// Copyright Verizon Media. Licensed under the terms of the Apache 2.0 license. See LICENSE in the project root. // Microbenchmark exploring performance differences between // interpreted function instructions. // This benchmark was initially written to measure the difference in // performance between (old) instructions using the TensorEngine // immediate API and (new) instructions using the Value API // directly. Note that all previous optimizations for dense tensors // are trivially transformed to use the Value API, and thus only the // generic cases need to be compared. Specifically; we want to make // sure join performance for sparse tensors with full dimensional // overlap does not suffer too much. Also, we want to showcase an // improvement in generic dense join and possibly also in sparse join // with partial dimensional overlap. Benchmarks are done using float // cells since this is what gives best overall performance in // production. Also, we use the multiply operation for join and sum // operation for reduce since those are the most optimized operations // across all implementations. When benchmarking different // implementations against each other, a smoke test is performed by // verifying that all implementations produce the same result. #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include using namespace vespalib; using namespace vespalib::eval; using namespace vespalib::eval::instruction; using vespalib::make_string_short::fmt; using vespalib::slime::JsonFormat; using Instruction = InterpretedFunction::Instruction; using EvalSingle = InterpretedFunction::EvalSingle; template using CREF = std::reference_wrapper; //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- TensorSpec NUM(double value) { return test::GenSpec(value).gen(); } test::GenSpec GS(double bias) { return test::GenSpec(bias).cells_float(); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // helper class used to set up peek instructions struct MyPeekSpec { bool is_dynamic; std::map spec; MyPeekSpec(bool is_dynamic_in) : is_dynamic(is_dynamic_in), spec() {} MyPeekSpec &add(const vespalib::string &dim, size_t index) { auto [ignore, was_inserted] = spec.emplace(dim, index); assert(was_inserted); return *this; } }; MyPeekSpec dynamic_peek() { return MyPeekSpec(true); } MyPeekSpec verbatim_peek() { return MyPeekSpec(false); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- struct MultiOpParam { std::vector list; }; void my_multi_instruction_op(InterpretedFunction::State &state, uint64_t param_in) { const auto ¶m = *(MultiOpParam*)(param_in); for (const auto &item: param.list) { item.perform(state); } } void collect_op1_chain(const TensorFunction &node, const ValueBuilderFactory &factory, Stash &stash, std::vector &list) { if (auto op1 = as(node)) { collect_op1_chain(op1->child(), factory, stash, list); list.push_back(node.compile_self(factory, stash)); } } Instruction compile_op1_chain(const TensorFunction &node, const ValueBuilderFactory &factory, Stash &stash) { auto ¶m = stash.create(); collect_op1_chain(node, factory, stash, param.list); return {my_multi_instruction_op,(uint64_t)(¶m)}; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- struct Impl { size_t order; vespalib::string name; vespalib::string short_name; const ValueBuilderFactory &factory; bool optimize; Impl(size_t order_in, const vespalib::string &name_in, const vespalib::string &short_name_in, const ValueBuilderFactory &factory_in, bool optimize_in) : order(order_in), name(name_in), short_name(short_name_in), factory(factory_in), optimize(optimize_in) {} Value::UP create_value(const TensorSpec &spec) const { return value_from_spec(spec, factory); } TensorSpec create_spec(const Value &value) const { return spec_from_value(value); } Instruction create_join(const ValueType &lhs, const ValueType &rhs, operation::op2_t function, Stash &stash) const { // create a complete tensor function, but only compile the relevant instruction const auto &lhs_node = tensor_function::inject(lhs, 0, stash); const auto &rhs_node = tensor_function::inject(rhs, 1, stash); const auto &join_node = tensor_function::join(lhs_node, rhs_node, function, stash); const auto &node = optimize ? optimize_tensor_function(factory, join_node, stash) : join_node; return node.compile_self(factory, stash); } Instruction create_reduce(const ValueType &lhs, Aggr aggr, const std::vector &dims, Stash &stash) const { // create a complete tensor function, but only compile the relevant instruction const auto &lhs_node = tensor_function::inject(lhs, 0, stash); const auto &reduce_node = tensor_function::reduce(lhs_node, aggr, dims, stash); const auto &node = optimize ? optimize_tensor_function(factory, reduce_node, stash) : reduce_node; // since reduce might be optimized into multiple chained // instructions, we need some extra magic to package these // instructions into a single compound instruction. return compile_op1_chain(node, factory, stash); } Instruction create_rename(const ValueType &lhs, const std::vector &from, const std::vector &to, Stash &stash) const { // create a complete tensor function, but only compile the relevant instruction const auto &lhs_node = tensor_function::inject(lhs, 0, stash); const auto &rename_node = tensor_function::rename(lhs_node, from, to, stash); const auto &node = optimize ? optimize_tensor_function(factory, rename_node, stash) : rename_node; return node.compile_self(factory, stash); } Instruction create_merge(const ValueType &lhs, const ValueType &rhs, operation::op2_t function, Stash &stash) const { // create a complete tensor function, but only compile the relevant instruction const auto &lhs_node = tensor_function::inject(lhs, 0, stash); const auto &rhs_node = tensor_function::inject(rhs, 1, stash); const auto &merge_node = tensor_function::merge(lhs_node, rhs_node, function, stash); const auto &node = optimize ? optimize_tensor_function(factory, merge_node, stash) : merge_node; return node.compile_self(factory, stash); } Instruction create_concat(const ValueType &lhs, const ValueType &rhs, const std::string &dimension, Stash &stash) const { // create a complete tensor function, but only compile the relevant instruction const auto &lhs_node = tensor_function::inject(lhs, 0, stash); const auto &rhs_node = tensor_function::inject(rhs, 1, stash); const auto &concat_node = tensor_function::concat(lhs_node, rhs_node, dimension, stash); return concat_node.compile_self(factory, stash); const auto &node = optimize ? optimize_tensor_function(factory, concat_node, stash) : concat_node; return node.compile_self(factory, stash); } Instruction create_map(const ValueType &lhs, operation::op1_t function, Stash &stash) const { // create a complete tensor function, but only compile the relevant instruction const auto &lhs_node = tensor_function::inject(lhs, 0, stash); const auto &map_node = tensor_function::map(lhs_node, function, stash); const auto &node = optimize ? optimize_tensor_function(factory, map_node, stash) : map_node; return node.compile_self(factory, stash); } Instruction create_tensor_create(const ValueType &proto_type, const TensorSpec &proto, Stash &stash) const { // create a complete tensor function, but only compile the relevant instruction const auto &my_double = tensor_function::inject(ValueType::double_type(), 0, stash); std::map spec; for (const auto &cell: proto.cells()) { spec.emplace(cell.first, my_double); } const auto &create_tensor_node = tensor_function::create(proto_type, spec, stash); const auto &node = optimize ? optimize_tensor_function(factory, create_tensor_node, stash) : create_tensor_node; return node.compile_self(factory, stash); } Instruction create_tensor_lambda(const ValueType &type, const Function &function, const ValueType &p0_type, Stash &stash) const { std::vector arg_types(type.dimensions().size(), ValueType::double_type()); arg_types.push_back(p0_type); NodeTypes types(function, arg_types); EXPECT_EQ(types.errors(), std::vector()); const auto &tensor_lambda_node = tensor_function::lambda(type, {0}, function, std::move(types), stash); const auto &node = optimize ? optimize_tensor_function(factory, tensor_lambda_node, stash) : tensor_lambda_node; return node.compile_self(factory, stash); } Instruction create_tensor_peek(const ValueType &type, const MyPeekSpec &my_spec, Stash &stash) const { // create a complete tensor function, but only compile the relevant instruction const auto &my_param = tensor_function::inject(type, 0, stash); std::map> spec; if (my_spec.is_dynamic) { const auto &my_double = tensor_function::inject(ValueType::double_type(), 1, stash); for (const auto &entry: my_spec.spec) { spec.emplace(entry.first, my_double); } } else { for (const auto &entry: my_spec.spec) { size_t idx = type.dimension_index(entry.first); assert(idx != ValueType::Dimension::npos); if (type.dimensions()[idx].is_mapped()) { spec.emplace(entry.first, TensorSpec::Label(fmt("%zu", entry.second))); } else { spec.emplace(entry.first, TensorSpec::Label(entry.second)); } } } const auto &peek_node = tensor_function::peek(my_param, spec, stash); const auto &node = optimize ? optimize_tensor_function(factory, peek_node, stash) : peek_node; return node.compile_self(factory, stash); } }; //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Impl optimized_fast_value_impl(0, " Optimized FastValue", "NEW PROD", FastValueBuilderFactory::get(), true); Impl fast_value_impl(1, " FastValue", " FastV", FastValueBuilderFactory::get(), false); Impl simple_value_impl(2, " SimpleValue", " SimpleV", SimpleValueBuilderFactory::get(), false); vespalib::string short_header("--------"); vespalib::string ghost_name(" loaded from ghost.json"); vespalib::string ghost_short_name(" ghost"); double budget = 5.0; constexpr double best_limit = 0.95; // everything within 95% of best performance gets a star constexpr double bad_limit = 0.90; // BAD: optimized has performance lower than 90% of un-optimized constexpr double good_limit = 1.10; // GOOD: optimized has performance higher than 110% of un-optimized std::vector> impl_list = {simple_value_impl, optimized_fast_value_impl, fast_value_impl}; Slime