// Copyright Vespa.ai. Licensed under the terms of the Apache 2.0 license. See LICENSE in the project root. package com.yahoo.document.serialization; import com.yahoo.compress.CompressionType; import com.yahoo.document.ArrayDataType; import com.yahoo.document.CollectionDataType; import com.yahoo.document.DataType; import com.yahoo.document.Document; import com.yahoo.document.DocumentId; import com.yahoo.document.DocumentType; import com.yahoo.document.DocumentUpdate; import com.yahoo.document.Field; import com.yahoo.document.WeightedSetDataType; import com.yahoo.document.annotation.AlternateSpanList; import com.yahoo.document.annotation.Annotation; import com.yahoo.document.annotation.AnnotationReference; import com.yahoo.document.annotation.Span; import com.yahoo.document.annotation.SpanList; import com.yahoo.document.annotation.SpanNode; import com.yahoo.document.annotation.SpanTree; import com.yahoo.document.datatypes.Array; import com.yahoo.document.datatypes.BoolFieldValue; import com.yahoo.document.datatypes.ByteFieldValue; import com.yahoo.document.datatypes.CollectionFieldValue; import com.yahoo.document.datatypes.DoubleFieldValue; import com.yahoo.document.datatypes.FieldValue; import com.yahoo.document.datatypes.FloatFieldValue; import com.yahoo.document.datatypes.IntegerFieldValue; import com.yahoo.document.datatypes.LongFieldValue; import com.yahoo.document.datatypes.MapFieldValue; import com.yahoo.document.datatypes.PredicateFieldValue; import com.yahoo.document.datatypes.Raw; import com.yahoo.document.datatypes.ReferenceFieldValue; import com.yahoo.document.datatypes.StringFieldValue; import com.yahoo.document.datatypes.Struct; import com.yahoo.document.datatypes.StructuredFieldValue; import com.yahoo.document.datatypes.TensorFieldValue; import com.yahoo.document.datatypes.WeightedSet; import com.yahoo.document.fieldpathupdate.AddFieldPathUpdate; import com.yahoo.document.fieldpathupdate.AssignFieldPathUpdate; import com.yahoo.document.fieldpathupdate.FieldPathUpdate; import com.yahoo.document.predicate.BinaryFormat; import com.yahoo.document.update.AddValueUpdate; import com.yahoo.document.update.ArithmeticValueUpdate; import com.yahoo.document.update.AssignValueUpdate; import com.yahoo.document.update.ClearValueUpdate; import com.yahoo.document.update.FieldUpdate; import com.yahoo.document.update.MapValueUpdate; import com.yahoo.document.update.RemoveValueUpdate; import com.yahoo.document.update.TensorAddUpdate; import com.yahoo.document.update.TensorModifyUpdate; import com.yahoo.document.update.TensorRemoveUpdate; import com.yahoo.document.update.ValueUpdate; import com.yahoo.io.GrowableByteBuffer; import com.yahoo.vespa.objects.BufferSerializer; import com.yahoo.vespa.objects.FieldBase; import java.nio.ByteBuffer; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.LinkedList; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import static com.yahoo.text.Utf8.calculateBytePositions; /** * Class used for serializing documents on the Vespa 6.x document format. * * @author baldersheim **/ public class VespaDocumentSerializer6 extends BufferSerializer implements DocumentSerializer { private int spanNodeCounter = -1; private int[] bytePositions; VespaDocumentSerializer6(GrowableByteBuffer buf) { super(buf); } public void write(Document doc) { write(new Field(doc.getDataType().getName(), 0, doc.getDataType()), doc); } public void write(FieldBase field, Document doc) { buf.putShort(Document.SERIALIZED_VERSION); //save the position of the length in the buffer int lenPos = buf.position(); // Temporary length, fill in after serialization is done. buf.putInt(0); doc.getId().serialize(this); boolean hasHead = (doc.getFieldCount() != 0); byte contents = 0x01; // Indicating we have document type which we always have if (hasHead) { contents |= 0x2; // Indicate we have header } buf.put(contents); doc.getDataType().serialize(this); if (hasHead) { StructuredFieldValue asStructured = doc; write(null, asStructured); } int