// Copyright 2018 Yahoo Holdings. Licensed under the terms of the Apache 2.0 license. See LICENSE in the project root. package com.yahoo.select; import com.yahoo.prelude.query.AndItem; import com.yahoo.prelude.query.ExactStringItem; import com.yahoo.prelude.query.Item; import com.yahoo.prelude.query.PhraseItem; import com.yahoo.prelude.query.PrefixItem; import com.yahoo.prelude.query.RegExpItem; import com.yahoo.prelude.query.SegmentingRule; import com.yahoo.prelude.query.Substring; import com.yahoo.prelude.query.SubstringItem; import com.yahoo.prelude.query.SuffixItem; import com.yahoo.prelude.query.WeakAndItem; import com.yahoo.prelude.query.WordAlternativesItem; import com.yahoo.prelude.query.WordItem; import com.yahoo.search.Query; import com.yahoo.search.grouping.GroupingRequest; import com.yahoo.search.grouping.request.AllOperation; import com.yahoo.search.query.QueryTree; import com.yahoo.search.query.Select; import com.yahoo.search.query.SelectParser; import com.yahoo.search.query.parser.Parsable; import com.yahoo.search.query.parser.ParserEnvironment; import com.yahoo.search.yql.VespaGroupingStep; import org.json.JSONException; import org.json.JSONObject; import org.junit.Test; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.List; import static org.junit.Assert.assertEquals; import static org.junit.Assert.assertFalse; import static org.junit.Assert.assertNotSame; import static org.junit.Assert.assertNull; import static org.junit.Assert.assertSame; import static org.junit.Assert.assertTrue; import static org.junit.Assert.fail; /** * Tests Query.Select * * @author henrhoi * @author bratseth */ public class SelectTestCase { private final SelectParser parser = new SelectParser(new ParserEnvironment()); //------------------------------------------------------------------- "where" tests @Test public void test_contains() throws Exception { JSONObject json = new JSONObject(); List contains = Arrays.asList("default", "foo"); json.put("contains", contains); assertParse(json.toString(), "default:foo"); } @Test public void test() { assertParse("{'contains' : ['title', 'madonna']}", "title:madonna"); } @Test public void testDottedFieldNames() { assertParse("{ 'contains' : ['my.nested.title', 'madonna']}", "my.nested.title:madonna"); } @Test public void testOr() throws Exception { JSONObject json_two_or = new JSONObject(); JSONObject json_three_or = new JSONObject(); List contains1 = Arrays.asList("title", "madonna"); List contains2 = Arrays.asList("title", "saint"); List contains3 = Arrays.asList("title", "angel"); JSONObject contains_json1 = new JSONObject(); JSONObject contains_json2 = new JSONObject(); JSONObject contains_json3 = new JSONObject(); contains_json1.put("contains", contains1); contains_json2.put("contains", contains2); contains_json3.put("contains", contains3); json_two_or.put("or", Arrays.asList(contains_json1, contains_json2)); json_three_or.put("or", Arrays.asList(contains_json1, contains_json2, contains_json3)); assertParse(json_two_or.toString(), "OR title:madonna title:saint"); assertParse(json_three_or.toString(), "OR title:madonna title:saint title:angel"); } @Test public void testAnd() throws Exception{ JSONObject json_two_and = new JSONObject(); JSONObject json_three_and = new JSONObject(); List contains1 = Arrays.asList("title", "madonna"); List contains2 = Arrays.asList("title", "saint"); List contains3 = Arrays.asList("title", "angel"); JSONObject contains_json1 = new JSONObject(); JSONObject contains_json2 = new JSONObject(); JSONObject contains_json3 = new JSONObject(); contains_json1.put("contains", contains1); contains_json2.put("contains", contains2); contains_json3.put("contains", contains3); json_two_and.put("and", Arrays.asList(contains_json1, contains_json2)); json_three_and.put("and", Arrays.asList(contains_json1, contains_json2, contains_json3)); assertParse(json_two_and.toString(), "AND