// Copyright Yahoo. Licensed under the terms of the Apache 2.0 license. See LICENSE in the project root. #include "client.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include using namespace vespalib; Client::Client(vespalib::CryptoEngine::SP engine, std::unique_ptr args) : _args(std::move(args)), _status(std::make_unique()), _reqTimer(std::make_unique()), _cycleTimer(std::make_unique()), _masterTimer(std::make_unique()), _http(std::make_unique(std::move(engine), _args->_hostname, _args->_port, _args->_keepAlive, _args->_headerBenchmarkdataCoverage, _args->_extraHeaders, _args->_authority)), _reader(std::make_unique()), _output(), _linebufsize(_args->_maxLineSize), _linebuf(std::make_unique(_linebufsize)), _stop(false), _done(false), _thread() { _cycleTimer->SetMax(_args->_cycle); } Client::~Client() = default; void Client::runMe(Client * me) { me->run(); } class UrlReader { FileReader &_reader; const ClientArguments &_args; int _restarts; int _contentbufsize; int _leftOversLen; char *_contentbuf; const char *_leftOvers; public: UrlReader(FileReader& reader, const ClientArguments &args) : _reader(reader), _args(args), _restarts(0), _contentbufsize(0), _leftOversLen(0), _contentbuf(0), _leftOvers(0) { if (_args._usePostMode) { _contentbufsize = 16 * _args._maxLineSize; _contentbuf = new char[_contentbufsize]; } } bool reset(); int findUrl(char *buf, int buflen); int nextUrl(char *buf, int buflen); int nextContent(); const char *content() const { return _contentbuf; } ~UrlReader() { delete [] _contentbuf; } }; bool UrlReader::reset() { if (_restarts == _args._restartLimit) { return false; } else if (_args._restartLimit > 0) { _restarts++; } _reader.Reset(); // Start reading from offset if (_args._singleQueryFile) { _reader.SetFilePos(_args._queryfileOffset); } return true; } int UrlReader::findUrl(char *buf, int buflen) { while (true) { if ( _args._singleQueryFile && _reader.GetFilePos() >= _args._queryfileEndOffset ) { // reached logical EOF return -1; } int ll = _reader.ReadLine(buf, buflen); if (ll < 0) { // reached physical EOF return ll; } if (ll > 0) { if (buf[0] == '/' || !_args._usePostMode) { // found URL return ll; } } } } int UrlReader::nextUrl(char *buf, int buflen) { if (_leftOvers) { if ( _args._usePostMode && _args._singleQueryFile && _reader.GetFilePos() >= _args._queryfileEndOffset ) { // reached logical EOF _leftOvers = NULL; return -1; } int sz = std::min(_leftOversLen, buflen-1); strncpy(buf, _leftOvers, sz); buf[sz] = '\0'; _leftOvers = NULL; return _leftOversLen; } int ll = findUrl(buf, buflen); if (ll > 0) { return ll; } if (reset()) { // try again ll = findUrl(buf, buflen); } return ll; } int UrlReader::nextContent() { char *buf = _contentbuf; int totLen = 0; // make sure we don't chop leftover URL while (totLen + _args._maxLineSize < _contentbufsize) { // allow space for newline: int room = _contentbufsize - totLen - 1; int len = _reader.ReadLine(buf, room); if (len < 0) { // reached EOF break; } len = std::min(len, room); if (len > 0 && buf[0] == '/') { // reached next URL _leftOvers = buf; _leftOversLen = len; break; } buf += len; totLen += len; *buf++ = '\n'; totLen++; } // ignore last newline return (totLen > 0) ? totLen-1 : 0; } void Client::run() { char inputFilename[1024]; char outputFilename[1024]; char timestr[64]; int linelen; /// int reslen; std::this_thread::sleep_for(std::chrono::milliseconds(_args->_delay)); // open query file snprintf(inputFilename, 1024, _args->_filenamePattern.c_str(), _args->_myNum); if (!