// Copyright 2017 Yahoo Holdings. Licensed under the terms of the Apache 2.0 license. See LICENSE in the project root. #include "tests.h" #include class ThreadRunJob; void UseSomeCpu(int i, ThreadRunJob *threadRunJob); class ThreadRunJob : public FastOS_Runnable { public: int64_t UseSomeCpu2(int64_t someNumber) { return someNumber + (someNumber/2 + someNumber*4) + someNumber * someNumber * someNumber; } void Run (FastOS_ThreadInterface *thisThread, void *arg) override { (void)thisThread; (void)arg; FastOS_Time before, current; before.SetNow(); for(int i=0; i<200000; i++) { if((i % 200) == 0) { current.SetNow(); current -= before; if(current.MilliSecs() > 3000) break; } UseSomeCpu(i, this); } delete (this); } }; class UseCpuTest : public BaseTest { public: int Main () override { FastOS_ThreadPool pool(128*1024); pool.NewThread(new ThreadRunJob()); pool.NewThread(new ThreadRunJob()); pool.NewThread(new ThreadRunJob()); pool.NewThread(new ThreadRunJob()); pool.Close(); return 0; } }; void UseSomeCpu (int i, ThreadRunJob *threadRunJob) { int64_t lastVal = i; for(int e=0; e<100; e++) lastVal = threadRunJob->UseSomeCpu2(lastVal); } int main (int argc, char **argv) { UseCpuTest app; setvbuf(stdout, nullptr, _IOLBF, 8192); return app.Entry(argc, argv); }