// Copyright 2017 Yahoo Holdings. Licensed under the terms of the Apache 2.0 license. See LICENSE in the project root. package com.yahoo.text.interpretation; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Set; /** * Span is a description of a part of a text, modeled as a tree. * * A span is defined by the range (from,to) and by a set of annotations on that range. It also contains a set * of child nodes that all have the restriction * child.from >= parent.from && child.to <= parent.to && (child.to-child.from) < (parent.to-parent.from) * This means that all spans on a text can be modeled as a tree, where all child spans are guaranteed to be contained * inside its parent span. *

* A span will usually be used indirectly through Interpretation. * * @author Arne Bergene Fossaa */ public class Span { private final Modification modification; private List subSpans = null; //Lazy because of a large number of leaf nodes private final Map annotations = new HashMap<>(); private Span parent; //Yes, this _should_ be final, but might be changed when adding an annotation private final int from; private final int to; /** * Creates a new root span based on the modfication */ Span(final Modification modification) { this.modification = modification; this.parent = null; this.from = 0; this.to = modification.getText().length(); } //This constructor is private to ensure that all child spans for a span is contained inside it. private Span(int from, int to, Span parent) { this.parent = parent; this.modification = parent.modification; this.from = from; this.to = to; } /** * Returns the text that this spans is */ public String getText() { return modification.getText().substring(from, to); } public String toString() { return "SPAN: " + getText(); } public Annotations annotate(AnnotationClass clazz) { Annotations annotations = this.annotations.get(clazz); if (!this.annotations.containsKey(clazz)) { annotations = new Annotations(this); this.annotations.put(clazz, annotations); } return annotations; } /** * This will either create or get the annotation of the class annotation */ public Annotations annotate(int from, int to, AnnotationClass clazz) { return addAnnotation(from, to, clazz); } /** * Returns all annotations that are contained in either this subspan or in any of its subannotations */ public Map> getAllAnnotations() { Map> result = new HashMap<>(); getAllAnnotations(result); return result; } /** * Returns all spans, either this or any of the spans that are inherits this span that match the given term */ public List getTermSpans(String term) { List spans = new ArrayList<>(); getTermSpans(term, spans); return spans; } /** * Returns the annotations with a specific class for the area defined by this span *

* * This function will query its parent to find any annotation that is set for an area that this span is contained * in. If there are conflicts (several annotations defined with the same annotation class), the annotation * that is defined for the smallest area (furthest down in the tree), is used. */ public Annotations getAnnotation(AnnotationClass clazz) { return getAnnotation(from, to, clazz); } /** * Returns the annotations with a specific class for the area defined by (from,to). * * This function will query its parent to find any annotation that is set for an area that this span is contained * in. If there are conflicts (several annotations defined with the same annotation class), the annotation * that is defined for the smallest area (furthest down in the tree), is used. * * @throws RuntimeException if (from,to) is not contained in the span */ public Annotations getAnnotation(int from, int to, AnnotationClass clazz) { if(from < this.from || to > this.to) { throw new RuntimeException("Trying to get a range that is outside this span"); } if (this.parent != null) { return parent.getAnnotation(from, to, clazz); } else { return getBestAnnotation(from, to, clazz ); } } /** * Returns all AnnotationClasses that are defined for this span and any of its superspans. */ public Set getClasses() { return getClasses(from, to); } /** * Returns all AnnotationClasses that are defined for the range (from,to). * * @throws RuntimeException if (from,to) is not contained in the span */ public Set getClasses(int from, int to) { if(from < this.from || to > this.to) { throw new RuntimeException("Trying to get a range that is outside this span"); } if (this.parent != null) { return parent.getClasses(from, to); } else { HashSet