// Copyright 2016 Yahoo Inc. Licensed under the terms of the Apache 2.0 license. See LICENSE in the project root. package com.yahoo.document.select; import com.yahoo.document.DocumentOperation; import com.yahoo.document.select.parser.ParseException; import com.yahoo.document.select.parser.SelectInput; import com.yahoo.document.select.parser.SelectParser; import com.yahoo.document.select.parser.TokenMgrError; import com.yahoo.document.select.rule.ExpressionNode; /** *

A document selector is a filter which accepts or rejects documents * based on their type and content. A document selector has a textual * representation which is called the Document Selection Language

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Document selectors are multithread safe.

* * @author Jon Bratseth */ public class DocumentSelector { private ExpressionNode expression; /** * Creates a document selector from a Document Selection Language string * * @param selector The string to parse as a selector. * @throws ParseException Thrown if the string could not be parsed. */ public DocumentSelector(String selector) throws ParseException { SelectInput input = new SelectInput(selector); try { SelectParser parser = new SelectParser(input); expression = parser.expression(); } catch (TokenMgrError e) { ParseException t = new ParseException("Tokenization error parsing document selector '" + selector + "'"); throw (ParseException)t.initCause(e); } catch (RuntimeException | ParseException e) { ParseException t = new ParseException("Exception parsing document selector '" + selector + "'"); throw (ParseException)t.initCause(e instanceof ParseException ? new ParseException(input.formatException(e.getMessage())) : e); } } /** * Returns true if the document referenced by this document operation is accepted by this selector * * @param op A document operation * @return True if the document is accepted. * @throws RuntimeException if the evaluation enters an illegal state */ public Result accepts(DocumentOperation op) { return accepts(new Context(op)); } /** * Returns true if the document referenced by this context is accepted by this selector * * @param context The context to match in. * @return True if the document is accepted. * @throws RuntimeException if the evaluation enters an illegal state */ public Result accepts(Context context) { return Result.toResult(expression.evaluate(context)); } /** * Returns the list of different variables resulting in a true state for this * expression. * * @param op The document to evaluate. * @return True if the document is accepted. * @throws RuntimeException if the evaluation enters an illegal state */ public ResultList getMatchingResultList(DocumentOperation op) { return getMatchingResultList(new Context(op)); } /** * Returns the list of different variables resulting in a true state for this * expression. * * @param context The context to match in. * @return True if the document is accepted. * @throws RuntimeException if the evaluation enters an illegal state */ public ResultList getMatchingResultList(Context context) { return ResultList.toResultList(expression.evaluate(context)); } /** * Returns this selector as a Document Selection Language string. * * @return The selection string. */ public String toString() { return expression.toString(); } /** * Returns the ordering specification, if any, implied by this document * selection expression. * * @param order The order of the */ public OrderingSpecification getOrdering(int order) { return expression.getOrdering(order); } /** * Visits the expression tree. * * @param visitor The visitor to use. */ public void visit(Visitor visitor) { expression.accept(visitor); } }