ghost; // loaded from 'ghost.json' bool has_ghost = false; Slime prod_result; // saved to 'result.json' //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- struct BenchmarkHeader { std::vector short_names; BenchmarkHeader() : short_names() { short_names.resize(impl_list.size()); for (const Impl &impl: impl_list) { short_names[impl.order] = impl.short_name; } if (has_ghost) { short_names.push_back(ghost_short_name); } } void print_header(const vespalib::string &desc) const { for (const auto &name: short_names) { fprintf(stderr, "|%s", name.c_str()); } fprintf(stderr, "| %s Benchmark cases\n", desc.c_str()); } void print_trailer() const { for (size_t i = 0; i < short_names.size(); ++i) { fprintf(stderr, "+%s", short_header.c_str()); } fprintf(stderr, "+------------------------------------------------\n"); } }; struct BenchmarkResult { vespalib::string desc; std::optional ref_time; std::vector relative_perf; double star_rating; BenchmarkResult(const vespalib::string &desc_in, size_t num_values) : desc(desc_in), ref_time(std::nullopt), relative_perf(num_values, 0.0) {} ~BenchmarkResult(); void sample(size_t order, double time) { relative_perf[order] = time; if (order == 0) { prod_result.get().setDouble(desc, time); if (has_ghost && (relative_perf.size() == impl_list.size())) { double ghost_time = ghost.get()[desc].asDouble(); size_t ghost_order = relative_perf.size(); fprintf(stderr, " %s(%s): %10.3f us\n", ghost_name.c_str(), ghost_short_name.c_str(), ghost_time); relative_perf.resize(ghost_order + 1); return sample(ghost_order, ghost_time); } } else if (order == 1) { ref_time = time; } } void normalize() { star_rating = 0.0; for (double &perf: relative_perf) { perf = ref_time.value() / perf; star_rating = std::max(star_rating, perf); } star_rating *= best_limit; } void print() const { for (double perf: relative_perf) { if (perf > star_rating) { fprintf(stderr, "|*%7.2f", perf); } else { fprintf(stderr, "| %7.2f", perf); } } fprintf(stderr, "| %s\n", desc.c_str()); } }; BenchmarkResult::~BenchmarkResult() = default; std::vector benchmark_results; //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void load_ghost(const vespalib::string &file_name) { MappedFileInput input(file_name); has_ghost = JsonFormat::decode(input, ghost); } void save_result(const vespalib::string &file_name) { SmartBuffer output(4_Ki); JsonFormat::encode(prod_result, output, false); Memory memory = output.obtain(); File file(file_name); file.open(File::CREATE | File::TRUNC); file.write(memory.data, memory.size, 0); file.close(); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- struct MyParam : LazyParams { Value::UP my_value; MyParam() : my_value() {} MyParam(const TensorSpec &p0, const Impl &impl) : my_value(impl.create_value(p0)) {} const Value &resolve(size_t idx, Stash &) const override { assert(idx == 0); return *my_value; } ~MyParam() override; }; MyParam::~MyParam() = default; struct EvalOp { using UP = std::unique_ptr; Stash my_stash; const Impl &impl; MyParam my_param; std::vector values; std::vector stack; EvalSingle single; EvalOp(const EvalOp &) = delete; EvalOp &operator=(const EvalOp &) = delete; EvalOp(Stash &&stash_in, Instruction op, const std::vector> &stack_spec, const Impl &impl_in) : my_stash(std::move(stash_in)), impl(impl_in), my_param(), values(), stack(), single(impl.factory, op) { for (const TensorSpec &spec: stack_spec) { values.push_back(impl.create_value(spec)); } for (const auto &value: values) { stack.push_back(*value.get()); } } EvalOp(Stash &&stash_in, Instruction op, const TensorSpec &p0, const Impl &impl_in) : my_stash(std::move(stash_in)), impl(impl_in), my_param(p0, impl), values(), stack(), single(impl.factory, op, my_param) { } TensorSpec result() { return impl.create_spec(single.eval(stack)); } size_t suggest_loop_cnt() { if (budget < 0.1) { return 1; } size_t loop_cnt = 1; auto my_loop = [&](){ for (size_t i = 0; i < loop_cnt; ++i) { single.eval(stack); } }; for (;;) { vespalib::BenchmarkTimer timer(0.0); for (size_t i = 0; i < 5; ++i) { timer.before(); my_loop(); timer.after(); } double min_time = timer.min_time(); if (min_time > 0.004) { break; } else { loop_cnt *= 2; } } return std::max(loop_cnt, size_t(8)); } double estimate_cost_us(size_t self_loop_cnt, size_t ref_loop_cnt) { size_t loop_cnt = ((self_loop_cnt * 128) < ref_loop_cnt) ? self_loop_cnt : ref_loop_cnt; BenchmarkTimer timer(budget); if (loop_cnt == 1) { while (timer.has_budget()) { timer.before(); single.eval(stack); timer.after(); } } else { assert((loop_cnt % 8) == 0); auto my_loop = [&](){ for (size_t i = 0; (i + 7) < loop_cnt; i += 8) { for (size_t j = 0; j < 8; ++j) { single.eval(stack); } } }; while (timer.has_budget()) { timer.before(); my_loop(); timer.after(); } } return timer.min_time() * 1000.0 * 1000.0 / double(loop_cnt); } }; //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void benchmark(const vespalib::string &desc, const std::vector &list) { fprintf(stderr, "--------------------------------------------------------\n"); fprintf(stderr, "Benchmark Case: [%s]\n", desc.c_str()); std::optional expect = std::nullopt; for (const auto &eval: list) { if (expect.has_value()) { ASSERT_EQ(eval->result(), expect.value()); } else { expect = eval->result(); } } BenchmarkResult result(desc, list.size()); std::vector loop_cnt(list.size()); for (const auto &eval: list) { loop_cnt[eval->impl.order] = eval->suggest_loop_cnt(); } size_t ref_idx = (list.size() > 1 ? 