// Copyright 2019 Oath Inc. Licensed under the terms of the Apache 2.0 license. See LICENSE in the project root. package com.yahoo.search.searchers; import com.yahoo.config.subscription.ConfigGetter; import com.yahoo.config.subscription.RawSource; import com.yahoo.language.simple.SimpleLinguistics; import com.yahoo.prelude.IndexFacts; import com.yahoo.prelude.IndexModel; import com.yahoo.prelude.SearchDefinition; import com.yahoo.search.Query; import com.yahoo.search.query.parser.Parsable; import com.yahoo.search.query.parser.ParserEnvironment; import com.yahoo.search.query.QueryTree; import com.yahoo.search.rendering.RendererRegistry; import com.yahoo.search.Result; import com.yahoo.search.result.ErrorMessage; import com.yahoo.search.searchchain.Execution; import com.yahoo.search.yql.YqlParser; import com.yahoo.tensor.Tensor; import com.yahoo.tensor.TensorType; import com.yahoo.vespa.config.search.AttributesConfig; import org.junit.Test; import static org.junit.Assert.assertEquals; import static org.junit.Assert.assertNull; /** * @author arnej */ public class ValidateNearestNeighborTestCase { ValidateNearestNeighborSearcher searcher; public ValidateNearestNeighborTestCase() { searcher = new ValidateNearestNeighborSearcher( ConfigGetter.getConfig(AttributesConfig.class, "raw:", new RawSource("attribute[5]\n" + "attribute[0].name simple\n" + "attribute[0].datatype INT32\n" + "attribute[1].name dvector\n" + "attribute[1].datatype TENSOR\n" + "attribute[1].tensortype tensor(x[3])\n" + "attribute[2].name fvector\n" + "attribute[2].datatype TENSOR\n" + "attribute[2].tensortype tensor(x[3])\n" + "attribute[3].name sparse\n" + "attribute[3].datatype TENSOR\n" + "attribute[3].tensortype tensor(x{})\n" + "attribute[4].name matrix\n" + "attribute[4].datatype TENSOR\n" + "attribute[4].tensortype tensor(x[3],y[1])\n" + "attribute[5].name threetypes\n" + "attribute[5].datatype TENSOR\n" + "attribute[5].tensortype tensor(x[42])\n" + "attribute[6].name threetypes\n" + "attribute[6].datatype TENSOR\n" + "attribute[6].tensortype tensor(x[3])\n" + "attribute[7].name threetypes\n" + "attribute[7].datatype TENSOR\n" + "attribute[7].tensortype tensor(x{})\n" ))); } private static TensorType tt_dense_dvector_42 = TensorType.fromSpec("tensor(x[42])"); private static TensorType tt_dense_dvector_3 = TensorType.fromSpec("tensor(x[3])"); private static TensorType tt_dense_dvector_2 = TensorType.fromSpec("tensor(x[2])"); private static TensorType tt_dense_fvector_3 = TensorType.fromSpec("tensor(x[3])"); private static TensorType tt_dense_matrix_xy = TensorType.fromSpec("tensor(x[3],y[1])"); private static TensorType tt_sparse_vector_x = TensorType.fromSpec("tensor(x{})"); private Tensor makeTensor(TensorType tensorType) { return makeTensor(tensorType, 3); } private Tensor makeTensor(TensorType tensorType, int numCells) { Tensor.Builder tensorBuilder = Tensor.Builder.of(tensorType); double dv = 1.0; String tensorDimension = "x"; for (long label = 0; label < numCells; label++) { tensorBuilder.cell() .label(tensorDimension, label) .value(dv); dv += 1.0; } return tensorBuilder.build(); } private Tensor makeMatrix(TensorType tensorType) { Tensor.Builder tensorBuilder = Tensor.Builder.of(tensorType); double dv = 1.0; String tensorDimension = "x"; for (long label = 0; label < 3; label++) { tensorBuilder.cell() .label("y", 0L) .label(tensorDimension, label) .value(dv); dv += 1.0; } return tensorBuilder.build(); } private String makeQuery(String attributeTensor, String queryTensor) { return "select * from sources * where [{\"targetHits\":1}]nearestNeighbor(" + attributeTensor + ", " + queryTensor + ");"; } @Test public void testValidQueryDoubleVectors() { String q = makeQuery("dvector", "qvector"); Tensor t = makeTensor(tt_dense_dvector_3); Result r = doSearch(searcher, q, t); assertNull(r.hits().getError()); } @Test public void testValidQueryFloatVectors() { String q = makeQuery("fvector", "qvector"); Tensor t = makeTensor(tt_dense_fvector_3); Result r = doSearch(searcher, q, t); assertNull(r.hits().getError()); } @Test public void