// Copyright Yahoo. Licensed under the terms of the Apache 2.0 license. See LICENSE in the project root. #include "fbench.h" #include "client.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include namespace { std::string maybe_load(const std::string &file_name, bool &failed) { std::string content; if (!file_name.empty()) { vespalib::MappedFileInput file(file_name); if (file.valid()) { content = std::string(file.get().data, file.get().size); } else { fprintf(stderr, "could not load file: '%s'\n", file_name.c_str()); failed = true; } } return content; } } sig_atomic_t exitSignal = 0; FBench::FBench() : _crypto_engine(), _clients(), _ignoreCount(0), _cycle(0), _filenamePattern(), _outputPattern(), _byteLimit(0), _restartLimit(0), _maxLineSize(0), _keepAlive(true), _usePostMode(false), _headerBenchmarkdataCoverage(false), _seconds(60), _singleQueryFile(false) { } FBench::~FBench() { _clients.clear(); } bool FBench::init_crypto_engine(const std::string &ca_certs_file_name, const std::string &cert_chain_file_name, const std::string &private_key_file_name, bool allow_default_tls) { if (ca_certs_file_name.empty() && cert_chain_file_name.empty() && private_key_file_name.empty()) { if (allow_default_tls) { _crypto_engine = vespalib::CryptoEngine::get_default(); } else { _crypto_engine = std::make_shared(); } return true; } if (ca_certs_file_name.empty()) { fprintf(stderr, "CA certificate required; specify with -T\n"); return false; } if (cert_chain_file_name.empty() != private_key_file_name.empty()) { fprintf(stderr, "both client certificate AND client private key required; specify with -C and -K\n"); return false; } bool load_failed = false; auto ts_builder = vespalib::net::tls::TransportSecurityOptions::Params(). ca_certs_pem(maybe_load(ca_certs_file_name, load_failed)). cert_chain_pem(maybe_load(cert_chain_file_name, load_failed)). private_key_pem(maybe_load(private_key_file_name, load_failed)). authorized_peers(vespalib::net::tls::AuthorizedPeers::allow_all_authenticated()). disable_hostname_validation(true); // TODO configurable or default false! vespalib::net::tls::TransportSecurityOptions tls_opts(std::move(ts_builder)); if (load_failed) { fprintf(stderr, "failed to load transport security options\n"); return false; } try { _crypto_engine = std::make_shared(tls_opts); } catch (vespalib::crypto::CryptoException &e) { fprintf(stderr, "%s\n", e.what()); return false; } return true; } void FBench::InitBenchmark(int numClients, int ignoreCount, int cycle, const char *filenamePattern, const char *outputPattern, int byteLimit, int restartLimit, int maxLineSize, bool keepAlive, bool base64Decode, bool headerBenchmarkdataCoverage, int seconds, bool singleQueryFile, const std::string & queryStringToAppend, const std::string & extraHeaders, const std::string &authority, bool postMode) { _clients.resize(numClients); _ignoreCount = ignoreCount; _cycle = cycle; _filenamePattern = filenamePattern; if (outputPattern != nullptr) { _outputPattern = outputPattern; } else { _outputPattern.clear(); } _queryStringToAppend = queryStringToAppend; _extraHeaders = extraHeaders; _authority = authority; _byteLimit = byteLimit; _restartLimit = restartLimit; _maxLineSize = maxLineSize; _keepAlive = keepAlive; _base64Decode = base64Decode; _usePostMode = postMode; _headerBenchmarkdataCoverage = headerBenchmarkdataCoverage; _seconds = seconds; _singleQueryFile = singleQueryFile; } void FBench::CreateClients() { int spread = (_cycle > 1) ? _cycle : 1; int i(0); for(auto & client : _clients) { uint64_t off_beg = 0; uint64_t off_end = 0; if (_singleQueryFile) { off_beg = _queryfileOffset[i]; off_end = _queryfileOffset[i+1]; } client = std::make_unique(_crypto_engine, std::make_unique(i, _filenamePattern, _outputPattern, _hostnames[i % _hostnames.size()].c_str(), _ports[i % _ports.size()], _cycle,random() % spread, _ignoreCount, _byteLimit, _restartLimit, _maxLineSize, _keepAlive, _base64Decode, _headerBenchmarkdataCoverage, off_beg, off_end, _singleQueryFile, _queryStringToAppend, _extraHeaders, _authority, _usePostMode)); ++i; } } bool FBench::ClientsDone() { bool done(true); for (auto & client : _clients) { if ( ! client->done() ) { return false; } } return done; } void FBench::StartClients() { printf("Starting clients...\n"); for (auto & client : _clients) { client->start(); } } void FBench::StopClients() { printf("Stopping clients"); for (auto & client : _clients) { client->stop(); } printf("\nClients stopped.