// Copyright 2017 Yahoo Holdings. Licensed under the terms of the Apache 2.0 license. See LICENSE in the project root. package com.yahoo.search.yql; import java.math.BigInteger; import java.util.ArrayDeque; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.Deque; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Optional; import java.util.Set; import java.util.StringTokenizer; import java.util.function.Supplier; import com.google.common.annotations.Beta; import com.google.common.base.Preconditions; import com.yahoo.collections.LazyMap; import com.yahoo.collections.LazySet; import com.yahoo.geo.DistanceParser; import com.yahoo.geo.ParsedDegree; import com.yahoo.language.Language; import com.yahoo.language.detect.Detector; import com.yahoo.language.process.Normalizer; import com.yahoo.language.process.Segmenter; import com.yahoo.prelude.IndexFacts; import com.yahoo.prelude.Location; import com.yahoo.prelude.query.AndItem; import com.yahoo.prelude.query.AndSegmentItem; import com.yahoo.prelude.query.BoolItem; import com.yahoo.prelude.query.CompositeItem; import com.yahoo.prelude.query.DotProductItem; import com.yahoo.prelude.query.EquivItem; import com.yahoo.prelude.query.ExactStringItem; import com.yahoo.prelude.query.IntItem; import com.yahoo.prelude.query.Item; import com.yahoo.prelude.query.Limit; import com.yahoo.prelude.query.GeoLocationItem; import com.yahoo.prelude.query.NearItem; import com.yahoo.prelude.query.NearestNeighborItem; import com.yahoo.prelude.query.NotItem; import com.yahoo.prelude.query.NullItem; import com.yahoo.prelude.query.ONearItem; import com.yahoo.prelude.query.OrItem; import com.yahoo.prelude.query.PhraseItem; import com.yahoo.prelude.query.PhraseSegmentItem; import com.yahoo.prelude.query.PredicateQueryItem; import com.yahoo.prelude.query.PrefixItem; import com.yahoo.prelude.query.RangeItem; import com.yahoo.prelude.query.RankItem; import com.yahoo.prelude.query.RegExpItem; import com.yahoo.prelude.query.SameElementItem; import com.yahoo.prelude.query.SegmentItem; import com.yahoo.prelude.query.SegmentingRule; import com.yahoo.prelude.query.Substring; import com.yahoo.prelude.query.SubstringItem; import com.yahoo.prelude.query.SuffixItem; import com.yahoo.prelude.query.TaggableItem; import com.yahoo.prelude.query.TermItem; import com.yahoo.prelude.query.ToolBox; import com.yahoo.prelude.query.ToolBox.QueryVisitor; import com.yahoo.prelude.query.UriItem; import com.yahoo.prelude.query.WandItem; import com.yahoo.prelude.query.WeakAndItem; import com.yahoo.prelude.query.WeightedSetItem; import com.yahoo.prelude.query.WordAlternativesItem; import com.yahoo.prelude.query.WordItem; import com.yahoo.processing.IllegalInputException; import com.yahoo.search.Query; import com.yahoo.search.grouping.Continuation; import com.yahoo.search.grouping.request.GroupingOperation; import com.yahoo.search.query.QueryTree; import com.yahoo.search.query.Sorting; import com.yahoo.search.query.Sorting.AttributeSorter; import com.yahoo.search.query.Sorting.FieldOrder; import com.yahoo.search.query.Sorting.LowerCaseSorter; import com.yahoo.search.query.Sorting.Order; import com.yahoo.search.query.Sorting.RawSorter; import com.yahoo.search.query.Sorting.UcaSorter; import com.yahoo.search.query.parser.Parsable; import com.yahoo.search.query.parser.Parser; import com.yahoo.search.query.parser.ParserEnvironment; import com.yahoo.search.query.parser.ParserFactory; /** * The YQL query language. * *

* This class must be kept in lockstep with {@link VespaSerializer}. * Adding anything here will usually require a corresponding addition in * VespaSerializer. *

* * @author Steinar Knutsen * @author Stian Kristoffersen * @author Simon Thoresen Hult */ public class YqlParser implements Parser { public static final String DESCENDING_HITS_ORDER = "descending"; public static final String ASCENDING_HITS_ORDER = "ascending"; private enum SegmentWhen { NEVER, POSSIBLY, ALWAYS; } private static class IndexNameExpander { public String expand(String leaf) { return leaf; } } private static final Integer DEFAULT_HITS = 10; private static final Integer DEFAULT_OFFSET = 0; public static final Integer DEFAULT_TARGET_NUM_HITS = 10; private static final String ACCENT_DROP_DESCRIPTION = "setting for whether to remove accents if field implies it"; public static final String ANNOTATIONS = "annotations"; private static final String FILTER_DESCRIPTION = "term filter setting"; private static final String IMPLICIT_TRANSFORMS_DESCRIPTION = "setting for whether built-in query transformers should touch the term"; public static final String NFKC = "nfkc"; private static final String NORMALIZE_CASE_DESCRIPTION = "setting for whether to do case normalization if field implies it"; private static final String ORIGIN_DESCRIPTION = "string origin for a term"; private static final String RANKED_DESCRIPTION = "setting for whether to use term for ranking"; private static final String STEM_DESCRIPTION = "setting for whether to use stem if field implies it"; private static final String USE_POSITION_DATA_DESCRIPTION = "setting for whether to use position data for ranking this item"; private static final String USER_INPUT_ALLOW_EMPTY = "allowEmpty"; private static final String USER_INPUT_DEFAULT_INDEX = "defaultIndex"; private static final String USER_INPUT_GRAMMAR = "grammar"; public static final String USER_INPUT_LANGUAGE = "language"; private static final String USER_INPUT_RAW = "raw"; private static final String USER_INPUT_SEGMENT = "segment"; private static final String USER_INPUT = "userInput"; private static final String USER_QUERY = "userQuery"; private static final String NON_EMPTY = "nonEmpty"; public static final String START_ANCHOR = "startAnchor"; public static final String END_ANCHOR = "endAnchor"; public static final String SORTING_FUNCTION = "function"; public static final String SORTING_LOCALE = "locale"; public static final String SORTING_STRENGTH = "strength"; public static final String ACCENT_DROP = "accentDrop"; public static final String ALTERNATIVES = "alternatives"; public static final String AND_SEGMENTING = "andSegmenting"; public static final String APPROXIMATE = "approximate"; public static final String BOUNDS = "bounds"; public static final String BOUNDS_LEFT_OPEN = "leftOpen"; public static final String BOUNDS_OPEN = "open"; public static final String BOUNDS_RIGHT_OPEN = "rightOpen"; public static final String CONNECTION_ID = "id"; public static final String CONNECTION_WEIGHT = "weight"; public static final String CONNECTIVITY = "connectivity"; public static final String DISTANCE = "distance"; public static final String DOT_PRODUCT = "dotProduct"; public static final String EQUIV = "equiv"; public static final String FILTER = "filter"; public static final String GEO_LOCATION = "geoLocation"; public static final String HIT_LIMIT = "hitLimit"; public static final String DISTANCE_THRESHOLD = "distanceThreshold"; public static final String HNSW_EXPLORE_ADDITIONAL_HITS = "hnsw.exploreAdditionalHits"; public static final String IMPLICIT_TRANSFORMS = "implicitTransforms"; public static final String LABEL = "label"; public static final String NEAR = "near"; public static final String NEAREST_NEIGHBOR = "nearestNeighbor"; public static final String NORMALIZE_CASE = "normalizeCase"; public static final String ONEAR = "onear"; public static final String ORIGIN_LENGTH = "length"; public static final String ORIGIN_OFFSET = "offset"; public static final String ORIGIN = "origin"; public static final String ORIGIN_ORIGINAL = "original"; public static final String PHRASE = "phrase"; public static final String PREDICATE = "predicate"; public static final String PREFIX = "prefix"; public static final String RANGE = "range"; public static final String RANKED = "ranked"; public static final String RANK = "rank"; public static final String SAME_ELEMENT = "sameElement"; public static final String SCORE_THRESHOLD = "scoreThreshold"; public static final String SIGNIFICANCE = "significance"; public static final String STEM = "stem"; public static final String SUBSTRING = "substring"; public static final String SUFFIX = "suffix"; public static final String TARGET_HITS = "targetHits"; public static final