1u : 0u); for (const auto &eval: list) { double time = eval->estimate_cost_us(loop_cnt[eval->impl.order], loop_cnt[ref_idx]); fprintf(stderr, " %s(%s): %10.3f us\n", eval->impl.name.c_str(), eval->impl.short_name.c_str(), time); result.sample(eval->impl.order, time); } result.normalize(); benchmark_results.push_back(result); fprintf(stderr, "--------------------------------------------------------\n"); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void benchmark_join(const vespalib::string &desc, const TensorSpec &lhs, const TensorSpec &rhs, operation::op2_t function) { Stash stash; ValueType lhs_type = ValueType::from_spec(lhs.type()); ValueType rhs_type = ValueType::from_spec(rhs.type()); ValueType res_type = ValueType::join(lhs_type, rhs_type); ASSERT_FALSE(lhs_type.is_error()); ASSERT_FALSE(rhs_type.is_error()); ASSERT_FALSE(res_type.is_error()); std::vector list; for (const Impl &impl: impl_list) { Stash my_stash; auto op = impl.create_join(lhs_type, rhs_type, function, my_stash); std::vector> stack_spec({lhs, rhs}); list.push_back(std::make_unique(std::move(my_stash), op, stack_spec, impl)); } benchmark(desc, list); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void benchmark_reduce(const vespalib::string &desc, const TensorSpec &lhs, Aggr aggr, const std::vector &dims) { Stash stash; ValueType lhs_type = ValueType::from_spec(lhs.type()); ValueType res_type = lhs_type.reduce(dims); ASSERT_FALSE(lhs_type.is_error()); ASSERT_FALSE(res_type.is_error()); std::vector list; for (const Impl &impl: impl_list) { Stash my_stash; auto op = impl.create_reduce(lhs_type, aggr, dims, my_stash); std::vector> stack_spec({lhs}); list.push_back(std::make_unique(std::move(my_stash), op, stack_spec, impl)); } benchmark(desc, list); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void benchmark_rename(const vespalib::string &desc, const TensorSpec &lhs, const std::vector &from, const std::vector &to) { Stash stash; ValueType lhs_type = ValueType::from_spec(lhs.type()); ValueType res_type = lhs_type.rename(from, to); ASSERT_FALSE(lhs_type.is_error()); ASSERT_FALSE(res_type.is_error()); std::vector list; for (const Impl &impl: impl_list) { Stash my_stash; auto op = impl.create_rename(lhs_type, from, to, my_stash); std::vector> stack_spec({lhs}); list.push_back(std::make_unique(std::move(my_stash), op, stack_spec, impl)); } benchmark(desc, list); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void benchmark_merge(const vespalib::string &desc, const TensorSpec &lhs, const TensorSpec &rhs, operation::op2_t function) { Stash stash; ValueType lhs_type = ValueType::from_spec(lhs.type()); ValueType rhs_type = ValueType::from_spec(rhs.type()); ValueType res_type = ValueType::merge(lhs_type, rhs_type); ASSERT_FALSE(lhs_type.is_error()); ASSERT_FALSE(rhs_type.is_error()); ASSERT_FALSE(res_type.is_error()); std::vector list; for (const Impl &impl: impl_list) { Stash my_stash; auto op = impl.create_merge(lhs_type, rhs_type, function, my_stash); std::vector> stack_spec({lhs, rhs}); list.push_back(std::make_unique(std::move(my_stash), op, stack_spec, impl)); } benchmark(desc, list); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void benchmark_map(const vespalib::string &desc, const TensorSpec &lhs, operation::op1_t function) { Stash stash; ValueType lhs_type = ValueType::from_spec(lhs.type()); ASSERT_FALSE(lhs_type.is_error()); std::vector list; for (const Impl &impl: impl_list) { Stash my_stash; auto op = impl.create_map(lhs_type, function, my_stash); std::vector> stack_spec({lhs}); list.push_back(std::make_unique(std::move(my_stash), op, stack_spec, impl)); } benchmark(desc, list); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void benchmark_concat(const vespalib::string &desc, const TensorSpec &lhs, const TensorSpec &rhs, const std::string &dimension) { Stash stash; ValueType lhs_type = ValueType::from_spec(lhs.type()); ValueType rhs_type = ValueType::from_spec(rhs.type()); ValueType res_type = ValueType::concat(lhs_type, rhs_type, dimension); ASSERT_FALSE(lhs_type.is_error()); ASSERT_FALSE(rhs_type.is_error()); ASSERT_FALSE(res_type.is_error()); std::vector list; for (const Impl &impl: impl_list) { Stash my_stash; auto op = impl.create_concat(lhs_type, rhs_type, dimension, my_stash); std::vector> stack_spec({lhs, rhs}); list.push_back(std::make_unique(std::move(my_stash), op, stack_spec, impl)); } benchmark(desc, list); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void benchmark_tensor_create(const vespalib::string &desc, const TensorSpec &proto) { Stash stash; ValueType proto_type = ValueType::from_spec(proto.type()); ASSERT_FALSE(proto_type.is_error()); std::vector> stack_spec; for (const auto &cell: proto.cells()) { stack_spec.emplace_back(stash.create(NUM(cell.second))); } std::vector list; for (const Impl &impl: impl_list) { Stash my_stash; auto op = impl.create_tensor_create(proto_type, proto, my_stash); list.push_back(std::make_unique(std::move(my_stash), op, stack_spec, impl)); } benchmark(desc, list); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void benchmark_tensor_lambda(const vespalib::string &desc, const ValueType &type, const TensorSpec &p0, const Function &function) { Stash stash; ValueType p0_type = ValueType::from_spec(p0.type()); ASSERT_FALSE(p0_type.is_error()); std::vector list; for (const Impl &impl: impl_list) { Stash my_stash; auto op = impl.create_tensor_lambda(type, function, p0_type, my_stash); list.push_back(std::make_unique(std::move(my_stash), op, p0, impl)); } benchmark(desc, list); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void benchmark_tensor_peek(const vespalib::string &desc, const TensorSpec &lhs, const MyPeekSpec &peek_spec) { Stash stash; ValueType type = ValueType::from_spec(lhs.type()); ASSERT_FALSE(type.is_error()); std::vector> stack_spec; stack_spec.emplace_back(lhs); if (peek_spec.is_dynamic) { for (const auto &entry: peek_spec.spec) { stack_spec.emplace_back(stash.create(NUM(double(entry.second)))); } } std::vector list; for (const Impl &impl: impl_list) { Stash my_stash; auto op = impl.create_tensor_peek(type, peek_spec, my_stash); list.push_back(std::make_unique(std::move(my_stash), op, stack_spec, impl)); } benchmark(desc, list); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- TEST(MakeInputTest, print_some_test_input) { auto number = NUM(5.0); auto sparse = GS(1.0).map("x", 5, 3); auto dense = GS(10.0).idx("x", 5); auto mixed = GS(100.0).map("x", 3, 7).idx("y", 2).idx("z", 2); fprintf(stderr, "--------------------------------------------------------\n"); fprintf(stderr, "simple number: %s\n", number.to_string().c_str()); fprintf(stderr, "sparse vector: %s\n", sparse.gen().to_string().c_str()); fprintf(stderr, "dense vector: %s\n", dense.gen().to_string().c_str()); fprintf(stderr, "mixed cube: %s\n", mixed.gen().to_string().c_str()); fprintf(stderr, "--------------------------------------------------------\n"); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void benchmark_encode_decode(const vespalib::string &desc, const TensorSpec &proto) { ValueType proto_type = ValueType::from_spec(proto.type()); ASSERT_FALSE(proto_type.is_error()); for (const Impl &impl: impl_list) { vespalib::nbostream data; auto value = impl.create_value(proto); encode_value(*value, data); auto new_value = decode_value(data, impl.factory); ASSERT_EQ(data.size(), 0); ASSERT_EQ(proto, spec_from_value(*new_value)); } fprintf(stderr, "--------------------------------------------------------\n"); fprintf(stderr, "Benchmarking encode/decode for: [%s]\n", desc.c_str()); BenchmarkResult encode_result(desc + " ", impl_list.size()); BenchmarkResult decode_result(desc + " ", impl_list.size()); for (const Impl &impl: impl_list) { constexpr size_t loop_cnt = 32; auto value = impl.create_value(proto); BenchmarkTimer encode_timer(2 * budget); BenchmarkTimer decode_timer(2 * budget); while (encode_timer.has_budget()) { std::array data; std::array object; encode_timer.before(); for (size_t i = 0; i < loop_cnt; ++i) { encode_value(*value, data[i]); } encode_timer.after(); decode_timer.before(); for (size_t i = 0; i < loop_cnt; ++i) { object[i] = decode_value(data[i], impl.factory); } decode_timer.after(); } double encode_us = encode_timer.min_time() * 1000.0 * 1000.0 / double(loop_cnt); double decode_us = decode_timer.min_time() * 1000.0 * 1000.0 / double(loop_cnt); fprintf(stderr, " %s(%s): %10.3f us \n", impl.name.c_str(), impl.short_name.c_str(), encode_us); encode_result.sample(impl.order, encode_us); fprintf(stderr, " %s(%s): %10.3f us \n", impl.name.c_str(), impl.short_name.c_str(), decode_us); decode_result.sample(impl.order, decode_us); } encode_result.normalize(); decode_result.normalize(); benchmark_results.push_back(encode_result); benchmark_results.push_back(decode_result); fprintf(stderr, "--------------------------------------------------------\n"); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // encode/decode operations are not actual instructions, but still // relevant for the overall performance of the tensor implementation. TEST(EncodeDecodeBench, encode_decode_dense) { auto proto = GS(1.0).idx("a", 64).idx("b", 64); benchmark_encode_decode("dense tensor", proto); } TEST(EncodeDecodeBench, encode_decode_sparse) { auto proto = GS(1.0).map("a", 64, 1).map("b", 64, 1); benchmark_encode_decode("sparse tensor", proto); } TEST(EncodeDecodeBench, encode_decode_mixed) { auto proto = GS(1.0).map("a", 64, 1).idx("b", 64); benchmark_encode_decode("mixed tensor", proto); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- TEST(DenseConcat, small_vectors) { auto lhs = GS(1.0).idx("x", 10); auto rhs = GS(2.0).idx("x", 10); benchmark_concat("small dense vector append