title:madonna title:saint"); assertParse(json_three_and.toString(), "AND title:madonna title:saint title:angel"); } @Test public void testAndNot() throws JSONException { JSONObject json_and_not = new JSONObject(); List contains1 = Arrays.asList("title", "madonna"); List contains2 = Arrays.asList("title", "saint"); JSONObject contains_json1 = new JSONObject(); JSONObject contains_json2 = new JSONObject(); contains_json1.put("contains", contains1); contains_json2.put("contains", contains2); json_and_not.put("and_not", Arrays.asList(contains_json1, contains_json2)); assertParse(json_and_not.toString(), "+title:madonna -title:saint"); } @Test public void testLessThan() throws JSONException { JSONObject range_json = new JSONObject(); JSONObject operators = new JSONObject(); operators.put("<", 500); List range = Arrays.asList("price", operators); range_json.put("range", range); assertParse(range_json.toString(), "price:<500"); } @Test public void testGreaterThan() throws JSONException { JSONObject range_json = new JSONObject(); JSONObject operators = new JSONObject(); operators.put(">", 500); List range = Arrays.asList("price", operators); range_json.put("range", range); assertParse(range_json.toString(), "price:>500"); } @Test public void testLessThanOrEqual() throws JSONException { JSONObject range_json = new JSONObject(); JSONObject operators = new JSONObject(); operators.put("<=", 500); List range = Arrays.asList("price", operators); range_json.put("range", range); assertParse(range_json.toString(), "price:[;500]"); } @Test public void testGreaterThanOrEqual() throws JSONException { JSONObject range_json = new JSONObject(); JSONObject operators = new JSONObject(); operators.put(">=", 500); List range = Arrays.asList("price", operators); range_json.put("range", range); assertParse(range_json.toString(), "price:[500;]"); } @Test public void testEquality() throws JSONException { JSONObject range_json = new JSONObject(); JSONObject operators = new JSONObject(); operators.put("=", 500); List range = Arrays.asList("price", operators); range_json.put("range", range); assertParse(range_json.toString(), "price:500"); } @Test public void testNegativeLessThan() throws JSONException { JSONObject range_json = new JSONObject(); JSONObject operators = new JSONObject(); operators.put("<", -500); List range = Arrays.asList("price", operators); range_json.put("range", range); assertParse(range_json.toString(), "price:<-500"); } @Test public void testNegativeGreaterThan() throws JSONException { JSONObject range_json = new JSONObject(); JSONObject operators = new JSONObject(); operators.put(">", -500); List range = Arrays.asList("price", operators); range_json.put("range", range); assertParse(range_json.toString(), "price:>-500"); } @Test public void testNegativeLessThanOrEqual() throws JSONException { JSONObject range_json = new JSONObject(); JSONObject operators = new JSONObject(); operators.put("<=", -500); List range = Arrays.asList("price", operators); range_json.put("range", range); assertParse(range_json.toString(), "price:[;-500]"); } @Test public void testNegativeGreaterThanOrEqual() throws JSONException { JSONObject range_json = new JSONObject(); JSONObject operators = new JSONObject(); operators.put(">=", -500); List range = Arrays.asList("price", operators); range_json.put("range", range); assertParse(range_json.toString(), "price:[-500;]"); } @Test public void testNegativeEquality() throws JSONException { JSONObject range_json = new JSONObject(); JSONObject operators = new JSONObject(); operators.put("=", -500); List range = Arrays.asList("price", operators); range_json.put("range", range); assertParse(range_json.toString(), "price:-500"); } @Test public void testAnnotatedLessThan() { String jsonString = "{ \"range\": { \"children\" : [\"price\", {\"<\" : -500}], \"attributes\" : {\"filter\" : true} } }"; assertParse(jsonString, "|price:<-500"); } @Test public void testAnnotatedGreaterThan() { String jsonString = "{ \"range\": { \"children\" : [\"price\", {\">\" : 500}], \"attributes\" : {\"filter\" : true} } }"; assertParse(jsonString, "|price:>500"); } @Test public void testAnnotatedLessThanOrEqual() { String jsonString = "{ \"range\": { \"children\" : [\"price\", {\"<=\" : -500}], \"attributes\" : {\"filter\" : true} } }"; assertParse(jsonString, "|price:[;-500]"); } @Test public void testAnnotatedGreaterThanOrEqual() { String jsonString = "{ \"range\": { \"children\" : [\"price\", {\">=\" : 500}], \"attributes\" : {\"filter\" : true} } }"; assertParse(jsonString, "|price:[500;]"); } @Test public void testAnnotatedEquality() { String jsonString = "{ \"range\": { \"children\" : [\"price\", {\"=\" : -500}], \"attributes\" : {\"filter\" : true} } }"; assertParse(jsonString, "|price:-500"); } @Test public void testTermAnnotations() { assertEquals("merkelapp", getRootWord("{ \"contains\": { \"children\" : [\"baz\", \"colors\"], \"attributes\" : {\"label\" : \"merkelapp\"} } }").getLabel()); assertEquals("another", getRootWord("{ \"contains\": { \"children\" : [\"baz\", \"colors\"], \"attributes\" : {\"annotations\" : {\"cox\" : \"another\"} } } }").getAnnotation("cox")); assertEquals(23.0, getRootWord("{ \"contains\": { \"children\" : [\"baz\", \"colors\"], \"attributes\" : {\"significance\" : 23.0 } } }").getSignificance(), 1E-6); assertEquals(150, getRootWord("{ \"contains\": { \"children\" : [\"baz\", \"colors\"], \"attributes\" : {\"weight\" : 150 } } }").getWeight()); assertFalse(getRootWord("{ \"contains\": { \"children\" : [\"baz\", \"colors\"], \"attributes\" : {\"usePositionData\" : false } } }").usePositionData()); assertTrue(getRootWord("{ \"contains\": { \"children\" : [\"baz\", \"colors\"], \"attributes\" : {\"filter\" : true } } }").isFilter()); assertFalse(getRootWord("{ \"contains\": { \"children\" : [\"baz\", \"colors\"], \"attributes\" : {\"ranked\" : false } } }").isRanked()); Substring origin = getRootWord("{ \"contains\": { \"children\" : [\"baz\", \"colors\"], \"attributes\" : {\"origin\": {\"original\": \"abc\", \"offset\": 1, \"length\": 2}} } }").getOrigin(); assertEquals("abc", origin.string); assertEquals(1, origin.start); assertEquals(3, origin.end); } @Test public void testSameElement() { assertParse("{ \"contains\": [ \"baz\", {\"sameElement\" : [ { \"contains\" : [\"f1\", \"a\"] }, { \"contains\" : [\"f2\", \"b\"] } ]} ] }", "baz:{f1:a f2:b}"); assertParse("{ \"contains\": [ \"baz\", {\"sameElement\" : [ { \"contains\" : [\"f1\", \"a\"] }, {\"range\":[\"f2\",{\"=\":10}] } ]} ] }", "baz:{f1:a f2:10}"); assertParse("{ \"contains\": [ \"baz\", {\"sameElement\" : [ { \"contains\" : [\"key\", \"a\"] }, {\"range\":[\"value.f2\",{\"=\":10}] } ]} ] }", "baz:{key:a value.f2:10}"); } @Test public void testPhrase() { assertParse("{ \"contains\": [ \"baz\", {\"phrase\" : [ \"a\", \"b\"] } ] }", "baz:\"a b\""); } @Test public void testNestedPhrase() { assertParse("{ \"contains\": [ \"baz\", {\"phrase\" : [ \"a\", \"b\", {\"phrase\" : [ \"c\", \"d\"] }] } ] }", "baz:\"a b c d\""); } @Test public void testStemming() { assertTrue(getRootWord("{ \"contains\": { \"children\" : [\"baz\", \"colors\"], \"attributes\" : {\"stem\" : false} } }").isStemmed()); assertFalse(getRootWord("{ \"contains\": { \"children\" : [\"baz\", \"colors\"], \"attributes\" : {\"stem\" : true} } }").isStemmed()); assertFalse(getRootWord("{ \"contains\": [\"baz\", \"colors\"] }").isStemmed()); } @Test public void testRaw() { Item root = parseWhere("{ \"contains\":[ \"baz\", \"yoni jo dima\" ] }").getRoot(); assertTrue(root instanceof WordItem); assertFalse(root instanceof ExactStringItem); assertEquals("yoni jo dima", ((WordItem)root).getWord()); root = parseWhere("{ \"contains\": { \"children\" : [\"baz\", \"yoni jo dima\"], \"attributes\" : {\"grammar\" : \"raw\"} } }").getRoot(); assertTrue(root instanceof WordItem); assertFalse(root instanceof ExactStringItem); assertEquals("yoni jo dima", ((WordItem)root).getWord()); } @Test public void testAccentDropping() { assertFalse(getRootWord("{ \"contains\": { \"children\" : [\"baz\", \"colors\"], \"attributes\" : {\"accentDrop\" : false} } }").isNormalizable()); assertTrue(getRootWord("{ \"contains\": { \"children\" : [\"baz\", \"colors\"], \"attributes\" : {\"accentDrop\" : true} } }").isNormalizable()); assertTrue(getRootWord("{ \"contains\": { \"children\" : [\"baz\", \"colors\"] } }").isNormalizable()); } @Test public void testCaseNormalization() { assertTrue(getRootWord("{ \"contains\": { \"children\" : [\"baz\", \"colors\"], \"attributes\" : {\"normalizeCase\" : false} } }").isLowercased()); assertFalse(getRootWord("{ \"contains\": { \"children\" : [\"baz\", \"colors\"], \"attributes\" : {\"normalizeCase\" : true} } }").isLowercased()); assertFalse(getRootWord("{ \"contains\": { \"children\" : [\"baz\", \"colors\"] } }").isLowercased()); } @Test public void testSegmentingRule() { assertEquals(SegmentingRule.PHRASE, getRootWord("{ \"contains\": { \"children\" : [\"baz\", \"colors\"], \"attributes\" : {\"andSegmenting\" : false} } }").getSegmentingRule()); assertEquals(SegmentingRule.BOOLEAN_AND, getRootWord("{ \"contains\": { \"children\" : [\"baz\", \"colors\"], \"attributes\" : {\"andSegmenting\" : true} } }").getSegmentingRule()); assertEquals(SegmentingRule.LANGUAGE_DEFAULT, getRootWord("{ \"contains\": { \"children\" : [\"baz\", \"colors\"] } }").getSegmentingRule()); } @Test public void testNfkc() { assertEquals("a\u030a", getRootWord("{ \"contains\": { \"children\" : [\"baz\", \"a\\u030a\"], \"attributes\" : {\"nfkc\" : false} } }").getWord()); assertEquals("\u00e5", getRootWord("{ \"contains\": { \"children\" : [\"baz\", \"a\\u030a\"], \"attributes\" : {\"nfkc\" : true} } }").getWord()); assertEquals("No NKFC by default", "a\u030a", getRootWord("{ \"contains\": { \"children\" : [\"baz\", \"a\\u030a\"] } } ").getWord()); } @Test public void testImplicitTransforms() { assertFalse(getRootWord("{ \"contains\": { \"children\" : [\"baz\", \"cox\"], \"attributes\" : {\"implicitTransforms\" : false} } }").isFromQuery()); assertTrue(getRootWord("{ \"contains\": { \"children\" : [\"baz\", \"cox\"], \"attributes\" : {\"implicitTransforms\" : true} } }").isFromQuery()); assertTrue(getRootWord("{ \"contains\": { \"children\" : [\"baz\", \"cox\"] } }").isFromQuery()); } @Test public void testConnectivity() { QueryTree parsed = parseWhere("{ \"and\": [ {\"contains\" : { \"children\" : [\"title\", \"madonna\"], \"attributes\" : {\"id\": 1, \"connectivity\": {\"id\": 3, \"weight\": 7.0}} } }, " + "{ \"contains\" : { \"children\" : [\"title\", \"saint\"], \"attributes\" : {\"id\": 2} } }, " + "{ \"contains\" : { \"children\" : [\"title\", \"angel\"], \"attributes\" : {\"id\": 3} } } ] }"); assertEquals("AND title:madonna title:saint title:angel", parsed.toString()); AndItem root = (AndItem)parsed.getRoot(); WordItem first = (WordItem)root.getItem(0); WordItem second = (WordItem)root.getItem(1); WordItem third = (WordItem)root.getItem(2); assertEquals(third, first.getConnectedItem()); assertEquals(first.getConnectivity(), 7.0d, 1E-6); assertNull(second.getConnectedItem()); assertParseFail("{ \"and\": [ {\"contains\" : { \"children\" : [\"title\", \"madonna\"], \"attributes\" : {\"id\": 1, \"connectivity\": {\"id\": 4, \"weight\": 7.0}} } }, " + "{ \"contains\" : { \"children\" : [\"title\", \"saint\"], \"attributes\" : {\"id\": 2} } }, " + "{ \"contains\" : { \"children\" : [\"title\", \"angel\"], \"attributes\" : {\"id\": 3} } } ] }", new NullPointerException("Item 'title:madonna' was specified to connect to item with ID 4, " + "which