\n"); for (auto & client : _clients) { client->join(); } printf("\nClients Joined.\n"); } namespace { const char * approx(double latency, const ClientStatus & status) { return (latency > (status._timetable.size() / status._timetableResolution - 1)) ? "ms (approx)" : "ms"; } std::string fmtPercentile(double percentile) { char buf[32]; if (percentile <= 99.0) { snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "%2d ", int(percentile)); } else { snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "%2.1f", percentile); } return buf; } } void FBench::PrintSummary() { ClientStatus status; double maxRate = 0; double actualRate = 0; int realNumClients = 0; int i = 0; for (auto & client : _clients) { if (client->GetStatus()._error) { printf("Client %d: %s => discarding client results.\n", i, client->GetStatus()._errorMsg.c_str()); } else { status.Merge(client->GetStatus()); ++realNumClients; } ++i; } double avg = status.GetAverage(); maxRate = (avg > 0) ? realNumClients * 1000.0 / avg : 0; actualRate = (status._realTime > 0) ? realNumClients * 1000.0 * status._requestCnt / status._realTime : 0; if (_keepAlive) { printf("*** HTTP keep-alive statistics ***\n"); printf("connection reuse count -- %" PRIu64 "\n", status._reuseCnt); } printf("***************** Benchmark Summary *****************\n"); printf("clients: %8ld\n", _clients.size()); printf("ran for: %8d seconds\n", _seconds); printf("cycle time: %8d ms\n", _cycle); printf("lower response limit: %8d bytes\n", _byteLimit); printf("skipped requests: %8ld\n", status._skipCnt); printf("failed requests: %8ld\n", status._failCnt); printf("successful requests: %8ld\n", status._requestCnt); printf("cycles not held: %8ld\n", status._overtimeCnt); printf("minimum response time: %8.2f ms\n", status._minTime); printf("maximum response time: %8.2f ms\n", status._maxTime); printf("average response time: %8.2f ms\n", status.GetAverage()); for (double percentile : {25.0, 50.0, 75.0, 90.0, 95.0, 98.0, 99.0, 99.5, 99.6, 99.7, 99.8, 99.9}) { double latency = status.GetPercentile(percentile); printf("%s percentile: %8.2f %s\n", fmtPercentile(percentile).c_str(), latency, approx(latency, status)); } printf("actual query rate: %8.2f Q/s\n", actualRate); printf("utilization: %8.2f %%\n", (maxRate > 0) ? 100 * (actualRate / maxRate) : 0); printf("zero hit queries: %8ld\n", status._zeroHitQueries); printf("zero hit percentage: %8.2f %%\n", (status._requestCnt > 0) ? 100.0*(double(status._zeroHitQueries)/status._requestCnt) : 0.0); printf("http request status breakdown:\n"); for (const auto& entry : status._requestStatusDistribution) printf(" %8u : %8u \n", entry.first, entry.second); fflush(stdout); } void FBench::Usage() { printf("usage: vespa-fbench [-H extraHeader] [-a queryStringToAppend ] [-n numClients] [-c cycleTime] [-l limit] [-i ignoreCount]\n"); printf(" [-s seconds] [-q queryFilePattern] [-o outputFilePattern]\n"); printf(" [-r restartLimit] [-m maxLineSize] [-k] \n\n"); printf(" -H : append extra header to each get request.\n"); printf(" -A : assign authority. should be hostname:port format. Overrides Host: header sent.\n"); printf(" -P : use POST for requests instead of GET.\n"); printf(" -a : append string to each query\n"); printf(" -n : run with parallel clients [10]\n"); printf(" -c : each client will make a request each milliseconds [1000]\n"); printf(" ('-1' -> cycle time should be twice the response time)\n"); printf(" -l : minimum response size for successful requests [0]\n"); printf(" -i : do not log the first results. -1 means no logging [0]\n"); printf(" -s : run the test for seconds. -1 means forever [60]\n"); printf(" -q : pattern defining input query files ['query%%03d.txt']\n"); printf(" (the pattern is used with sprintf to generate filenames)\n"); printf(" -o : save query results to output files with the given pattern\n"); printf(" (default is not saving.)\n"); printf(" -r : number of times to re-use each query file. -1 means no limit [-1]\n"); printf(" -m : max line size in input query files [131072].\n"); printf(" Can not be less than the minimum [1024].\n"); printf(" -p : print summary every seconds.\n"); printf(" -k : disable HTTP keep-alive.\n"); printf(" -d : Base64 decode POST request content.\n"); printf(" -y : write data on coverage to output file.