concat", lhs, rhs, "x"); } TEST(DenseConcat, cross_vectors) { auto lhs = GS(1.0).idx("x", 10); auto rhs = GS(2.0).idx("x", 10); benchmark_concat("small dense vector cross concat", lhs, rhs, "y"); } TEST(DenseConcat, cube_and_vector) { auto lhs = GS(1.0).idx("a", 16).idx("b", 16).idx("c", 16); auto rhs = GS(42.0).idx("a", 16); benchmark_concat("cube vs vector concat", lhs, rhs, "a"); } TEST(SparseConcat, small_vectors) { auto lhs = GS(1.0).map("x", 10, 1); auto rhs = GS(2.0).map("x", 10, 2); benchmark_concat("small sparse concat", lhs, rhs, "y"); } TEST(MixedConcat, mixed_vs_dense) { auto lhs = GS(1.0).idx("a", 16).idx("b", 16).map("c", 16, 1); auto rhs = GS(2.0).idx("a", 16).idx("b", 16); benchmark_concat("mixed dense concat a", lhs, rhs, "a"); } TEST(MixedConcat, large_mixed_a) { auto lhs = GS(1.0).idx("a", 16).idx("b", 16).map("c", 16, 1); auto rhs = GS(2.0).idx("a", 16).idx("b", 16).map("c", 16, 2); benchmark_concat("mixed append concat a", lhs, rhs, "a"); } TEST(MixedConcat, large_mixed_b) { auto lhs = GS(1.0).idx("a", 16).idx("b", 16).map("c", 16, 1); auto rhs = GS(2.0).idx("a", 16).idx("b", 16).map("c", 16, 2); benchmark_concat("mixed append concat b", lhs, rhs, "b"); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- TEST(NumberJoin, plain_op2) { auto lhs = NUM(2.0); auto rhs = NUM(3.0); benchmark_join("simple numbers multiply", lhs, rhs, operation::Mul::f); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- TEST(DenseJoin, small_vectors) { auto lhs = GS(1.0).idx("x", 10); auto rhs = GS(2.0).idx("x", 10); benchmark_join("small dense vector multiply", lhs, rhs, operation::Mul::f); } TEST(DenseJoin, full_overlap) { auto lhs = GS(1.0).idx("a", 16).idx("b", 16).idx("c", 16); auto rhs = GS(2.0).idx("a", 16).idx("b", 16).idx("c", 16); benchmark_join("dense full overlap multiply", lhs, rhs, operation::Mul::f); } TEST(DenseJoin, partial_overlap) { auto lhs = GS(1.0).idx("a", 8).idx("c", 8).idx("d", 8); auto rhs = GS(2.0).idx("b", 8).idx("c", 8).idx("d", 8); benchmark_join("dense partial overlap multiply", lhs, rhs, operation::Mul::f); } TEST(DenseJoin, subset_overlap) { auto lhs = GS(1.0).idx("a", 16).idx("b", 16).idx("c", 16); auto rhs_inner = GS(2.0).idx("b", 16).idx("c", 16); auto rhs_outer = GS(3.0).idx("a", 16).idx("b", 16); benchmark_join("dense subset overlap inner multiply", lhs, rhs_inner, operation::Mul::f); benchmark_join("dense subset overlap outer multiply", lhs, rhs_outer, operation::Mul::f); } TEST(DenseJoin, no_overlap) { auto lhs = GS(1.0).idx("a", 4).idx("e", 4).idx("f", 4); auto rhs = GS(2.0).idx("b", 4).idx("c", 4).idx("d", 4); benchmark_join("dense no overlap multiply", lhs, rhs, operation::Mul::f); } TEST(DenseJoin, simple_expand) { auto lhs = GS(1.0).idx("a", 5).idx("b", 4).idx("c", 4); auto rhs = GS(2.0).idx("d", 4).idx("e", 4).idx("f", 5); benchmark_join("dense simple expand multiply", lhs, rhs, operation::Mul::f); } TEST(DenseJoin, multiply_by_number) { auto lhs = NUM(3.0); auto rhs = GS(2.0).idx("a", 16).idx("b", 16).idx("c", 16); benchmark_join("dense cube multiply by number", lhs, rhs, operation::Mul::f); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- TEST(SparseJoin, small_vectors) { auto lhs = GS(1.0).map("x", 10, 1); auto rhs = GS(2.0).map("x", 10, 2); benchmark_join("small sparse vector multiply", lhs, rhs, operation::Mul::f); } TEST(SparseJoin, large_vectors) { auto lhs = GS(1.0).map("x", 1800, 1); auto rhs = GS(2.0).map("x", 1000, 2); benchmark_join("large sparse vector multiply", lhs, rhs, operation::Mul::f); } TEST(SparseJoin, full_overlap) { auto lhs = GS(1.0).map("a", 16, 1).map("b", 16, 1).map("c", 16, 1); auto rhs = GS(2.0).map("a", 16, 2).map("b", 16, 2).map("c", 16, 2); benchmark_join("sparse full overlap multiply", lhs, rhs, operation::Mul::f); } TEST(SparseJoin, full_overlap_big_vs_small) { auto lhs = GS(1.0).map("a", 16, 1).map("b", 16, 1).map("c", 16, 1); auto rhs = GS(2.0).map("a", 2, 1).map("b", 2, 1).map("c", 2, 1); benchmark_join("sparse full overlap big vs small multiply", lhs, rhs, operation::Mul::f); } TEST(SparseJoin, partial_overlap) { auto lhs = GS(1.0).map("a", 8, 1).map("c", 8, 1).map("d", 8, 1); auto rhs = GS(2.0).map("b", 8, 2).map("c", 8, 2).map("d", 8, 2); benchmark_join("sparse partial overlap multiply", lhs, rhs, operation::Mul::f); } TEST(SparseJoin, no_overlap) { auto lhs = GS(1.0).map("a", 4, 1).map("e", 4, 1).map("f", 4, 1); auto rhs = GS(2.0).map("b", 4, 1).map("c", 4, 1).map("d", 4, 1); benchmark_join("sparse no overlap multiply", lhs, rhs, operation::Mul::f); } TEST(SparseJoin, multiply_by_number) { auto lhs = NUM(3.0); auto rhs = GS(2.0).map("a", 16, 2).map("b", 16, 2).map("c", 16, 2); benchmark_join("sparse multiply by number", lhs, rhs, operation::Mul::f); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- TEST(MixedJoin, full_overlap) { auto lhs = GS(1.0).map("a", 16, 1).map("b", 16, 1).idx("c", 16); auto rhs = GS(2.0).map("a", 16, 2).map("b", 16, 2).idx("c", 16); benchmark_join("mixed full overlap multiply", lhs, rhs, operation::Mul::f); } TEST(MixedJoin, partial_sparse_overlap) { auto