#!/usr/bin/perl # Copyright 2017 Yahoo Holdings. Licensed under the terms of the Apache 2.0 license. See LICENSE in the project root. use strict; use FSA; use BerkeleyDB; use Getopt::Long; use Pod::Usage; # # Process command line options. # my $do_qfreq = 1; my $do_sqfreq = 1; my $do_ext = 1; my $do_assoc = 1; my $do_cat = 1; my $do_fsa = 1; my $help = 0; my $man = 0; my $verbose = 0; my $stopwords_file = ''; my $output_file = ''; my $result = GetOptions('qfreq|q!' => \$do_qfreq, 'sqfreq|s!' => \$do_sqfreq, 'ext|e!' => \$do_ext, 'assoc|a!' => \$do_assoc, 'cat|c!' => \$do_cat, 'fsa|f!' => \$do_fsa, 'help|h' => \$help, 'man|m' => \$man, 'verbose|v' => \$verbose, 'stopwords|w:s' => \$stopwords_file, 'output-file|o=s' => \$output_file, ); pod2usage(1) if $help; pod2usage(-verbose => 2) if $man; # # Domain is a required parameter. # my $domain = shift || die "need domain"; # # Some constants for setting limits etc. # my $MAX_UNIT_LENGTH = 8; my $MAX_QUERY_LENGTH = 10; # # Declare arrays to store concept net data. # my @unit = (); my @unit_f = (); my @unit_qf = (); my @unit_qfc = (); my @unit_qfs = (); my @ext = (); my @assoc = (); my @cats = (); my @ucats = (); my @st_map = (); # # Some other global variables # my %stopwords = (); my %stopMap = (); my ($total,$count); my ($fsa,$sfsa); #*********************************************************** # # Functions # #*********************************************************** sub msg($@){ my $format = shift; if($verbose){ printf STDERR $format,@_; } } sub progress($$$$){ my ($msg,$cnt,$total,$done) = @_; if($done){ if($total>0){ msg("\r%s ... %d of %d (%.2f%%) ... done.\n",$msg,$cnt,$total,100.0*$cnt/$total); } else { msg("\r%s ... %d ... done.\n",$msg,$cnt); } } elsif($cnt%1000==0){ if($total>0){ msg("\r%s ... %d of %d (%.2f%%)",$msg,$cnt,$total,100.0*$cnt/$total); } else { msg("\r%s ... %d",$msg,$cnt); } } } sub lookup($$){ my $fsa = shift; my $u = shift; my $st = FSA::State->new($fsa); $st->start(); $st->delta($u); if($st->isFinal()){ return ($st->hash(),$st->nData()); } else { return (-1,0); } } sub aggregate(\@){ my $aref = shift; my %hash = (); my $i; for($i=0;$i<$#{$aref}+1;$i+=2){ $hash{$$aref[$i]} += $$aref[$i+1]; } my @res; foreach $i (sort {$hash{$b} <=> $hash{$a}} keys %hash){ push(@res,$i,$hash{$i}); } return @res; } sub firstComb($$){ my $n = shift; my $m = shift; if($n==0 || $n>31 || $m==0 || $m>31 || $n>$m){ return 0; } return (1<<$n)-1; } sub nextComb($$){ my $c = shift; my $m = shift; if($c==0 || $m==0 || $m>31){ return 0; } my $x = $c; my $limit = 1<<$m; my ($mask,$mask1,$mask2); if($x&1){ $mask=2; while($x&$mask){ $mask<<=1; } $x^=($mask+($mask>>1)); } else{ $mask=2; while(!($x&$mask)){ $mask<<=1; } $mask1=$mask2=0; while($x&$mask){ $mask1<<=1; $mask1++; $mask2+=$mask; $mask<<=1; } $mask1>>=1; $x^=($mask+($mask1^$mask2)); } return ($x<$limit)?$x:0; } sub selectComb($\@){ my $c = shift; my $aref = shift; my @res; my $i = 0; while($c>0 && $i<=$#$aref){ if($c&1){ push(@res,$$aref[$i]); } $c>>=1; $i++; } return @res; } sub sortGrams($){ my $in = shift; my @grams = split(/\s+/,$in); if($#grams<1){ return $in; } my @sorted_grams = sort(@grams); my $i=1; while($i<=$#sorted_grams){ if($sorted_grams[$i] eq $sorted_grams[$i-1]){ splice(@sorted_grams,$i,1); } else{ $i++; } } return join(" ",@sorted_grams); } sub cleanStop($){ my $unit = shift; if($stopwords_file ne ''){ if(!defined($stopMap{$unit})){ my @words = split(/\s+/,$unit); while ((@words) && ($stopwords{$words[0]})) { shift(@words); } while ((@words) && ($stopwords{$words[$#words]})) { pop(@words); } $stopMap{$unit} = join(' ', @words); } return $stopMap{$unit}; } return($unit); } #*********************************************************** # # Main program. # #*********************************************************** # # Configure stopwords list # if($stopwords_file ne ''){ msg("configuring stopwords ... "); open(STOPFILE, $stopwords_file) or die "error opening stopwords file '$stopwords_file': $!