String TARGET_NUM_HITS = "targetNumHits"; public static final String THRESHOLD_BOOST_FACTOR = "thresholdBoostFactor"; public static final String UNIQUE_ID = "id"; public static final String USE_POSITION_DATA = "usePositionData"; public static final String WAND = "wand"; public static final String WEAK_AND = "weakAnd"; public static final String WEIGHTED_SET = "weightedSet"; public static final String WEIGHT = "weight"; public static final String URI = "uri"; private final IndexFacts indexFacts; private final List connectedItems = new ArrayList<>(); private final List groupingSteps = new ArrayList<>(); private final Map identifiedItems = LazyMap.newHashMap(); private final Normalizer normalizer; private final Segmenter segmenter; private final Detector detector; private final Set yqlSources = LazySet.newHashSet(); private final Set yqlSummaryFields = LazySet.newHashSet(); private Integer hits; private Integer offset; private Integer timeout; private Query userQuery; private Parsable currentlyParsing; private IndexFacts.Session indexFactsSession; private IndexNameExpander indexNameExpander = new IndexNameExpander(); private Set docTypes; private Sorting sorting; private boolean queryParser = true; private final Deque> annotationStack = new ArrayDeque<>(); private final ParserEnvironment environment; private static final QueryVisitor noEmptyTerms = new QueryVisitor() { @Override public boolean visit(Item item) { if (item instanceof NullItem) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Got NullItem inside nonEmpty()."); } else if (item instanceof WordItem) { if (((WordItem) item).getIndexedString().isEmpty()) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Searching for empty string inside nonEmpty()"); } } else if (item instanceof CompositeItem) { if (((CompositeItem) item).getItemCount() == 0) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Empty composite operator (" + item.getName() + ") inside nonEmpty()"); } } return true; } @Override public void onExit() { // NOP } }; public YqlParser(ParserEnvironment environment) { indexFacts = environment.getIndexFacts(); normalizer = environment.getLinguistics().getNormalizer(); segmenter = environment.getLinguistics().getSegmenter(); detector = environment.getLinguistics().getDetector(); this.environment = environment; } @Override public QueryTree parse(Parsable query) { indexFactsSession = indexFacts.newSession(query.getSources(), query.getRestrict()); connectedItems.clear(); groupingSteps.clear(); identifiedItems.clear(); yqlSources.clear(); yqlSummaryFields.clear(); annotationStack.clear(); hits = null; offset = null; timeout = null; // userQuery set prior to calling this currentlyParsing = query; docTypes = null; sorting = null; // queryParser set prior to calling this return buildTree(parseYqlProgram()); } private void joinDocTypesFromUserQueryAndYql() { List allSourceNames = new ArrayList<>(currentlyParsing.getSources().size() + yqlSources.size()); if ( ! yqlSources.isEmpty()) { allSourceNames.addAll(currentlyParsing.getSources()); allSourceNames.addAll(yqlSources); } else { // no sources == all sources in Vespa } indexFactsSession = indexFacts.newSession(allSourceNames, currentlyParsing.getRestrict()); docTypes = new HashSet<>(indexFactsSession.documentTypes()); } private QueryTree buildTree(OperatorNode filterPart) { Preconditions.checkArgument(filterPart.getArguments().length == 2, "Expected 2 arguments to filter, got %s.", filterPart.getArguments().length); populateYqlSources(filterPart.> getArgument(0)); OperatorNode filterExpression = filterPart.getArgument(1); Item root = convertExpression(filterExpression); connectItems(); userQuery = null; return new QueryTree(root); } private void populateYqlSources(OperatorNode filterArgs) { yqlSources.clear(); if (filterArgs.getOperator() == SequenceOperator.SCAN) { for (String source : filterArgs.> getArgument(0)) { yqlSources.add(source); } } else if (filterArgs.getOperator() == SequenceOperator.ALL) { // yqlSources has already been cleared } else if (filterArgs.getOperator() == SequenceOperator.MULTISOURCE) { for (List source : filterArgs.>> getArgument(0)) { yqlSources.add(source.get(0)); } } else { throw newUnexpectedArgumentException(filterArgs.getOperator(), SequenceOperator.SCAN, SequenceOperator.ALL, SequenceOperator.MULTISOURCE); } joinDocTypesFromUserQueryAndYql(); } private void populateYqlSummaryFields(List> fields) { yqlSummaryFields.clear(); for (OperatorNode field : fields) { assertHasOperator(field, ProjectOperator.FIELD); yqlSummaryFields.add(field.getArgument(1, String.class)); } } private void connectItems() { for (ConnectedItem entry : connectedItems) { TaggableItem to = identifiedItems.get(entry.toId); if (to == null) throw new IllegalArgumentException("Item '" + entry.fromItem + "' was specified to connect to item with ID " + entry.toId + ", which does not exist in the query."); entry.fromItem.setConnectivity((Item) to, entry.weight); } } private Item convertExpression(OperatorNode ast) { try { annotationStack.addFirst(ast); switch (ast.getOperator()) { case AND: return buildAnd(ast); case OR: return buildOr(ast); case EQ: return buildEquals(ast); case LT: return buildLessThan(ast); case GT: return buildGreaterThan(ast); case LTEQ: return buildLessThanOrEquals(ast); case GTEQ: return buildGreaterThanOrEquals(ast); case CONTAINS: return buildTermSearch(ast); case MATCHES: return buildRegExpSearch(ast); case CALL: return buildFunctionCall(ast); default: throw newUnexpectedArgumentException(ast.getOperator(), ExpressionOperator.AND, ExpressionOperator.CALL, ExpressionOperator.CONTAINS, ExpressionOperator.EQ, ExpressionOperator.GT, ExpressionOperator.GTEQ, ExpressionOperator.LT, ExpressionOperator.LTEQ, ExpressionOperator.OR); } } finally { annotationStack.removeFirst(); } } private Item buildFunctionCall(OperatorNode ast) { List names = ast.getArgument(0); Preconditions.checkArgument(names.size() == 1, "Expected 1 name, got %s.", names.size()); switch (names.get(0)) { case USER_QUERY: return fetchUserQuery(); case RANGE: return buildRange(ast); case WAND: return buildWand(ast); case WEIGHTED_SET: return buildWeightedSet(ast); case DOT_PRODUCT: return buildDotProduct(ast); case GEO_LOCATION: return buildGeoLocation(ast); case NEAREST_NEIGHBOR: return buildNearestNeighbor(ast); case PREDICATE: return buildPredicate(ast); case RANK: return buildRank(ast); case WEAK_AND: return buildWeakAnd(ast); case USER_INPUT: return buildUserInput(ast); case NON_EMPTY: return ensureNonEmpty(ast); default: throw newUnexpectedArgumentException(names.get(0), DOT_PRODUCT, NEAREST_NEIGHBOR, RANGE, RANK, USER_QUERY, WAND, WEAK_AND, WEIGHTED_SET, PREDICATE, USER_INPUT, NON_EMPTY); } } private Item ensureNonEmpty(OperatorNode ast) { List> args = ast.getArgument(1); Preconditions.checkArgument(args.size() == 1, "Expected 1 arguments, got %s.", args.size()); Item item = convertExpression(args.get(0)); ToolBox.visit(noEmptyTerms, item); return item; } private Item buildWeightedSet(OperatorNode ast) { List> args = ast.getArgument(1); Preconditions.checkArgument(args.size() == 2, "Expected 2 arguments, got %s.", args.size()); return fillWeightedSet(ast, args.get(1), new WeightedSetItem(getIndex(args.get(0)))); } private Item buildDotProduct(OperatorNode ast) { List> args = ast.getArgument(1); Preconditions.checkArgument(args.size() == 2, "Expected 2 arguments, got %s.", args.size()); return fillWeightedSet(ast, args.get(1), new DotProductItem(getIndex(args.get(0)))); } private Item buildGeoLocation(OperatorNode ast) { List> args = ast.getArgument(1); Preconditions.checkArgument(args.size() == 4, "Expected 4 arguments, got %s.", args.size()); String field = fetchFieldRead(args.get(0)); var coord_1 = ParsedDegree.fromString(fetchFieldRead(args.get(1)), true, false); var coord_2 = ParsedDegree.fromString(fetchFieldRead(args.get(2)), false, true); double radius = DistanceParser.parse(fetchFieldRead(args.get(3))); var loc = new Location(); if (coord_1.isLatitude && coord_2.isLongitude) { loc.setGeoCircle(coord_1.degrees, coord_2.degrees, radius); } else if (coord_2.isLatitude && coord_1.isLongitude) { loc.setGeoCircle(coord_2.degrees, coord_1.degrees, radius); } else { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Invalid geoLocation coordinates '"+coord_1+"' and '"+coord_2+"'"); } var item = new GeoLocationItem(loc, field); String label = getAnnotation(ast, LABEL, String.class, null, "item label"); if (label != null) { item.setLabel(label); } return item; } private Item buildNearestNeighbor(OperatorNode ast) { List> args = ast.getArgument(1); Preconditions.checkArgument(args.size() == 2, "Expected 2 arguments, got %s.", args.size()); String field = fetchFieldRead(args.get(0)); String property = fetchFieldRead(args.get(1)); NearestNeighborItem item = new NearestNeighborItem(field, property); Integer targetNumHits = getAnnotation(ast, TARGET_HITS, Integer.class, null, "desired minimum hits to produce"); if (targetNumHits == null) { targetNumHits = getAnnotation(ast, TARGET_NUM_HITS, Integer.class, null, "desired minimum hits to produce"); } if (targetNumHits != null) { item.setTargetNumHits(targetNumHits); } Double distanceThreshold = getAnnotation(ast, DISTANCE_THRESHOLD, Double.class, null, "maximum distance allowed from query point"); if (distanceThreshold != null) { item.setDistanceThreshold(distanceThreshold); } Integer hnswExploreAdditionalHits = getAnnotation(ast, HNSW_EXPLORE_ADDITIONAL_HITS, Integer.class, null, "number of extra hits to explore for HNSW algorithm"); if (hnswExploreAdditionalHits != null) { item.setHnswExploreAdditionalHits(hnswExploreAdditionalHits); } Boolean allowApproximate = getAnnotation(ast, APPROXIMATE, Boolean.class, Boolean.TRUE, "allow approximate nearest neighbor search"); item.setAllowApproximate(allowApproximate); String label = getAnnotation(ast, LABEL, String.class, null, "item label"); if (label != null) { item.setLabel(label); } return item; } private Item buildPredicate(OperatorNode ast) { List> args = ast.getArgument(1); Preconditions.checkArgument(args.size() == 3, "Expected 3 arguments, got %s.", args.size()); PredicateQueryItem item = new PredicateQueryItem(); item.setIndexName(getIndex(args.get(0))); addFeatures(args.get(1), (key, value, subqueryBitmap) -> item.addFeature(key, (String) value, subqueryBitmap), PredicateQueryItem.ALL_SUB_QUERIES); addFeatures(args.get(2), (key, value, subqueryBitmap) -> { if (value instanceof Long) { item.addRangeFeature(key, (Long) value, subqueryBitmap); } else { item.addRangeFeature(key, (Integer) value, subqueryBitmap); } }, PredicateQueryItem.ALL_SUB_QUERIES); return leafStyleSettings(ast, item); } interface AddFeature { void addFeature(String key, Object value, long subqueryBitmap); } private void addFeatures(OperatorNode map, AddFeature item, long subqueryBitmap) { if (map.getOperator() != ExpressionOperator.MAP) return; assertHasOperator(map, ExpressionOperator.MAP); List keys = map.getArgument(0); List> values = map.getArgument(1); for (int i = 0; i < keys.size(); ++i) { String key = keys.get(i); OperatorNode value = values.get(i); if (value.getOperator() == ExpressionOperator.ARRAY) { List> multiValues = value.getArgument(0); for (OperatorNode multiValue : multiValues) { assertHasOperator(multiValue, ExpressionOperator.LITERAL); item.addFeature(key, multiValue.getArgument(0), subqueryBitmap); } } else if (value.getOperator() == ExpressionOperator.LITERAL) { item.addFeature(key, value.getArgument(0), subqueryBitmap); } else { assertHasOperator(value, ExpressionOperator.MAP); // Subquery syntax Preconditions.checkArgument(key.indexOf("0x") == 0 || key.indexOf("[") == 0); if (key.indexOf("0x") == 0) { String subqueryString = key.substring(2); if (subqueryString.length() > 16) throw new NumberFormatException("Too long subquery string: " + key); long currentSubqueryBitmap = new BigInteger(subqueryString, 16).longValue(); addFeatures(value, item, currentSubqueryBitmap); } else { StringTokenizer bits = new StringTokenizer(key.substring(1, key.length() - 1), ","); long currentSubqueryBitmap = 0; while (bits.hasMoreTokens()) { int bit = Integer.parseInt(bits.nextToken().trim()); currentSubqueryBitmap |= 1L << bit; } addFeatures(value, item, currentSubqueryBitmap); } } } } private Item buildWand(OperatorNode ast) { List> args = ast.getArgument(1); Preconditions.checkArgument(args.size() == 2, "Expected 2 arguments, got %s.", args.size()); Integer targetNumHits = getAnnotation(ast, TARGET_HITS, Integer.class, null, "desired number of hits to accumulate in wand"); if (targetNumHits == null) { targetNumHits = getAnnotation(ast, TARGET_NUM_HITS, Integer.class, DEFAULT_TARGET_NUM_HITS, "desired number of hits to accumulate in wand"); } WandItem out = new WandItem(getIndex(args.get(0)), targetNumHits); Double scoreThreshold = getAnnotation(ast, SCORE_THRESHOLD, Double.class, null, "min score for hit inclusion"); if (scoreThreshold != null) { out.setScoreThreshold(scoreThreshold); } Double thresholdBoostFactor = getAnnotation(ast, THRESHOLD_BOOST_FACTOR, Double.class, null, "boost factor used to boost threshold before comparing against upper bound score"); if (thresholdBoostFactor != null) { out.setThresholdBoostFactor(thresholdBoostFactor); } return fillWeightedSet(ast, args.get(1), out); } private WeightedSetItem fillWeightedSet(OperatorNode ast, OperatorNode arg, WeightedSetItem out) { addItems(arg, out); return leafStyleSettings(ast, out); } private static class PrefixExpander extends IndexNameExpander { private final String prefix; public PrefixExpander(String prefix) { this.prefix = prefix + "."; } @Override public String expand(String leaf) { return prefix + leaf; } } private Item instantiateSameElementItem(String field, OperatorNode ast) { assertHasFunctionName(ast, SAME_ELEMENT); SameElementItem sameElement = new SameElementItem(field); // All terms below sameElement are relative to this. IndexNameExpander prev = swapIndexCreator(new PrefixExpander(field)); for (OperatorNode term : ast.>> getArgument(1)) { sameElement.addItem(convertExpression(term)); } swapIndexCreator(prev); return sameElement; } private Item instantiatePhraseItem(String field, OperatorNode ast) { assertHasFunctionName(ast, PHRASE); if (getAnnotation(ast, ORIGIN, Map.class, null, ORIGIN_DESCRIPTION, false) != null) { return instantiatePhraseSegmentItem(field, ast, false); } PhraseItem phrase = new PhraseItem(); phrase.setIndexName(field); phrase.setExplicit(true); for (OperatorNode word : ast.>> getArgument(1)) { if (word.getOperator() == ExpressionOperator.CALL) { List names = word.getArgument(0); switch (names.get(0)) { case PHRASE: if (getAnnotation(word, ORIGIN, Map.class, null, ORIGIN_DESCRIPTION, false) == null) { phrase.addItem(instantiatePhraseItem(field, word)); } else { phrase.addItem(instantiatePhraseSegmentItem(field, word, true)); } break; case ALTERNATIVES: phrase.addItem(instantiateWordAlternativesItem(field, word)); break; default: throw new IllegalArgumentException("Expected phrase or word alternatives, got " + names.get(0)); } } else { phrase.addItem(instantiateWordItem(field, word, phrase.getClass())); } } return leafStyleSettings(ast, phrase); } private Item instantiatePhraseSegmentItem(String field, OperatorNode ast, boolean forcePhrase) { Substring origin = getOrigin(ast); Boolean stem = getAnnotation(ast, STEM, Boolean.class, Boolean.TRUE, STEM_DESCRIPTION); Boolean andSegmenting = getAnnotation(ast, AND_SEGMENTING, Boolean.class, Boolean.FALSE, "setting for whether to force using AND for segments on and off"); SegmentItem phrase; List words = null; if (forcePhrase || !andSegmenting) { phrase = new PhraseSegmentItem(origin.getValue(), origin.getValue(), true, !stem, origin); } else { phrase = new AndSegmentItem(origin.getValue(), true, !stem); } phrase.setIndexName(field); if (getAnnotation(ast, IMPLICIT_TRANSFORMS, Boolean.class, Boolean.TRUE, IMPLICIT_TRANSFORMS_DESCRIPTION)) { words = segmenter.segment(origin.getValue(), currentlyParsing.getLanguage()); } if (words != null && words.size() > 0) { for (String word : words) { phrase.addItem(new WordItem(word, field, true)); } } else { for (OperatorNode word : ast.>> getArgument(1)) { phrase.addItem(instantiateWordItem(field, word, phrase.getClass(), SegmentWhen.NEVER)); } } if (phrase instanceof TaggableItem) { leafStyleSettings(ast, (TaggableItem) phrase); } phrase.lock(); return phrase; } private Item instantiateNearItem(String field, OperatorNode ast) { assertHasFunctionName(ast, NEAR); NearItem near = new NearItem(); near.setIndexName(field); for (OperatorNode word : ast.