// Copyright 2017 Yahoo Holdings. Licensed under the terms of the Apache 2.0 license. See LICENSE in the project root. package com.yahoo.text.interpretation; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Set; /** * * An interpretation of a text. * * This class it the main class to use when when querying and modifying annotations for a text. * * The interpretation consists of a tree of annotations, with the nodes in tree being Spans. An annotation * is defined by its annotationClass ("person"), and by a key/value map of * parameters for that annotationClass (if the person is an actor or other notable person). * * This class is the main class for querying and setting annotations, where modifying the span tree * is not needed. * * @see Span * @author Arne Bergene Fossaa */ public class Interpretation { private Modification modification; private double probability; private Span rootSpan; public final static AnnotationClass INTERPRETATION_CLASS = new AnnotationClass("interpretation"); /** * Creates a new interpretation and a new modification from the text, * with the probability set to the default value(0.0). */ public Interpretation(String text) { this(text,0.0); } /** * Creates a new interpretation and a new modification from the text, with the given probability. */ public Interpretation(String text, double probabilty) { this(new Modification(text),probabilty); } /** * Creates a new interpretation based on the modification, with the probability set to the default value(0.0). */ public Interpretation(Modification modification) { this(modification,0.0); } /** * Creates an interpretation based on the modification given. */ public Interpretation(Modification modification,double probability) { this.modification = modification; rootSpan = new Span(modification); setProbability(probability); } public Modification getModification() { return modification; } /** * The probability that this interpretation is correct. * @return a value between 0.0 and 1.0 that gives the probability that this interpretation is correct */ public double getProbability() { return probability; } /** * Sets he probability that this interpretation is the correct. The value is not normalized, * meaning that it can have a value larger than 1.0. * * The value is used when sorting interpretations. */ public void setProbability(double probability) { if (probability < 0) { probability = 0.0; } else if (probability > 1.0) { probability = 1.0; } this.probability = probability; } /** Returns the root of the tree representation of the interpretation */ public Span root() { return rootSpan; } // Wrapper methods for Span /** * Return the annotation with the given annotationclass (and create it if necessary). * @param annotationClass The class of the annotation * */ public Annotations annotate(String annotationClass) { return annotate(new AnnotationClass(annotationClass)); } /** * Return the annotation with the given annotationclass (and create it if necessary). * @param annotationClass The class of the annotation * */ public Annotations annotate(AnnotationClass annotationClass) { return rootSpan.annotate(annotationClass); } /** * Sets a key/value pair for an annotation. If an annotation of the class does not * exist, a new is created. * * A shortcut for annotate(annotationClass).put(key,value) * @param annotationClass class of the annotation * @param key key of the property to set on the annotation * @param value value of the property to set on the annotation */ public void annotate(String annotationClass, String key, Object value) { annotate(new AnnotationClass(annotationClass)).put(key,value); } /** * Sets a key/value pair for an annotation. If an annotation of the class does not * exist, a new is created. * * A shortcut for annotate(annotationClass).put(key,value) * @param annotationClass class of the annotation * @param key key of the property to set on the annotation * @param value value of the property to set on the annotation */ public void annotate(AnnotationClass annotationClass, String key, Object value) { annotate(annotationClass).put(key,value); } /** * Returns the annotation with the given annotationClass (and create it if necessary). * @param from start of the substring * @param to end of the substring * @param annotationClass class of the annotation */ public Annotations annotate(int from, int to, String annotationClass) { return annotate(from,to,new AnnotationClass(annotationClass)); } /** * Returns the annotation with the given annotationClass (and create it if necessary). * @param from start of the substring * @param to end of the substring * @param annotationClass class of the annotation */ public Annotations annotate(int from, int to, AnnotationClass annotationClass) { return rootSpan.annotate(from,to,annotationClass); } /** * Sets a key/value pair for an annotation of a substring. If an annotation of the class * does not exist, a new is created. * * A shortcut for annotate(from, to, annotationClass, key, value * @param from start of the substring * @param to end of the substring * @param annotationClass class of the annotation * @param key key of property to set on annotation * @param value value of property to set on annotation */ public void annotate(int from, int to, String annotationClass, String key, Object value) { annotate(from, to,new AnnotationClass(annotationClass)).put(key, value); } /** * Sets a key/value pair for an annotation of a substring. If an annotation of the class * does not exist, a new is created. * * A shortcut for annotate(from, to, annotationClass, key, value * @param from start of the substring * @param to end of the substring * @param annotationClass class of the annotation * @param key key of property to set on annotation * @param value value of property to set on annotation */ public void annotate(int from, int to, AnnotationClass annotationClass, String key, Object