// Copyright Yahoo. Licensed under the terms of the Apache 2.0 license. See LICENSE in the project root. package com.yahoo.vespa.hosted.controller.versions; import com.yahoo.component.Version; import com.yahoo.config.provision.HostName; import com.yahoo.vespa.hosted.controller.Application; import com.yahoo.vespa.hosted.controller.Controller; import com.yahoo.vespa.hosted.controller.Instance; import com.yahoo.vespa.hosted.controller.api.identifiers.ControllerVersion; import com.yahoo.vespa.hosted.controller.api.integration.configserver.NodeFilter; import com.yahoo.vespa.hosted.controller.application.ApplicationList; import com.yahoo.vespa.hosted.controller.application.Deployment; import com.yahoo.vespa.hosted.controller.application.SystemApplication; import com.yahoo.vespa.hosted.controller.maintenance.SystemUpgrader; import com.yahoo.vespa.hosted.controller.versions.VespaVersion.Confidence; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.Comparator; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Optional; import java.util.Set; import java.util.logging.Level; import java.util.logging.Logger; import java.util.stream.Collectors; /** * Information about the current platform versions in use. * The versions in use are the set of all versions running in current applications, versions * of config servers in all zones, and the version of this controller itself. * * @author bratseth * @author mpolden */ public record VersionStatus(List versions, int currentMajor) { private static final Logger log = Logger.getLogger(VersionStatus.class.getName()); /** Create a version status. DO NOT USE: Public for testing and serialization only */ public VersionStatus(List versions, int currentMajor) { this.versions = List.copyOf(versions); this.currentMajor = currentMajor; } /** Returns the current version of controllers in this system */ public Optional controllerVersion() { return versions().stream().filter(VespaVersion::isControllerVersion).findFirst(); } /** * Returns the current Vespa version of the system controlled by this, * or empty if we have not currently determined what the system version is in this status. */ public Optional systemVersion() { return versions().stream().filter(VespaVersion::isSystemVersion).findFirst(); } /** Returns whether the system is currently upgrading */ public boolean isUpgrading() { return systemVersion().map(VespaVersion::versionNumber).orElse(Version.emptyVersion) .isBefore(controllerVersion().map(VespaVersion::versionNumber) .orElse(Version.emptyVersion)); } /** * Lists all currently active Vespa versions, with deployment statistics, * sorted from lowest to highest version number. * The returned list is immutable. * Calling this is free, but the returned status is slightly out of date. */ public List versions() { return versions; } /** Lists all currently active Vespa versions, from lowest to highest number, which are not newer than the system version. */ public List deployableVersions() { List deployable = new ArrayList<>(); for (VespaVersion version : versions) { deployable.add(version); if (version.isSystemVersion()) return deployable; } return List.of(); } /** Returns the given version, or null if it is not present */ public VespaVersion version(Version version) { return versions.stream().filter(v -> v.versionNumber().equals(version)).findFirst().orElse(null); } /** Returns whether given version is active in this system */ public boolean isActive(Version version) { if (version(version) != null) return true; // Occasionally we may deploy unofficial versions of a given Vespa version, i.e. given the version 8.42.1, // an unofficial version 8.42.1.a may exist. Count such versions as active if their root version is active Version rootVersion = new Version(version.getMajor(), version.getMinor(), version.getMicro()); return version(rootVersion) != null; } /** Create the empty version status */ public static VersionStatus empty() { return new VersionStatus(List.of(), -1); } /** Create a full, updated version status. This is expensive and should be done infrequently */ public static VersionStatus compute(Controller controller) { VersionStatus versionStatus = controller.readVersionStatus(); int currentMajor = versionStatus.currentMajor(); List systemApplicationVersions = findSystemApplicationVersions(controller, versionStatus); Map> controllerVersions = findControllerVersions(controller); Map> infrastructureVersions = new HashMap<>(); for (var kv : controllerVersions.entrySet()) { infrastructureVersions.computeIfAbsent(kv.getKey().version(), (k) -> new ArrayList<>()) .addAll(kv.getValue()); } for (var nodeVersion : systemApplicationVersions) { infrastructureVersions.computeIfAbsent(nodeVersion.currentVersion(), (k) -> new ArrayList<>()) .add(nodeVersion.hostname()); } // The system version is the oldest infrastructure version, if that version is newer than the current system // version Version newSystemVersion = infrastructureVersions.keySet().stream().min(Comparator.naturalOrder()).get(); Version systemVersion = versionStatus.systemVersion() .map(VespaVersion::versionNumber) .orElse(newSystemVersion); if (newSystemVersion.isBefore(systemVersion)) { log.warning("Refusing to lower system version from " + systemVersion.toFullString() + " to " + newSystemVersion.toFullString() + ", nodes on " + newSystemVersion.toFullString() + ": " + infrastructureVersions.get(newSystemVersion).stream() .map(HostName::value) .collect(Collectors.joining(", "))); } else { systemVersion = newSystemVersion; } Set allVersions = new HashSet<>(infrastructureVersions.keySet()); for (Application application : controller.applications().asList()) for (Instance instance : application.instances().values()) for (Deployment deployment : instance.deployments().values()) allVersions.add(deployment.version()); List deploymentStatistics = DeploymentStatistics.compute(allVersions, controller.jobController().deploymentStatuses(ApplicationList.from(controller.applications().asList()) .withProjectId() .withJobs())); List versions = new ArrayList<>(); List releasedVersions = controller.mavenRepository().metadata().versions(); for (DeploymentStatistics statistics : deploymentStatistics) { if (statistics.version().isEmpty()) continue; try { boolean isReleased = Collections.binarySearch(releasedVersions, statistics.version()) >= 0; List nodeVersions = systemApplicationVersions.stream() .filter(nodeVersion -> nodeVersion.currentVersion().equals(statistics.version())) .toList(); VespaVersion vespaVersion = createVersion(statistics, controllerVersions.keySet(), systemVersion, isReleased, nodeVersions, controller, versionStatus); versions.add(vespaVersion); if (vespaVersion.confidence().equalOrHigherThan(Confidence.high)) currentMajor = Math.max(currentMajor, vespaVersion.versionNumber().getMajor()); } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) { log.log(Level.WARNING, "Unable to create VespaVersion for version " + statistics.version().toFullString(), e); } } Collections.sort(versions); return new VersionStatus(versions, currentMajor); } private static List findSystemApplicationVersions(Controller controller, VersionStatus versionStatus) { List nodeVersions = new ArrayList<>(); for (var zone : controller.zoneRegistry().zones().controllerUpgraded().zones()) { for (var application : SystemApplication.notController()) { var nodes = controller.serviceRegistry().configServer().nodeRepository() .list(zone.getId(), NodeFilter.all().applications(application.id())).stream() .filter(SystemUpgrader::eligibleForUpgrade) .toList(); if (nodes.isEmpty()) continue; boolean configConverged = application.configConvergedIn(zone.getId(), controller, Optional.empty()); if (!configConverged) { log.log(Level.WARNING, "Config for " + application.id() + " in " + zone.getId() + " has not converged"); } for (var node : nodes) { // Only use current node version if config has converged var version = configConverged ? node.currentVersion() : controller.systemVersion(versionStatus); var nodeVersion = new NodeVersion(node.hostname(), zone.getId(), version, node.wantedVersion(), node.suspendedSince()); nodeVersions.add(nodeVersion); } } } return nodeVersions; } private static Map> findControllerVersions(Controller controller) { Map> versions = new HashMap<>(); if (controller.curator().cluster().isEmpty()) { // Use vtag if we do not have cluster versions.computeIfAbsent(ControllerVersion.CURRENT, (k) -> new ArrayList<>()) .add(controller.hostname()); } else { for (String host : controller.curator().cluster()) { HostName hostname = HostName.of(host); versions.computeIfAbsent(controller.curator().readControllerVersion(hostname), (k) -> new ArrayList<>()) .add(hostname); } } return versions; } private static VespaVersion createVersion(DeploymentStatistics statistics, Set controllerVersions, Version systemVersion, boolean isReleased, List nodeVersions, Controller controller, VersionStatus versionStatus) { ControllerVersion latestVersion = controllerVersions.stream().max(Comparator.naturalOrder()).get(); boolean isSystemVersion = statistics.version().equals(systemVersion); boolean isControllerVersion = controllerVersions.size() == 1 && statistics.version().equals(controllerVersions.iterator().next().version()); VespaVersion.Confidence confidence = controller.curator().readConfidenceOverrides().get(statistics.version()); boolean confidenceIsOverridden = confidence != null; VespaVersion existingVespaVersion = versionStatus.version(statistics.version()); // Compute confidence if (!confidenceIsOverridden) { Confidence newConfidence = VespaVersion.confidenceFrom(statistics, controller, versionStatus); Confidence oldConfidence = Optional.ofNullable(versionStatus.version(statistics.version())) .map(VespaVersion::confidence) .orElse(newConfidence); // Always update confidence for system and controller // Also allow older versions to transition from normal to high confidence if (isSystemVersion || isControllerVersion || oldConfidence == Confidence.normal && newConfidence == Confidence.high) { confidence = newConfidence; } else { // Otherwise, this is an older version, so we preserve the existing confidence, if any confidence = oldConfidence; } } // Preserve existing commit details if we've previously computed status for this version var commitSha = latestVersion.commitSha(); var commitDate = latestVersion.commitDate(); if (existingVespaVersion != null) { commitSha = existingVespaVersion.releaseCommit(); commitDate = existingVespaVersion.committedAt(); // Keep existing confidence if we cannot raise it at this moment in time if (!confidenceIsOverridden && !existingVespaVersion.confidence().canChangeTo(confidence, controller.serviceRegistry().zoneRegistry().system(), controller.clock().instant())) { confidence = existingVespaVersion.confidence(); } } return new VespaVersion(statistics.version(), commitSha, commitDate, isControllerVersion, isSystemVersion, isReleased, nodeVersions, confidence); } /** Whether no version on a newer major, with high confidence, can be deployed. */ public boolean isOnCurrentMajor(Version version) { return version.getMajor() >= currentMajor; } }