// Copyright Yahoo. Licensed under the terms of the Apache 2.0 license. See LICENSE in the project root. package com.yahoo.search.grouping.vespa; import com.yahoo.search.grouping.Continuation; import com.yahoo.search.grouping.request.*; import com.yahoo.searchlib.aggregation.*; import com.yahoo.searchlib.expression.*; import org.junit.Test; import java.util.*; import static org.junit.Assert.assertEquals; import static org.junit.Assert.assertTrue; import static org.junit.Assert.fail; /** * @author Simon Thoresen Hult */ public class RequestBuilderTestCase { @Test public void requireThatAllAggregationResulsAreSupported() { assertLayout("all(group(a) each(output(avg(b))))", "[[{ Attribute, result = [Average] }]]"); assertLayout("all(group(a) each(output(count())))", "[[{ Attribute, result = [Count] }]]"); assertLayout("all(group(a) each(output(max(b))))", "[[{ Attribute, result = [Max] }]]"); assertLayout("all(group(a) each(output(min(b))))", "[[{ Attribute, result = [Min] }]]"); assertLayout("all(group(a) each(output(sum(b))))", "[[{ Attribute, result = [Sum] }]]"); assertLayout("all(group(a) each(each(output(summary()))))", "[[{ Attribute, result = [Hits] }]]"); assertLayout("all(group(a) each(output(xor(b))))", "[[{ Attribute, result = [Xor] }]]"); assertLayout("all(group(a) each(output(stddev(b))))", "[[{ Attribute, result = [StandardDeviation] }]]"); } @Test public void requireThatExpressionCountAggregationResultIsSupported() { RequestBuilder builder = new RequestBuilder(0); builder.setRootOperation(GroupingOperation.fromString("all(group(foo) output(count()))")); builder.build(); AggregationResult aggr = builder.getRequestList().get(0).getRoot().getAggregationResults().get(0); assertTrue(aggr instanceof ExpressionCountAggregationResult); assertEquals(new AttributeNode("foo"), aggr.getExpression()); } private List getRequestList(String selection) { RequestBuilder builder = new RequestBuilder(0); builder.setRootOperation(GroupingOperation.fromString(selection)); builder.build(); return builder.getRequestList(); } @Test public void requireThatTopNIsHonoured() { List gl = getRequestList("all(max(3) all(group(product_id) max(5) each(output(sum(price)))))"); assertEquals(1, gl.size()); assertEquals(3, gl.get(0).getTopN()); } @Test public void requireThatTopNIsHonouredWhenNested() { List gl = getRequestList("all( all(max(3) all(group(product_id) max(5) each(output(sum(price))))))"); assertEquals(1, gl.size()); assertEquals(3, gl.get(0).getTopN()); } @Test public void requireThatTopNIsInherited() { List gl = getRequestList("all(max(7) all( all(group(product_id) max(5) each(output(sum(price))))))"); assertEquals(1, gl.size()); assertEquals(7, gl.get(0).getTopN()); } @Test public void requireThatTopNIsMinimum() { List gl = getRequestList("all(max(7) all(max(3) all(group(product_id) max(5) each(output(sum(price))))))"); assertEquals(1, gl.size()); assertEquals(3, gl.get(0).getTopN()); gl = getRequestList("all(max(3) all(max(7) all(group(product_id) max(5) each(output(sum(price))))))"); assertEquals(1, gl.size()); assertEquals(3, gl.get(0).getTopN()); } @Test public void requireThatTopNIsIndividual() { List gl = getRequestList("all( all(max(3) all(group(product_id) max(5) each(output(sum(price))))) all(group(filter_cluster3) order(count()) each(output(count()))))"); assertEquals(2, gl.size()); assertEquals(3, gl.get(0).getTopN()); assertEquals(-1, gl.get(1).getTopN()); gl = getRequestList("all( max(7) all(max(3) all(group(product_id) max(5) each(output(sum(price))))) all(group(filter_cluster3) order(count()) each(output(count()))))"); assertEquals(2, gl.size()); assertEquals(3, gl.get(0).getTopN()); assertEquals(7, gl.get(1).getTopN()); } @Test public void requireThatAllExpressionNodesAreSupported() { assertLayout("all(group(add(a,b)) each(output(count())))", "[[{ Add, result = [Count] }]]"); assertLayout("all(group(and(a,b)) each(output(count())))", "[[{ And, result = [Count] }]]"); assertLayout("all(group(a) each(output(count())))", "[[{ Attribute, result = [Count] }]]"); assertLayout("all(group(cat(a,b)) each(output(count())))", "[[{ Cat, result = [Count] }]]"); assertLayout("all(group(debugwait(a, 69, true)) each(output(count())))", "[[{ DebugWait, result = [Count] }]]"); assertLayout("all(group(docidnsspecific()) each(output(count())))", "[[{ GetDocIdNamespaceSpecific, result = [Count] }]]"); assertLayout("all(group(1.0) each(output(count())))", "[[{ Constant, result = [Count] }]]"); assertLayout("all(group(div(a,b)) each(output(count())))", "[[{ Divide, result = [Count] }]]"); assertLayout("all(group(fixedwidth(a,1)) each(output(count())))", "[[{ FixedWidthBucket, result = [Count] }]]"); assertLayout("all(group(fixedwidth(a,1.0)) each(output(count())))", "[[{ FixedWidthBucket, result = [Count] }]]"); assertLayout("all(group(1) each(output(count())))", "[[{ Constant, result = [Count] }]]"); assertLayout("all(group(max(a,b)) each(output(count())))", "[[{ Max, result = [Count] }]]"); assertLayout("all(group(md5(a,1)) each(output(count())))", "[[{ MD5Bit, result = [Count] }]]"); assertLayout("all(group(uca(a,b)) each(output(count())))", "[[{ Uca, result = [Count] }]]"); assertLayout("all(group(uca(a,b,PRIMARY)) each(output(count())))", "[[{ Uca, result = [Count] }]]"); assertLayout("all(group(min(a,b)) each(output(count())))", "[[{ Min, result = [Count] }]]"); assertLayout("all(group(mod(a,b)) each(output(count())))", "[[{ Modulo, result = [Count] }]]"); assertLayout("all(group(mul(a,b)) each(output(count())))", "[[{ Multiply, result = [Count] }]]"); assertLayout("all(group(neg(a)) each(output(count())))", "[[{ Negate, result = [Count] }]]"); assertLayout("all(group(normalizesubject(a)) each(output(count())))", "[[{ NormalizeSubject, result = [Count] }]]"); assertLayout("all(group(now()) each(output(count())))", "[[{ Constant, result = [Count] }]]"); assertLayout("all(group(or(a,b)) each(output(count())))", "[[{ Or, result = [Count] }]]"); assertLayout("all(group(predefined(a,bucket(1,2))) each(output(count())))", "[[{ RangeBucketPreDef, result = [Count] }]]"); assertLayout("all(group(relevance()) each(output(count())))", "[[{ Relevance, result = [Count] }]]"); assertLayout("all(group(reverse(a)) each(output(count())))", "[[{ Reverse, result = [Count] }]]"); assertLayout("all(group(size(a)) each(output(count())))", "[[{ NumElem, result = [Count] }]]"); assertLayout("all(group(sort(a)) each(output(count())))", "[[{ Sort, result = [Count] }]]"); assertLayout("all(group(strcat(a,b)) each(output(count())))", "[[{ StrCat, result = [Count] }]]"); assertLayout("all(group('a') each(output(count())))", "[[{ Constant, result = [Count] }]]"); assertLayout("all(group(strlen(a)) each(output(count())))", "[[{ StrLen, result = [Count] }]]"); assertLayout("all(group(sub(a,b)) each(output(count())))", "[[{ Add, result = [Count] }]]"); assertLayout("all(group(todouble(a)) each(output(count())))", "[[{ ToFloat, result = [Count] }]]"); assertLayout("all(group(tolong(a)) each(output(count())))", "[[{ ToInt, result = [Count] }]]"); assertLayout("all(group(toraw(a)) each(output(count())))", "[[{ ToRaw, result = [Count] }]]"); assertLayout("all(group(tostring(a)) each(output(count())))", "[[{ ToString, result = [Count] }]]"); assertLayout("all(group(time.date(a)) each(output(count())))", "[[{ StrCat, result = [Count] }]]"); assertLayout("all(group(math.sqrt(a)) each(output(count())))", "[[{ Math, result = [Count] }]]"); assertLayout("all(group(math.cbrt(a)) each(output(count())))", "[[{ Math, result = [Count] }]]"); assertLayout("all(group(math.log(a)) each(output(count())))", "[[{ Math, result = [Count] }]]"); assertLayout("all(group(math.log1p(a)) each(output(count())))", "[[{ Math, result = [Count] }]]"); assertLayout("all(group(math.log10(a)) each(output(count())))", "[[{ Math, result = [Count] }]]"); assertLayout("all(group(math.exp(a)) each(output(count())))", "[[{ Math, result = [Count] }]]"); assertLayout("all(group(math.pow(a,b)) each(output(count())))", "[[{ Math, result = [Count] }]]"); assertLayout("all(group(math.hypot(a,b)) each(output(count())))", "[[{ Math, result = [Count] }]]"); assertLayout("all(group(math.sin(a)) each(output(count())))", "[[{ Math, result = [Count] }]]"); assertLayout("all(group(math.asin(a)) each(output(count())))", "[[{ Math, result = [Count] }]]"); assertLayout("all(group(math.cos(a)) each(output(count())))", "[[{ Math, result = [Count] }]]"); assertLayout("all(group(math.acos(a)) each(output(count())))", "[[{ Math, result = [Count] }]]"); assertLayout("all(group(math.tan(a)) each(output(count())))", "[[{ Math, result = [Count] }]]"); assertLayout("all(group(math.atan(a)) each(output(count())))", "[[{ Math, result = [Count] }]]"); assertLayout("all(group(math.sinh(a)) each(output(count())))", "[[{ Math, result = [Count] }]]"); assertLayout("all(group(math.asinh(a)) each(output(count())))", "[[{ Math, result = [Count] }]]"); assertLayout("all(group(math.cosh(a)) each(output(count())))", "[[{ Math, result = [Count] }]]"); assertLayout("all(group(math.acosh(a)) each(output(count())))", "[[{ Math, result = [Count] }]]"); assertLayout("all(group(math.tanh(a)) each(output(count())))", "[[{ Math, result = [Count] }]]"); assertLayout("all(group(zcurve.x(a)) each(output(count())))", "[[{ ZCurve, result = [Count] }]]"); assertLayout("all(group(zcurve.y(a)) each(output(count())))", "[[{ ZCurve, result = [Count] }]]"); assertLayout("all(group(time.dayofmonth(a)) each(output(count())))", "[[{ TimeStamp, result = [Count] }]]"); assertLayout("all(group(time.dayofweek(a)) each(output(count())))", "[[{ TimeStamp, result = [Count] }]]"); assertLayout("all(group(time.dayofyear(a)) each(output(count())))", "[[{ TimeStamp, result = [Count] }]]"); assertLayout("all(group(time.hourofday(a)) each(output(count())))", "[[{ TimeStamp, result = [Count] }]]"); assertLayout("all(group(time.minuteofhour(a)) each(output(count())))", "[[{ TimeStamp, result = [Count] }]]"); assertLayout("all(group(time.monthofyear(a)) each(output(count())))", "[[{ TimeStamp, result = [Count] }]]"); assertLayout("all(group(time.secondofminute(a)) each(output(count())))", "[[{ TimeStamp, result = [Count] }]]"); assertLayout("all(group(time.year(a)) each(output(count())))", "[[{ TimeStamp, result = [Count] }]]"); assertLayout("all(group(xor(a,b)) each(output(count())))", "[[{ Xor, result = [Count] }]]"); assertLayout("all(group(xorbit(a,1)) each(output(count())))", "[[{ XorBit, result = [Count] }]]"); } @Test public void requireThatForceSinglePassIsSupported() { assertForceSinglePass("all(group(foo) each(output(count())))", "[false]"); assertForceSinglePass("all(group(foo) hint(singlepass) each(output(count())))", "[true]"); assertForceSinglePass("all(hint(singlepass) " + " all(group(foo) each(output(count())))" + " all(group(bar) each(output(count()))))", "[true, true]"); // it would be really nice if this test returned [true, true], but that is not how the AST is built assertForceSinglePass("all(all(group(foo) hint(singlepass) each(output(count())))" + " all(group(bar) hint(singlepass) each(output(count()))))", "[false, false]"); } @Test public void requireThatThereCanBeOnlyOneBuildCall() { RequestBuilder builder = new RequestBuilder(0); builder.setRootOperation(GroupingOperation.fromString("all(group(foo) each(output(count())))")); builder.build(); try { builder.build(); fail(); } catch (IllegalStateException e) { } } @Test public void requireThatNullSummaryClassProvidesDefault() { RequestBuilder reqBuilder = new RequestBuilder(0); reqBuilder.setRootOperation(new AllOperation() .setGroupBy(new AttributeValue("foo")) .addChild(new EachOperation() .addChild(new EachOperation() .addOutput(new SummaryValue())))); reqBuilder.setDefaultSummaryName(null); reqBuilder.build(); HitsAggregationResult hits = (HitsAggregationResult)reqBuilder.getRequestList().get(0) .getLevels().get(0) .getGroupPrototype() .getAggregationResults().get(0); assertEquals(ExpressionConverter.DEFAULT_SUMMARY_NAME, hits.getSummaryClass()); } @Test public void requireThatGroupOfGroupsAreNotSupported() { // "Can not group list of groups." assertBuildFail("all(group(a) all(group(avg(b)) each(each(each(output(summary()))))))", "Can not operate on list of list of groups."); } @Test public void requireThatAnonymousListsAreNotSupported() { assertBuildFail("all(group(a) all(each(each(output(summary())))))", "Can not create anonymous list of groups."); } @Test public void requireThatOffsetContinuationCanModifyGroupingLevel() { assertOffset("all(group(a) max(5) each(output(count())))", newOffset(2, 5), "[[{ tag = 2, max = [5, 11], hits = [] }]]"); assertOffset("all(group(a) max(5) each(output(count())) as(foo)" + " each(output(count())) as(bar))", newOffset(2, 5), "[[{ tag = 2, max = [5, 11], hits = [] }]," + " [{ tag = 4, max = [5, 6], hits = [] }]]"); assertOffset("all(group(a) max(5) each(output(count())) as(foo)" + " each(output(count())) as(bar))", newComposite(newOffset(2, 5), newOffset(4, 10)), "[[{ tag = 2, max = [5, 11], hits = [] }]," + " [{ tag = 4, max = [5, 16], hits = [] }]]"); } @Test public void requireThatOffsetContinuationCanModifyHitAggregator() { assertOffset("all(group(a) each(max(5) each(output(summary()))))", newOffset(3, 5), "[[{ tag = 2, max = [0, -1], hits = [{ tag = 3, max = [5, 11] }] }]]"); assertOffset("all(group(a) each(max(5) each(output(summary()))) as(foo)" + " each(max(5) each(output(summary()))) as(bar))", newOffset(3, 5), "[[{ tag = 2, max = [0, -1], hits = [{ tag = 3, max = [5, 11] }] }]," + " [{ tag = 4, max = [0, -1], hits = [{ tag = 5, max = [5, 6] }] }]]"); assertOffset("all(group(a) each(max(5) each(output(summary()))) as(foo)" + " each(max(5) each(output(summary()))) as(bar))", newComposite(newOffset(3, 5), newOffset(5, 10)), "[[{ tag = 2, max = [0, -1], hits = [{ tag = 3, max = [5, 11] }] }]," + " [{ tag = 4, max = [0, -1], hits = [{ tag = 5, max = [5, 16] }] }]]"); } @Test public void requireThatOffsetContinuationIsNotAppliedToGroupingLevelWithoutMax() { assertOffset("all(group(a) each(output(count())))", newOffset(2, 5), "[[{ tag = 2, max = [0, -1], hits = [] }]]"); } @Test public void requireThatOffsetContinuationIsNotAppliedToHitAggregatorWithoutMax() { assertOffset("all(group(a) each(each(output(summary()))))", newOffset(3, 5), "[[{ tag = 2, max = [0, -1], hits = [{ tag = 3, max = [0, -1] }] }]]"); } @Test public void requireThatUnstableContinuationsDoNotAffectRequestedGroupLists() { String request = "all(group(a) max(5) each(group(b) max(5) each(output(count())) as(a1_b1)" + " each(output(count())) as(a1_b2)) as(a1)" + " each(group(b) max(5) each(output(count())) as(a2_b1)" + " each(output(count())) as(a2_b2)) as(a2))"; CompositeContinuation session = newComposite(newOffset(2, 5), newOffset(3, 5), newOffset(5, 5), newOffset(7, 5), newOffset(8, 5), newOffset(10, 5)); assertOffset(request, newComposite(session), "[[{ tag = 2, max = [5, 11], hits = [] }, { tag = 3, max = [5, 11], hits = [] }]," + " [{ tag = 2, max = [5, 11], hits = [] }, { tag = 5, max = [5, 11], hits = [] }]," + " [{ tag = 7, max = [5, 11], hits = [] }, { tag = 10, max = [5, 11], hits = [] }]," + " [{ tag = 7, max = [5, 11], hits = [] }, { tag = 8, max = [5, 11], hits = [] }]]"); assertOffset(request, newComposite(session, newUnstableOffset(2, 10)), "[[{ tag = 2, max = [5, 16], hits = [] }, { tag = 3, max = [5, 11], hits = [] }]," + " [{ tag = 2, max = [5, 16], hits = [] }, { tag = 5, max = [5, 11], hits = [] }]," + " [{ tag = 7, max = [5, 11], hits = [] }, { tag = 10, max = [5, 11], hits = [] }]," + " [{ tag = 7, max = [5, 11], hits = [] }, { tag = 8, max = [5, 11], hits = [] }]]"); assertOffset(request, newComposite(session, newUnstableOffset(7, 10)), "[[{ tag = 2, max = [5, 11], hits = [] }, { tag = 3, max = [5, 11], hits = [] }]," + " [{ tag = 2, max = [5, 11], hits = [] }, { tag = 5, max = [5, 11], hits = [] }]," + " [{ tag = 7, max = [5, 16], hits = [] }, { tag = 10, max = [5, 11], hits = [] }]," + " [{ tag = 7, max = [5, 16], hits = [] }, { tag = 8, max = [5, 11], hits = [] }]]"); assertOffset(request, newComposite(session, newUnstableOffset(2, 10), newUnstableOffset(7, 10)), "[[{ tag = 2, max = [5, 16], hits = [] }, { tag = 3, max = [5, 11], hits = [] }]," + " [{ tag = 2, max = [5, 16], hits = [] }, { tag = 5, max = [5, 11], hits = [] }]," + " [{ tag = 7, max = [5, 16], hits = [] }, { tag = 10, max = [5, 11], hits = [] }]," + " [{ tag = 7, max = [5, 16], hits = [] }, { tag = 8, max = [5, 11], hits = [] }]]"); } @Test public void requireThatUnstableContinuationsDoNotAffectRequestedHitLists() { String request = "all(group(a) max(5) each(max(5) each(output(summary())) as(a1_h1)" + " each(output(summary())) as(a1_h2)) as(a1)" + " each(max(5) each(output(summary())) as(a2_h1)" + " each(output(summary())) as(a2_h2)) as(a2))"; CompositeContinuation session = newComposite(newOffset(2, 5), newOffset(3, 5), newOffset(4, 5), newOffset(5, 