// Copyright Vespa.ai. Licensed under the terms of the Apache 2.0 license. See LICENSE in the project root. package com.yahoo.document; import com.yahoo.document.datatypes.FieldValue; import com.yahoo.document.fieldpathupdate.FieldPathUpdate; import com.yahoo.document.serialization.DocumentSerializerFactory; import com.yahoo.document.serialization.DocumentUpdateReader; import com.yahoo.document.serialization.DocumentUpdateWriter; import com.yahoo.document.update.AssignValueUpdate; import com.yahoo.document.update.ClearValueUpdate; import com.yahoo.document.update.FieldUpdate; import com.yahoo.document.update.ValueUpdate; import com.yahoo.io.GrowableByteBuffer; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Objects; import java.util.Optional; /** *

Specifies one or more field updates to a document.

A document update contains a list of {@link * com.yahoo.document.update.FieldUpdate field updates} for fields to be updated by this update. Each field update is * applied atomically, but the entire document update is not. A document update can only contain one field update per * field. To make multiple updates to the same field in the same document update, add multiple {@link * com.yahoo.document.update.ValueUpdate value updates} to the same field update.

To update a document and * set a string field to a new value:

 * DocumentType musicType = DocumentTypeManager.getInstance().getDocumentType("music", 0);
 * DocumentUpdate docUpdate = new DocumentUpdate(musicType,
 *         new DocumentId("id:test:music::http://music.yahoo.com/"));
 * FieldUpdate update = FieldUpdate.createAssign(musicType.getField("artist"), "lillbabs");
 * docUpdate.addFieldUpdate(update);
* * @author Einar M R Rosenvinge * @see com.yahoo.document.update.FieldUpdate * @see com.yahoo.document.update.ValueUpdate */ public class DocumentUpdate extends DocumentOperation implements Iterable { //see src/vespa/document/util/identifiableid.h public static final int CLASSID = 0x1000 + 6; private DocumentId docId; private final Map id2FieldUpdates; private final List fieldPathUpdates; private DocumentType documentType; private Boolean createIfNonExistent; /** * Creates a DocumentUpdate. * * @param docId the ID of the update * @param docType the document type that this update is valid for */ public DocumentUpdate(DocumentType docType, DocumentId docId) { this.docId = docId; this.documentType = docType; this.id2FieldUpdates = new HashMap<>(); this.fieldPathUpdates = new ArrayList<>(); } /** * Creates a new document update using a reader */ public DocumentUpdate(DocumentUpdateReader reader) { docId = null; documentType = null; id2FieldUpdates = new HashMap<>(); fieldPathUpdates = new ArrayList<>(); reader.read(this); } /** Creates a new document update which is a copy of the argument. */ public DocumentUpdate(DocumentUpdate update) { super(update); docId = update.docId; documentType = update.documentType; id2FieldUpdates = new HashMap<>(update.id2FieldUpdates); fieldPathUpdates = new ArrayList<>(update.fieldPathUpdates); createIfNonExistent = update.createIfNonExistent; } /** * Creates a DocumentUpdate. * * @param docId the ID of the update * @param docType the document type that this update is valid for */ public DocumentUpdate(DocumentType docType, String docId) { this(docType, new DocumentId(docId)); } public DocumentId getId() { return docId; } /** * Sets the document id of the document to update. * Use only while deserializing - changing the document id after creation has undefined behaviour. */ public void setId(DocumentId id) { docId = id; } private void verifyType(Document doc) { if (!documentType.equals(doc.getDataType())) { throw new IllegalArgumentException( "Document " + doc.getId() + " with type " + doc.getDataType() + " must have same type as update, which is type " + documentType); } } /** * Applies this document update. * * @param doc the document to apply the update to * @return a reference to itself * @throws IllegalArgumentException if the document does not have the same document type as this update */ public DocumentUpdate applyTo(Document doc) { verifyType(doc); for (FieldUpdate fieldUpdate : id2FieldUpdates.values()) { fieldUpdate.applyTo(doc); } for (FieldPathUpdate fieldPathUpdate : fieldPathUpdates) { fieldPathUpdate.applyTo(doc); } return this; } /** * Prune away any field update that will not modify any field in the document. * @param doc document to check against * @return a reference to