// Copyright 2017 Yahoo Holdings. Licensed under the terms of the Apache 2.0 license. See LICENSE in the project root. #include "testbase.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include LOG_SETUP(".testbase"); using document::DocumentTypeRepo; using document::readDocumenttypesConfig; TestBase::TestBase() : _repo(new DocumentTypeRepo(readDocumenttypesConfig( TEST_PATH("../../../test/cfg/testdoctypes.cfg")))), _dataPath(TEST_PATH("../../../test/crosslanguagefiles")), _protocol(_repo), _tests() { } int TestBase::Main() { TEST_INIT("messages_test"); // Retrieve version number to test for. LOG(info, "Running tests for version %s.", getVersion().toString().c_str()); // Run registered tests. for (std::map::iterator it = _tests.begin(); it != _tests.end(); ++it) { LOG(info, "Running test for routable type %d.", it->first); EXPECT_TRUE( (this->*(it->second))() ); TEST_FLUSH(); } // Test routable type coverage. std::vector expected, actual; EXPECT_TRUE(testCoverage(expected, actual)); expected.push_back(0); EXPECT_TRUE(!testCoverage(expected, actual)); actual.push_back(1); EXPECT_TRUE(!testCoverage(expected, actual)); actual.push_back(0); EXPECT_TRUE(!testCoverage(expected, actual)); expected.push_back(1); EXPECT_TRUE(testCoverage(expected, actual)); expected.clear(); _protocol.getRoutableTypes(getVersion(), expected); actual.clear(); for (std::map::iterator it = _tests.begin(); it != _tests.end(); ++it) { actual.push_back(it->first); } if (shouldTestCoverage()) { EXPECT_TRUE(testCoverage(expected, actual, true)); } TEST_DONE(); } TestBase & TestBase::putTest(uint32_t type, TEST_METHOD_PT test) { _tests[type] = test; return *this; } bool TestBase::testCoverage(const std::vector &expected, const std::vector &actual, bool report) const { bool ret = true; std::vector lst(actual); for (std::vector::const_iterator it = expected.begin(); it != expected.end(); ++it) { std::vector::iterator occ = std::find(lst.begin(), lst.end(), *it); if (occ == lst.end()) { if (report) { LOG(error, "Routable type %d is registered in DocumentProtocol but not tested.", *it); } ret = false; } else { lst.erase(occ); } } if (!lst.empty()) { if (report) { for (std::vector::iterator it = lst.begin(); it != lst.end(); ++it) { LOG(error, "Routable type %d is tested but not registered in DocumentProtocol.", *it); } } ret = false; } return ret; } bool TestBase::file_content_is_unchanged(const string& filename, const mbus::Blob& data_to_write) const { if (!vespalib::fileExists(filename)) { return false; } mbus::Blob existing = readFile(filename); return ((existing.size() == data_to_write.size()) && (memcmp(existing.data(), data_to_write.data(), data_to_write.size()) == 0)); } uint32_t TestBase::serialize(const string &filename, const mbus::Routable &routable) { const vespalib::Version version = getVersion(); string path = getPath(version.toString() + "-cpp-" + filename + ".dat"); LOG(info, "Serializing to '%s'..", path.c_str()); mbus::Blob blob = _protocol.encode(version, routable); if (file_content_is_unchanged(path, blob)) { LOG(info, "Serialization for '%s' is unchanged; not overwriting it", path.c_str()); } else if (!EXPECT_TRUE(writeFile(path, blob))) { LOG(error, "Could not open file '%s' for writing.", path.c_str()); return 0; } mbus::Routable::UP obj = _protocol.decode(version, blob); if (!EXPECT_TRUE(obj.get() != NULL)) { LOG(error, "Protocol failed to decode serialized data."); return 0; } if (!EXPECT_TRUE(routable.getType() == obj->getType())) { LOG(error, "Expected class %d, got %d.", routable.getType(), obj->getType()); return 0; } return blob.size(); } mbus::Routable::UP TestBase::deserialize(const string &filename, uint32_t classId, uint32_t lang) { const vespalib::Version version = getVersion(); string path = getPath(version.toString() + (lang == LANG_JAVA ? "-java" : "-cpp") + "-" + filename + ".dat"); LOG(info, "Deserializing from '%s'..", path.c_str()); mbus::Blob blob = readFile(path); if (!EXPECT_TRUE(blob.size() != 0)) { LOG(error, "Could not open file '%s' for reading.", path.c_str()); return mbus::Routable::UP(); } mbus::Routable::UP ret = _protocol.decode(version, blob); if (!EXPECT_TRUE(ret.get())) { LOG(error, "Unable to decode class %d", classId); } else if (!EXPECT_TRUE(classId == ret->getType())) { LOG(error, "Expected class %d, got %d.", classId, ret->getType()); return mbus::Routable::UP(); } return ret; } void TestBase::dump(const mbus::Blob& blob) const { fprintf(stderr, "[%ld]: ", blob.size()); for(size_t i = 0; i < blob.size(); i++) { if (blob.data()[i] > 32 && blob.data()[i] < 126) { fprintf(stderr, "%c ", blob.data()[i]); } else { fprintf(stderr, "%d ", blob.data()[i]); } } fprintf(stderr, "\n"); } bool TestBase::writeFile(const string &filename, const mbus::Blob& blob) const { int file = open(filename.c_str(), O_WRONLY | O_CREAT | O_TRUNC, 0644); if (file == -1) { return false; } if (write(file, blob.data(), blob.size()) != (ssize_t)blob.size()) { throw vespalib::Exception("write failed"); } close(file); return true; } mbus::Blob TestBase::readFile(const string &filename) const { int file = open(filename.c_str(), O_RDONLY); int len = (file == -1) ? 0 : lseek(file, 0, SEEK_END); mbus::Blob blob(len); if (file != -1) { lseek(file, 0, SEEK_SET); if (read(file, blob.data(), len) != len) { throw vespalib::Exception("read failed"); } close(file); } return blob; }