// Copyright Yahoo. Licensed under the terms of the Apache 2.0 license. See LICENSE in the project root. package ai.vespa.hosted.api; import com.yahoo.config.provision.ApplicationId; import com.yahoo.config.provision.ApplicationName; import com.yahoo.config.provision.Environment; import com.yahoo.config.provision.InstanceName; import com.yahoo.config.provision.TenantName; import com.yahoo.config.provision.zone.ZoneId; import com.yahoo.security.KeyUtils; import com.yahoo.security.SslContextBuilder; import com.yahoo.security.X509CertificateUtils; import com.yahoo.slime.ArrayTraverser; import com.yahoo.slime.Cursor; import com.yahoo.slime.Inspector; import com.yahoo.slime.ObjectTraverser; import com.yahoo.slime.Slime; import com.yahoo.slime.SlimeUtils; import com.yahoo.text.Utf8; import javax.net.ssl.SSLContext; import javax.net.ssl.SSLParameters; import java.io.ByteArrayInputStream; import java.io.IOException; import java.io.InputStream; import java.io.UncheckedIOException; import java.net.URI; import java.net.URLEncoder; import java.net.http.HttpClient; import java.net.http.HttpRequest; import java.net.http.HttpResponse; import java.nio.file.Files; import java.nio.file.Path; import java.security.NoSuchAlgorithmException; import java.security.PrivateKey; import java.security.cert.X509Certificate; import java.time.Duration; import java.time.Instant; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.List; import java.util.Objects; import java.util.OptionalLong; import java.util.Set; import java.util.concurrent.Callable; import java.util.function.Consumer; import java.util.function.Supplier; import java.util.stream.Stream; import static ai.vespa.hosted.api.Method.DELETE; import static ai.vespa.hosted.api.Method.GET; import static ai.vespa.hosted.api.Method.POST; import static java.net.http.HttpRequest.BodyPublishers.ofInputStream; import static java.net.http.HttpResponse.BodyHandlers.ofByteArray; import static java.nio.charset.StandardCharsets.UTF_8; import static java.util.stream.Collectors.joining; /** * Talks to a remote controller over HTTP. Subclasses are responsible for adding authentication to the requests. * * @author jonmv */ public abstract class ControllerHttpClient { private final HttpClient client; private final URI endpoint; /** Creates an HTTP client against the given endpoint, using the given HTTP client builder to create a client. */ protected ControllerHttpClient(URI endpoint, SSLContext sslContext) { if (sslContext == null) { try { sslContext = SSLContext.getDefault(); } catch (NoSuchAlgorithmException e) { throw new IllegalStateException(e); } } this.endpoint = endpoint.resolve("/"); this.client = HttpClient.newBuilder().connectTimeout(Duration.ofSeconds(5)) .version(HttpClient.Version.HTTP_1_1) .sslContext(sslContext) .sslParameters(tlsv12Parameters(sslContext)) .build(); } /** Creates an HTTP client against the given endpoint, which uses the given key to authenticate as the given application. */ public static ControllerHttpClient withSignatureKey(URI endpoint, String privateKey, ApplicationId id) { return new SigningControllerHttpClient(endpoint, privateKey, id); } /** Creates an HTTP client against the given endpoint, which uses the given key to authenticate as the given application. */ public static ControllerHttpClient withSignatureKey(URI endpoint, Path privateKeyFile, ApplicationId id) { return new SigningControllerHttpClient(endpoint, privateKeyFile, id); } /** Creates an HTTP client against the given endpoint, which uses the given SSL context for authentication. */ public static ControllerHttpClient withSSLContext(URI endpoint, SSLContext sslContext) { return new MutualTlsControllerHttpClient(endpoint, sslContext); } /** Creates an HTTP client against the given endpoint, which uses the given private key and certificate identity. */ public static ControllerHttpClient withKeyAndCertificate(URI endpoint, Path privateKeyFile, Path certificateFile) { var privateKey = unchecked(() -> KeyUtils.fromPemEncodedPrivateKey(Files.readString(privateKeyFile, UTF_8))); var certificates = unchecked(() -> X509CertificateUtils.certificateListFromPem(Files.readString(certificateFile, UTF_8))); for (var certificate : certificates) if ( Instant.now().isBefore(certificate.getNotBefore().toInstant()) || Instant.now().isAfter(certificate.getNotAfter().toInstant())) throw new IllegalStateException("Certificate at '" + certificateFile + "' is valid between " + certificate.getNotBefore() + " and " + certificate.getNotAfter() + " — not now."); return new MutualTlsControllerHttpClient(endpoint, privateKey, certificates); } /** Sends the given submission to the remote controller and returns the version of the accepted package, or throws if this fails. */ public String submit(Submission submission, TenantName tenant, ApplicationName application) { return toMessage(send(request(HttpRequest.newBuilder(applicationPath(tenant, application).resolve("submit")) .timeout(Duration.ofMinutes(30)), POST, new MultiPartStreamer().addJson("submitOptions", metaToJson(submission)) .addFile("applicationZip", submission.applicationZip()) .addFile("applicationTestZip", submission.applicationTestZip())))); } /** Sends the given deployment to the given application in the given zone, or throws if this fails. */ public DeploymentResult deploy(Deployment deployment, ApplicationId id, ZoneId zone) { return toDeploymentResult(send(request(HttpRequest.newBuilder(deploymentJobPath(id, zone)) .timeout(Duration.ofMinutes(20)), POST, toDataStream(deployment)))); } /** Deactivates the deployment of the given application in the given zone. */ public String deactivate(ApplicationId id, ZoneId zone) { return toMessage(send(request(HttpRequest.newBuilder(deploymentPath(id, zone)) .timeout(Duration.ofMinutes(3)), DELETE))); } /** Sets suspension status of the given application in the given zone. */ public String suspend(ApplicationId id, ZoneId zone, boolean suspend) { return toMessage(send(request(HttpRequest.newBuilder(suspendPath(id, zone)) .timeout(Duration.ofSeconds(10)), suspend ? POST : DELETE))); } /** Returns the default {@link ZoneId} for the given environment, if any. */ public ZoneId defaultZone(Environment environment) { Inspector rootObject = toInspector(send(request(HttpRequest.newBuilder(defaultRegionPath(environment)) .timeout(Duration.ofSeconds(10)), GET))); return ZoneId.from(environment.value(), rootObject.field("name").asString()); } /** Returns the Vespa version to compile against, for a hosted Vespa application. This is its lowest runtime version. */ public String compileVersion(ApplicationId id) { return toInspector(send(request(HttpRequest.newBuilder(compileVersionPath(id.tenant(), id.application())) .timeout(Duration.ofSeconds(20)), GET))) .field("compileVersion").asString(); } /** Returns the test config for functional and verification tests of the indicated Vespa deployment. */ public TestConfig testConfig(ApplicationId id, ZoneId zone) { return TestConfig.fromJson(send(request(HttpRequest.newBuilder(testConfigPath(id, zone)) .timeout(Duration.ofSeconds(10)), GET)).body()); } /** Returns the sorted list of log entries after the given after from the deployment job of the given ids. */ public DeploymentLog deploymentLog(ApplicationId id, ZoneId zone, long run, long after) { return toDeploymentLog(send(request(HttpRequest.newBuilder(runPath(id, zone, run, after)) .timeout(Duration.ofMinutes(2)), GET))); } /** Returns the application package of the given id. */ public HttpResponse applicationPackage(ApplicationId id) { return send(request(HttpRequest.newBuilder(applicationPackagePath(id)) .timeout(Duration.ofMinutes(2)), GET)); } /** Returns the tenants in this system. */ public Set tenants() { return toTenants(send(request(HttpRequest.newBuilder(tenantsPath()) .timeout(Duration.ofSeconds(20)), GET))); } /** Returns the applications for the given tenant. */ public Set applications(TenantName tenantName) { return toApplications(send(request(HttpRequest.newBuilder(applicationsPath(tenantName)) .timeout(Duration.ofSeconds(20)), GET))); } /** Returns the application instances for the given tenant. */ public Set applicationInstances(TenantName tenantName) { return toApplicationInstances(send(request(HttpRequest.newBuilder(applicationsPath(tenantName)) .timeout(Duration.ofSeconds(20)), GET)), tenantName); } /** Returns instance info for the given application id. */ public InstanceInfo applicationInstance(ApplicationId