected a string starting by '[' or '{', " + "but was '" + s.peek() + "'"); } } private static void addArrayItems(ParsableString s, WeightedSetItem out) { s.pass('['); while (s.peek() != ']') { s.pass('['); long key = s.longTo(s.position(',')); s.pass(','); int value = s.intTo(s.position(']')); s.pass(']'); out.addToken(key, value); s.passOptional(','); if (s.atEnd()) throw new IllegalArgumentException("Expected an array ending by ']'"); } s.pass(']'); } private static void addMapItems(ParsableString s, WeightedSetItem out) { s.pass('{'); while (s.peek() != '}') { String key; if (s.passOptional('\'')) { key = s.stringTo(s.position('\'')); s.pass('\''); } else if (s.passOptional('"')) { key = s.stringTo(s.position('"')); s.pass('"'); } else { key = s.stringTo(s.position(':')).trim(); } s.pass(':'); int value = s.intTo(s.position(',','}')); out.addToken(key, value); s.passOptional(','); if (s.atEnd()) throw new IllegalArgumentException("Expected a map ending by '}'"); } s.pass('}'); } public static void addStringTokensFromString(String string, StringInItem out) { if (string == null) { return; } var s = new ParsableString(string); while (!s.atEnd()) { String key; if (s.passOptional('\'')) { key = s.stringTo(s.position('\'')); s.pass('\''); } else if (s.passOptional('"')) { key = s.stringTo(s.position('"')); s.pass('"'); } else { key = s.stringTo(s.positionOrEnd(',')).trim(); } out.addToken(key); s.passOptional(','); } } public static void addNumericTokensFromString(String string, NumericInItem out) { if (string == null) { return; } var s = new ParsableString(string); while (!s.atEnd()) { long key = s.longTo(s.positionOrEnd(',')); out.addToken(key); s.passOptional(','); } } private static class ParsableString { int position = 0; String s; ParsableString(String s) { this.s = s; } /** * Returns the next non-space character or UNASSIGNED if we have reached the end of the string. * The current position is not changed. */ char peek() { int localPosition = position; while (localPosition < s.length()) { char nextChar = s.charAt(localPosition++); if (!Character.isSpaceChar(nextChar)) return nextChar; } return Character.UNASSIGNED; } /** * Verifies that the next non-space character is the given and moves the position past it. * * @throws IllegalArgumentException if the next non-space character is not the given character */ void pass(char character) { while (position < s.length()) { char nextChar = s.charAt(position++); if (!Character.isSpaceChar(nextChar)) { if (nextChar == character) return; else throw new IllegalArgumentException("Expected '" + character + "' at position " + (position-1) + " but got '" + nextChar + "'"); } } throw new IllegalArgumentException("Expected '" + character + "' at position " + (position-1) + " but reached the end"); } /** * Checks if the next non-space character is the given and moves the position past it if so. * Does not change the position otherwise. * * @return true if the next non-space character was the given character */ boolean passOptional(char character) { int localPosition = position; while (localPosition < s.length()) { char nextChar = s.charAt(localPosition++); if (!Character.isSpaceChar(nextChar)) { if (nextChar == character) { position = localPosition; return true; } else { return false; } } } return false; } /** * Returns the position of the next occurrence of any of the given characters. * * @throws IllegalArgumentException if there are no further occurrences of any of the given characters */ int position(char ... characters) { int localPosition = position; while (localPosition < s.length()) { char nextChar = s.charAt(localPosition); for (char character : characters) if (nextChar == character) return localPosition; localPosition++; } throw new IllegalArgumentException("Expected one of " + Arrays.toString(characters) + " after " + position); } int positionOrEnd(char ... characters) { int localPosition = position; while (localPosition < s.length()) { char nextChar = s.charAt(localPosition); for (char character : characters) if (nextChar == character) return localPosition; localPosition++; } return localPosition; } boolean atEnd() { return position >= s.length(); } /** * Returns the string value from the current to the given position, and moves the current * position to the next character. * * @throws IllegalArgumentException if end is beyond the last position of the string */ String stringTo(int end) { try { String value = s.substring(position, end); position = end; return value; } catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException e) { throw new IllegalArgumentException(end + " is larger than the size of the string, " + s.length()); } } /** * Returns the int value from the current to the given position, and moves the current * position to the next character. * * @throws IllegalArgumentException if the string cannot be parsed to an int or end is larger than the string */ int intTo(int end) { int start = position; String value = stringTo(end); try { return Integer.parseInt(value.trim()); } catch (NumberFormatException e) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Expected an integer between positions " + start + " and " + end + ", but got " + value); } } /** * Returns the long value from the current to the given position, and moves the current * position to the next character. * * @throws IllegalArgumentException if the string cannot be parsed to a long or end is larger than the string */ long longTo(int end) { int start = position; String value = stringTo(end); try { return Long.parseLong(value.trim()); } catch (NumberFormatException e) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Expected an integer between positions " + start + " and " + end + ", but got " + value); } } } }