lhs = GS(1.0).map("a", 8, 1).map("c", 8, 1).idx("d", 8); auto rhs = GS(2.0).map("b", 8, 2).map("c", 8, 2).idx("d", 8); benchmark_join("mixed partial sparse overlap multiply", lhs, rhs, operation::Mul::f); } TEST(MixedJoin, no_overlap) { auto lhs = GS(1.0).map("a", 4, 1).map("e", 4, 1).idx("f", 4); auto rhs = GS(2.0).map("b", 4, 1).map("c", 4, 1).idx("d", 4); benchmark_join("mixed no overlap multiply", lhs, rhs, operation::Mul::f); } TEST(MixedJoin, multiply_by_number) { auto lhs = NUM(3.0); auto rhs = GS(2.0).map("a", 16, 2).map("b", 16, 2).idx("c", 16); benchmark_join("mixed multiply by number", lhs, rhs, operation::Mul::f); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- TEST(ReduceBench, number_reduce) { auto lhs = NUM(1.0); benchmark_reduce("number reduce", lhs, Aggr::SUM, {}); } TEST(ReduceBench, dense_reduce) { auto lhs = GS(1.0).idx("a", 16).idx("b", 16).idx("c", 16); benchmark_reduce("dense reduce inner", lhs, Aggr::SUM, {"c"}); benchmark_reduce("dense reduce middle", lhs, Aggr::SUM, {"b"}); benchmark_reduce("dense reduce outer", lhs, Aggr::SUM, {"a"}); benchmark_reduce("dense multi-reduce inner", lhs, Aggr::SUM, {"b", "c"}); benchmark_reduce("dense multi-reduce outer", lhs, Aggr::SUM, {"a", "b"}); benchmark_reduce("dense multi-reduce outer-inner", lhs, Aggr::SUM, {"a", "c"}); benchmark_reduce("dense reduce all", lhs, Aggr::SUM, {}); } TEST(ReduceBench, sparse_reduce) { auto lhs = GS(1.0).map("a", 16, 1).map("b", 16, 1).map("c", 16, 1); benchmark_reduce("sparse reduce inner", lhs, Aggr::SUM, {"c"}); benchmark_reduce("sparse reduce middle", lhs, Aggr::SUM, {"b"}); benchmark_reduce("sparse reduce outer", lhs, Aggr::SUM, {"a"}); benchmark_reduce("sparse multi-reduce inner", lhs, Aggr::SUM, {"b", "c"}); benchmark_reduce("sparse multi-reduce outer", lhs, Aggr::SUM, {"a", "b"}); benchmark_reduce("sparse multi-reduce outer-inner", lhs, Aggr::SUM, {"a", "c"}); benchmark_reduce("sparse reduce all", lhs, Aggr::SUM, {}); } TEST(ReduceBench, mixed_reduce) { auto lhs = GS(1.0).map("a", 4, 1).map("b", 4, 1).map("c", 4, 1) .idx("d", 4).idx("e", 4).idx("f", 4); benchmark_reduce("mixed reduce middle dense", lhs, Aggr::SUM, {"e"}); benchmark_reduce("mixed reduce middle sparse", lhs, Aggr::SUM, {"b"}); benchmark_reduce("mixed reduce middle sparse/dense", lhs, Aggr::SUM, {"b", "e"}); benchmark_reduce("mixed reduce all dense", lhs, Aggr::SUM, {"d", "e", "f"}); benchmark_reduce("mixed reduce all sparse", lhs, Aggr::SUM, {"a", "b", "c"}); benchmark_reduce("mixed reduce all", lhs, Aggr::SUM, {}); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- TEST(RenameBench, dense_rename) { auto lhs = GS(1.0).idx("a", 64).idx("b", 64); benchmark_rename("dense transpose", lhs, {"a", "b"}, {"b", "a"}); } TEST(RenameBench, sparse_rename) { auto lhs = GS(1.0).map("a", 64, 1).map("b", 64, 1); benchmark_rename("sparse transpose", lhs, {"a", "b"}, {"b", "a"}); } TEST(RenameBench, mixed_rename) { auto lhs = GS(1.0).map("a", 8, 1).map("b", 8, 1).idx("c", 8).idx("d", 8); benchmark_rename("mixed multi-transpose", lhs, {"a", "b", "c", "d"}, {"b", "a", "d", "c"}); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- TEST(MergeBench, dense_merge) { auto lhs = GS(1.0).idx("a", 64).idx("b", 64); auto rhs = GS(2.0).idx("a", 64).idx("b", 64); benchmark_merge("dense merge", lhs, rhs, operation::Max::f); } TEST(MergeBench, sparse_merge_big_small) { auto lhs = GS(1.0).map("a", 64, 1).map("b", 64, 1); auto rhs = GS(2.0).map("a", 8, 1).map("b", 8, 1); benchmark_merge("sparse merge big vs small", lhs, rhs, operation::Max::f); } TEST(MergeBench, sparse_merge_minimal_overlap) { auto lhs = GS(1.0).map("a", 64, 11).map("b", 32, 11); auto rhs = GS(2.0).map("a", 32, 13).map("b", 64, 13); benchmark_merge("sparse merge minimal overlap", lhs, rhs, operation::Max::f); } TEST(MergeBench, mixed_merge) { auto lhs = GS(1.0).map("a", 64, 1).idx("b", 64); auto rhs = GS(2.0).map("a", 64, 2).idx("b", 64); benchmark_merge("mixed merge", lhs, rhs, operation::Max::f); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- TEST(MapBench, number_map) { auto lhs = NUM(1.75); benchmark_map("number map", lhs, operation::Floor::f); } TEST(MapBench, dense_map) { auto lhs = GS(1.75).idx("a", 64).idx("b", 64); benchmark_map("dense map", lhs, operation::Floor::f); } TEST(MapBench, sparse_map_small) { auto lhs = GS(1.75).map("a", 4, 1).map("b", 4, 1); benchmark_map("sparse map small", lhs, operation::Floor::f); } TEST(MapBench, sparse_map_big) { auto lhs = GS(1.75).map("a", 64, 1).map("b", 64, 1); benchmark_map("sparse map big", lhs, operation::Floor::f); } TEST(MapBench, mixed_map) { auto lhs = GS(1.75).map("a", 64, 1).idx("b", 64); benchmark_map("mixed map", lhs, operation::Floor::f); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- TEST(TensorCreateBench, create_dense) { auto proto = GS(1.0).idx("a", 32).idx("b", 32); benchmark_tensor_create("dense tensor create", proto); } TEST(TensorCreateBench, create_sparse) { auto proto = GS(1.0).map("a", 32, 1).map("b", 32, 1); benchmark_tensor_create("sparse tensor