>> getArgument(1)) { near.addItem(instantiateWordItem(field, word, near.getClass())); } Integer distance = getAnnotation(ast, DISTANCE, Integer.class, null, "term distance for NEAR operator"); if (distance != null) { near.setDistance(distance); } return near; } private Item instantiateONearItem(String field, OperatorNode ast) { assertHasFunctionName(ast, ONEAR); NearItem onear = new ONearItem(); onear.setIndexName(field); for (OperatorNode word : ast.>> getArgument(1)) { onear.addItem(instantiateWordItem(field, word, onear.getClass())); } Integer distance = getAnnotation(ast, DISTANCE, Integer.class, null, "term distance for ONEAR operator"); if (distance != null) { onear.setDistance(distance); } return onear; } private Item fetchUserQuery() { Preconditions.checkState(!queryParser, "Tried inserting user query into itself."); Preconditions.checkState(userQuery != null, "User query must be set before trying to build complete query " + "tree including user query."); return userQuery.getModel().getQueryTree().getRoot(); } private Item buildUserInput(OperatorNode ast) { // TODO add support for default arguments if property results in nothing List> args = ast.getArgument(1); String wordData = getStringContents(args.get(0)); Boolean allowEmpty = getAnnotation(ast, USER_INPUT_ALLOW_EMPTY, Boolean.class, Boolean.FALSE, "flag for allowing NullItem to be returned"); if (allowEmpty && (wordData == null || wordData.isEmpty())) return new NullItem(); String grammar = getAnnotation(ast, USER_INPUT_GRAMMAR, String.class, Query.Type.ALL.toString(), "grammar for handling user input"); String defaultIndex = getAnnotation(ast, USER_INPUT_DEFAULT_INDEX, String.class, "default", "default index for user input terms"); Language language = decideParsingLanguage(ast, wordData); Item item; if (USER_INPUT_RAW.equals(grammar)) { item = instantiateWordItem(defaultIndex, wordData, ast, null, SegmentWhen.NEVER, true, language); } else if (USER_INPUT_SEGMENT.equals(grammar)) { item = instantiateWordItem(defaultIndex, wordData, ast, null, SegmentWhen.ALWAYS, false, language); } else { item = parseUserInput(grammar, defaultIndex, wordData, language, allowEmpty); propagateUserInputAnnotations(ast, item); } return item; } private Language decideParsingLanguage(OperatorNode ast, String wordData) { String languageTag = getAnnotation(ast, USER_INPUT_LANGUAGE, String.class, null, "language setting for segmenting query section"); Language language = Language.fromLanguageTag(languageTag); if (language != Language.UNKNOWN) return language; Optional explicitLanguage = currentlyParsing.getExplicitLanguage(); if (explicitLanguage.isPresent()) return explicitLanguage.get(); language = detector.detect(wordData, null).getLanguage(); if (language != Language.UNKNOWN) return language; return Language.ENGLISH; } private String getStringContents(OperatorNode operator) { switch (operator.getOperator()) { case LITERAL: return operator.getArgument(0, String.class); case VARREF: Preconditions.checkState(userQuery != null, "properties must be available when trying to fetch user input"); return userQuery.properties().getString(operator.getArgument(0, String.class)); default: throw newUnexpectedArgumentException(operator.getOperator(), ExpressionOperator.LITERAL, ExpressionOperator.VARREF); } } private void propagateUserInputAnnotations(OperatorNode ast, Item item) { ToolBox.visit(new AnnotationPropagator(ast), item); } private Item parseUserInput(String grammar, String defaultIndex, String wordData, Language language, boolean allowNullItem) { Query.Type parseAs = Query.Type.getType(grammar); Parser parser = ParserFactory.newInstance(parseAs, environment); // perhaps not use already resolved doctypes, but respect source and restrict Item item = parser.parse(new Parsable().setQuery(wordData) .addSources(docTypes) .setLanguage(language) .setDefaultIndexName(defaultIndex)).getRoot(); // the null check should be unnecessary, but is there to avoid having to suppress null warnings if ( ! allowNullItem && (item == null || item instanceof NullItem)) throw new IllegalArgumentException("Parsing '" + wordData + "' only resulted in NullItem."); if (language != Language.ENGLISH) // mark the language used, unless it's the default item.setLanguage(language); return item; } private OperatorNode parseYqlProgram() { OperatorNode ast; try { ast = new ProgramParser().parse("query", currentlyParsing.getQuery()); } catch (Exception e) { throw new IllegalInputException(e); } assertHasOperator(ast, StatementOperator.PROGRAM); Preconditions.checkArgument(ast.getArguments().length == 1, "Expected only a single argument to the root node, got %s.", ast.getArguments().length); // TODO: should we check size of first argument as well? ast = ast.>> getArgument(0).get(0); assertHasOperator(ast, StatementOperator.EXECUTE); ast = ast.getArgument(0); ast = fetchPipe(ast); ast = fetchTimeout(ast); ast = fetchSummaryFields(ast); ast = fetchOffsetAndHits(ast); ast = fetchSorting(ast); assertHasOperator(ast, SequenceOperator.FILTER); return ast; } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") private OperatorNode fetchPipe(OperatorNode toScan) { OperatorNode ast = toScan; while (ast.getOperator() == SequenceOperator.PIPE) { OperatorNode groupingAst = ast.>> getArgument(2).get(0); GroupingOperation groupingOperation = GroupingOperation.fromString(groupingAst. getArgument(0)); VespaGroupingStep groupingStep = new VespaGroupingStep(groupingOperation); List continuations = getAnnotation(groupingAst, "continuations", List.class, Collections.emptyList(), "grouping continuations"); for (Object continuation : continuations) { groupingStep.continuations().add(Continuation.fromString(dereference(continuation))); } groupingSteps.add(groupingStep); ast = ast.getArgument(0); } Collections.reverse(groupingSteps); return ast; } private String dereference(Object constantOrVarref) { if (constantOrVarref instanceof OperatorNode) { OperatorNode varref = (OperatorNode)constantOrVarref; Preconditions.checkState(userQuery != null, "properties must be available when trying to fetch user input"); return userQuery.properties().getString(varref.getArgument(0, String.class)); } else { return constantOrVarref.toString(); } } private OperatorNode fetchSorting(OperatorNode ast) { if (ast.getOperator() != SequenceOperator.SORT) return ast; List sortingInit = new ArrayList<>(); List> sortArguments = ast.getArgument(1); for (OperatorNode op : sortArguments) { OperatorNode fieldNode = op.> getArgument(0); String field = fetchFieldRead(fieldNode); String locale = getAnnotation(fieldNode, SORTING_LOCALE, String.class, null, "locale used by sorting function"); String function = getAnnotation(fieldNode, SORTING_FUNCTION, String.class, null, "sorting function for the specified attribute"); String strength = getAnnotation(fieldNode, SORTING_STRENGTH, String.class, null, "strength for sorting function"); AttributeSorter sorter; if (function == null) { sorter = new AttributeSorter(field); } else if (Sorting.LOWERCASE.equals(function)) { sorter = new LowerCaseSorter(field); } else if (Sorting.RAW.equals(function)) { sorter = new RawSorter(field); } else if (Sorting.UCA.equals(function)) { if (locale != null) { UcaSorter.Strength ucaStrength = UcaSorter.Strength.UNDEFINED; if (strength != null) { if (Sorting.STRENGTH_PRIMARY.equalsIgnoreCase(strength)) { ucaStrength = UcaSorter.Strength.PRIMARY; } else if (Sorting.STRENGTH_SECONDARY .equalsIgnoreCase(strength)) { ucaStrength = UcaSorter.Strength.SECONDARY; } else if (Sorting.STRENGTH_TERTIARY .equalsIgnoreCase(strength)) { ucaStrength = UcaSorter.Strength.TERTIARY; } else if (Sorting.STRENGTH_QUATERNARY .equalsIgnoreCase(strength)) { ucaStrength = UcaSorter.Strength.QUATERNARY; } else if (Sorting.STRENGTH_IDENTICAL .equalsIgnoreCase(strength)) { ucaStrength = UcaSorter.Strength.IDENTICAL; } else { throw newUnexpectedArgumentException(function, Sorting.STRENGTH_PRIMARY, Sorting.STRENGTH_SECONDARY, Sorting.STRENGTH_TERTIARY, Sorting.STRENGTH_QUATERNARY, Sorting.STRENGTH_IDENTICAL); } sorter = new UcaSorter(field, locale, ucaStrength); } else { sorter = new UcaSorter(field, locale, ucaStrength); } } else { sorter = new UcaSorter(field); } } else { throw newUnexpectedArgumentException(function, "lowercase", "raw", "uca"); } switch ((SortOperator) op.getOperator()) { case ASC: sortingInit.add(new FieldOrder(sorter, Order.ASCENDING)); break; case DESC: sortingInit.add(new FieldOrder(sorter, Order.DESCENDING)); break; default: throw newUnexpectedArgumentException(op.getOperator(), SortOperator.ASC, SortOperator.DESC); } } sorting = new Sorting(sortingInit); return ast.getArgument(0); } private OperatorNode fetchOffsetAndHits(OperatorNode ast) { if (ast.getOperator() == SequenceOperator.OFFSET) { offset = ast.