\n\t"; while(){ chomp; $stopwords{$_}=1; } close(STOPFILE); msg("done.\n"); } # # Build plain FSA with perfect hash and frequencies, # and compact FSA with perfect hash only. # if($do_fsa){ msg("building plain fsa ... "); my %units_t = (); open(U,"${domain}_unit.txt"); while(){ chomp; my ($f,$u) = split(/\t/); my $uns = cleanStop($u); if($uns ne ""){ $units_t{$uns}+=$f; } } close(U); open(F1,"| makefsa -vnp ${domain}.plain.fsa"); open(F2,"| makefsa -ep ${domain}.fsa"); foreach my $u (sort keys %units_t){ print F1 "$u\t$units_t{$u}\n"; print F2 "$u\n"; } close(F1); close(F2); %units_t = (); msg("done.\n"); } # # Open plain FSA. # $fsa = FSA->new("${domain}.plain.fsa"); # # Read units. # $total = 0 + `wc -l ${domain}_unit.txt`; $count = 0; open(U,"${domain}_unit.txt"); while(){ $count++; progress("reading units",$count,$total,0); chomp; my ($f,$u) = split(/\t/); my $uns = cleanStop($u); if($uns ne ""){ my ($idx,$frq) = lookup($fsa,$uns); if($idx>=0){ $unit[$idx] = $uns; $unit_f[$idx] = $frq; } } } close(U); progress("reading units",$count,$total,1); # # Build term-sorted FSA for counting query frequencies. # if($do_qfreq || $do_sqfreq){ msg("building fsa for query frequencies ... "); my %units_st = (); for(my $i=0;$i<=$#unit;$i++){ my $uns = sortGrams($unit[$i]); if(defined($units_st{$uns})){ $units_st{$uns}.=",$i"; } else{ $units_st{$uns}="$i"; } } open(F,"| makefsa -vep ${domain}.sorted.fsa"); my $i=0; foreach my $u (sort keys %units_st){ $st_map[$i]=$units_st{$u}; print F "$u\n"; $i++; } close(F); %units_st = (); msg("done.\n"); # # Open term-sorted FSA. # $sfsa = FSA->new("${domain}.sorted.fsa"); # # Read complete query file for query frequencies. # $total = 0 + `zcat complete.txt.gz | wc -l`; $count = 0; open(C,"zcat complete.txt.gz|") or die "ERROR opening pipe: \"zcat complete.txt.gz|\"\n"; while(){ $count++; progress("processing raw query file for query frequencies",$count,$total,0); chomp; my ($frq,$query) = split(/\t/); # # Complete query match. # my ($idx,$f) = lookup($fsa,$query); if($idx>=0){ $unit_qfc[$idx] += $frq; } # # Partial query match. # my @qgrams = split(/\s+/,$query); my $st = FSA::State->new($fsa); my %frq_add = (); for(my $i=0;$i<=$#qgrams;$i++){ $st->start(); $st->delta($qgrams[$i]); if($st->isFinal()){ $frq_add{$st->hash()} = 1; } for(my $j=$i+1;$st->isValid()&&$j<=$#qgrams;$j++){ $st->delta(" "); $st->delta($qgrams[$j]); if($st->isFinal()){ $frq_add{$st->hash()} = 1; } } } foreach my $a (keys %frq_add){ $unit_qf[$a] += $frq; } if($do_sqfreq){ # # Partial query match in any order. # my $squery = sortGrams($query); my @sqgrams = split(/\s+/,$squery); my $sst = FSA::State->new($sfsa); %frq_add = (); my $qlen=$#sqgrams+1; if($qlen>$MAX_QUERY_LENGTH){ $qlen=$MAX_QUERY_LENGTH; } for(my $i=1;$i<=$qlen && $i<=$MAX_UNIT_LENGTH; $i++){ for(my $c=firstComb($i,$qlen);$c>0;$c=nextComb($c,$qlen)){ $sst->start(); my $tmp=join(" ",selectComb($c,@sqgrams)); $sst->delta($tmp); if($sst->isFinal()){ my @to_add = split(/,/,$st_map[$sst->hash()]); foreach my $a (@to_add){ $frq_add{$a} = 1; } } } } foreach my $a (keys %frq_add){ $unit_qfs[$a] += $frq; } } } close(C); progress("processing raw query file for query frequencies",$count,$total,1); } # # Read extensions. # if($do_ext){ $total = 0 + `wc -l ${domain}_ext.txt`; $count = 0; open(E,"${domain}_ext.txt"); while(){ $count++; progress("reading extensions",$count,$total,0); chomp; my ($f,$u1,$u2) = split(/\t/); my $uns1 = cleanStop($u1); my $uns2 = cleanStop($u2); if($uns1 ne "" && $uns1 ne $uns2){ my ($idx1,$frq1) = lookup($fsa,$u1); my ($idx2,$frq2) = lookup($fsa,$u2); if($idx1>=0 && $idx2>=0){ $ext[$idx1] .