// Copyright Vespa.ai. Licensed under the terms of the Apache 2.0 license. See LICENSE in the project root. package com.yahoo.vespa.hosted.controller.maintenance; import com.yahoo.config.provision.HostName; import com.yahoo.config.provision.NodeType; import com.yahoo.config.provision.zone.ZoneId; import com.yahoo.vespa.hosted.controller.api.integration.configserver.Node; import com.yahoo.vespa.hosted.controller.api.integration.configserver.NodeFilter; import com.yahoo.vespa.hosted.controller.api.integration.configserver.NodeRepository; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Objects; import java.util.stream.Collectors; /** * @author smorgrav */ public class ChangeManagementAssessor { private final NodeRepository nodeRepository; public ChangeManagementAssessor(NodeRepository nodeRepository) { this.nodeRepository = nodeRepository; } public Assessment assessment(List impactedHostnames, ZoneId zone) { return assessmentInner(impactedHostnames, nodeRepository.list(zone, NodeFilter.all()), zone); } Assessment assessmentInner(List impactedHostnames, List allNodes, ZoneId zone) { List impactedParentHosts = toParentHosts(impactedHostnames, allNodes); // Group impacted application nodes by parent host Map> prParentHost = allNodes.stream() .filter(node -> node.state() == Node.State.active) //TODO look at more states? .filter(node -> impactedParentHosts.contains(node.parentHostname().map(HostName::value).orElse(""))) .collect(Collectors.groupingBy(node -> allNodes.stream() .filter(parent -> parent.hostname().equals(node.parentHostname().get())) .findFirst().orElseThrow() )); // Group nodes pr cluster Map> prCluster = prParentHost.values() .stream() .flatMap(Collection::stream) .collect(Collectors.groupingBy(ChangeManagementAssessor::clusterKey)); var tenantHosts = prParentHost.keySet().stream() .filter(node -> node.type() == NodeType.host) .map(node -> node.hostname()) .toList(); boolean allHostsReplacable = tenantHosts.isEmpty() || nodeRepository.isReplaceable(zone, tenantHosts); // Report assessment pr cluster var clusterAssessments = prCluster.entrySet().stream().map((entry) -> { Cluster cluster = entry.getKey(); List nodes = entry.getValue(); long[] totalStats = clusterStats(cluster, allNodes); long[] impactedStats = clusterStats(cluster, nodes); ClusterAssessment assessment = new ClusterAssessment(); assessment.app = cluster.getApp(); assessment.zone = zone.value(); assessment.cluster = cluster.getClusterType() + ":" + cluster.getClusterId(); assessment.clusterSize = totalStats[0]; assessment.clusterImpact = impactedStats[0]; assessment.groupsTotal = totalStats[1]; assessment.groupsImpact = impactedStats[1]; // TODO check upgrade policy assessment.upgradePolicy = "na"; // TODO do some heuristic on suggestion action assessment.suggestedAction = allHostsReplacable ? "Retire all hosts" : "nothing"; // TODO do some heuristic on impact assessment.impact = getImpact(cluster, impactedStats, totalStats); return assessment; }).toList(); var hostAssessments = prParentHost.entrySet().stream().map((entry) -> { HostAssessment hostAssessment = new HostAssessment(); hostAssessment.hostName = entry.getKey().hostname().value(); hostAssessment.switchName = entry.getKey().switchHostname().orElse(null); hostAssessment.numberOfChildren = entry.getValue().size(); //TODO: Some better heuristic for what's considered problematic hostAssessment.numberOfProblematicChildren = (int) entry.getValue().stream() .mapToInt(node -> prCluster.get(clusterKey(node)).size()) .filter(i -> i > 1) .count(); return hostAssessment; }).toList(); return new Assessment(clusterAssessments, hostAssessments); } private List toParentHosts(List impactedHostnames, List allNodes) { return impactedHostnames.stream() .flatMap(hostname -> allNodes.stream() .filter(node -> List.of(NodeType.config, NodeType.proxy, NodeType.host).contains(node.type())) .filter(node -> hostname.equals(node.hostname().value()) || hostname.equals(node.parentHostname().map(HostName::value).orElse(""))) .map(node -> { if (node.type() == NodeType.host) return