value) { annotate(from, to, annotationClass).put(key, value); } /** * Gets all annotations mentioned in the query. This will also return all subannotations, even those that * override their parents */ public Map> getAll() { return rootSpan.getAllAnnotations(); } /** * Returns a list of all annotations of the given class that exists in the text. This will also return * all subannotations, even those that override their parents. * If there are none, an empty list is returned, never null. The returned list should not be modified. */ public List getAll(String annotationClass) { return getAll(new AnnotationClass(annotationClass)); } /** * Returns a list of all annotations of the given class that exists in the text. This will also return * all subannotations, even those that override their parent. * If there are none, an empty list is returned, never null. The returned list should not be modified. */ public List getAll(AnnotationClass annotationClass) { // TODO: This implementation is very inefficient because it unnecessarily collects for all classes Map> all = getAll(); if(all.containsKey(annotationClass)){ return all.get(annotationClass); } else { return Collections.emptyList(); } } /** * Returns the annotation marked with the annotationClass. * * This is different from annotate(annotationClass) because a new annotation * will not be created if it does not exist. * * @param annotationClass class of the annotation * @return an annotation with the given class, null if it does not exists */ public Annotations get(String annotationClass) { return get(new AnnotationClass(annotationClass)); } /** * Returns the annotation marked with the annotationClass. * * This is different from annotate(annotationClass) because a new annotation * will not be created if it does not exist. * * @param annotationClass class of the annotation * @return an annotation with the given class, null if it does not exists */ public Annotations get(AnnotationClass annotationClass) { return rootSpan.getAnnotation(annotationClass); } /** * Gets the value of a property set on an annotation. * If the annotation or the key/value pair does not exists, null * is returned */ public Object get(String annotationClass,String key) { return get(new AnnotationClass(annotationClass),key); } /** * Gets the value of a property set on an annotation. * If the annotation or the key/value pair does not exists, null * is returned */ public Object get(AnnotationClass annotationClass,String key) { Annotations annotations = get(annotationClass); if(annotations != null) { return annotations.get(key); } else { return null; } } /** * Equivalent to get(from,to,new AnnotationClass(annotationClass)) */ public Annotations get(int from, int to, String annotationClass) { return get(from,to,new AnnotationClass(annotationClass)); } /** * Gets an annotation that is set on a substring. * * This function first tries to find an annotation of annotationClass that * describe the range (from,to). If that does not exist, it tries to find the smallest range * which both contain (from,to) and has an annotation of annotationClass. * If that does not exist, null is returned. * * For example, if these annotations has been set for the text "new york city": * i.annotate(0,3,"token") //new * i.annotate(4,8,"token") //york * i.annotate(9,13,"city") //tokem * i.annotate(0,8,"city") //new york * i.annotate(0,13,"city") //new york city * * then: * * i.get(0,3,"token") //returns "token" - annotation for"new" * i.get(0,3,"city") //returns "city" - annotation for "new york" * i.get(9,13,"city") //returns "city" - annotation for "new york city" * * @param from start of the substring * @param to end of the substring * @param annotationClass class of the annotation * @return the anno */ public Annotations get(int from, int to, AnnotationClass annotationClass ) { return rootSpan.getAnnotation(from,to,annotationClass); } /** * Get the value of a property set on a substring annotation. * * If the annotation or the key/value pair does not exists, null * is returned. * */ public Object get(int from,int to,String annotationClass,String key) { Annotations annotations = get(from,to,annotationClass); if(annotations != null) { return annotations.get(key); } else { return null; } } /** * Gets all the annotationclasses that describes the text. */ public Set getClasses() { return rootSpan.getClasses(); } /** * Gets all annotationclasses that describe a substring */ public Set getClasses(int from,int to) { return rootSpan.getClasses(from,to); } /** * Gets the lowermost spans (usually the spans marked with token). */ public List getTokens() { return rootSpan.getTokens(); } /** * Returns all spans that consists of the term given. If no span with that term exists, * the empty list is returned. */ public List getTermSpans(String term) { return rootSpan.getTermSpans(term); } @Override public String toString() { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); Map> annotations = getAll(); Iterator>> mapIterator = annotations.entrySet().iterator(); while (mapIterator.hasNext()) { Map.Entry> entry = mapIterator.next(); Iterator annoIterator = entry.getValue().iterator(); sb.append(entry.getKey()).append(" : ["); while (annoIterator.hasNext()) { Annotations annotation = annoIterator.next(); sb.append("\"").append(annotation.getSubString()).append("\""); dumpAnnotation(sb, annotation); if(annoIterator.hasNext()) { sb.append(","); } } sb.append("]"); if(mapIterator.hasNext()) { sb.append(", "); } } sb.append(")"); return sb.toString(); } private void dumpAnnotation(StringBuilder sb, Annotations annotations) { if (annotations.getMap().size() > 0) { sb.append(" : {"); Iterator> valueIterator = annotations.getMap().entrySet().iterator(); while(valueIterator.hasNext()) { Map.Entry value = valueIterator.next(); sb.append(value.getKey()).append(" : ").append(value.getValue()); if(valueIterator.hasNext()) { sb.append(", "); } } sb.append("}"); } } }