finalPos = buf.position(); buf.position(lenPos); buf.putInt(finalPos - lenPos - 4); // Don't include the length itself or the version buf.position(finalPos); } /** * Write out the value of field * * @param field - field description (name and data type) * @param value - field value */ public void write(FieldBase field, FieldValue value) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Not Implemented"); } /** * Write out the value of array field * * @param field - field description (name and data type) * @param array - field value */ public void write(FieldBase field, Array array) { buf.putInt1_2_4Bytes(array.size()); List lst = array.getValues(); for (FieldValue value : lst) { value.serialize(this); } } public void write(FieldBase field, MapFieldValue map) { buf.putInt1_2_4Bytes(map.size()); for (Map.Entry e : map.entrySet()) { e.getKey().serialize(this); e.getValue().serialize(this); } } /** * Write out the value of byte field * * @param field - field description (name and data type) * @param value - field value */ public void write(FieldBase field, ByteFieldValue value) { buf.put(value.getByte()); } @Override public void write(FieldBase field, BoolFieldValue value) { byte asByte = value.getBoolean() ? (byte)1 : (byte)0; buf.put(asByte); } /** * Write out the value of collection field * * @param field - field description (name and data type) * @param value - field value */ public void write(FieldBase field, CollectionFieldValue value) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Not Implemented"); } /** * Write out the value of double field * * @param field - field description (name and data type) * @param value - field value */ public void write(FieldBase field, DoubleFieldValue value) { buf.putDouble(value.getDouble()); } /** * Write out the value of float field * * @param field - field description (name and data type) * @param value - field value */ public void write(FieldBase field, FloatFieldValue value) { buf.putFloat(value.getFloat()); } /** * Write out the value of integer field * * @param field - field description (name and data type) * @param value - field value */ public void write(FieldBase field, IntegerFieldValue value) { buf.putInt(value.getInteger()); } /** * Write out the value of long field * * @param field - field description (name and data type) * @param value - field value */ public void write(FieldBase field, LongFieldValue value) { buf.putLong(value.getLong()); } /** * Write out the value of raw field * * @param field - field description (name and data type) * @param value - field value */ public void write(FieldBase field, Raw value) { ByteBuffer rawBuf = value.getByteBuffer(); int origPos = rawBuf.position(); buf.putInt(rawBuf.remaining()); buf.put(rawBuf); rawBuf.position(origPos); } @Override public void write(FieldBase field, PredicateFieldValue value) { byte[] buf = BinaryFormat.encode(value.getPredicate()); this.buf.putInt(buf.length); this.buf.put(buf); } /** * Write out the value of string field * * @param field - field description (name and data type) * @param value - field value */ public void write(FieldBase field, StringFieldValue value) { byte[] stringBytes = createUTF8CharArray(value.getString()); byte coding = 0; //Use bit 6 of "coding" to say whether span tree is available or not if (!value.getSpanTrees().isEmpty()) { coding |= 64; } buf.put(coding); buf.putInt1_4Bytes(stringBytes.length + 1); buf.put(stringBytes); buf.put(((byte) 0)); Map trees = value.getSpanTreeMap(); if ((trees != null) && !trees.isEmpty()) { try { //we don't support serialization of nested span trees, so this is safe: bytePositions = calculateBytePositions(value.getString()); //total length. record position and go back here if necessary: int posBeforeSize = buf.position(); buf.putInt(0); buf.putInt1_2_4Bytes(trees.size()); for (SpanTree tree : trees.values()) { try { write(tree); } catch (SerializationException e) { throw e; } catch (RuntimeException e) { throw new SerializationException("Exception thrown