5), newOffset(6, 5), newOffset(7, 5)); assertOffset(request, newComposite(session), "[[{ tag = 2, max = [5, 11], hits = [{ tag = 3, max = [5, 11] }] }]," + " [{ tag = 2, max = [5, 11], hits = [{ tag = 4, max = [5, 11] }] }]," + " [{ tag = 5, max = [5, 11], hits = [{ tag = 6, max = [5, 11] }] }]," + " [{ tag = 5, max = [5, 11], hits = [{ tag = 7, max = [5, 11] }] }]]"); assertOffset(request, newComposite(session, newUnstableOffset(2, 10)), "[[{ tag = 2, max = [5, 16], hits = [{ tag = 3, max = [5, 11] }] }]," + " [{ tag = 2, max = [5, 16], hits = [{ tag = 4, max = [5, 11] }] }]," + " [{ tag = 5, max = [5, 11], hits = [{ tag = 6, max = [5, 11] }] }]," + " [{ tag = 5, max = [5, 11], hits = [{ tag = 7, max = [5, 11] }] }]]"); assertOffset(request, newComposite(session, newUnstableOffset(5, 10)), "[[{ tag = 2, max = [5, 11], hits = [{ tag = 3, max = [5, 11] }] }]," + " [{ tag = 2, max = [5, 11], hits = [{ tag = 4, max = [5, 11] }] }]," + " [{ tag = 5, max = [5, 16], hits = [{ tag = 6, max = [5, 11] }] }]," + " [{ tag = 5, max = [5, 16], hits = [{ tag = 7, max = [5, 11] }] }]]"); assertOffset(request, newComposite(session, newUnstableOffset(2, 10), newUnstableOffset(5, 10)), "[[{ tag = 2, max = [5, 16], hits = [{ tag = 3, max = [5, 11] }] }]," + " [{ tag = 2, max = [5, 16], hits = [{ tag = 4, max = [5, 11] }] }]," + " [{ tag = 5, max = [5, 16], hits = [{ tag = 6, max = [5, 11] }] }]," + " [{ tag = 5, max = [5, 16], hits = [{ tag = 7, max = [5, 11] }] }]]"); } @Test public void requireThatExpressionsCanBeAliased() { OutputWriter writer = (groupingList, transform) -> groupingList.get(0).getLevels().get(0).getGroupPrototype().getAggregationResults().get(0) .toString(); RequestTest test = new RequestTest(); test.expectedOutput = new SumAggregationResult().setTag(3).setExpression(new AttributeNode("price")).toString(); test.request = "all(group(artist) alias(foo,sum(price)) each(output($foo)))"; test.outputWriter = writer; assertOutput(test); test = new RequestTest(); test.expectedOutput = new SumAggregationResult().setTag(3).setExpression(new AttributeNode("price")).toString(); test.request = "all(group(artist) order($foo=sum(price)) each(output($foo)))"; test.outputWriter = writer; assertOutput(test); } @Test public void requireThatGroupingLayoutIsCorrect() { assertLayout("all(group(artist) each(max(69) output(count()) each(output(summary()))))", "[[{ Attribute, result = [Count, Hits] }]]"); assertLayout("all(group(artist) each(output(count()) all(group(album) each(output(count()) all(group(song) each(max(69) output(count()) each(output(summary()))))))))", "[[{ Attribute, result = [Count] }, { Attribute, result = [Count] }, { Attribute, result = [Count, Hits] }]]"); assertLayout("all(group(artist) each(output(count())))", "[[{ Attribute, result = [Count] }]]"); assertLayout("all(group(artist) order(sum(price)) each(output(count())))", "[[{ Attribute, result = [Count, Sum], order = [[1], [AggregationRef]] }]]"); assertLayout("all(group(artist) each(max(69) output(count()) each(output(summary(foo)))))", "[[{ Attribute, result = [Count, Hits] }]]"); assertLayout("all(group(artist) each(output(count()) all(group(album) each(output(count())))))", "[[{ Attribute, result = [Count] }, { Attribute, result = [Count] }]]"); assertLayout("all(group(artist) max(5) each(output(count()) all(group(album) max(3) each(output(count())))))", "[[{ Attribute, max = [6, 6], result = [Count] }, { Attribute, max = [4, 4], result = [Count] }]]"); assertLayout("all(group(artist) max(5) each(output(count()) all(group(album) max(3) each(output(count())))))", "[[{ Attribute, max = [6, 6], result = [Count] }, { Attribute, max = [4, 4], result = [Count] }]]"); assertLayout("all(group(foo) max(10) each(output(count()) all(group(bar) max(10) each(output(count())))))", "[[{ Attribute, max = [11, 11], result = [Count] }, { Attribute, max = [11, 11], result = [Count] }]]"); assertLayout("all(group(a) max(5) each(max(69) output(count()) each(output(summary()))))", "[[{ Attribute, max = [6, 6], result = [Count, Hits] }]]"); assertLayout("all(group(a) max(5) each(output(count()) all(group(b) max(5) each(max(69) output(count()) each(output(summary()))))))", "[[{ Attribute, max = [6, 6], result = [Count] }, { Attribute, max = [6, 6], result = [Count, Hits] }]]"); assertLayout("all(group(a) max(5) each(output(count()) all(group(b) max(5) each(output(count()) all(group(c) max(5) each(max(69) output(count()) each(output(summary()))))))))", "[[{ Attribute, max = [6, 6], result = [Count] }, { Attribute, max = [6, 6], result = [Count] }, { Attribute, max = [6, 6], result = [Count, Hits] }]]"); assertLayout("all(group(fixedwidth(n,3)) max(5) each(output(count()) all(group(a) max(2) each(output(count())))))", "[[{ FixedWidthBucket, max = [6, 6], result = [Count] }, { Attribute, max = [3, 3], result = [Count] }]]"); assertLayout("all(group(fixedwidth(n,3)) max(5) each(output(count()) all(group(a) max(2) each(output(count())))))", "[[{ FixedWidthBucket, max = [6, 6], result = [Count] }, { Attribute, max = [3, 3], result = [Count] }]]"); assertLayout("all(group(fixedwidth(n,3)) max(5) each(output(count()) all(group(a) max(2) each(max(1) output(count()) each(output(summary()))))))", "[[{ FixedWidthBucket, max = [6, 6], result = [Count] }, { Attribute, max = [3, 3], result = [Count, Hits] }]]"); assertLayout("all(group(predefined(n,bucket(1,3),bucket(6,9))) each(output(count())))", "[[{ RangeBucketPreDef, result = [Count] }]]"); assertLayout("all(group(predefined(f,bucket(1.0,3.0),bucket(6.0,9.0))) each(output(count())))", "[[{ RangeBucketPreDef, result = [Count] }]]"); assertLayout("all(group(predefined(s,bucket(\"ab\",\"cd\"),bucket(\"ef\",\"gh\"))) each(output(count())))", "[[{ RangeBucketPreDef, result = [Count] }]]"); assertLayout("all(group(a) max(5) each(output(count())))", "[[{ Attribute, max = [6, 6], result = [Count] }]]"); assertLayout("all(group(a) max(5) each(output(count())))", "[[{ Attribute, max = [6, 6], result = [Count] }]]"); assertLayout("all(max(9) all(group(a) each(output(count()))))", "[[{ Attribute, result = [Count] }]]"); assertLayout("all(where(true) all(group(a) each(output(count()))))", "[[{ Attribute, result = [Count] }]]"); assertLayout("all(group(a) order(sum(n)) each(output(count())))", "[[{ Attribute, result = [Count, Sum], order = [[1], [AggregationRef]] }]]"); assertLayout("all(group(a) max(2) each(output(count())))", "[[{ Attribute, max = [3, 3], result = [Count] }]]"); assertLayout("all(group(a) max(2) precision(10) each(output(count())))", "[[{ Attribute, max = [3, 10], result = [Count] }]]"); assertLayout("all(group(fixedwidth(a,1)) each(output(count())))", "[[{ FixedWidthBucket, result = [Count] }]]"); } @Test public void requireThatAggregatorCanBeUsedAsArgumentToOrderByFunction() { assertLayout("all(group(a) order(sum(price) * count()) each(output(count())))", "[[{ Attribute, result = [Count, Sum], order = [[1], [Multiply]] }]]"); assertLayout("all(group(a) order(sum(price) + 4) each(output(sum(price))))", "[[{ Attribute, result = [Sum], order = [[1], [Add]] }]]"); assertLayout("all(group(a) order(sum(price) + 4, count()) each(output(sum(price))))", "[[{ Attribute, result = [Sum, Count], order = [[1, 2], [Add, AggregationRef]] }]]"); assertLayout("all(group(a) order(sum(price) + 4, -count()) each(output(sum(price))))", "[[{ Attribute, result = [Sum, Count], order = [[1, -2], [Add, AggregationRef]] }]]"); } @Test public void requireThatSameAggregatorCanBeUsedMultipleTimes() { assertLayout("all(group(a) each(output(count() as(b),count() as(c))))", "[[{ Attribute, result = [Count, Count] }]]"); } @Test public void requireThatSiblingAggregatorsCanNotShareSameLabel() { assertBuildFail("all(group(a) each(output(count(),count())))", "Can not use output label 'count()' for multiple siblings."); assertBuildFail("all(group(a) each(output(count() as(b),count() as(b))))", "Can not use output label 'b' for multiple siblings."); } @Test public void requireThatOrderByReusesOutputResults() { assertLayout("all(group(a) order(count()) each(output(count())))", "[[{ Attribute, result = [Count], order = [[1], [AggregationRef]] }]]"); assertLayout("all(group(a) order(count()) each(output(count() as(b))))", "[[{ Attribute, result = [Count], order = [[1], [AggregationRef]] }]]"); } @Test public void requireThatNoopBranchesArePruned() { assertLayout("all()", "[]"); assertLayout("all(group(a))", "[]"); assertLayout("all(group(a) each())", "[]"); String expectedA = "[{ Attribute, result = [Count] }]"; assertLayout("all(group(a) each(output(count())))", Arrays.asList(expectedA).toString()); assertLayout("all(group(a) each(output(count()) all()))", Arrays.asList(expectedA).toString()); assertLayout("all(group(a) each(output(count()) all(group(b))))", Arrays.asList(expectedA).toString()); assertLayout("all(group(a) each(output(count()) all(group(b) each())))", Arrays.asList(expectedA).toString()); assertLayout("all(group(a) each(output(count()) all(group(b) each())))", Arrays.asList(expectedA).toString()); assertLayout("all(group(a) each(output(count()) all(group(b) each())) as(foo)" + " each())", Arrays.asList(expectedA).toString()); assertLayout("all(group(a) each(output(count()) all(group(b) each())) as(foo)" + " each(group(b)))", Arrays.asList(expectedA).toString()); assertLayout("all(group(a) each(output(count()) all(group(b) each())) as(foo)" + " each(group(b) each()))", Arrays.asList(expectedA).toString()); String expectedB = "[{ Attribute }, { Attribute, result = [Count] }]"; assertLayout("all(group(a) each(output(count()) all(group(b) each())) as(foo)" + " each(group(b) each(output(count()))))", Arrays.asList(expectedB, expectedA).toString()); } @Test public void requireThatAggregationLevelIsValidatedFails() { assertBuildFail("all(group(artist) output(sum(length)))", "Expression 'length' not applicable for single group."); assertBuild("all(group(artist) each(output(count())))"); assertBuildFail("all(group(artist) each(group(album) output(sum(length))))", "Expression 'length' not applicable for single group."); assertBuild("all(group(artist) each(group(album) each(output(count()))))"); } @Test public void requireThatCountOnListOfGroupsIsValidated() { assertBuild("all(group(artist) output(count()))"); assertBuild("all(group(artist) each(group(album) output(count())))"); } @Test public void requireThatGroupByIsValidated() { assertBuild("all(group(artist) each(output(count())))"); assertBuildFail("all(group(sum(artist)) each(output(count())))", "Expression 'sum(artist)' not applicable for single hit."); assertBuild("all(group(artist) each(group(album) each(output(count()))))"); assertBuildFail("all(group(artist) each(group(sum(album)) each(output(count()))))", "Expression 'sum(album)' not applicable for single hit."); } @Test public void requireThatGroupingLevelIsValidated() { assertBuild("all(group(artist))"); assertBuild("all(group(artist) each(group(album)))"); assertBuildFail("all(group(artist) all(group(sum(price))))", "Can not operate on list of list of groups."); assertBuild("all(group(artist) each(group(album) each(group(song))))"); assertBuildFail("all(group(artist) each(group(album) all(group(sum(price)))))", "Can not operate on list of list of groups."); } @Test public void