// Copyright 2017 Yahoo Holdings. Licensed under the terms of the Apache 2.0 license. See LICENSE in the project root. #include #include #include #include #include #include #include using namespace document; struct Fixture { DocumentType docType{"foo"}; ReferenceDataType refType{docType, 12345}; }; TEST_F("Constructor generates type-parameterized name and sets type ID", Fixture) { EXPECT_EQUAL("Reference", f.refType.getName()); EXPECT_EQUAL(12345, f.refType.getId()); } TEST_F("Target document type is accessible via data type", Fixture) { EXPECT_EQUAL(f.docType, f.refType.getTargetType()); } TEST_F("Empty ReferenceFieldValue instances can be created from type", Fixture) { auto fv = f.refType.createFieldValue(); ASSERT_TRUE(fv.get() != nullptr); ASSERT_TRUE(dynamic_cast(fv.get()) != nullptr); EXPECT_EQUAL(&f.refType, fv->getDataType()); } TEST_F("operator== checks document type and type ID", Fixture) { EXPECT_NOT_EQUAL(f.refType, *DataType::STRING); EXPECT_EQUAL(f.refType, f.refType); DocumentType otherDocType("bar"); ReferenceDataType refWithDifferentType(otherDocType, 12345); ReferenceDataType refWithSameTypeDifferentId(f.docType, 56789); EXPECT_NOT_EQUAL(f.refType, refWithDifferentType); EXPECT_NOT_EQUAL(f.refType, refWithSameTypeDifferentId); } TEST_F("clone() creates new type instance equal to old instance", Fixture) { std::unique_ptr cloned(f.refType.clone()); ASSERT_TRUE(cloned.get() != nullptr); EXPECT_EQUAL(f.refType, *cloned); } TEST_F("print() emits type name and id", Fixture) { std::ostringstream ss; f.refType.print(ss, true, ""); EXPECT_EQUAL("ReferenceDataType(foo, id 12345)", ss.str()); } TEST_F("buildFieldPath returns empty path for empty input", Fixture) { FieldPath fp; f.refType.buildFieldPath(fp, ""); EXPECT_TRUE(fp.empty()); } TEST_F("buildFieldPath throws IllegalArgumentException for non-empty input", Fixture) { FieldPath fp; EXPECT_EXCEPTION(f.refType.buildFieldPath(fp, "herebedragons"), vespalib::IllegalArgumentException, "Reference data type does not support further field recursion: 'herebedragons'"); } TEST_MAIN() { TEST_RUN_ALL(); }