testValidQueryDoubleVectorAgainstFloatVector() { String q = makeQuery("dvector", "qvector"); Tensor t = makeTensor(tt_dense_fvector_3); Result r = doSearch(searcher, q, t); assertNull(r.hits().getError()); } @Test public void testValidQueryFloatVectorAgainstDoubleVector() { String q = makeQuery("fvector", "qvector"); Tensor t = makeTensor(tt_dense_dvector_3); Result r = doSearch(searcher, q, t); assertNull(r.hits().getError()); } private static void assertErrMsg(String message, Result r) { assertEquals(ErrorMessage.createIllegalQuery(message), r.hits().getError()); } static String desc(String field, String qt, int th, String errmsg) { StringBuilder r = new StringBuilder(); r.append("NEAREST_NEIGHBOR {"); r.append("field=").append(field); r.append(",queryTensorName=").append(qt); r.append(",hnsw.exploreAdditionalHits=0"); r.append(",distanceThreshold=Infinity"); r.append(",approximate=true"); r.append(",targetHits=").append(th); r.append("} ").append(errmsg); return r.toString(); } @Test public void testMissingTargetNumHits() { String q = "select * from sources * where nearestNeighbor(dvector,qvector);"; Tensor t = makeTensor(tt_dense_dvector_3); Result r = doSearch(searcher, q, t); assertErrMsg(desc("dvector", "qvector", 0, "has invalid targetHits 0: Must be >= 1"), r); } @Test public void testMissingQueryTensor() { String q = makeQuery("dvector", "foo"); Tensor t = makeTensor(tt_dense_dvector_3); Result r = doSearch(searcher, q, t); assertErrMsg(desc("dvector", "foo", 1, "requires a tensor rank feature query(foo) but this is not present"), r); } @Test public void testWrongTensorType() { String q = makeQuery("dvector", "qvector"); Tensor t = makeTensor(tt_dense_dvector_2, 2); Result r = doSearch(searcher, q, t); assertErrMsg(desc("dvector", "qvector", 1, "field type tensor(x[3]) does not match query type tensor(x[2])"), r); } @Test public void testNotAttribute() { String q = makeQuery("foo", "qvector"); Tensor t = makeTensor(tt_dense_dvector_3); Result r = doSearch(searcher, q, t); assertErrMsg(desc("foo", "qvector", 1, "field is not an attribute"), r); } @Test public void testWrongAttributeType() { String q = makeQuery("simple", "qvector"); Tensor t = makeTensor(tt_dense_dvector_3); Result r = doSearch(searcher, q, t); assertErrMsg(desc("simple", "qvector", 1, "field is not a tensor"), r); } @Test public void testSeveralAttributesWithSameName() { String q = makeQuery("threetypes", "qvector"); Tensor t1 = makeTensor(tt_dense_fvector_3); Result r1 = doSearch(searcher, q, t1); assertNull(r1.hits().getError()); Tensor t2 = makeTensor(tt_dense_dvector_42, 42); Result r2 = doSearch(searcher, q, t2); assertNull(r2.hits().getError()); Tensor t3 = makeTensor(tt_dense_dvector_2, 2); Result r3 = doSearch(searcher, q, t3); assertErrMsg(desc("threetypes", "qvector", 1, "field type tensor(x[42]) does not match query type tensor(x[2])"), r3); } @Test public void testSparseTensor() { String q = makeQuery("sparse", "qvector"); Tensor t = makeTensor(tt_sparse_vector_x); Result r = doSearch(searcher, q, t); assertErrMsg(desc("sparse", "qvector", 1, "tensor type tensor(x{}) is not a dense vector"), r); } @Test public void testMatrix() { String q = makeQuery("matrix", "qvector"); Tensor t = makeMatrix(tt_dense_matrix_xy); Result r = doSearch(searcher, q, t); assertErrMsg(desc("matrix", "qvector", 1, "tensor type tensor(x[3],y[1]) is not a dense vector"), r); } private static Result doSearch(ValidateNearestNeighborSearcher searcher, String yqlQuery, Tensor qTensor) { QueryTree queryTree = new YqlParser(new ParserEnvironment()).parse(new Parsable().setQuery(yqlQuery)); Query query = new Query(); query.getModel().getQueryTree().setRoot(queryTree.getRoot()); query.getRanking().getFeatures().put("query(qvector)", qTensor); SearchDefinition searchDefinition = new SearchDefinition("document"); IndexFacts indexFacts = new IndexFacts(new IndexModel(searchDefinition)); Execution.Context context = new Execution.Context(null, indexFacts, null, new RendererRegistry(Runnable::run), new SimpleLinguistics(), Runnable::run); return new Execution(searcher, context).search(query); } }