does not exist in the query.")); } @Test public void testAnnotatedPhrase() { QueryTree parsed = parseWhere("{ \"contains\": [\"baz\", { \"phrase\": { \"children\": [\"a\", \"b\"], \"attributes\": { \"label\": \"hello world\" } } }] }"); assertEquals("baz:\"a b\"", parsed.toString()); PhraseItem phrase = (PhraseItem)parsed.getRoot(); assertEquals("hello world", phrase.getLabel()); } @Test public void testRange() { QueryTree parsed = parseWhere("{ \"range\": [\"baz\", { \">=\": 1, \"<=\": 8 }] }"); assertEquals("baz:[1;8]", parsed.toString()); } @Test public void testNegativeRange() { QueryTree parsed = parseWhere("{ \"range\": [\"baz\", { \">=\": -8, \"<=\": -1 }] }"); assertEquals("baz:[-8;-1]", parsed.toString()); } @Test public void testRangeIllegalArguments() { assertParseFail("{ \"range\": [\"baz\", { \">=\": \"cox\", \"<=\": -1 }] }", new IllegalArgumentException("Expected operator LITERAL, got READ_FIELD.")); } @Test public void testNear() { assertParse("{ \"contains\": [\"description\", { \"near\": [\"a\", \"b\"] }] }", "NEAR(2) description:a description:b"); assertParse("{ \"contains\": [\"description\", { \"near\": { \"children\": [\"a\", \"b\"], \"attributes\": { \"distance\": 100 } } } ] }", "NEAR(100) description:a description:b"); } @Test public void testOrderedNear() { assertParse("{ \"contains\": [\"description\", { \"onear\": [\"a\", \"b\"] }] }", "ONEAR(2) description:a description:b"); assertParse("{ \"contains\": [\"description\", { \"onear\": { \"children\": [\"a\", \"b\"], \"attributes\": { \"distance\": 100 } } } ] }", "ONEAR(100) description:a description:b"); } @Test public void testWand() { assertParse("{ \"wand\": [\"description\", { \"a\": 1, \"b\": 2 }] }", "WAND(10,0.0,1.0) description{[1]:\"a\",[2]:\"b\"}"); assertParse("{ \"wand\": { \"children\": [\"description\", { \"a\": 1, \"b\": 2 }], \"attributes\": { \"scoreThreshold\": 13.3, \"targetNumHits\": 7, \"thresholdBoostFactor\": 2.3 } } }", "WAND(7,13.3,2.3) description{[1]:\"a\",[2]:\"b\"}"); } @Test public void testNumericWand() { String numWand = "WAND(10,0.0,1.0) description{[1]:\"11\",[2]:\"37\"}"; assertParse("{ \"wand\" : [\"description\", [[11,1], [37,2]] ]}", numWand); assertParseFail("{ \"wand\" : [\"description\", 12] }", new IllegalArgumentException("Expected ARRAY or OBJECT, got LONG.")); } @Test public void testWeightedSet() { assertParse("{ \"weightedSet\" : [\"description\", {\"a\":1, \"b\":2} ]}", "WEIGHTEDSET description{[1]:\"a\",[2]:\"b\"}"); assertParseFail("{ \"weightedSet\" : [\"description\", {\"a\":\"g\", \"b\":2} ]}", new IllegalArgumentException("Expected operator LITERAL, got READ_FIELD.")); assertParseFail("{ \"weightedSet\" : [\"description\" ]}", new IllegalArgumentException("Expected 2 arguments, got 1.")); } @Test public void testDotProduct() { assertParse("{ \"dotProduct\" : [\"description\", {\"a\":1, \"b\":2} ]}", "DOTPRODUCT description{[1]:\"a\",[2]:\"b\"}"); assertParse("{ \"dotProduct\" : [\"description\", {\"a\":2} ]}", "DOTPRODUCT description{[2]:\"a\"}"); } @Test public void testPredicate() { assertParse("{ \"predicate\" : [\"predicate_field\", {\"gender\":\"male\", \"hobby\":[\"music\", \"hiking\"]}, {\"age\":23} ]}", "PREDICATE_QUERY_ITEM gender=male, hobby=music, hobby=hiking, age:23"); assertParse("{ \"predicate\" : [\"predicate_field\", 0, \"void\" ]}", "PREDICATE_QUERY_ITEM "); } @Test public void testRank() { assertParse("{ \"rank\": [{ \"contains\": [\"a\", \"A\"] }, { \"contains\": [\"b\", \"B\"] } ] }", "RANK a:A b:B"); assertParse("{ \"rank\": [{ \"contains\": [\"a\", \"A\"] }, { \"contains\": [\"b\", \"B\"] }, { \"contains\": [\"c\", \"C\"] } ] }", "RANK a:A b:B c:C"); assertParse("{ \"rank\": [{ \"contains\": [\"a\", \"A\"] }, { \"or\": [{ \"contains\": [\"b\", \"B\"] }, { \"contains\": [\"c\", \"C\"] }] }] }", "RANK a:A (OR b:B c:C)"); } @Test public void