// Copyright Yahoo. Licensed under the terms of the Apache 2.0 license. See LICENSE in the project root. package com.yahoo.document.serialization; import com.yahoo.document.Document; import com.yahoo.document.Field; import com.yahoo.document.datatypes.Array; import com.yahoo.document.datatypes.BoolFieldValue; import com.yahoo.document.datatypes.ByteFieldValue; import com.yahoo.document.datatypes.DoubleFieldValue; import com.yahoo.document.datatypes.FieldValue; import com.yahoo.document.datatypes.Float16FieldValue; import com.yahoo.document.datatypes.FloatFieldValue; import com.yahoo.document.datatypes.IntegerFieldValue; import com.yahoo.document.datatypes.LongFieldValue; import com.yahoo.document.datatypes.MapFieldValue; import com.yahoo.document.datatypes.Raw; import com.yahoo.document.datatypes.StringFieldValue; import com.yahoo.document.datatypes.Struct; import com.yahoo.document.datatypes.StructuredFieldValue; import com.yahoo.document.datatypes.WeightedSet; import com.yahoo.text.Utf8; import java.util.Base64; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; /** * Date: Apr 17, 2008 * * @author Håkon Humberset */ @Deprecated public class XmlSerializationHelper { private final static Base64.Encoder base64Encoder = Base64.getEncoder(); public static void printArrayXml(Array array, XmlStream xml) { List lst = array.getValues(); for (FieldValue value : lst) { xml.beginTag("item"); value.printXml(xml); xml.endTag(); } } public static void printMapXml(MapFieldValue map, XmlStream xml) { for (Map.Entry e : map.entrySet()) { FieldValue key = e.getKey(); FieldValue val = e.getValue(); xml.beginTag("item"); xml.beginTag("key"); key.printXml(xml); xml.endTag(); xml.beginTag("value"); val.printXml(xml); xml.endTag(); xml.endTag(); } } public static void printByteXml(ByteFieldValue b, XmlStream xml) { xml.addContent(b.toString()); } public static void printDocumentXml(Document doc, XmlStream xml) { xml.addAttribute("documenttype", doc.getDataType().getName()); xml.addAttribute("documentid", doc.getId()); final java.lang.Long lastModified = doc.getLastModified(); if (lastModified != null) { xml.addAttribute("lastmodifiedtime", lastModified); } printStructured(doc, xml); } public static void printDoubleXml(DoubleFieldValue d, XmlStream xml) { xml.addContent(d.toString()); } public static void printFloatXml(FloatFieldValue f, XmlStream xml) { xml.addContent(f.toString()); } public static void printShortfloatXml(Float16FieldValue f, XmlStream xml) { xml.addContent(f.toString()); } public static void printBoolXml(BoolFieldValue f, XmlStream xml) { xml.addContent(f.toString()); } public static void printIntegerXml(IntegerFieldValue f, XmlStream xml) { xml.addContent(f.toString()); } public static void printLongXml(LongFieldValue l, XmlStream xml) { xml.addContent(l.toString()); } public static void printRawXml(Raw r, XmlStream xml) { xml.addAttribute("binaryencoding", "base64"); xml.addContent(base64Encoder.encodeToString(r.getByteBuffer().array())); } public static void printStringXml(StringFieldValue s, XmlStream xml) { String content = s.getString(); if (containsNonPrintableCharactersString(content)) { byte[] bytecontent = Utf8.toBytes(content); xml.addAttribute("binaryencoding", "base64"); xml.addContent(base64Encoder.encodeToString(bytecontent)); } else { xml.addContent(content); } } private static void printStructured(StructuredFieldValue s, XmlStream xml) { Iterator> it = s.iterator(); while (it.hasNext()) { Map.Entry val = it.next(); xml.beginTag(val.getKey().getName()); val.getValue().printXml(xml); xml.endTag(); } } public static void printStructXml(Struct s, XmlStream xml) { printStructured(s, xml); } public static void printWeightedSetXml(WeightedSet ws, XmlStream xml) { Iterator it = ws.fieldValueIterator(); while (it.hasNext()) { FieldValue val = it.next(); xml.beginTag("item"); xml.addAttribute("weight", ws.get(val)); val.printXml(xml); xml.endTag(); } } private static boolean containsNonPrintableCharactersString(final CharSequence buffer) { for (int i = 0; i < buffer.length(); i++) { char b = buffer.charAt(i); if (b < 32 && (b != 9 && b != 10 && b != 13)) return true; } return false; } }