create", proto); } TEST(TensorCreateBench, create_mixed) { auto proto = GS(1.0).map("a", 32, 1).idx("b", 32); benchmark_tensor_create("mixed tensor create", proto); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- TEST(TensorLambdaBench, simple_lambda) { auto type = ValueType::from_spec("tensor(a[64],b[64])"); auto p0 = NUM(3.5); auto function = Function::parse({"a", "b", "p0"}, "(a*64+b)*p0"); ASSERT_FALSE(function->has_error()); benchmark_tensor_lambda("simple tensor lambda", type, p0, *function); } TEST(TensorLambdaBench, complex_lambda) { auto type = ValueType::from_spec("tensor(a[64],b[64])"); auto p0 = GS(1.0).idx("x", 3); auto function = Function::parse({"a", "b", "p0"}, "(a*64+b)*reduce(p0,sum)"); ASSERT_FALSE(function->has_error()); benchmark_tensor_lambda("complex tensor lambda", type, p0, *function); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- TEST(TensorPeekBench, dense_peek) { auto lhs = GS(1.0).idx("a", 64).idx("b", 64); benchmark_tensor_peek("dense peek cell verbatim", lhs, verbatim_peek().add("a", 1).add("b", 2)); benchmark_tensor_peek("dense peek cell dynamic", lhs, dynamic_peek().add("a", 1).add("b", 2)); benchmark_tensor_peek("dense peek vector verbatim", lhs, verbatim_peek().add("a", 1)); benchmark_tensor_peek("dense peek vector dynamic", lhs, dynamic_peek().add("a", 1)); } TEST(TensorPeekBench, sparse_peek) { auto lhs = GS(1.0).map("a", 64, 1).map("b", 64, 1); benchmark_tensor_peek("sparse peek cell verbatim", lhs, verbatim_peek().add("a", 1).add("b", 2)); benchmark_tensor_peek("sparse peek cell dynamic", lhs, dynamic_peek().add("a", 1).add("b", 2)); benchmark_tensor_peek("sparse peek vector verbatim", lhs, verbatim_peek().add("a", 1)); benchmark_tensor_peek("sparse peek vector dynamic", lhs, dynamic_peek().add("a", 1)); } TEST(TensorPeekBench, mixed_peek) { auto lhs = GS(1.0).map("a", 8, 1).map("b", 8, 1).idx("c", 8).idx("d", 8); benchmark_tensor_peek("mixed peek cell verbatim", lhs, verbatim_peek().add("a", 1).add("b", 2).add("c", 3).add("d", 4)); benchmark_tensor_peek("mixed peek cell dynamic", lhs, dynamic_peek().add("a", 1).add("b", 2).add("c", 3).add("d", 4)); benchmark_tensor_peek("mixed peek dense verbatim", lhs, verbatim_peek().add("a", 1).add("b", 2)); benchmark_tensor_peek("mixed peek dense dynamic", lhs, dynamic_peek().add("a", 1).add("b", 2)); benchmark_tensor_peek("mixed peek sparse verbatim", lhs, verbatim_peek().add("c", 3).add("d", 4)); benchmark_tensor_peek("mixed peek sparse dynamic", lhs, dynamic_peek().add("c", 3).add("d", 4)); benchmark_tensor_peek("mixed peek partial dense verbatim", lhs, verbatim_peek().add("a", 1).add("b", 2).add("c", 3)); benchmark_tensor_peek("mixed peek partial dense dynamic", lhs, dynamic_peek().add("a", 1).add("b", 2).add("c", 3)); benchmark_tensor_peek("mixed peek partial sparse verbatim", lhs, verbatim_peek().add("a", 1).add("c", 3).add("d", 4)); benchmark_tensor_peek("mixed peek partial sparse dynamic", lhs, dynamic_peek().add("a", 1).add("c", 3).add("d", 4)); benchmark_tensor_peek("mixed peek partial mixed verbatim", lhs, verbatim_peek().add("a", 1).add("c", 4)); benchmark_tensor_peek("mixed peek partial mixed dynamic", lhs, dynamic_peek().add("a", 1).add("c", 4)); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void print_results(const vespalib::string &desc, const std::vector &results) { if (results.empty()) { return; } BenchmarkHeader header; header.print_trailer(); header.print_header(desc); header.print_trailer(); for (const auto &result: results) { result.print(); } header.print_trailer(); } void print_summary() { std::vector bad_results; std::vector neutral_results; std::vector good_results; std::sort(benchmark_results.begin(), benchmark_results.end(), [](const auto &a, const auto &b){ return (a.relative_perf[0] < b.relative_perf[0]); }); for (const auto &result: benchmark_results) { double perf = result.relative_perf[0]; if (perf < bad_limit) { bad_results.push_back(result); } else if (perf > good_limit) { good_results.push_back(result); } else { neutral_results.push_back(result); } } print_results("BAD", bad_results); print_results("NEUTRAL", neutral_results); print_results("GOOD", good_results); } int main(int argc, char **argv) { prod_result.setObject(); load_ghost("ghost.json"); const std::string run_only_prod_option = "--limit-implementations"; const std::string ghost_mode_option = "--ghost-mode"; const std::string smoke_test_option = "--smoke-test"; if ((argc > 1) && (argv[1] == run_only_prod_option)) { impl_list.clear(); impl_list.push_back(optimized_fast_value_impl); impl_list.push_back(fast_value_impl); ++argv; --argc; } else if ((argc > 1) && (argv[1] == ghost_mode_option)) { impl_list.clear(); impl_list.push_back(optimized_fast_value_impl); has_ghost = true; ++argv; --argc; } else if ((argc > 1) && (argv[1] == smoke_test_option)) { budget = 0.001; impl_list.clear(); impl_list.push_back(optimized_fast_value_impl); has_ghost = true; ++argv; --argc; } ::testing::InitGoogleTest(&argc, argv); int result = RUN_ALL_TESTS(); save_result("result.json"); print_summary(); return result; }