# Copyright Yahoo. Licensed under the terms of the Apache 2.0 license. See LICENSE in the project root. # Do update the start script with the new name if you change it: namespace=search.config ## Server or client VM jvm.server bool default=true restart ## Debug logging of Garbage Collection jvm.verbosegc bool default=true restart ## Garbage Collection tuning parameters jvm.gcopts string default="-XX:+UseG1GC -XX:MaxTenuringThreshold=15 -XX:NewRatio=1" restart ## Heap size (in megabytes) for the Java VM jvm.heapsize int default=1536 restart ## Min heapsize (in megabytes) for the Java VM jvm.minHeapsize int default=1536 restart ## Stack size (in kilobytes) jvm.stacksize int default=512 restart ## CompressedOOps size in megabytes jvm.compressedClassSpaceSize int default=32 restart ## Base value of maximum direct memory size (in megabytes) jvm.baseMaxDirectMemorySize int default=16 restart ## Amount of direct memory used for caching. (in megabytes) jvm.directMemorySizeCache int default=0 restart ## Set heap size as this percentage of available RAM, instead of absolute ## value above. Setting outside [1, 99] disables this setting. jvm.heapSizeAsPercentageOfPhysicalMemory int default=0 restart ## Number of processors available, can be used to set -XX:ActiveProcessorCount if set to non-zero. ## In that case will be the number returned by the JVM when calling Runtime.getRuntime().availableProcessors() jvm.availableProcessors int default=0 restart ## Extra environment variables qrs.env string default="" restart ## Extra class path entries, forwarded to vespa-start-container_daemon. Overrides the corresponding env setting. jdisc.classpath_extra string default="" restart ## Extra export packages entries, forwarded to vespa-start-container_daemon. Overrides the corresponding env setting. jdisc.export_packages string default="" restart