node.hostname().value(); return node.parentHostname().get().value(); }).findFirst().stream() ) .toList(); } private static Cluster clusterKey(Node node) { if (node.owner().isEmpty()) return Cluster.EMPTY; String appId = node.owner().get().serializedForm(); return new Cluster(node.clusterType(), node.clusterId(), appId, node.type()); } private static long[] clusterStats(Cluster cluster, List containerNodes) { List clusterNodes = containerNodes.stream().filter(node -> cluster.equals(clusterKey(node))).toList(); long groups = clusterNodes.stream().map(Node::group).distinct().count(); return new long[] { clusterNodes.size(), groups}; } private String getImpact(Cluster cluster, long[] impactedStats, long[] totalStats) { switch (cluster.getNodeType()) { case tenant: return getTenantImpact(cluster, impactedStats, totalStats); case proxy: return getProxyImpact(impactedStats[0], totalStats[0]); case config: return getConfigServerImpact(impactedStats[0]); default: return "Unkown impact"; } } private String getTenantImpact(Cluster cluster, long[] impactedStats, long[] totalStats) { switch (cluster.getClusterType()) { case container: return getContainerImpact(impactedStats[0], totalStats[0]); case content: case combined: return getContentImpact(totalStats[1] > 1, impactedStats[0], impactedStats[1]); default: return "Unknown impact"; } } private String getProxyImpact(long impactedNodes, long totalNodes) { int impact = (int) (100.0 * impactedNodes / totalNodes); return impact + "% of routing nodes impacted. Consider reprovisioning if too many"; } private String getConfigServerImpact(long impactedNodes) { if (impactedNodes == 1) { return "Acceptable impact"; } return "Large impact. Consider reprovisioning one or more config servers"; } private String getContainerImpact(long impactedNodes, long totalNodes) { if ((double) impactedNodes / totalNodes <= 0.1) { return "Impact not larger than upgrade policy"; } return "Impact larger than upgrade policy"; } private String getContentImpact(boolean isGrouped, long impactedNodes, long impactedGroups) { if ((isGrouped && impactedGroups == 1) || impactedNodes == 1) return "Impact not larger than upgrade policy"; return "Impact larger than upgrade policy"; } public static class Assessment { List clusterAssessments; List hostAssessments; Assessment(List clusterAssessments, List hostAssessments) { this.clusterAssessments = clusterAssessments; this.hostAssessments = hostAssessments; } public List getClusterAssessments() { return clusterAssessments; } public List getHostAssessments() { return hostAssessments; } } public static class ClusterAssessment { public String app; public String zone; public String cluster; public long clusterImpact; public long clusterSize; public long groupsImpact; public long groupsTotal; public String upgradePolicy; public String suggestedAction; public String impact; } public static class HostAssessment { public String hostName; public String switchName; public int numberOfChildren; public int numberOfProblematicChildren; } private static class Cluster { private Node.ClusterType clusterType; private String clusterId; private String app; private NodeType nodeType; public final static Cluster EMPTY = new Cluster(Node.ClusterType.unknown, "na", "na", NodeType.tenant); public Cluster(Node.ClusterType clusterType, String clusterId, String app, NodeType nodeType) { this.clusterType = clusterType; this.clusterId = clusterId; this.app = app; this.nodeType = nodeType; } public Node.ClusterType getClusterType() { return clusterType; } public String getClusterId() { return clusterId; } public String getApp() { return app; } public NodeType getNodeType() { return nodeType; } @Override public boolean equals(Object o) { if (this == o) return true; if (o == null || getClass() != o.getClass()) return false; Cluster cluster = (Cluster) o; return Objects.equals(clusterType, cluster.clusterType) && Objects.equals(clusterId, cluster.clusterId) && Objects.equals(app, cluster.app); } @Override public int hashCode() { return Objects.hash(clusterType, clusterId, app); } } }