\n"); printf(" -z : use single query file to be distributed between clients.\n"); printf(" -T : CA certificate file to verify peer against.\n"); printf(" -C : client certificate file name.\n"); printf(" -K : client private key file name.\n"); printf(" -D : use TLS configuration from environment if T/C/K is not used\n\n"); printf(" : the host you want to benchmark.\n"); printf(" : the port to use when contacting the host.\n\n"); printf("Several hostnames and ports can be listed\n"); printf("This is distributed in round-robin manner to clients\n"); } void FBench::Exit() { StopClients(); printf("\n"); PrintSummary(); std::_Exit(0); } int FBench::Main(int argc, char *argv[]) { // parameters with default values. int numClients = 10; int cycleTime = 1000; int byteLimit = 0; int ignoreCount = 0; int seconds = 60; int maxLineSize = 128_Ki; const int minLineSize = 1024; const char *queryFilePattern = "query%03d.txt"; const char *outputFilePattern = nullptr; std::string queryStringToAppend; std::string extraHeaders; std::string ca_certs_file_name; // -T std::string cert_chain_file_name; // -C std::string private_key_file_name; // -K bool allow_default_tls = false; // -D int restartLimit = -1; bool keepAlive = true; bool base64Decode = false; bool headerBenchmarkdataCoverage = false; bool usePostMode = false; bool singleQueryFile = false; std::string authority; int printInterval = 0; // parse options and override defaults. int idx; int opt; const char *arg; bool optError; idx = 1; optError = false; while((opt = GetOpt(argc, argv, "H:A:T:C:K:Da:n:c:l:i:s:q:o:r:m:p:kdxyzP", arg, idx)) != -1) { switch(opt) { case 'A': authority = arg; break; case 'H': extraHeaders += std::string(arg) + "\r\n"; if (strncmp(arg, "Host:", 5) == 0) { fprintf(stderr, "Do not override 'Host:' header, use -A option instead\n"); return -1; } break; case 'T': ca_certs_file_name = std::string(arg); break; case 'C': cert_chain_file_name = std::string(arg); break; case 'K': private_key_file_name = std::string(arg); break; case 'D': allow_default_tls = true; break; case 'a': queryStringToAppend = std::string(arg); break; case 'n': numClients = atoi(arg); break; case 'c': cycleTime = atoi(arg); break; case 'l': byteLimit = atoi(arg); break; case 'i': ignoreCount = atoi(arg); break; case 's': seconds = atoi(arg); break; case 'q': queryFilePattern = arg; break; case 'o': outputFilePattern = arg; break; case 'r': restartLimit = atoi(arg); break; case 'm': maxLineSize = atoi(arg); if (maxLineSize < minLineSize) { maxLineSize = minLineSize; } break; case 'P': usePostMode = true; break; case 'p': printInterval = atoi(arg); if (printInterval < 0) optError = true; break; case 'k': keepAlive = false; break; case 'd': base64Decode = false; break; case 'x': // consuming x for backwards compability. This turned on header benchmark data // but this is now always on. break; case 'y': headerBenchmarkdataCoverage = true; break; case 'z': singleQueryFile = true; break; default: optError = true; break; } } if ( argc < (idx + 2) || optError) { Usage(); return -1; } // Hostname/port must be in pair int args = (argc - idx); if (args % 2 != 0) { fprintf(stderr, "Not equal number of hostnames and ports\n"); return -1; } if (!init_crypto_engine(ca_certs_file_name, cert_chain_file_name, private_key_file_name, allow_default_tls)) { fprintf(stderr, "failed to initialize crypto engine\n"); return -1; } short hosts = args / 2; for (int i=0; i 0) { // Timer to compansate for work load on PrintSummary() Timer sleepTimer; sleepTimer.SetMax(1000); for (;seconds > 0 && !ClientsDone(); seconds--) { if (exitSignal) { _seconds = _seconds - seconds; Exit(); } std::this_thread::sleep_for(std::chrono::milliseconds(int(sleepTimer.GetRemaining()))); sleepTimer.Start(); if (seconds % 60 == 0) { printf("[dummydate]: PROGRESS: vespa-fbench: Seconds left %d\n", seconds); } if (printInterval != 0 && seconds % printInterval == 0) { printf("\nRuntime: %d sec\n", _seconds - seconds); PrintSummary(); } sleepTimer.Stop(); } } StopClients(); PrintSummary(); return 0; } void sighandler(int sig) { if (sig == SIGINT) { exitSignal = 1; } } int main(int argc, char** argv) { struct sigaction act; act.sa_handler = sighandler; sigemptyset(&act.sa_mask); act.sa_flags = 0; sigaction(SIGINT, &act, nullptr); sigaction(SIGPIPE, &act, nullptr); FBench myApp; return myApp.Main(argc, argv); }