_reader->Open(inputFilename)) { printf("Client %d: ERROR: could not open file '%s' [read mode]\n", _args->_myNum, inputFilename); _status->SetError("Could not open query file."); return; } if ( ! _args->_outputPattern.empty()) { snprintf(outputFilename, 1024, _args->_outputPattern.c_str(), _args->_myNum); _output = std::make_unique(outputFilename, std::ofstream::out | std::ofstream::binary); if (_output->fail()) { printf("Client %d: ERROR: could not open file '%s' [write mode]\n", _args->_myNum, outputFilename); _status->SetError("Could not open output file."); return; } } if (_output) _output->write(&FBENCH_DELIMITER[1], strlen(FBENCH_DELIMITER) - 1); if (_args->_ignoreCount == 0) _masterTimer->Start(); // Start reading from offset if ( _args->_singleQueryFile ) _reader->SetFilePos(_args->_queryfileOffset); UrlReader urlSource(*_reader, *_args); size_t urlNumber = 0; // run queries while (!_stop) { _cycleTimer->Start(); linelen = urlSource.nextUrl(_linebuf.get(), _linebufsize); if (linelen > 0) { ++urlNumber; } else { if (urlNumber == 0) { fprintf(stderr, "Client %d: ERROR: could not read any lines from '%s'\n", _args->_myNum, inputFilename); _status->SetError("Could not read any lines from query file."); } break; } if (linelen < _linebufsize) { if (_output) { _output->write("URL: ", strlen("URL: ")); _output->write(_linebuf.get(), linelen); _output->write("\n\n", 2); } if (linelen + (int)_args->_queryStringToAppend.length() < _linebufsize) { strcat(_linebuf.get(), _args->_queryStringToAppend.c_str()); } int cLen = _args->_usePostMode ? urlSource.nextContent() : 0; const char* content = urlSource.content(); std::string base64_decoded; if (_args->_usePostMode && _args->_base64Decode) { try { base64_decoded = Base64::decode(content, cLen); } catch (std::exception &e) { std::string msg = "POST request contains invalid base64 encoded data: "; msg.append(e.what()); _status->SetError(msg.c_str()); break; } content = base64_decoded.c_str(); cLen = base64_decoded.size(); } _reqTimer->Start(); auto fetch_status = _http->Fetch(_linebuf.get(), _output.get(), _args->_usePostMode, content, cLen); _reqTimer->Stop(); _status->AddRequestStatus(fetch_status.RequestStatus()); if (fetch_status.Ok() && fetch_status.TotalHitCount() == 0) ++_status->_zeroHitQueries; if (_output) { if (!fetch_status.Ok()) { _output->write("\nFBENCH: URL FETCH FAILED!\n", strlen("\nFBENCH: URL FETCH FAILED!\n")); _output->write(&FBENCH_DELIMITER[1], strlen(FBENCH_DELIMITER) - 1); } else { snprintf(timestr, sizeof(timestr), "\nTIME USED: %0.4f s\n", _reqTimer->GetTimespan() / 1000.0); _output->write(timestr, strlen(timestr)); _output->write(&FBENCH_DELIMITER[1], strlen(FBENCH_DELIMITER) - 1); } } if (fetch_status.ResultSize() >= _args->_byteLimit) { if (_args->_ignoreCount == 0) _status->ResponseTime(_reqTimer->GetTimespan()); } else { if (_args->_ignoreCount == 0) _status->RequestFailed(); } } else { if (_args->_ignoreCount == 0) _status->SkippedRequest(); } _cycleTimer->Stop(); if (_args->_cycle < 0) { std::this_thread::sleep_for(std::chrono::milliseconds(int(_reqTimer->GetTimespan()))); } else { if (_cycleTimer->GetRemaining() > 0) { std::this_thread::sleep_for(std::chrono::milliseconds(int(_cycleTimer->GetRemaining()))); } else { if (_args->_ignoreCount == 0) _status->OverTime(); } } if (_args->_ignoreCount > 0) { _args->_ignoreCount--; if (_args->_ignoreCount == 0) _masterTimer->Start(); } // Update current time span to calculate Q/s _status->SetRealTime(_masterTimer->GetCurrent()); } _masterTimer->Stop(); _status->SetRealTime(_masterTimer->GetTimespan()); _status->SetReuseCount(_http->GetReuseCount()); printf("."); fflush(stdout); _done = true; } void Client::stop() { _stop = true; } bool Client::done() { return _done; } void Client::start() { _thread = std::thread(Client::runMe, this); } void Client::join() { _thread.join(); }