testWeakAnd() { assertParse("{ \"weakAnd\": [{ \"contains\": [\"a\", \"A\"] }, { \"contains\": [\"b\", \"B\"] } ] }", "WAND(100) a:A b:B"); assertParse("{ \"weakAnd\": { \"children\" : [{ \"contains\": [\"a\", \"A\"] }, { \"contains\": [\"b\", \"B\"] } ], \"attributes\" : {\"targetNumHits\": 37} }}", "WAND(37) a:A b:B"); QueryTree tree = parseWhere("{ \"weakAnd\": { \"children\" : [{ \"contains\": [\"a\", \"A\"] }, { \"contains\": [\"b\", \"B\"] } ], \"attributes\" : {\"scoreThreshold\": 41}}}"); assertEquals("WAND(100) a:A b:B", tree.toString()); assertEquals(WeakAndItem.class, tree.getRoot().getClass()); assertEquals(41, ((WeakAndItem)tree.getRoot()).getScoreThreshold()); } @Test public void testEquiv() { assertParse("{ \"contains\" : [\"fieldName\", {\"equiv\" : [\"A\",\"B\"]}]}", "EQUIV fieldName:A fieldName:B"); assertParse("{ \"contains\" : [\"fieldName\", {\"equiv\" : [\"ny\",{\"phrase\" : [ \"new\",\"york\" ] } ] } ] }", "EQUIV fieldName:ny fieldName:\"new york\""); assertParseFail("{ \"contains\" : [\"fieldName\", {\"equiv\" : [\"ny\"] } ] }", new IllegalArgumentException("Expected 2 or more arguments, got 1.")); assertParseFail("{ \"contains\" : [\"fieldName\", {\"equiv\" : [\"ny\",{\"nalle\" : [ \"void\" ] } ] } ] }", new IllegalArgumentException("Expected operator phrase, got nalle.")); assertParseFail("{ \"contains\" : [\"fieldName\", {\"equiv\" : [\"ny\", 42]}]}", new IllegalArgumentException("The word of a word item can not be empty")); } @Test public void testAffixItems() { assertRootClass("{ \"contains\" : { \"children\" : [\"baz\", \"colors\"], \"attributes\" : {\"suffix\": true} } }", SuffixItem.class); assertRootClass("{ \"contains\" : { \"children\" : [\"baz\", \"colors\"], \"attributes\" : {\"prefix\": true} } }", PrefixItem.class); assertRootClass("{ \"contains\" : { \"children\" : [\"baz\", \"colors\"], \"attributes\" : {\"substring\": true} } }", SubstringItem.class); assertParseFail("{ \"contains\" : { \"children\" : [\"baz\", \"colors\"], \"attributes\" : {\"suffix\": true, \"prefix\" : true} } }", new IllegalArgumentException("Only one of prefix, substring and suffix can be set.")); assertParseFail("{ \"contains\" : { \"children\" : [\"baz\", \"colors\"], \"attributes\" : {\"suffix\": true, \"substring\" : true} } }", new IllegalArgumentException("Only one of prefix, substring and suffix can be set.")); } @Test public void testLongNumberInSimpleExpression() { assertParse("{ \"range\" : [ \"price\", { \"=\" : 8589934592 }]}", "price:8589934592"); } @Test public void testNegativeLongNumberInSimpleExpression() { assertParse("{ \"range\" : [ \"price\", { \"=\" : -8589934592 }]}", "price:-8589934592"); } @Test public void testNegativeHitLimit() { assertParse( "{ \"range\" : { \"children\":[ \"foo\", { \">=\" : 0, \"<=\" : 1 }], \"attributes\" : {\"hitLimit\": -38 } } }", "foo:[0;1;-38]"); } @Test public void testRangeSearchHitPopulationOrdering() { assertParse("{ \"range\" : { \"children\":[ \"foo\", { \">=\" : 0, \"<=\" : 1 }], \"attributes\" : {\"hitLimit\": 38 ,\"ascending\": true} } }", "foo:[0;1;38]"); assertParse("{ \"range\" : { \"children\":[ \"foo\", { \">=\" : 0, \"<=\" : 1 }], \"attributes\" : {\"hitLimit\": 38 ,\"ascending\": false} } }", "foo:[0;1;-38]"); assertParse("{ \"range\" : { \"children\":[ \"foo\", { \">=\" : 0, \"<=\" : 1 }], \"attributes\" : {\"hitLimit\": 38 ,\"descending\": true} } }", "foo:[0;1;-38]"); assertParse("{ \"range\" : { \"children\":[ \"foo\", { \">=\" : 0, \"<=\" : 1 }], \"attributes\" : {\"hitLimit\": 38 ,\"descending\": false} } }", "foo:[0;1;38]"); boolean gotExceptionFromParse = false; try { parseWhere("{ \"range\" : { \"children\":[ \"foo\", { \">=\" : 0, \"<=\" : 1 }], \"attributes\" : {\"hitLimit\": 38, \"ascending\": true, \"descending\": false} } }"); } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) { assertTrue("Expected