while serializing span tree '" + tree.getName() + "'; string='" + value.getString() + "'", e); } } int endPos = buf.position(); buf.position(posBeforeSize); buf.putInt(endPos - posBeforeSize - 4); //length shall exclude itself buf.position(endPos); } finally { bytePositions = null; } } } @Override public void write(FieldBase field, TensorFieldValue value) { var encodedTensor = value.getSerializedTensor(); if (encodedTensor.isPresent()) { buf.putInt1_4Bytes(encodedTensor.get().length); buf.put(encodedTensor.get()); } else { buf.putInt1_4Bytes(0); } } @Override public void write(FieldBase field, ReferenceFieldValue value) { if (value.getDocumentId().isPresent()) { // We piggyback on DocumentId's existing serialization code, but need to know // whether or not it's present or merely the empty string. buf.put((byte)1); write(value.getDocumentId().get()); } else { buf.put((byte)0); } } /** * Write out the value of structured field * * @param field - field description (name and data type) * @param s - field value */ public void write(FieldBase field, StructuredFieldValue s) { // Serialize all parts first.. As we need to know length before starting // Serialize all the fields. //keep the buffer we're serializing everything into: GrowableByteBuffer bigBuffer = buf; //create a new buffer and serialize into that for a while: GrowableByteBuffer buffer = new GrowableByteBuffer(4096, 2.0f); buf = buffer; List fieldIds = new LinkedList<>(); List fieldLengths = new LinkedList<>(); var iter = s.iterator(); while (iter.hasNext()) { Map.Entry value = iter.next(); int startPos = buffer.position(); value.getValue().serialize(value.getKey(), this); fieldLengths.add(buffer.position() - startPos); fieldIds.add(value.getKey().getId()); } // Switch buffers again: buffer.flip(); buf = bigBuffer; int sz = fieldIds.size(); // Actual serialization starts here. int lenPos = buf.position(); putInt(null, 0); // Move back to this after compression is done. buf.put(CompressionType.NONE.getCode()); buf.putInt1_4Bytes(sz); for (int i = 0; i < sz; ++i) { putInt1_4Bytes(null, fieldIds.get(i)); putInt2_4_8Bytes(null, fieldLengths.get(i)); } int pos = buf.position(); put(null, buffer.getByteBuffer()); int dataLength = buf.position() - pos; int posNow = buf.position(); buf.position(lenPos); putInt(null, dataLength); buf.position(posNow); } /** * Write out the value of struct field * * @param field - field description (name and data type) * @param value - field value */ public void write(FieldBase field, Struct value) { StructuredFieldValue asStructured = value; write(field, asStructured); } /** * Write out the value of weighted set field * * @param field - field description (name and data type) * @param ws - field value */ public void write(FieldBase field, WeightedSet ws) { WeightedSetDataType type = ws.getDataType(); putInt(null, type.getNestedType().getId()); putInt(null, ws.size()); Iterator it = ws.fieldValueIterator(); while (it.hasNext()) { FieldValue key = it.next(); java.lang.Integer value = ws.get(key); int sizePos = buf.position(); putInt(null, 0); int startPos = buf.position(); key.serialize(this); putInt(null, value); int finalPos = buf.position(); int size = finalPos - startPos; buf.position(sizePos); putInt(null, size); buf.position(finalPos); } } public void write(FieldBase field, AnnotationReference value) { int annotationId = value.getReference().getScratchId(); if (annotationId >= 0) { buf.putInt1_2_4Bytes(annotationId); } else { throw new SerializationException("Could not serialize AnnotationReference value, reference not found (" + value + ")"); } } public void write(DocumentId id) { put(null, id.getScheme().toUtf8().getBytes()); putByte(null, (byte) 0); } public void write(DocumentType type) { byte[] docType = createUTF8CharArray(type.getName()); put(null, docType); putByte(null, ((byte) 0)); putShort(null, (short) 0); // Used to hold the version. Is now always 0. } public void write(Annotation annotation) { buf.putInt(annotation.getType().getId()); //name