> getArgument(1). getArgument(0); hits = DEFAULT_HITS; return ast.getArgument(0); } if (ast.getOperator() == SequenceOperator.SLICE) { offset = ast.> getArgument(1). getArgument(0); hits = ast.> getArgument(2). getArgument(0) - offset; return ast.getArgument(0); } if (ast.getOperator() == SequenceOperator.LIMIT) { hits = ast.> getArgument(1). getArgument(0); offset = DEFAULT_OFFSET; return ast.getArgument(0); } return ast; } private OperatorNode fetchSummaryFields(OperatorNode ast) { if (ast.getOperator() != SequenceOperator.PROJECT) return ast; Preconditions.checkArgument(ast.getArguments().length == 2, "Expected 2 arguments to PROJECT, got %s.", ast.getArguments().length); populateYqlSummaryFields(ast.>> getArgument(1)); return ast.getArgument(0); } private OperatorNode fetchTimeout(OperatorNode ast) { if (ast.getOperator() != SequenceOperator.TIMEOUT) return ast; timeout = ast.> getArgument(1). getArgument(0); return ast.getArgument(0); } private static String fetchFieldRead(OperatorNode ast) { switch (ast.getOperator()) { case LITERAL: return ast.getArgument(0).toString(); case READ_FIELD: return ast.getArgument(1); case PROPREF: return fetchFieldRead(ast.getArgument(0)) + '.' + ast.getArgument(1); default: throw newUnexpectedArgumentException(ast.getOperator(), ExpressionOperator.READ_FIELD, ExpressionOperator.PROPREF); } } private IntItem buildGreaterThanOrEquals(OperatorNode ast) { if (isIndexOnLeftHandSide(ast)) { IntItem number = new IntItem("[" + fetchConditionWord(ast) + ";]", fetchConditionIndex(ast)); return leafStyleSettings(ast.getArgument(1, OperatorNode.class), number); } else { IntItem number = new IntItem("[;" + fetchConditionWord(ast) + "]", fetchConditionIndex(ast)); return leafStyleSettings(ast.getArgument(0, OperatorNode.class), number); } } private IntItem buildLessThanOrEquals(OperatorNode ast) { if (isIndexOnLeftHandSide(ast)) { IntItem number = new IntItem("[;" + fetchConditionWord(ast) + "]", fetchConditionIndex(ast)); return leafStyleSettings(ast.getArgument(1, OperatorNode.class), number); } else { IntItem number = new IntItem("[" + fetchConditionWord(ast) + ";]", fetchConditionIndex(ast)); return leafStyleSettings(ast.getArgument(0, OperatorNode.class), number); } } private IntItem buildGreaterThan(OperatorNode ast) { if (isIndexOnLeftHandSide(ast)) { IntItem number = new IntItem(">" + fetchConditionWord(ast), fetchConditionIndex(ast)); return leafStyleSettings(ast.getArgument(1, OperatorNode.class), number); } else { IntItem number = new IntItem("<" + fetchConditionWord(ast), fetchConditionIndex(ast)); return leafStyleSettings(ast.getArgument(0, OperatorNode.class), number); } } private IntItem buildLessThan(OperatorNode ast) { if (isIndexOnLeftHandSide(ast)) { IntItem number = new IntItem("<" + fetchConditionWord(ast), fetchConditionIndex(ast)); return leafStyleSettings(ast.getArgument(1, OperatorNode.class), number); } else { IntItem number = new IntItem(">" + fetchConditionWord(ast), fetchConditionIndex(ast)); return leafStyleSettings(ast.getArgument(0, OperatorNode.class), number); } } private TermItem buildEquals(OperatorNode ast) { String value = fetchConditionWord(ast); TermItem item; if (value.equals("true")) item = new BoolItem(true, fetchConditionIndex(ast)); else if (value.equals("false")) item = new BoolItem(false, fetchConditionIndex(ast)); else item = new IntItem(value, fetchConditionIndex(ast)); if (isIndexOnLeftHandSide(ast)) return leafStyleSettings(ast.getArgument(1, OperatorNode.class), item); else return leafStyleSettings(ast.getArgument(0, OperatorNode.class), item); } private String fetchConditionIndex(OperatorNode ast) { OperatorNode lhs = ast.getArgument(0); OperatorNode rhs = ast.getArgument(1); if (isNumber(lhs)) return getIndex(rhs); else if (isNumber(rhs)) return getIndex(lhs); else throw new IllegalArgumentException("Expected LITERAL/VARREF and READ_FIELD/PROPREF, got " + lhs.getOperator() + " and " + rhs.getOperator() + "."); } private boolean isNumber(OperatorNode ast) { return ast.getOperator() == ExpressionOperator.NEGATE || ast.getOperator() == ExpressionOperator.LITERAL || ast.getOperator() == ExpressionOperator.VARREF; } private String getNumberAsString(OperatorNode ast) { String negative = ""; if (ast.getOperator() == ExpressionOperator.NEGATE) { negative = "-"; ast = ast.getArgument(0); } switch (ast.getOperator()) { case VARREF: Preconditions.checkState(userQuery != null, "properties must be available when trying to fetch user input"); return negative + userQuery.properties().getString(ast.getArgument(0, String.class)); case LITERAL: return negative + ast.getArgument(0).toString(); default: throw new IllegalArgumentException("Expected VARREF or LITERAL, got " + ast.getOperator()); } } private String fetchConditionWord(OperatorNode ast) { OperatorNode lhs = ast.getArgument(0); OperatorNode rhs = ast.getArgument(1); if (isNumber(lhs)) { assertFieldName(rhs); return getNumberAsString(lhs); } else if (isNumber(rhs)) { assertFieldName(lhs); return getNumberAsString(rhs); } else throw new IllegalArgumentException("Expected LITERAL/NEGATE and READ_FIELD/PROPREF, got " + lhs.getOperator() + " and " + rhs.getOperator() + "."); } private static boolean isIndexOnLeftHandSide(OperatorNode ast) { OperatorNode node = ast.getArgument(0, OperatorNode.class); return node.getOperator() == ExpressionOperator.READ_FIELD || node.getOperator() == ExpressionOperator.PROPREF; } private CompositeItem buildAnd(OperatorNode ast) { AndItem andItem = new AndItem(); NotItem notItem = new NotItem(); convertVarArgsAnd(ast, 0, andItem, notItem); Preconditions .checkArgument(andItem.getItemCount() > 0, "Vespa does not support AND with no logically positive branches."); if (notItem.getItemCount() == 0) { return andItem; } if (andItem.getItemCount() == 1) { notItem.setPositiveItem(andItem.getItem(0)); } else { notItem.setPositiveItem(andItem); } return notItem; } private CompositeItem buildOr(OperatorNode spec) { return convertVarArgs(spec, 0, new OrItem()); } @SuppressWarnings("deprecation") private CompositeItem buildWeakAnd(OperatorNode spec) { WeakAndItem weakAnd = new WeakAndItem(); Integer targetNumHits = getAnnotation(spec, TARGET_HITS, Integer.class, null, "desired minimum hits to produce"); if (targetNumHits == null) { targetNumHits = getAnnotation(spec, TARGET_NUM_HITS, Integer.class, null, "desired minimum hits to produce"); } if (targetNumHits != null) { weakAnd.setN(targetNumHits); } Integer scoreThreshold = getAnnotation(spec, SCORE_THRESHOLD, Integer.class, null, "min dot product score for hit inclusion"); if (scoreThreshold != null) { weakAnd.setScoreThreshold(scoreThreshold); } return convertVarArgs(spec, 1, weakAnd); } private CompositeItem buildRank(OperatorNode spec) { return convertVarArgs(spec, 1, new RankItem()); } private CompositeItem convertVarArgs(OperatorNode ast, int argIdx, CompositeItem out) { Iterable> args = ast.getArgument(argIdx); for (OperatorNode arg : args) { assertHasOperator(arg, ExpressionOperator.class); out.addItem(convertExpression(arg)); } return out; } private void convertVarArgsAnd(OperatorNode ast, int argIdx, AndItem outAnd, NotItem outNot) { Iterable> args = ast.getArgument(argIdx); for (OperatorNode arg : args) { assertHasOperator(arg, ExpressionOperator.class); if (arg.getOperator() == ExpressionOperator.NOT) { OperatorNode exp = arg.getArgument(0); assertHasOperator(exp, ExpressionOperator.class); outNot.addNegativeItem(convertExpression(exp)); } else { outAnd.addItem(convertExpression(arg)); } } } private Item buildTermSearch(OperatorNode ast) { assertHasOperator(ast, ExpressionOperator.CONTAINS); String field = getIndex(ast.getArgument(0)); if (userQuery != null && indexFactsSession.getIndex(field).isAttribute()) { userQuery.trace("Field '" + field + "' is an attribute, 'contains' will only match exactly", 2); } return instantiateLeafItem(field, ast.