= "$idx2,$f "; } } } close(E); progress("reading extensions",$count,$total,1); } # # Read associations. # if($do_assoc){ $total = 0 + `wc -l ${domain}_assoc.txt`; $count = 0; open(A,"${domain}_assoc.txt"); while(){ $count++; progress("reading associations",$count,$total,0); chomp; my ($f,$u1,$u2) = split(/\t/); my $uns1 = cleanStop($u1); my $uns2 = cleanStop($u2); if($uns1 ne "" && $uns2 ne "" && $uns1 ne $uns2){ my ($idx1,$frq1) = lookup($fsa,$u1); my ($idx2,$frq2) = lookup($fsa,$u2); if($idx1>=0 && $idx2>=0){ $assoc[$idx1] .= "$idx2,$f "; $assoc[$idx2] .= "$idx1,$f "; } } } close(A); progress("reading associations",$count,$total,1); } # # Read categories. # if($do_cat){ tie my %hash, 'BerkeleyDB::Btree', -Filename => "uCat.db"; $total = scalar(keys %hash); $count = 0; my $cid = 0; foreach my $c (sort keys %hash){ $count++; progress("reading categories",$count,$total,0); if($c ne "Misc" && $c ne "zzz_uncategorized_catchall"){ $cats[$cid] = $c; my (@ucs) = split(/\t/,$hash{$c}); foreach my $u (@ucs){ my ($t,$f) = split(/,/,$u); my ($idx,$frq) = lookup($fsa,cleanStop($t)); if($idx>=0){ if(defined($ucats[$idx])){ if(!($ucats[$idx]=~/\b$cid\b/)){ $ucats[$idx] .= ",$cid"; } } else{ $ucats[$idx] = "$cid"; } } } $cid++; } } progress("reading categories",$count,$total,1); untie %hash; } # # Write XML output. # $count=0; $total=$#unit+1; if($output_file eq ""){ $output_file = "${domain}.xml"; } open(X,">$output_file"); print X "\n"; print X "\n"; for(my $i=0;$i<=$#unit;$i++){ $count++; progress("writing xml",$count,$total,0); print X " \n"; print X " " . $unit[$i] . "\n"; print X " \n"; if(defined($ext[$i]) && $ext[$i] ne ""){ chop($ext[$i]); my @us = split(/[ ,]/,$ext[$i]); for(my $j=0;$j<$#us+1;$j+=2){ print X " ".$unit[$us[$j]]."\n"; } } print X " \n"; print X " \n"; if(defined($assoc[$i]) && $assoc[$i] ne ""){ chop($assoc[$i]); my @usr = split(/[ ,]/,$assoc[$i]); my (@us) = aggregate(@usr); for(my $j=0;$j<$#us+1;$j+=2){ print X " ".$unit[$us[$j]]."\n"; } } print X " \n"; print X " \n"; if(defined($ucats[$i]) && $ucats[$i] ne ""){ my @ucs = split(/,/,$ucats[$i]); foreach my $c (@ucs){ print X " $cats[$c]\n"; } } print X " \n"; } progress("writing xml",$count,$total,1); print X " \n"; print X "\n"; close(X); __END__ =head1 NAME cn_txt2xml - Convert a concept network to single XML file. =head1 SYNOPSIS cn_txt2xml [options] domain Options: --[no]qfreq, -[no]q [do not] retrieve query frequencies --[no]sqfreq, -[no]s [do not] retrieve term-sorted query frequencies --[no]ext, -[no]e [do not] process extensions --[no]assoc, -[no]a [do not] process associations --[no]cat, -[no]c [do not] process categories --[no]fsa, -[no]f [do not] build fsa --stopwords=FILE, -w FILE use the given stopwords file --output-file, -o output file --verbose, -v be verbose --help, -h brief help message --man, -m full documentation =head1 OPTIONS =over 8 =item B<-help> Print a brief help message and exits. =item B<-man> Prints the manual page and exits. =back =head1 DESCRIPTION B will convert a concept network to a single XML file. useful with the contents thereof. =cut