itself * @throws IllegalArgumentException if the document does not have the same document type as this update */ public DocumentUpdate prune(Document doc) { verifyType(doc); for (Iterator> iter = id2FieldUpdates.entrySet().iterator(); iter.hasNext();) { Map.Entry entry = iter.next(); FieldUpdate update = entry.getValue(); if (!update.isEmpty()) { ValueUpdate last = update.getValueUpdate(update.size() - 1); if (last instanceof AssignValueUpdate) { FieldValue currentValue = doc.getFieldValue(update.getField()); if ((currentValue != null) && currentValue.equals(last.getValue())) { iter.remove(); } } else if (last instanceof ClearValueUpdate) { FieldValue currentValue = doc.getFieldValue(update.getField()); if (currentValue == null) { iter.remove(); } else { FieldValue copy = currentValue.clone(); copy.clear(); if (currentValue.equals(copy)) { iter.remove(); } } } } } return this; } /** * Get an unmodifiable collection of all field updates that this document update specifies. * * @return a collection of all FieldUpdates in this DocumentUpdate */ public Collection fieldUpdates() { return Collections.unmodifiableCollection(id2FieldUpdates.values()); } /** * Get an unmodifiable collection of all field path updates that this document update specifies. * * @return a collection of all FieldPathUpdates in this DocumentUpdate */ public Collection fieldPathUpdates() { return Collections.unmodifiableCollection(fieldPathUpdates); } /** Returns the type of the document this updates * * @return The documentype of the document */ public DocumentType getDocumentType() { return documentType; } /** * Sets the document type. Use only while deserializing - changing the document type after creation * has undefined behaviour. */ public void setDocumentType(DocumentType type) { documentType = type; } /** * Returns the update for a field * * @param field the field to return the update of * @return the update for the field, or null if that field has no update in this */ public FieldUpdate getFieldUpdate(Field field) { return getFieldUpdateById(field.getId()); } /** Removes all field updates from the list for field updates. */ public void clearFieldUpdates() { id2FieldUpdates.clear(); } /** * Returns the update for a field name * * @param fieldName the field name to return the update of * @return the update for the field, or null if that field has no update in this */ public FieldUpdate getFieldUpdate(String fieldName) { Field field = documentType.getField(fieldName); return field != null ? getFieldUpdate(field) : null; } private FieldUpdate getFieldUpdateById(Integer fieldId) { return id2FieldUpdates.get(fieldId); } /** * Assigns the field updates of this document update. * Also note that no assumptions can be made on the order of item after this call. * They might have been joined if for the same field or reordered. * * @param fieldUpdates the new list of updates of this * @throws NullPointerException if the argument passed is null */ public void setFieldUpdates(Collection fieldUpdates) { if (fieldUpdates == null) { throw new NullPointerException("The field updates of a document update can not be null"); } clearFieldUpdates(); addFieldUpdates(fieldUpdates); } /** The same as setFieldUpdates(Collection<FieldUpdate>) */ public void setFieldUpdates(List fieldUpdates) { setFieldUpdates((Collection) fieldUpdates); } public void addFieldUpdates(Collection fieldUpdates) { for (FieldUpdate fieldUpdate : fieldUpdates) { addFieldUpdate(fieldUpdate); } } /** * Get the number of field updates in this document update. * * @return the size of the List of FieldUpdates */ public int size() { return id2FieldUpdates.size(); } /** * Adds the given {@link FieldUpdate} to this DocumentUpdate. If this DocumentUpdate already contains a FieldUpdate * for the named field, the content of the given FieldUpdate is added to the existing one. * * @param update The FieldUpdate to add to this DocumentUpdate. * @return This, to allow chaining. * @throws IllegalArgumentException If the {@link DocumentType} of this DocumentUpdate does not have a corresponding * field. */ public DocumentUpdate addFieldUpdate(FieldUpdate update) { int fieldId = update.getField().getId(); if (documentType.getField(fieldId) == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Document type '" + documentType.getName() + "' does not have field '" + update.getField().getName() + "'."); } FieldUpdate prevUpdate = getFieldUpdateById(fieldId); if (prevUpdate != update) { if (prevUpdate != null) { prevUpdate.addAll(update); } else { id2FieldUpdates.put(fieldId, update); } } return this; } /** * Adds a field path update to perform on the document. * * @return a reference to itself. */ public DocumentUpdate addFieldPathUpdate(FieldPathUpdate fieldPathUpdate) { fieldPathUpdates.add(fieldPathUpdate); return this; } /** * Adds all the field- and field path updates of the given document update to this. If the given update refers to a * different document or document type than this, this method throws an exception. * * @param update The update whose content to add to this. * @throws IllegalArgumentException If the {@link DocumentId} or {@link DocumentType} of the given DocumentUpdate * does not match the content of this. */ public void addAll(DocumentUpdate update) { if (update == null) { return; } if (!docId.equals(update.docId)) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Expected " + docId + ", got " + update.docId + "."); } if (!documentType.equals(update.documentType)) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Expected " + documentType + ", got " + update.documentType + "."); } addFieldUpdates(update.fieldUpdates()); for (FieldPathUpdate pathUpd : update.fieldPathUpdates) { addFieldPathUpdate(pathUpd); } } public FieldUpdate removeFieldUpdate(Field field) { return id2FieldUpdates.remove(field.getId()); } public FieldUpdate removeFieldUpdate(String fieldName) { Field field = documentType.getField(fieldName); return field != null ? removeFieldUpdate(field) : null; } /** * Returns the document type of this document update. * * @return the document type of this document update */ public DocumentType getType() { return documentType; } public final void serialize(GrowableByteBuffer buf) { serialize(DocumentSerializerFactory.create6(buf)); } public void serialize(DocumentUpdateWriter data) { data.write(this); } @Override public boolean equals(Object o) { if (this == o) return true; if (!(o instanceof DocumentUpdate)) return false; DocumentUpdate that = (DocumentUpdate) o; if (docId != null ? !docId.equals(that.docId) : that.docId != null) return false; if (documentType != null ? !documentType.equals(that.documentType) : that.documentType != null) return false; if ( ! fieldPathUpdates.equals(that.fieldPathUpdates)) return false; if ( ! id2FieldUpdates.equals(that.id2FieldUpdates)) return false; if (this.getCreateIfNonExistent() != that.getCreateIfNonExistent()) return false; if ( ! Objects.equals(getCondition(), that.getCondition())) return false; return true; } @Override public int hashCode() { int result = docId != null ? docId.hashCode() : 0; result = 31 * result + id2FieldUpdates.hashCode(); result = 31 * result + fieldPathUpdates.hashCode(); result = 31 * result + (documentType != null ? documentType.hashCode() : 0); return result; } @Override public String toString() { StringBuilder string = new StringBuilder(); string.append("update of document '"); string.append(docId); string.append("': "); string.append("create-if-non-existent="); string.append(getCreateIfNonExistent()); string.append(": "); string.append("["); for (FieldUpdate fieldUpdate : id2FieldUpdates.values()) { string.append(fieldUpdate).append(" "); } string.append("]"); if (fieldPathUpdates.size() > 0) { string.append(" [ "); for (FieldPathUpdate up : fieldPathUpdates) { string.append(up.toString()).append(" "); } string.append(" ]"); } return string.toString(); } @Override public Iterator iterator() { return fieldPathUpdates.iterator(); } /** * Returns whether or not this field update contains any field- or field path updates. * * @return True if this update is empty. */ public boolean isEmpty() { return id2FieldUpdates.isEmpty() && fieldPathUpdates.isEmpty(); } /** * Sets whether this update should create the document it updates if that document does not exist. * In this case an empty document is created before the update is applied. * * @param value Whether the document it updates should be created. */ public void setCreateIfNonExistent(boolean value) { createIfNonExistent = value; } /** * Gets whether this update should create the document it updates if that document does not exist. * * @return whether the document it updates should be created. */ public boolean getCreateIfNonExistent() { return createIfNonExistent != null && createIfNonExistent; } public Optional getOptionalCreateIfNonExistent() { return Optional.ofNullable(createIfNonExistent); } }