// Copyright 2017 Yahoo Holdings. Licensed under the terms of the Apache 2.0 license. See LICENSE in the project root. #include #include #include #include #include #include #include using vespalib::nbostream; namespace document { namespace { template void deserialize(nbostream & stream, T &value) { uint16_t version = Document::getNewestSerializationVersion(); DocumentTypeRepo repo; VespaDocumentDeserializer deserializer(repo, stream, version); deserializer.read(value); } /** * Test common functionality, such as serialization, comparisons, and * assignment. medium1 and medium2 should be equal, but not the same * instance. */ template void testCommon(const Type& smallest, const Type& medium1, const Type& medium2, const Type& largest) { try{ // Less EXPECT_TRUE(!(smallest < smallest)); EXPECT_TRUE(smallest < medium1); EXPECT_TRUE(smallest < medium2); EXPECT_TRUE(smallest < largest); EXPECT_TRUE(!(medium1 < smallest)); EXPECT_TRUE(!(medium1 < medium1)); EXPECT_TRUE(!(medium1 < medium2)); EXPECT_TRUE(medium1 < largest); EXPECT_TRUE(!(medium2 < smallest)); EXPECT_TRUE(!(medium2 < medium1)); EXPECT_TRUE(!(medium2 < medium2)); EXPECT_TRUE(medium2 < largest); EXPECT_TRUE(!(largest < smallest)); EXPECT_TRUE(!(largest < medium1)); EXPECT_TRUE(!(largest < medium2)); EXPECT_TRUE(!(largest < largest)); // Equal EXPECT_TRUE(smallest == smallest); EXPECT_TRUE(!(smallest == medium1)); EXPECT_TRUE(!(smallest == medium2)); EXPECT_TRUE(!(smallest == largest)); EXPECT_TRUE(!(medium1 == smallest)); EXPECT_TRUE(medium1 == medium1); EXPECT_TRUE(medium1 == medium2); EXPECT_TRUE(!(medium1 == largest)); EXPECT_TRUE(!(medium2 == smallest)); EXPECT_TRUE(medium2 == medium1); EXPECT_TRUE(medium2 == medium2); EXPECT_TRUE(!(medium2 == largest)); EXPECT_TRUE(!(largest == smallest)); EXPECT_TRUE(!(largest == medium1)); EXPECT_TRUE(!(largest == medium2)); EXPECT_TRUE(largest == largest); // Greater EXPECT_TRUE(!(smallest > smallest)); EXPECT_TRUE(!(smallest > medium1)); EXPECT_TRUE(!(smallest > medium2)); EXPECT_TRUE(!(smallest > largest)); EXPECT_TRUE(medium1 > smallest); EXPECT_TRUE(!(medium1 > medium1)); EXPECT_TRUE(!(medium1 > medium2)); EXPECT_TRUE(!(medium1 > largest)); EXPECT_TRUE(medium2 > smallest); EXPECT_TRUE(!(medium2 > medium1)); EXPECT_TRUE(!(medium2 > medium2)); EXPECT_TRUE(!(medium2 > largest)); EXPECT_TRUE(largest > smallest); EXPECT_TRUE(largest > medium1); EXPECT_TRUE(largest > medium2); EXPECT_TRUE(!(largest > largest)); // Currently >=, <= and != is deducted from the above, so not // checking separately // Serialization Type t; nbostream buf(smallest.serialize()); deserialize(buf, t); EXPECT_EQ(smallest, t); buf = medium1.serialize(); deserialize(buf, t); EXPECT_EQ(medium1, t); EXPECT_EQ(medium2, t); buf = largest.serialize(); deserialize(buf, t); EXPECT_EQ(largest, t); // Assignment EXPECT_EQ(smallest, t = smallest); EXPECT_EQ(medium1, t = medium1); EXPECT_EQ(largest, t = largest); Type t1(smallest); Type t2(medium1); Type t3(medium2); Type t4(largest); EXPECT_EQ(smallest, t1); EXPECT_EQ(medium1, t2); EXPECT_EQ(medium2, t3); EXPECT_EQ(largest, t4); t.assign(smallest); EXPECT_EQ(smallest, t); t.assign(medium2); EXPECT_EQ(medium1, t); t.assign(largest); EXPECT_EQ(largest, t); // Catch errors and say what type there were trouble with. } catch (std::exception& e) { std::cerr << "\nFailed for type " << *smallest.getDataType() << "\n"; throw; } } template void testLiteral() { testCommon(Literal(), Literal("bar"), Literal("bar"), Literal("foo")); Literal value("foo"); // Textual output EXPECT_EQ(std::string("foo"), value.toString(false, "")); EXPECT_EQ(std::string("foo"), value.toString(true, " ")); EXPECT_EQ(std::string("foo\n"), value.toXml(" ")); // Conversion EXPECT_EQ(typename Literal::string(value.getAsString()), value.getValue()); // Operator = value = "anotherVal"; EXPECT_EQ(typename Literal::string("anotherVal"), value.getValue()); value = std::string("yetAnotherVal"); EXPECT_EQ(typename Literal::string("yetAnotherVal"), value.getValue()); // Test that a just deserialized value can be serialized again // (literals have lazy deserialization so behaves diff then value = "foo"; nbostream buf(value.serialize()); Literal value2("Other"); deserialize(buf, value2); buf = value2.serialize(); deserialize(buf, value2); EXPECT_EQ(value, value2); // Verify that get value ref gives us ref within original bytebuffer // (operator== use above should not modify this) buf = value.serialize(); deserialize(buf, value2); EXPECT_EQ(size_t(3), value2.getValueRef().size()); // Zero termination EXPECT_TRUE(*(value2.getValueRef().data() + value2.getValueRef().size()) == '\0'); } } TEST(PrimitiveFieldValueTest, testLiterals) { testLiteral(); } TEST(PrimitiveFieldValueTest, testRaw) { testCommon(RawFieldValue(), RawFieldValue("bar\0bar", 7), RawFieldValue("bar\0bar", 7), RawFieldValue("bar\0other", 9)); RawFieldValue value("\tfoo\0\r\n", 7); // Textual output EXPECT_EQ(std::string( "0: 09 66 6f 6f 00 0d 0a .foo..."), value.toString(false, "")); EXPECT_EQ(std::string( "0: 09 66 6f 6f 00 0d 0a .foo..."), value.toString(true, " ")); EXPECT_EQ(std::string( "CWZvbwANCg==\n"), value.toXml(" ")); value.setValue("grmpf", 4); EXPECT_TRUE(strncmp("grmpf", value.getValueRef().data(), value.getValueRef().size()) == 0); } #define ASSERT_FAILED_CONV(getter, totype, floating) \ { \ totype toType; \ FieldValue::UP copy(value.clone()); \ try{ \ getter; \ std::ostringstream ost; \ ost << "Conversion unexpectedly worked from max value of " \ << *value.getDataType() << " to " << *toType.getDataType(); \ FAIL() << ost.str(); \ } catch (std::exception& e) { \ EXPECT_EQ( \ std::string("bad numeric conversion: positive overflow"), \ std::string(e.what())); \ } \ /* Verify that we can convert to smaller type if value is within \ range. Only tests integer to integer. No floating point. */ \ if (!floating) { \ totype::Number maxV = std::numeric_limits::max(); \ value.setValue((Number) maxV); \ getter; \ } \ value.assign(*copy); \ } namespace { template void testNumeric(const std::string& maxVal, bool floatingPoint) { typedef typename Numeric::Number Number; Number maxValue(std::numeric_limits::max()); // Test common fieldvalue stuff testCommon(Numeric(), Numeric(Number(1)), Numeric(Number(1)), Numeric(Number(maxValue))); Numeric value; value.setValue(maxValue); // Test textual output EXPECT_EQ(maxVal, value.toString(false, "")); EXPECT_EQ(maxVal, value.toString(true, " ")); EXPECT_EQ("" + maxVal + "\n", value.toXml(" ")); // Test numeric conversions // // Currently, all safe conversion works. For instance, a byte can be // converted to a long, a long can be converted to a byte, given // that it has a value in the range -128 to 127. // // All integers will also convert automatically to floating point // numbers. No checks is done as to how precise floating point // representation can keep the value. if (floatingPoint || sizeof(Number) > sizeof(unsigned char)) { // No longer throws. This is guarded on the perimeter by java code. // ASSERT_FAILED_CONV(value.getAsByte(), ByteFieldValue, floatingPoint); } else { EXPECT_EQ((char) maxValue, value.getAsByte()); } if (floatingPoint || sizeof(Number) > sizeof(int32_t)) { // No longer throws. This is guarded on the perimeter by java code. // ASSERT_FAILED_CONV(value.getAsInt(), IntFieldValue, floatingPoint); } else { EXPECT_EQ((int32_t) maxValue, value.getAsInt()); } if (floatingPoint || sizeof(Number) > sizeof(int64_t)) { // No longer throws. This is guarded on the perimeter by java code. // ASSERT_FAILED_CONV(value.getAsLong(), LongFieldValue, floatingPoint); } else { EXPECT_EQ((int64_t) maxValue, value.getAsLong()); } if (floatingPoint && sizeof(Number) > sizeof(float)) { // No longer throws. This is guarded on the perimeter by java code. // ASSERT_FAILED_CONV(value.getAsFloat(), FloatFieldValue, true); } else { EXPECT_EQ((float) maxValue, value.getAsFloat()); } EXPECT_EQ((double) maxValue, value.getAsDouble()); // Test some simple conversions Numeric a(0); a = std::string("5"); EXPECT_EQ(5, a.getAsInt()); } } TEST(PrimitiveFieldValueTest, testFloatDoubleCasts) { float inf(std::numeric_limits::infinity()); EXPECT_EQ(inf, static_cast(static_cast(inf))); } TEST(PrimitiveFieldValueTest, testBool) { BoolFieldValue v; EXPECT_TRUE( ! v.getValue() ); v = BoolFieldValue(true); EXPECT_TRUE(v.getValue()); v = 0; EXPECT_TRUE( ! v.getValue()); v = 1; EXPECT_TRUE(v.getValue()); v = INT64_C(0); EXPECT_TRUE( ! v.getValue()); v = INT64_C(1); EXPECT_TRUE(v.getValue()); v = 0.0f; EXPECT_TRUE( ! v.getValue()); v = 1.0f; EXPECT_TRUE(v.getValue()); v = 0.0; EXPECT_TRUE( ! v.getValue()); v = 1.0; EXPECT_TRUE(v.getValue()); v = vespalib::stringref("true"); EXPECT_TRUE(v.getValue()); v = vespalib::stringref("something not true"); EXPECT_TRUE( ! v.getValue()); } TEST(PrimitiveFieldValueTest, testNumerics) { testNumeric("127", false); testNumeric("32767", false); testNumeric("2147483647", false); testNumeric("9223372036854775807", false); testNumeric("3.40282e+38", true); testNumeric("1.79769e+308", true); // Test range ByteFieldValue b1(-128); ByteFieldValue b2(-1); EXPECT_EQ(-128, (int) b1.getValue()); EXPECT_EQ(-1, (int) b2.getValue()); ShortFieldValue s1(-32768); ShortFieldValue s2(static_cast(65535)); EXPECT_EQ((int16_t)-32768, s1.getValue()); EXPECT_EQ((int16_t)65535, s2.getValue()); EXPECT_EQ((int16_t)-1, s2.getValue()); IntFieldValue i1(-2147483647-1); IntFieldValue i2(4294967295U); EXPECT_EQ((int) -2147483647-1, i1.getValue()); EXPECT_EQ((int) -1, i2.getValue()); LongFieldValue l1(-9223372036854775807ll-1); LongFieldValue l2(18446744073709551615ull); EXPECT_EQ((int64_t) -9223372036854775807ll-1, l1.getValue()); EXPECT_EQ((int64_t) -1, l2.getValue()); b1 = "-128"; b2 = "255"; EXPECT_EQ(-128, (int) b1.getValue()); EXPECT_EQ(-1, (int) b2.getValue()); i1 = "-2147483648"; i2 = "4294967295"; EXPECT_EQ((int) -2147483647-1, i1.getValue()); EXPECT_EQ((int) -1, i2.getValue()); l1 = "-9223372036854775808"; l2 = "18446744073709551615"; int64_t bnv = -1; bnv <<= 63; EXPECT_EQ(bnv, l1.getValue()); EXPECT_EQ((int64_t) -9223372036854775807ll-1, l1.getValue()); EXPECT_EQ((int64_t) -1, l2.getValue()); // Test some special cases for bytes // (as unsigned char is not always handled as a number) b1 = "0xff"; EXPECT_EQ(-1, (int) b1.getValue()); b1 = "53"; EXPECT_EQ(53, (int) b1.getValue()); EXPECT_EQ(vespalib::string("53"), b1.getAsString()); try{ b1 = "-129"; FAIL() << "Expected -129 to be invalid byte"; } catch (std::exception& e) {} try{ b1 = "256"; FAIL() << "Expected 256 to be invalid byte"; } catch (std::exception& e) {} try{ s1 = "-32769"; FAIL() << "Expected -32769 to be invalid short"; } catch (std::exception& e) {} try{ s1 = "65536"; FAIL() << "Expected 65536 to be invalid short"; } catch (std::exception& e) {} try{ i1 = "-2147483649"; // Ignore failing test for now. // FAIL() << "Expected -2147483649 to be invalid int"; } catch (std::exception& e) {} try{ i1 = "4294967296"; FAIL() << "Expected 4294967296 to be invalid int"; } catch (std::exception& e) {} try{ l1 = "-9223372036854775809"; // Ignore failing test for now. // FAIL() << "Expected -9223372036854775809 to be invalid long"; } catch (std::exception& e) {} try{ l1 = "18446744073709551616"; FAIL() << "Expected 18446744073709551616 to be invalid long"; } catch (std::exception& e) {} } } // document