// Copyright Yahoo. Licensed under the terms of the Apache 2.0 license. See LICENSE in the project root. package com.yahoo.document; import com.yahoo.compress.CompressionType; public class CompressionConfig { public CompressionConfig(CompressionType type, int level, float threshold, long minSize) { this.type = type; this.compressionLevel = level; this.threshold = threshold; this.minsize = minSize; } public CompressionConfig() { this(CompressionType.NONE, 9, 95, 0); } public CompressionConfig(CompressionType type) { this(type, 9, 95, 0); } public CompressionConfig(CompressionType type, int level, float threshold) { this(type, level, threshold, 0); } public final CompressionType type; public int compressionLevel; public float threshold; public final long minsize; /** get a multiplier for comparing compressed and original size */ public float thresholdFactor() { return 0.01f * threshold; } }