information about abuse of settings.", e.getMessage().contains("both ascending and descending ordering set")); gotExceptionFromParse = true; } assertTrue(gotExceptionFromParse); } // NB: Uses operator-keys to set bounds, not annotations @Test public void testOpenIntervals() { assertParse("{ \"range\" : { \"children\":[ \"title\", { \">=\" : 0.0, \"<=\" : 500.0 }] } }" + "select * from sources * where range(title, 0.0, 500.0);", "title:[0.0;500.0]"); assertParse( "{ \"range\" : { \"children\":[ \"title\", { \">\" : 0.0, \"<\" : 500.0 }] } }", "title:<0.0;500.0>"); assertParse( "{ \"range\" : { \"children\":[ \"title\", { \">\" : 0.0, \"<=\" : 500.0 }] } }", "title:<0.0;500.0]"); assertParse( "{ \"range\" : { \"children\":[ \"title\", { \">=\" : 0.0, \"<\" : 500.0 }] } }", "title:[0.0;500.0>"); } @Test public void testEquals() { assertParse("{\"equals\": [\"public\",true]}","public:true"); assertParse("{\"equals\": [\"public\",5]}","public:5"); } @Test public void testRegexp() { QueryTree x = parseWhere("{ \"matches\" : [\"foo\", \"a b\"]}"); Item root = x.getRoot(); assertSame(RegExpItem.class, root.getClass()); assertEquals("a b", ((RegExpItem) root).stringValue()); } @Test public void testWordAlternatives() { QueryTree x = parseWhere("{\"contains\" : [\"foo\", {\"alternatives\" : [{\"trees\": 1.0, \"tree\": 0.7}]}]}"); Item root = x.getRoot(); assertSame(WordAlternativesItem.class, root.getClass()); WordAlternativesItem alternatives = (WordAlternativesItem) root; checkWordAlternativesContent(alternatives); } //------------------------------------------------------------------- grouping tests @Test public void testGrouping(){ String grouping = "[ { \"all\" : { \"group\" : \"time.year(a)\", \"each\" : { \"output\" : \"count()\" } } } ]"; String expected = "[[]all(group(time.year(a)) each(output(count())))]"; assertGrouping(expected, parseGrouping(grouping)); } @Test public void testMultipleGroupings() { String grouping = "[ { \"all\" : { \"group\" : \"a\", \"each\" : { \"output\" : \"count()\"}}}, { \"all\" : { \"group\" : \"b\", \"each\" : { \"output\" : \"count()\"}}} ]"; String expected = "[[]all(group(a) each(output(count()))), []all(group(b) each(output(count())))]"; assertGrouping(expected, parseGrouping(grouping)); } //------------------------------------------------------------------- Other tests @Test public void testOverridingOtherQueryTree() { Query query = new Query("?query=default:query"); assertEquals("default:query", query.getModel().getQueryTree().toString()); assertEquals(Query.Type.ALL, query.getModel().getType()); query.getSelect().setWhereString("{\"contains\" : [\"default\", \"select\"] }"); assertEquals("default:select", query.getModel().getQueryTree().toString()); assertEquals(Query.Type.SELECT, query.getModel().getType()); } @Test public void testOverridingWhereQueryTree() { Query query = new Query("?query=default:query"); query.getSelect().setWhereString("{\"contains\" : [\"default\", \"select\"] }"); assertEquals("default:select", query.getModel().getQueryTree().toString()); assertEquals(Query.Type.SELECT, query.getModel().getType()); query.getModel().setQueryString("default:query"); query.getModel().setType("all"); assertEquals("default:query", query.getModel().getQueryTree().toString()); assertEquals(Query.Type.ALL, query.getModel().getType()); } @Test public void testProgrammaticAssignment() { Query query = new Query(); query.getSelect().setGroupingString("[ { \"all\" : { \"group\" : \"time.year(a)\", \"each\" : { \"output\" : \"count()\" } } } ]"); assertEquals(1, query.getSelect().getGrouping().size()); assertEquals("all(group(time.year(a)) each(output(count())))", query.getSelect().getGrouping().get(0).getRootOperation().toString()); // Setting from string resets the grouping expression query.getSelect().setGroupingString("[ { \"all\" : { \"group\" : \"time.dayofmonth(a)\", \"each\" : { \"output\" : \"count()\" } } } ]"); assertEquals(1, query.getSelect().getGrouping().size()); assertEquals("all(group(time.dayofmonth(a)) each(output(count())))", query.getSelect().getGrouping().get(0).getRootOperation().toString()); } @Test public void testConstructionAndClone() { Query query = new Query(); query.getSelect().setWhereString("{\"contains\" : [\"default\", \"select\"] }"); query.getSelect().setGroupingString("[ { \"all\" : { \"group\" : \"time.dayofmonth(a)\", \"each\" : { \"output\" : \"count()\" } } } ]"); GroupingRequest secondRequest = GroupingRequest.newInstance(query); assertEquals("default:select", query.getModel().getQueryTree().toString()); assertEquals(2, query.getSelect().getGrouping().size()); assertEquals("all(group(time.dayofmonth(a)) each(output(count())))", query.getSelect().getGrouping().get(0).toString()); Query clone = query.clone(); assertNotSame(query.getSelect(), clone.getSelect()); assertNotSame(query.getSelect().getGrouping(), clone.getSelect().getGrouping()); assertNotSame(query.getSelect().getGrouping().get(0), clone.getSelect().getGrouping().get(0)); assertNotSame(query.getSelect().getGrouping().get(1), clone.getSelect().getGrouping().get(1)); assertEquals(query.getSelect().getWhereString(), clone.getSelect().getWhereString()); assertEquals(query.getSelect().getGroupingString(), clone.getSelect().getGroupingString()); assertEquals(query.getSelect().getGrouping().get(0).toString(), clone.getSelect().getGrouping().get(0).toString()); assertEquals(query.getSelect().getGrouping().get(1).toString(), clone.getSelect().getGrouping().get(1).toString()); } //------------------------------------------------------------------- Assert methods private void assertParse(String where, String expectedQueryTree) { String queryTree = parseWhere(where).toString(); assertEquals(expectedQueryTree, queryTree); } private void assertParseFail(String where, Throwable expectedException) { try { parseWhere(where).toString(); } catch (Throwable t) { assertEquals(expectedException.getClass(), t.getClass()); assertEquals(expectedException.getMessage(), t.getMessage()); return; } fail("Parse succeeded: " + where); } private void assertRootClass(String where, Class expectedRootClass) { assertEquals(expectedRootClass, parseWhere(where).getRoot().getClass()); } private void assertGrouping(String expected, List steps) { List actual = new ArrayList<>(steps.size()); for (VespaGroupingStep step : steps) { actual.add(step.continuations().toString() + step.getOperation()); } assertEquals(expected, actual.toString()); } //------------------------------------------------------------------- Parse methods private QueryTree parseWhere(String where) { Select select = new Select(where, "", new Query()); return parser.parse(new Parsable().setSelect(select)); } private List parseGrouping(String grouping) { return parser.getGroupingSteps(grouping); } //------------------------------------------------------------------- Other methods private WordItem getRootWord(String yqlQuery) { Item root = parseWhere(yqlQuery).getRoot(); assertTrue(root instanceof WordItem); return (WordItem)root; } private void checkWordAlternativesContent(WordAlternativesItem alternatives) { boolean seenTree = false; boolean seenForest = false; final String forest = "trees"; final String tree = "tree"; assertEquals(2, alternatives.getAlternatives().size()); for (WordAlternativesItem.Alternative alternative : alternatives.getAlternatives()) { if (tree.equals(alternative.word)) { assertFalse("Duplicate term introduced", seenTree); seenTree = true; assertEquals(.7d, alternative.exactness, 1e-15d); } else if (forest.equals(alternative.word)) { assertFalse("Duplicate term introduced", seenForest); seenForest = true; assertEquals(1.0d, alternative.exactness, 1e-15d); } else { fail("Unexpected term: " + alternative.word); } } } }