requireThatOrderByIsValidated() { assertBuildFail("all(order(length))", "Can not order single group content."); assertBuild("all(group(artist) order(sum(length)))"); assertBuildFail("all(group(artist) each(order(length)))", "Can not order single group content."); assertBuild("all(group(artist) each(group(album) order(sum(length))))"); assertBuildFail("all(group(artist) each(group(album) each(order(length))))", "Can not order single group content."); } @Test public void requireThatOrderByHasCorrectReference() { assertOrderBy("all(group(a) order(count()) each(output(count())))", "[[[1]]]"); assertOrderBy("all(group(a) order(-count()) each(output(count())))", "[[[-1]]]"); assertOrderBy("all(group(a) order(count()) each(output(count(),sum(b))))", "[[[1]]]"); assertOrderBy("all(group(a) order(-count()) each(output(count(),sum(b))))", "[[[-1]]]"); assertOrderBy("all(group(a) order(count()) each(output(sum(b), count())))", "[[[1]]]"); assertOrderBy("all(group(a) order(-count()) each(output(sum(b), count())))", "[[[-1]]]"); assertOrderBy("all(group(a) order(count(),sum(b)) each(output(count(),sum(b))))", "[[[1, 2]]]"); assertOrderBy("all(group(a) order(count(),-sum(b)) each(output(count(),sum(b))))", "[[[1, -2]]]"); assertOrderBy("all(group(a) order(-count(),sum(b)) each(output(count(),sum(b))))", "[[[-1, 2]]]"); assertOrderBy("all(group(a) order(-count(),-sum(b)) each(output(count(),sum(b))))", "[[[-1, -2]]]"); // because order() is resolved before output(), index follows order() statement assertOrderBy("all(group(a) order(count(),sum(b)) each(output(sum(b), count())))", "[[[1, 2]]]"); assertOrderBy("all(group(a) order(count(),-sum(b)) each(output(sum(b), count())))", "[[[1, -2]]]"); assertOrderBy("all(group(a) order(-count(),sum(b)) each(output(sum(b), count())))", "[[[-1, 2]]]"); assertOrderBy("all(group(a) order(-count(),-sum(b)) each(output(sum(b), count())))", "[[[-1, -2]]]"); assertOrderBy("all(group(a) order(count()) each(output(count())) as(foo)" + " each(output(sum(b))) as(bar))", "[[[1]], [[1]]]"); } @Test public void requireThatWhereIsValidated() { assertBuild("all(where(true))"); assertBuild("all(where($query))"); assertBuildFail("all(where(foo))", "Operation 'where' does not support 'foo'."); assertBuildFail("all(group(artist) where(true))", "Can not apply 'where' to non-root group."); } @Test public void requireThatRootAggregationCanBeTransformed() { RequestTest test = new RequestTest(); test.expectedOutput = CountAggregationResult.class.getName(); test.request = "all(output(count()))"; test.outputWriter = (groupingList, transform) -> groupingList.get(0).getRoot().getAggregationResults().get(0).getClass().getName(); assertOutput(test); } @Test public void requireThatExpressionsCanBeLabeled() { assertLabel("all(group(a) each(output(count())))", "[[{ label = 'a', results = [count()] }]]"); assertLabel("all(group(a) each(output(count())) as(b))", "[[{ label = 'b', results = [count()] }]]"); assertLabel("all(group(a) each(group(b) each(output(count()))))", "[[{ label = 'a', results = [] }, { label = 'b', results = [count()] }]]"); assertLabel("all(group(a) each(group(b) each(group(c) each(output(count())))))", "[[{ label = 'a', results = [] }, { label = 'b', results = [] }, { label = 'c', results = [count()] }]]"); assertBuildFail("all(group(a) each(output(count())) each(output(count())))", "Can not use group list label 'a' for multiple siblings."); assertBuildFail("all(all(group(a) each(output(count())))" + " all(group(a) each(output(count()))))", "Can not use group list label 'a' for multiple siblings."); assertLabel("all(group(a) each(output(count())) as(a1)" + " each(output(count())) as(a2))", "[[{ label = 'a1', results = [count()] }], [{ label = 'a2', results = [count()] }]]"); assertLabel("all(group(a) each(all(group(b) each(output(count())))" + " all(group(c) each(output(count())))))", "[[{ label = 'a', results = [] }, { label = 'b', results = [count()] }], [{ label = 'a', results = [] }, { label = 'c', results = [count()] }]]"); assertLabel("all(group(a) each(group(b) each(output(count()))) as(a1)" + " each(group(b) each(output(count()))) as(a2))", "[[{ label = 'a1', results = [] }, { label = 'b', results = [count()] }], [{ label = 'a2', results = [] }, { label = 'b', results = [count()] }]]"); assertLabel("all(group(a) each(group(b) each(group(c) each(output(count())))) as(a1)" + " each(group(b) each(group(e) each(output(count())))) as(a2))", "[[{ label = 'a1', results = [] }, { label = 'b', results = [] }, { label = 'c', results = [count()] }]," + " [{ label = 'a2', results = [] }, { label = 'b', results = [] }, { label = 'e', results = [count()] }]]"); assertLabel("all(group(a) each(group(b) each(output(count())) as(b1)" + " each(output(count())) as(b2)))", "[[{ label = 'a', results = [] }, { label = 'b1', results = [count()] }]," + " [{ label = 'a', results = [] }, { label = 'b2', results = [count()] }]]"); assertBuildFail("all(group(a) each(each(output(summary() as(foo)))))", "Can not label expression 'summary()'."); assertLabel("all(group(foo) each(each(output(summary()))))", "[[{ label = 'foo', results = [hits] }]]"); assertLabel("all(group(foo) each(each(output(summary())) as(bar)))", "[[{ label = 'foo', results = [bar] }]]"); assertLabel("all(group(foo) each(each(output(summary())) as(bar)) as(baz))", "[[{ label = 'baz', results = [bar] }]]"); assertLabel("all(group(foo) each(each(output(summary())) as(bar)" + " each(output(summary())) as(baz)))", "[[{ label = 'foo', results = [bar] }]," + " [{ label = 'foo', results = [baz] }]]"); assertLabel("all(group(foo) each(each(output(summary())))" + " each(each(output(summary()))) as(bar))", "[[{ label = 'bar', results = [hits] }]," + " [{ label = 'foo', results = [hits] }]]"); } @Test public void requireThatOrderByResultsAreNotLabeled() { assertLabel("all(group(a) each(output(min(b), max(b), avg(b))))", "[[{ label = 'a', results = [min(b), max(b), avg(b)] }]]"); assertLabel("all(group(a) order(min(b)) each(output(max(b), avg(b))))", "[[{ label = 'a', results = [max(b), avg(b), null] }]]"); assertLabel("all(group(a) order(min(b), max(b)) each(output(avg(b))))", "[[{ label = 'a', results = [avg(b), null, null] }]]"); } @Test public void requireThatTimeZoneIsAppliedToTimeFunctions() { for (String timePart : Arrays.asList("dayofmonth", "dayofweek", "dayofyear", "hourofday", "minuteofhour", "monthofyear", "secondofminute", "year")) { String request = "all(output(avg(time." + timePart + "(foo))))"; assertTimeZone(request, "GMT-2", -7200L); assertTimeZone(request, "GMT-1", -3600L); assertTimeZone(request, "GMT", null); assertTimeZone(request, "GMT+1", 3600L); assertTimeZone(request, "GMT+2", 7200L); } } @Test public void requireThatTimeDateIsExpanded() { RequestTest test = new RequestTest(); test.expectedOutput = new StrCatFunctionNode() .addArg(new ToStringFunctionNode(new TimeStampFunctionNode(new AttributeNode("foo"), TimeStampFunctionNode.TimePart.Year, true))) .addArg(new ConstantNode(new StringResultNode("-"))) .addArg(new ToStringFunctionNode(new TimeStampFunctionNode(new AttributeNode("foo"), TimeStampFunctionNode.TimePart.Month, true))) .addArg(new ConstantNode(new StringResultNode("-"))) .addArg(new ToStringFunctionNode(new TimeStampFunctionNode(new AttributeNode("foo"), TimeStampFunctionNode.TimePart.MonthDay, true))) .toString(); test.request = "all(output(avg(time.date(foo))))"; test.outputWriter = (groupingList, transform) -> groupingList.get(0).getRoot().getAggregationResults().get(0).getExpression().toString(); assertOutput(test); } @Test public void requireThatNowIsResolvedToCurrentTime() { RequestTest test = new RequestTest(); test.expectedOutput = Boolean.toString(true); test.request = "all(output(avg(now() - foo)))"; test.outputWriter = new OutputWriter() { long before = System.currentTimeMillis(); @Override public String write(List groupingList, GroupingTransform transform) { AddFunctionNode add = (AddFunctionNode)groupingList.get(0).getRoot().getAggregationResults().get(0).getExpression(); long nowValue = ((ConstantNode)add.getArg(0)).getValue().getInteger(); boolean preCond = nowValue >= (before / 1000); long after = System.currentTimeMillis(); boolean postCond = nowValue <= (after / 1000); boolean allOk = preCond && postCond; return Boolean.toString(allOk); } }; assertOutput(test); } @Test public void requireThatAttributeMapLookupNodeIsCreatedFromKey() { RequestTest test = new RequestTest(); test.expectedOutput = AttributeMapLookupNode.fromKey("map{\"my_key\"}", "map.key", "map.value", "my_key").toString(); test.request = "all(group(map{\"my_key\"}) each(output(count())))"; test.outputWriter = (groupingList, transform) -> groupingList.get(0).getLevels().get(0).getExpression().toString(); assertOutput(test); } @Test public void requireThatAttributeMapLookupNodeIsCreatedFromKeySourceAttribute() { RequestTest test = new RequestTest(); test.expectedOutput = AttributeMapLookupNode.fromKeySourceAttribute("map{attribute(key_source)}", "map.key", "map.value", "key_source").toString(); test.request = "all(group(map{attribute(key_source)}) each(output(count())))"; test.outputWriter = (groupingList, transform) -> groupingList.get(0).getLevels().get(0).getExpression().toString(); assertOutput(test); } private static CompositeContinuation newComposite(EncodableContinuation... conts) { CompositeContinuation ret = new CompositeContinuation(); for (EncodableContinuation cont : conts) { ret.add(cont); } return ret; } private static OffsetContinuation newOffset(int tag, int offset) { return new OffsetContinuation(ResultId.valueOf(0), tag, offset, 0); } private static OffsetContinuation newUnstableOffset(int tag, int offset) { return new OffsetContinuation(ResultId.valueOf(0), tag, offset, OffsetContinuation.FLAG_UNSTABLE); } private static void assertBuild(String request) { RequestTest test = new RequestTest(); test.request = request; assertOutput(test); } private static void assertBuildFail(String request, String expectedException) { RequestTest test = new RequestTest(); test.request = request; test.expectedException = expectedException; assertOutput(test); } private static void assertTimeZone(String request, String timeZone, Long expectedOutput) { RequestTest test = new RequestTest(); test.request = request; test.timeZone = timeZone; test.outputWriter = (groupingList, transform) -> { Long timeOffset = null; ExpressionNode node = ((TimeStampFunctionNode)groupingList.get(0).getRoot().getAggregationResults().get(0) .getExpression()).getArg(0); if (node instanceof AddFunctionNode) { timeOffset = (((ConstantNode)((AddFunctionNode)node).getArg(1)).getValue()).getInteger(); } return String.valueOf(timeOffset); }; test.expectedOutput = String.valueOf(expectedOutput); assertOutput(test); } private static void assertLabel(String request, String expectedOutput) { assertOutput(request, new LabelWriter(), expectedOutput); } private static void assertLayout(String request, String expectedOutput) { assertOutput(request, new LayoutWriter(), expectedOutput); } private static void assertOrderBy(String request, String expectedOutput) { assertOutput(request, new OrderByWriter(), expectedOutput); } private static void assertOffset(String request, Continuation continuation, String expectedOutput) { RequestTest ret = new RequestTest(); ret.request = request; ret.continuation = continuation; ret.outputWriter = new OffsetWriter(); ret.expectedOutput = expectedOutput; assertOutput(ret); } private static void assertForceSinglePass(String request, String expectedOutput) { assertOutput(request, new ForceSinglePassWriter(), expectedOutput); } private static void assertOutput(String request, OutputWriter writer, String expectedOutput) { RequestTest ret = new RequestTest(); ret.request = request; ret.outputWriter = writer; ret.expectedOutput = expectedOutput; assertOutput(ret); } private static void assertOutput(RequestTest test) { RequestBuilder builder = new RequestBuilder(0); builder.setRootOperation(GroupingOperation.fromString(test.request)); builder.setTimeZone(TimeZone.getTimeZone(test.timeZone)); builder.addContinuations(Arrays.asList(test.continuation)); try { builder.build(); if (test.expectedException != null) { fail("Expected exception '" + test.expectedException + "'."); } } catch (RuntimeException e) { if (test.expectedException == null) { throw e; } assertEquals(test.expectedException, e.getMessage()); return; } if (test.outputWriter != null) { String output = test.outputWriter.write(builder.getRequestList(), builder.getTransform()); assertEquals(test.expectedOutput, output); } } private static class RequestTest { String request; String timeZone = "utc"; String expectedException; String expectedOutput; OutputWriter outputWriter; Continuation continuation; } private static interface OutputWriter { String write(List groupingList, GroupingTransform transform); } private static class OffsetWriter implements OutputWriter { @Override public String write(List groupingList, GroupingTransform transform) { List foo = new LinkedList<>(); for (Grouping grouping : groupingList) { List bar = new LinkedList<>(); for (GroupingLevel level : grouping.getLevels()) { List baz = new LinkedList<>(); for (AggregationResult result : level.getGroupPrototype().getAggregationResults()) { if (result instanceof HitsAggregationResult) { int tag = result.getTag(); baz.add("{ tag = " + tag + ", max = [" + transform.getMax(tag) + ", " + ((HitsAggregationResult)result).getMaxHits() + "] }"); } } int tag = level.getGroupPrototype().getTag(); bar.add("{ tag = " + tag + ", max = [" + transform.getMax(tag) + ", " + level.getMaxGroups() + "], hits = " + baz.toString() + " }"); } foo.add(bar.toString()); } Collections.sort(foo); return foo.toString(); } } private static class LabelWriter implements OutputWriter { @Override public String write(List groupingList, GroupingTransform transform) { List foo = new LinkedList<>(); for (Grouping grouping : groupingList) { List bar = new LinkedList<>(); for (GroupingLevel level : grouping.getLevels()) { List baz = new LinkedList<>(); for (AggregationResult result : level.getGroupPrototype().getAggregationResults()) { baz.add(transform.getLabel(result.getTag())); } bar.add("{ label = '" + transform.getLabel(level.getGroupPrototype().getTag()) + "', results = " + baz.toString() + " }"); } foo.add(bar.toString()); } Collections.sort(foo); return foo.toString(); } } private static class LayoutWriter implements OutputWriter { @Override public String write(List groupingList, GroupingTransform transform) { List foo = new LinkedList<>(); for (Grouping grouping : groupingList) { List bar = new LinkedList<>(); for (GroupingLevel level : grouping.getLevels()) { StringBuilder str = new StringBuilder("{ "); str.append(toSimpleName(level.getExpression())).append(", "); if (level.getMaxGroups() >= 0 || level.getPrecision() >= 0) { str.append("max = [").append(level.getMaxGroups()).append(", ") .append(level.getPrecision()).append("], "); } Group group = level.getGroupPrototype(); if (!group.getAggregationResults().isEmpty()) { List baz = new LinkedList<>(); for (AggregationResult exp : level.getGroupPrototype().getAggregationResults()) { baz.add(toSimpleName(exp)); } str.append("result = ").append(baz).append(", "); } if (!group.getOrderByIndexes().isEmpty() || !group.getOrderByExpressions().isEmpty()) { List baz = new LinkedList<>(); for (Integer idx : level.getGroupPrototype().getOrderByIndexes()) { baz.add(idx.toString()); } str.append("order = [").append(baz).append(", "); baz = new LinkedList<>(); for (ExpressionNode exp : level.getGroupPrototype().getOrderByExpressions()) { baz.add(toSimpleName(exp)); } str.append(baz).append("], "); } str.setLength(str.length() - 2); str.append(" }"); bar.add(str.toString()); } foo.add(bar.toString()); } Collections.sort(foo); return foo.toString(); } private static String toSimpleName(ExpressionNode exp) { String ret = exp.getClass().getSimpleName(); if (ret.endsWith("AggregationResult")) { return ret.substring(0, ret.length() - 17); } if (ret.endsWith("FunctionNode")) { return ret.substring(0, ret.length() - 12); } if (ret.endsWith("Node")) { return ret.substring(0, ret.length() - 4); } return ret; } } private static class OrderByWriter implements OutputWriter { @Override public String write(List groupingList, GroupingTransform transform) { List> ret = new LinkedList<>(); for (Grouping grouping : groupingList) { List lst = new LinkedList<>(); for (GroupingLevel level : grouping.getLevels()) { lst.add(level.getGroupPrototype().getOrderByIndexes().toString()); } ret.add(lst); } return ret.toString(); } } private static class ForceSinglePassWriter implements OutputWriter { @Override public String write(List groupingList, GroupingTransform transform) { List ret = new LinkedList<>(); for (Grouping grouping : groupingList) { ret.add(String.valueOf(grouping.getForceSinglePass())); } return ret.toString(); } } }