> getArgument(1)); } private Item buildRegExpSearch(OperatorNode ast) { assertHasOperator(ast, ExpressionOperator.MATCHES); String field = getIndex(ast.getArgument(0)); if (userQuery != null && !indexFactsSession.getIndex(field).isAttribute()) { userQuery.trace("Field '" + field + "' is indexed, non-literal regular expressions will not be matched", 1); } OperatorNode ast1 = ast.getArgument(1); String wordData = getStringContents(ast1); RegExpItem regExp = new RegExpItem(field, true, wordData); return leafStyleSettings(ast1, regExp); } private Item buildRange(OperatorNode spec) { assertHasOperator(spec, ExpressionOperator.CALL); assertHasFunctionName(spec, RANGE); IntItem range = instantiateRangeItem(spec.getArgument(1), spec); return leafStyleSettings(spec, range); } private static Number negate(Number x) { if (x.getClass() == Integer.class) { int x1 = x.intValue(); return -x1; } else if (x.getClass() == Long.class) { long x1 = x.longValue(); return -x1; } else if (x.getClass() == Float.class) { float x1 = x.floatValue(); return -x1; } else if (x.getClass() == Double.class) { double x1 = x.doubleValue(); return -x1; } else { throw newUnexpectedArgumentException(x.getClass(), Integer.class, Long.class, Float.class, Double.class); } } private IntItem instantiateRangeItem(List> args, OperatorNode spec) { Preconditions.checkArgument(args.size() == 3, "Expected 3 arguments, got %s.", args.size()); Number lowerArg = getRangeBound(args.get(1)); Number upperArg = getRangeBound(args.get(2)); String bounds = getAnnotation(spec, BOUNDS, String.class, null, "whether bounds should be open or closed"); // TODO: add support for implicit transforms if (bounds == null) { return new RangeItem(lowerArg, upperArg, getIndex(args.get(0))); } else { Limit from; Limit to; if (BOUNDS_OPEN.equals(bounds)) { from = new Limit(lowerArg, false); to = new Limit(upperArg, false); } else if (BOUNDS_LEFT_OPEN.equals(bounds)) { from = new Limit(lowerArg, false); to = new Limit(upperArg, true); } else if (BOUNDS_RIGHT_OPEN.equals(bounds)) { from = new Limit(lowerArg, true); to = new Limit(upperArg, false); } else { throw newUnexpectedArgumentException(bounds, BOUNDS_OPEN, BOUNDS_LEFT_OPEN, BOUNDS_RIGHT_OPEN); } return new IntItem(from, to, getIndex(args.get(0))); } } private Number getRangeBound(OperatorNode bound) { if (bound.getOperator() == ExpressionOperator.NEGATE) return negate(getPositiveRangeBound(bound.getArgument(0))); else return getPositiveRangeBound(bound); } private Number getPositiveRangeBound(OperatorNode bound) { if (bound.getOperator() == ExpressionOperator.READ_FIELD) { // Why getArgument(1)? Because all of this is [mildly non-perfect] and we need to port it to JavaCC if (bound.getArgument(1).toString().equals("Infinity")) return Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY; else throw new IllegalArgumentException("Expected a numerical argument (or 'Infinity') to range but got '" + bound.getArgument(1) + "'"); } assertHasOperator(bound, ExpressionOperator.LITERAL, () -> "Expected a numerical argument to range but got '" + bound.getArgument(0) + "'"); return bound.getArgument(0, Number.class); } private Item instantiateLeafItem(String field, OperatorNode ast) { switch (ast.getOperator()) { case LITERAL: case VARREF: return instantiateWordItem(field, ast, null); case CALL: return instantiateCompositeLeaf(field, ast); default: throw newUnexpectedArgumentException(ast.getOperator().name(), ExpressionOperator.CALL, ExpressionOperator.LITERAL); } } private Item instantiateCompositeLeaf(String field, OperatorNode ast) { List names = ast.getArgument(0); Preconditions.checkArgument(names.size() == 1, "Expected 1 name, got %s.", names.size()); switch (names.get(0)) { case SAME_ELEMENT: return instantiateSameElementItem(field, ast); case PHRASE: return instantiatePhraseItem(field, ast); case NEAR: return instantiateNearItem(field, ast); case ONEAR: return instantiateONearItem(field, ast); case EQUIV: return instantiateEquivItem(field, ast); case ALTERNATIVES: return instantiateWordAlternativesItem(field, ast); case URI: return instantiateUriItem(field, ast); default: throw newUnexpectedArgumentException(names.get(0), EQUIV, NEAR, ONEAR, PHRASE, SAME_ELEMENT, URI); } } private Item instantiateEquivItem(String field, OperatorNode ast) { List> args = ast.getArgument(1); Preconditions.checkArgument(args.size() >= 2, "Expected 2 or more arguments, got %s.", args.size()); EquivItem equiv = new EquivItem(); equiv.setIndexName(field); for (OperatorNode arg : args) { switch (arg.getOperator()) { case LITERAL: case VARREF: equiv.addItem(instantiateWordItem(field, arg, equiv.getClass())); break; case CALL: assertHasFunctionName(arg, PHRASE); equiv.addItem(instantiatePhraseItem(field, arg)); break; default: throw newUnexpectedArgumentException(arg.getOperator(), ExpressionOperator.CALL, ExpressionOperator.LITERAL, ExpressionOperator.VARREF); } } return leafStyleSettings(ast, equiv); } private Item instantiateWordAlternativesItem(String field, OperatorNode ast) { List> args = ast.getArgument(1); Preconditions.checkArgument(args.size() >= 1, "Expected 1 or more arguments, got %s.", args.size()); Preconditions.checkArgument(args.get(0).getOperator() == ExpressionOperator.MAP, "Expected MAP, got %s.", args.get(0).getOperator()); List terms = new ArrayList<>(); List keys = args.get(0).getArgument(0); List> values = args.get(0).getArgument(1); for (int i = 0; i < keys.size(); ++i) { OperatorNode value = values.get(i); if (value.getOperator() != ExpressionOperator.LITERAL) throw newUnexpectedArgumentException(value.getOperator(), ExpressionOperator.LITERAL); String term = keys.get(i); double exactness = value.getArgument(0, Double.class); terms.add(new WordAlternativesItem.Alternative(term, exactness)); } Substring origin = getOrigin(ast); Boolean isFromQuery = getAnnotation(ast, IMPLICIT_TRANSFORMS, Boolean.class, Boolean.TRUE, IMPLICIT_TRANSFORMS_DESCRIPTION); return leafStyleSettings(ast, new WordAlternativesItem(field, isFromQuery, origin, terms)); } private UriItem instantiateUriItem(String field, OperatorNode ast) { UriItem uriItem = new UriItem(field); boolean startAnchorDefault = false; boolean endAnchorDefault = indexFactsSession.getIndex(field).isHostIndex(); if (getAnnotation(ast, START_ANCHOR, Boolean.class, startAnchorDefault, "whether uri matching should be anchored to the start")) uriItem.addStartAnchorItem(); String uriString = ast.>> getArgument(1).get(0).getArgument(0); for (String token : segmenter.segment(uriString, Language.ENGLISH)) uriItem.addItem(new WordItem(token, field, true)); if (getAnnotation(ast, END_ANCHOR, Boolean.class, endAnchorDefault, "whether uri matching should be anchored to the end")) uriItem.addEndAnchorItem(); // Aux info to preserve minimal and expected canonical form uriItem.setStartAnchorDefault(startAnchorDefault); uriItem.setEndAnchorDefault(endAnchorDefault); uriItem.setSourceString(uriString); return uriItem; } private Item instantiateWordItem(String field, OperatorNode ast, Class parent) { return instantiateWordItem(field, ast, parent, SegmentWhen.POSSIBLY); } private Item instantiateWordItem(String field, OperatorNode ast, Class parent, SegmentWhen segmentPolicy) { String wordData = getStringContents(ast); return instantiateWordItem(field, wordData, ast, parent, segmentPolicy, null, decideParsingLanguage(ast, wordData)); } /** * Converts the payload of a contains statement into an Item * * @param exactMatch true to always create an ExactStringItem, false to never do so, and null to * make the choice based on the field settings */ // TODO: Clean up such that there is one way to look up an Index instance // which always expands first, but not using getIndex, which performs checks that doesn't always work private Item instantiateWordItem(String field, String