hash byte features = 0; if (annotation.isSpanNodeValid()) { features |= ((byte) 1); } if (annotation.hasFieldValue()) { features |= ((byte) 2); } buf.put(features); int posBeforeSize = buf.position(); buf.putInt1_2_4BytesAs4(0); //write ID of span node: if (annotation.isSpanNodeValid()) { int spanNodeId = annotation.getSpanNode().getScratchId(); if (spanNodeId >= 0) { buf.putInt1_2_4Bytes(spanNodeId); } else { throw new SerializationException("Could not serialize annotation, associated SpanNode not found (" + annotation + ")"); } } //write annotation value: if (annotation.hasFieldValue()) { buf.putInt(annotation.getType().getDataType().getId()); annotation.getFieldValue().serialize(this); } int end = buf.position(); buf.position(posBeforeSize); buf.putInt1_2_4BytesAs4(end - posBeforeSize - 4); buf.position(end); } public void write(SpanTree tree) { //we don't support serialization of nested span trees: if (spanNodeCounter >= 0) { throw new SerializationException("Serialization of nested SpanTrees is not supported."); } //we're going to write a new SpanTree, create a new Map for nodes: spanNodeCounter = 0; //make sure tree is consistent before continuing: tree.cleanup(); try { new StringFieldValue(tree.getName()).serialize(this); write(tree.getRoot()); { //add all annotations to temporary list and sort it, to get predictable serialization List tmpAnnotationList = new ArrayList<>(tree.numAnnotations()); for (Annotation annotation : tree) { tmpAnnotationList.add(annotation); } Collections.sort(tmpAnnotationList); int annotationCounter = 0; //add all annotations to map here, in case of back-references: for (Annotation annotation : tmpAnnotationList) { annotation.setScratchId(annotationCounter++); } buf.putInt1_2_4Bytes(tmpAnnotationList.size()); for (Annotation annotation : tmpAnnotationList) { write(annotation); } } } finally { //we're done, let's set these to null to save memory and prevent madness: spanNodeCounter = -1; } } public void write(SpanNode spanNode) { if (spanNodeCounter >= 0) { spanNode.setScratchId(spanNodeCounter++); } if (spanNode instanceof Span) { write((Span) spanNode); } else if (spanNode instanceof AlternateSpanList) { write((AlternateSpanList) spanNode); } else if (spanNode instanceof SpanList) { write((SpanList) spanNode); } else { throw new IllegalStateException("BUG!! Unable to serialize " + spanNode); } } public void write(Span span) { buf.put(Span.ID); if (bytePositions != null) { int byteFrom = bytePositions[span.getFrom()]; int byteLength = bytePositions[span.getFrom() + span.getLength()] - byteFrom; buf.putInt1_2_4Bytes(byteFrom); buf.putInt1_2_4Bytes(byteLength); } else { throw new SerializationException("Cannot serialize Span " + span + ", no access to parent StringFieldValue."); } } public void write(SpanList spanList) { buf.put(SpanList.ID); buf.putInt1_2_4Bytes(spanList.numChildren()); Iterator children = spanList.childIterator(); while (children.hasNext()) { write(children.next()); } } public void write(AlternateSpanList altSpanList) { buf.put(AlternateSpanList.ID); buf.putInt1_2_4Bytes(altSpanList.getNumSubTrees()); for (int i = 0; i < altSpanList.getNumSubTrees(); i++) { buf.putDouble(altSpanList.getProbability(i)); buf.putInt1_2_4Bytes(altSpanList.numChildren(i)); Iterator children = altSpanList.childIterator(i); while (children.hasNext()) { write(children.next()); } } } @Override public void write(DocumentUpdate update) { update.getId().serialize(this); update.getDocumentType().serialize(this); putInt(null, update.fieldUpdates().size()); for (FieldUpdate up : update.fieldUpdates()) { up.serialize(this); } DocumentUpdateFlags flags = new DocumentUpdateFlags(); flags.setCreateIfNonExistent(update.getCreateIfNonExistent()); putInt(null, flags.injectInto(update.fieldPathUpdates().size())); for (FieldPathUpdate up : update.fieldPathUpdates()) { up.serialize(this); } } public void write(FieldPathUpdate update) { putByte(null, (byte)update.getUpdateType().getCode()); put(null, update.getOriginalFieldPath()); put(null, update.getOriginalWhereClause()); } public