classes = new HashSet<>(); getAnnotationClasses(from, to, classes); return classes; } } /** * Returns an unmodifiable list of all spans below this span that is a leaf node */ public List getTokens() { List spans = new ArrayList<>(); getTokens(spans); return Collections.unmodifiableList(spans); } /** * Returns true if this class */ public boolean hasClass(AnnotationClass clazz) { return getClasses().contains(clazz); } /** * Returns all spans that are directly childrens of this span. If the span is a leaf, the empty * list will be returned. The list is unmodifable. */ public List getSubSpans() { return subSpans == null ? Collections.emptyList() : Collections.unmodifiableList(subSpans); } /** hack */ public int getFrom() { return from; } /** hack */ public int getTo() { return to; } //Needed by addAnnotation private List getRemovableSubSpan() { return subSpans == null ? Collections.emptyList() : subSpans; } private void addSubSpan(Span span) { if(subSpans == null) { subSpans = new ArrayList<>(); } subSpans.add(span); } /* * How this works: * * First we check if any excisting subannotation can contain this annotation. If so, we leave it to them to add * the new annotation. * * Then we check if the new annotation intersects any of the excisting annotations. That is illegal to do * * We then add all subannotations that are strictly contained in the new annotation to the new annotation. */ private Annotations addAnnotation(int from, int to, AnnotationClass clazz) { if (equalsRange(from, to)) { //We simply add everything from the new span to this if (annotations.containsKey(clazz)) { return annotations.get(clazz); } else { Annotations nAnnotations = new Annotations(this); annotations.put(clazz,nAnnotations); return nAnnotations; } } //We then check if any of the children intersects for (Span subSpan : getSubSpans()) { if (subSpan.intersects(from, to)) { throw new RuntimeException("Trying to add span that intersects already excisting span"); } else if (subSpan.contains(from, to)) { return subSpan.addAnnotation(from, to, clazz); } } //We now know that we have to add the new span to this span Span span = new Span(from, to, this); Annotations nAnnotations = new Annotations(span); span.annotations.put(clazz,nAnnotations); addSubSpan(span); //We then add any subannotation that is inside the span Iterator subIterator = getRemovableSubSpan().iterator(); while (subIterator.hasNext()) { Span subSpan = subIterator.next(); if (subSpan.contains(from, to)) { return subSpan.addAnnotation(from, to, clazz); } else if (subSpan.isInside(from, to)) { //Overtake the subannotation subSpan.parent = span; span.addSubSpan(subSpan); subIterator.remove(); } } return nAnnotations; } private boolean contains(int from, int to) { return this.from <= from && this.to >= to; } private boolean isInside(int from, int to) { return this.from >= from && this.to <= to; } private boolean intersects(int from, int to) { return (this.from < from && this.to > from && this.to < to) || (this.from < to && this.to > to && this.from > from); } private boolean equalsRange(int from, int to) { return this.from == from && this.to == to; } private void getAllAnnotations(Map> results) { for(Map.Entry entry : annotations.entrySet()) { List anList = results.get(entry.getKey()); if (anList == null) { anList = new ArrayList<>(); results.put(entry.getKey(), anList); } anList.add(entry.getValue()); } for(Span subSpan : getSubSpans()) { subSpan.getAllAnnotations(results); } } private void getTermSpans(String term, List spans) { if(term.equalsIgnoreCase(this.getText())) { spans.add(this); } for(Span subSpan : getSubSpans()) { subSpan.getTermSpans(term, spans); } } private void getAnnotationClasses(int from, int to, Set classes) { if (!contains(from, to)) { return; } classes.addAll(annotations.keySet()); for (Span subSpan : getSubSpans()) { subSpan.getAnnotationClasses(from, to, classes); } } private void getTokens(List spans) { if (getSubSpans().size() == 0) { spans.add(this); } else { for (Span subSpan : getSubSpans()) { subSpan.getTokens(spans); } } } private Annotations getBestAnnotation(int from, int to, AnnotationClass clazz) { if (!contains(from, to)) { return null; } //First yourself, then the subs Annotations annotations = this.annotations.get(clazz); for (Span subSpan : getSubSpans()) { Annotations subAnnotations = subSpan.getBestAnnotation(from, to, clazz); if (subAnnotations != null) { annotations = subAnnotations; } } return annotations; } }