rawWord, OperatorNode ast, Class parent, SegmentWhen segmentPolicy, Boolean exactMatch, Language language) { String wordData = rawWord; if (getAnnotation(ast, NFKC, Boolean.class, Boolean.FALSE, "setting for whether to NFKC normalize input data")) { // NOTE: If this is set to FALSE (default), we will still NFKC normalize text data // during tokenization/segmentation, as that is always turned on also on the indexing side. wordData = normalizer.normalize(wordData); } boolean fromQuery = getAnnotation(ast, IMPLICIT_TRANSFORMS, Boolean.class, Boolean.TRUE, IMPLICIT_TRANSFORMS_DESCRIPTION); boolean prefixMatch = getAnnotation(ast, PREFIX, Boolean.class, Boolean.FALSE, "setting for whether to use prefix match of input data"); boolean suffixMatch = getAnnotation(ast, SUFFIX, Boolean.class, Boolean.FALSE, "setting for whether to use suffix match of input data"); boolean substrMatch = getAnnotation(ast, SUBSTRING, Boolean.class, Boolean.FALSE, "setting for whether to use substring match of input data"); boolean exact = exactMatch != null ? exactMatch : indexFactsSession.getIndex(indexNameExpander.expand(field)).isExact(); String grammar = getAnnotation(ast, USER_INPUT_GRAMMAR, String.class, Query.Type.ALL.toString(), "grammar for handling word input"); Preconditions.checkArgument((prefixMatch ? 1 : 0) + (substrMatch ? 1 : 0) + (suffixMatch ? 1 : 0) < 2, "Only one of prefix, substring and suffix can be set."); TaggableItem wordItem; if (prefixMatch) { wordItem = new PrefixItem(wordData, fromQuery); } else if (suffixMatch) { wordItem = new SuffixItem(wordData, fromQuery); } else if (substrMatch) { wordItem = new SubstringItem(wordData, fromQuery); } else if (exact) { wordItem = new ExactStringItem(wordData, fromQuery); } else { switch (segmentPolicy) { case NEVER: wordItem = new WordItem(wordData, fromQuery); break; case POSSIBLY: if (shouldSegment(field, ast, fromQuery) && ! grammar.equals(USER_INPUT_RAW)) { wordItem = segment(field, ast, wordData, fromQuery, parent, language); } else { wordItem = new WordItem(wordData, fromQuery); } break; case ALWAYS: wordItem = segment(field, ast, wordData, fromQuery, parent, language); break; default: throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unexpected segmenting rule: " + segmentPolicy); } } if (wordItem instanceof WordItem) { prepareWord(field, ast, (WordItem) wordItem); } if (language != Language.ENGLISH) // mark the language used, unless it's the default ((Item)wordItem).setLanguage(language); return (Item) leafStyleSettings(ast, wordItem); } @SuppressWarnings({"deprecation"}) private boolean shouldSegment(String field, OperatorNode ast, boolean fromQuery) { return fromQuery && ! indexFactsSession.getIndex(indexNameExpander.expand(field)).isAttribute(); } private TaggableItem segment(String field, OperatorNode ast, String wordData, boolean fromQuery, Class parent, Language language) { String toSegment = wordData; Substring s = getOrigin(ast); Language usedLanguage = language == null ? currentlyParsing.getLanguage() : language; if (s != null) { toSegment = s.getValue(); } List words = segmenter.segment(toSegment, usedLanguage); TaggableItem wordItem; if (words.size() == 0) { wordItem = new WordItem(wordData, fromQuery); } else if (words.size() == 1 || !phraseArgumentSupported(parent)) { wordItem = new WordItem(words.get(0), fromQuery); } else { wordItem = new PhraseSegmentItem(toSegment, fromQuery, false); ((PhraseSegmentItem) wordItem).setIndexName(field); for (String w : words) { WordItem segment = new WordItem(w, fromQuery); prepareWord(field, ast, segment); ((PhraseSegmentItem) wordItem).addItem(segment); } ((PhraseSegmentItem) wordItem).lock(); } return wordItem; } private boolean phraseArgumentSupported(Class parent) { if (parent == null) return true; // not supported in backend, but the container flattens the arguments itself: if (parent == PhraseItem.class) return true; return parent == EquivItem.class; } private void prepareWord(String field, OperatorNode ast, WordItem wordItem) { wordItem.setIndexName(field); wordStyleSettings(ast, wordItem); } private T leafStyleSettings(OperatorNode ast, T out) { { Map connectivity = getAnnotation(ast, CONNECTIVITY, Map.class, null, "connectivity settings"); if (connectivity != null) { connectedItems.add(new ConnectedItem(out, getMapValue(CONNECTIVITY, connectivity, CONNECTION_ID, Integer.class), getMapValue(CONNECTIVITY, connectivity, CONNECTION_WEIGHT, Number.class).doubleValue())); } Number significance = getAnnotation(ast, SIGNIFICANCE, Number.class, null, "term significance"); if (significance != null) { out.setSignificance(significance.doubleValue()); } Integer uniqueId = getAnnotation(ast, UNIQUE_ID, Integer.class, null, "term ID", false); if (uniqueId != null) { out.setUniqueID(uniqueId); identifiedItems.put(uniqueId, out); } } { Item leaf = (Item) out; Map itemAnnotations = getAnnotation(ast, ANNOTATIONS, Map.class, Collections.emptyMap(), "item annotation map"); for (Map.Entry entry : itemAnnotations.entrySet()) { Preconditions.checkArgument(entry.getKey() instanceof String, "Expected String annotation key, got %s.", entry.getKey().getClass()); Preconditions.checkArgument(entry.getValue() instanceof String, "Expected String annotation value, got %s.", entry.getValue().getClass()); leaf.addAnnotation((String) entry.getKey(), entry.getValue()); } Boolean filter = getAnnotation(ast, FILTER, Boolean.class, null, FILTER_DESCRIPTION); if (filter != null) { leaf.setFilter(filter); } Boolean isRanked = getAnnotation(ast, RANKED, Boolean.class, null, RANKED_DESCRIPTION); if (isRanked != null) { leaf.setRanked(isRanked); } String label = getAnnotation(ast, LABEL, String.class, null, "item label"); if (label != null) { leaf.setLabel(label); } Integer weight = getAnnotation(ast, WEIGHT, Integer.class, null, "term weight for ranking"); if (weight != null) { leaf.setWeight(weight); } } if (out instanceof IntItem) { IntItem number = (IntItem) out; Integer hitLimit = getCappedRangeSearchParameter(ast); if (hitLimit != null) { number.setHitLimit(hitLimit); } } return out; } private Integer getCappedRangeSearchParameter(OperatorNode ast) { Integer hitLimit = getAnnotation(ast, HIT_LIMIT, Integer.class, null, "hit limit"); if (hitLimit != null) { Boolean ascending = getAnnotation(ast, ASCENDING_HITS_ORDER, Boolean.class, null, "ascending population ordering for capped range search"); Boolean descending = getAnnotation(ast, DESCENDING_HITS_ORDER, Boolean.class, null, "descending population ordering for capped range search"); Preconditions.checkArgument(ascending == null || descending == null, "Settings for both ascending and descending ordering set, only one of these expected."); if (Boolean.TRUE.equals(descending) || Boolean.FALSE.equals(ascending)) { hitLimit = hitLimit * -1; } } return hitLimit; } @Beta public boolean isQueryParser() { return queryParser; } @Beta public void setQueryParser(boolean queryParser) { this.queryParser = queryParser; } @Beta public void setUserQuery(Query userQuery) { this.userQuery = userQuery; } @Beta public Set getYqlSummaryFields() { return yqlSummaryFields; } @Beta public List getGroupingSteps() { return groupingSteps; } /** * Give the offset expected from the latest parsed query if anything is * explicitly specified. * * @return an Integer instance or null */ public Integer getOffset() { return offset; } /** * Give the number of hits expected from the latest parsed query if anything * is explicitly specified. * * @return an Integer instance or null */ public Integer getHits() { return hits; } /** * The timeout specified in the YQL+ query last parsed. * * @return an Integer instance or null */ public Integer getTimeout() { return timeout; } /** * The sorting specified in the YQL+ query last parsed. * * @return a Sorting instance or null */ public Sorting getSorting() { return sorting; } Set getDocTypes() { return docTypes; } Set getYqlSources() { return yqlSources; } private static void assertHasOperator(OperatorNode ast, Class expectedOperatorClass) { Preconditions.checkArgument(expectedOperatorClass.isInstance(ast.getOperator()), "Expected operator class %s, got %s.", expectedOperatorClass.getName(), ast.getOperator().getClass().getName()); } private static