void write(AssignFieldPathUpdate update) { write((FieldPathUpdate)update); byte flags = 0; if (update.getRemoveIfZero()) { flags |= AssignFieldPathUpdate.REMOVE_IF_ZERO; } if (update.getCreateMissingPath()) { flags |= AssignFieldPathUpdate.CREATE_MISSING_PATH; } if (update.isArithmetic()) { flags |= AssignFieldPathUpdate.ARITHMETIC_EXPRESSION; putByte(null, flags); put(null, update.getExpression()); } else { putByte(null, flags); update.getFieldValue().serialize(this); } } public void write(AddFieldPathUpdate update) { write((FieldPathUpdate)update); update.getNewValues().serialize(this); } @Override public void write(FieldUpdate update) { putInt(null, update.getField().getId()); putInt(null, update.getValueUpdates().size()); for (ValueUpdate vupd : update.getValueUpdates()) { putInt(null, vupd.getValueUpdateClassID().id); vupd.serialize(this, update.getField().getDataType()); } } @Override public void write(AddValueUpdate update, DataType superType) { writeValue(this, ((CollectionDataType)superType).getNestedType(), update.getValue()); putInt(null, update.getWeight()); } @Override public void write(MapValueUpdate update, DataType superType) { if (superType instanceof ArrayDataType) { CollectionDataType type = (CollectionDataType) superType; IntegerFieldValue index = (IntegerFieldValue) update.getValue(); index.serialize(this); putInt(null, update.getUpdate().getValueUpdateClassID().id); update.getUpdate().serialize(this, type.getNestedType()); } else if (superType instanceof WeightedSetDataType) { writeValue(this, ((CollectionDataType)superType).getNestedType(), update.getValue()); putInt(null, update.getUpdate().getValueUpdateClassID().id); update.getUpdate().serialize(this, DataType.INT); } else { throw new SerializationException("MapValueUpdate only works for arrays and weighted sets"); } } @Override public void write(ArithmeticValueUpdate update) { putInt(null, update.getOperator().id); putDouble(null, update.getOperand().doubleValue()); } @Override public void write(AssignValueUpdate update, DataType superType) { if (update.getValue() == null) { putByte(null, (byte) 0); } else { putByte(null, (byte) 1); writeValue(this, superType, update.getValue()); } } @Override public void write(RemoveValueUpdate update, DataType superType) { writeValue(this, ((CollectionDataType)superType).getNestedType(), update.getValue()); } @Override public void write(ClearValueUpdate clearValueUpdate, DataType superType) { //TODO: This has never ever been implemented. Has this ever worked? } @Override public void write(TensorModifyUpdate update) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Write of TensorModifyUpdate not implemented for this document format version"); } @Override public void write(TensorAddUpdate update) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Write of TensorAddUpdate not implemented for this document format version"); } @Override public void write(TensorRemoveUpdate update) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Write of TensorRemoveUpdate not implemented for this document format version"); } /** * Returns the serialized size of the given {@link Document}. Please note that this method performs actual * serialization of the document, but simply return the size of the final {@link GrowableByteBuffer}. If you need * the buffer itself, do NOT use this method. * * @param doc The Document whose size to calculate. * @return The size in bytes. */ public static long getSerializedSize(Document doc) { DocumentSerializer serializer = new VespaDocumentSerializer6(new GrowableByteBuffer()); serializer.write(doc); return serializer.getBuf().position(); } private static void writeValue(VespaDocumentSerializer6 serializer, DataType dataType, Object value) { FieldValue fieldValue; if (value instanceof FieldValue) { fieldValue = (FieldValue)value; } else { fieldValue = dataType.createFieldValue(value); } fieldValue.serialize(serializer); } }