fsainfo 1 fsainfo display information about finite state automata files fsainfo OPTIONS fsa_file Description fsainfo displays information about fsa files, mainly based on the fsa header. In addition, fsainfo tries to load the fsa file and reports whether loading succeeded. The following information is presented: Header size Size of the fsa header (usually 256 bytes). Magic Magic number identifying fsa files (2038637673). Files with wrong magic will not be attempted to load. Version Version of the fsa library used for building the fsa file (e.g. 1.0.2). Serial number Serial number of the fsa file. Checksum Checksum for verifying the integrity of the fsa file. If the checksum verification fails, the fsa file will refuse to load. FSA size Size of the automaton (in number of cells and bytes). Start state Index of the start state. Data size Size of data storage used for storing meta information for final states. Data item type Type of meta data items (fixed or variable size). Fixed item size Size of meta data items, if fixed size. Perfect hash Indication whether the fsa was built with perfect hash (yes/no). Perfect hash size Perfect hash size, if the fsa was built with perfect hash. Total size Full size of the fsa file (header + automaton + meta data + perfect hash). Options display usage help display version number See also makefsa, fsadump. Author Written by Peter Boros.