void assertHasOperator(OperatorNode ast, Operator expectedOperator) { Preconditions.checkArgument(ast.getOperator() == expectedOperator, "Expected operator %s, got %s.", expectedOperator, ast.getOperator()); } private static void assertHasOperator(OperatorNode ast, Operator expectedOperator, Supplier errorMessage) { try { Preconditions.checkArgument(ast.getOperator() == expectedOperator); } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) { throw new IllegalArgumentException(errorMessage.get()); } } private static void assertHasFunctionName(OperatorNode ast, String expectedFunctionName) { List names = ast.getArgument(0); Preconditions.checkArgument(expectedFunctionName.equals(names.get(0)), "Expected function '%s', got '%s'.", expectedFunctionName, names.get(0)); } private static void assertFieldName(OperatorNode ast) { Preconditions.checkArgument(ast.getOperator() == ExpressionOperator.READ_FIELD || ast.getOperator() == ExpressionOperator.PROPREF, "Expected operator READ_FIELD or PRPPREF, got %s.", ast.getOperator()); } private static void addItems(OperatorNode ast, WeightedSetItem out) { switch (ast.getOperator()) { case MAP: addStringItems(ast, out); break; case ARRAY: addLongItems(ast, out); break; default: throw newUnexpectedArgumentException(ast.getOperator(), ExpressionOperator.ARRAY, ExpressionOperator.MAP); } } private static void addStringItems(OperatorNode ast, WeightedSetItem out) { List keys = ast.getArgument(0); List> values = ast.getArgument(1); for (int i = 0; i < keys.size(); ++i) { OperatorNode tokenWeight = values.get(i); assertHasOperator(tokenWeight, ExpressionOperator.LITERAL); out.addToken(keys.get(i), tokenWeight.getArgument(0, Integer.class)); } } private static void addLongItems(OperatorNode ast, WeightedSetItem out) { List> values = ast.getArgument(0); for (OperatorNode value : values) { assertHasOperator(value, ExpressionOperator.ARRAY); List> args = value.getArgument(0); Preconditions.checkArgument(args.size() == 2, "Expected item and weight, got %s.", args); OperatorNode tokenValueNode = args.get(0); assertHasOperator(tokenValueNode, ExpressionOperator.LITERAL); Number tokenValue = tokenValueNode.getArgument(0, Number.class); Preconditions.checkArgument(tokenValue instanceof Integer || tokenValue instanceof Long, "Expected Integer or Long, got %s.", tokenValue.getClass() .getName()); OperatorNode tokenWeightNode = args.get(1); assertHasOperator(tokenWeightNode, ExpressionOperator.LITERAL); Integer tokenWeight = tokenWeightNode.getArgument(0, Integer.class); out.addToken(tokenValue.longValue(), tokenWeight); } } private void wordStyleSettings(OperatorNode ast, WordItem out) { Substring origin = getOrigin(ast); if (origin != null) { out.setOrigin(origin); } Boolean usePositionData = getAnnotation(ast, USE_POSITION_DATA, Boolean.class, null, USE_POSITION_DATA_DESCRIPTION); if (usePositionData != null) { out.setPositionData(usePositionData); } Boolean stem = getAnnotation(ast, STEM, Boolean.class, null, STEM_DESCRIPTION); if (stem != null) { out.setStemmed(!stem); } Boolean normalizeCase = getAnnotation(ast, NORMALIZE_CASE, Boolean.class, null, NORMALIZE_CASE_DESCRIPTION); if (normalizeCase != null) { out.setLowercased(!normalizeCase); } Boolean accentDrop = getAnnotation(ast, ACCENT_DROP, Boolean.class, null, ACCENT_DROP_DESCRIPTION); if (accentDrop != null) { out.setNormalizable(accentDrop); } Boolean andSegmenting = getAnnotation(ast, AND_SEGMENTING, Boolean.class, null, "setting for whether to force using AND for segments on and off"); if (andSegmenting != null) { if (andSegmenting) { out.setSegmentingRule(SegmentingRule.BOOLEAN_AND); } else { out.setSegmentingRule(SegmentingRule.PHRASE); } } } private IndexNameExpander swapIndexCreator(IndexNameExpander newExpander) { IndexNameExpander old = indexNameExpander; indexNameExpander = newExpander; return old; } private String getIndex(OperatorNode operatorNode) { String index = fetchFieldRead(operatorNode); String expanded = indexNameExpander.expand(index); Preconditions.checkArgument(indexFactsSession.isIndex(expanded), "Field '%s' does not exist.", expanded); return indexFactsSession.getCanonicName(index); } private Substring getOrigin(OperatorNode ast) { Map origin = getAnnotation(ast, ORIGIN, Map.class, null, ORIGIN_DESCRIPTION); if (origin == null) { return null; } String original = getMapValue(ORIGIN, origin, ORIGIN_ORIGINAL, String.class); int offset = getMapValue(ORIGIN, origin, ORIGIN_OFFSET, Integer.class); int length = getMapValue(ORIGIN, origin, ORIGIN_LENGTH, Integer.class); return new Substring(offset, length + offset, original); } private static T getMapValue(String mapName, Map map, String key, Class expectedValueClass) { Object value = map.get(key); Preconditions.checkArgument(value != null, "Map annotation '%s' must contain an entry with key '%s'.", mapName, key); Preconditions.checkArgument(expectedValueClass.isInstance(value), "Expected %s for entry '%s' in map annotation '%s', got %s.", expectedValueClass.getName(), key, mapName, value.getClass().getName()); return expectedValueClass.cast(value); } private T getAnnotation(OperatorNode ast, String key, Class expectedClass, T defaultValue, String description) { return getAnnotation(ast, key, expectedClass, defaultValue, description, true); } private T getAnnotation(OperatorNode ast, String key, Class expectedClass, T defaultValue, String description, boolean considerParents) { Object value = ast.getAnnotation(key); for (Iterator> i = annotationStack.iterator(); value == null && considerParents && i.hasNext();) { OperatorNode node = i.next(); if (node.getOperator() == ExpressionOperator.VARREF) { Preconditions.checkState(userQuery != null, "properties must be available when trying to fetch user input"); value = userQuery.properties().getString(ast.getArgument(0, String.class)); } else { value = node.getAnnotation(key); } } if (value == null) return defaultValue; Preconditions.checkArgument(expectedClass.isInstance(value), "Expected %s for annotation '%s' (%s), got %s.", expectedClass.getName(), key, description, value.getClass().getName()); return expectedClass.cast(value); } private static IllegalArgumentException newUnexpectedArgumentException(Object actual, Object... expected) { StringBuilder out = new StringBuilder("Expected "); for (int i = 0, len = expected.length; i < len; ++i) { out.append(expected[i]); if (i < len - 2) { out.append(", "); } else if (i < len - 1) { out.append(" or "); } } out.append(", got ").append(actual).append("."); return new IllegalArgumentException(out.toString()); } private static final class ConnectedItem { final double weight; final int toId; final TaggableItem fromItem; ConnectedItem(TaggableItem fromItem, int toId, double weight) { this.weight = weight; this.toId = toId; this.fromItem = fromItem; } } private class AnnotationPropagator extends QueryVisitor { private final Boolean isRanked; private final Boolean filter; private final Boolean stem; private final Boolean normalizeCase; private final Boolean accentDrop; private final Boolean usePositionData; public AnnotationPropagator(OperatorNode ast) { isRanked = getAnnotation(ast, RANKED, Boolean.class, null, RANKED_DESCRIPTION); filter = getAnnotation(ast, FILTER, Boolean.class, null, FILTER_DESCRIPTION); stem = getAnnotation(ast, STEM, Boolean.class, null, STEM_DESCRIPTION); normalizeCase = getAnnotation(ast, NORMALIZE_CASE, Boolean.class, Boolean.TRUE, NORMALIZE_CASE_DESCRIPTION); accentDrop = getAnnotation(ast, ACCENT_DROP, Boolean.class, null, ACCENT_DROP_DESCRIPTION); usePositionData = getAnnotation(ast, USE_POSITION_DATA, Boolean.class, null, USE_POSITION_DATA_DESCRIPTION); } @Override public boolean visit(Item item) { if (item instanceof WordItem) { WordItem w = (WordItem) item; if (usePositionData != null) { w.setPositionData(usePositionData); } if (stem != null) { w.setStemmed(!stem); } if (normalizeCase != null) { w.setLowercased(!normalizeCase); } if (accentDrop != null) { w.setNormalizable(accentDrop); } } if (item instanceof TaggableItem) { if (isRanked != null) { item.setRanked(isRanked); } if (filter != null) { item.setFilter(filter); } } return true; } @Override public void onExit() { // intentionally left blank } } }