applicationId) { return toInstanceInfo(send(request(HttpRequest.newBuilder(instancePath(applicationId)) .timeout(Duration.ofSeconds(20)), GET)), applicationId); } /** Follows the given deployment job until it is done, or this thread is interrupted, at which point the current status is returned. */ public DeploymentLog followDeploymentUntilDone(ApplicationId id, ZoneId zone, long run, Consumer out) { long last = -1; DeploymentLog log = null; while (true) { DeploymentLog update = deploymentLog(id, zone, run, last); for (DeploymentLog.Entry entry : update.entries()) out.accept(entry); log = (log == null ? update : log.updatedWith(update)); last = log.last().orElse(last); if ( ! log.isActive()) break; try { Thread.sleep(1000); } catch (InterruptedException e) { Thread.currentThread().interrupt(); break; } } return log; } /** Returns the sorted list of log entries from the deployment job of the given ids. */ public DeploymentLog deploymentLog(ApplicationId id, ZoneId zone, long run) { return deploymentLog(id, zone, run, -1); } /** Returns an authenticated request from the given input. Override this for, e.g., request signing. */ protected HttpRequest request(HttpRequest.Builder request, Method method, Supplier data) { return request.method(method.name(), ofInputStream(data)).build(); } private HttpRequest request(HttpRequest.Builder request, Method method) { return request(request, method, InputStream::nullInputStream); } private HttpRequest request(HttpRequest.Builder request, Method method, byte[] data) { return request(request, method, () -> new ByteArrayInputStream(data)); } private HttpRequest request(HttpRequest.Builder request, Method method, MultiPartStreamer data) { return request(request.setHeader("Content-Type", data.contentType()), method, data::data); } private URI applicationApiPath() { return concatenated(endpoint, "application", "v4"); } private URI tenantsPath() { return concatenated(applicationApiPath(), "tenant"); } private URI tenantPath(TenantName tenant) { return concatenated(applicationApiPath(), "tenant", tenant.value()); } private URI applicationsPath(TenantName tenant) { return concatenated(tenantPath(tenant), "application"); } private URI applicationPath(TenantName tenant, ApplicationName application) { return concatenated(tenantPath(tenant), "application", application.value()); } private URI compileVersionPath(TenantName tenant, ApplicationName application) { return concatenated(applicationPath(tenant, application), "compile-version"); } private URI instancePath(ApplicationId id) { return concatenated(applicationPath(id.tenant(), id.application()), "instance", id.instance().value()); } private URI deploymentPath(ApplicationId id, ZoneId zone) { return concatenated(instancePath(id), "environment", zone.environment().value(), "region", zone.region().value()); } private URI suspendPath(ApplicationId id, ZoneId zone) { return concatenated(deploymentPath(id, zone), "suspend"); } private URI deploymentJobPath(ApplicationId id, ZoneId zone) { return concatenated(instancePath(id), "deploy", jobNameOf(zone)); } private URI jobPath(ApplicationId id, ZoneId zone) { return concatenated(instancePath(id), "job", jobNameOf(zone)); } private URI testConfigPath(ApplicationId id, ZoneId zone) { return concatenated(jobPath(id, zone), "test-config"); } private URI runPath(ApplicationId id, ZoneId zone, long run, long after) { return withQuery(concatenated(jobPath(id, zone), "run", Long.toString(run)), "after", Long.toString(after)); } private URI applicationPackagePath(ApplicationId id) { return concatenated(applicationPath(id.tenant(), id.application()), "package"); } private URI defaultRegionPath(Environment environment) { return concatenated(endpoint, "zone", "v1", "environment", environment.value(), "default"); } private static URI concatenated(URI base, String... parts) { return base.resolve(Stream.of(parts).map(part -> URLEncoder.encode(part, UTF_8)).collect(joining("/")) + "/"); } private static URI withQuery(URI base, String name, String value) { return base.resolve( "?" + (base.getRawQuery() != null ? base.getRawQuery() + "&" : "") + URLEncoder.encode(name, UTF_8) + "=" + URLEncoder.encode(value, UTF_8)); } private static String jobNameOf(ZoneId zone) { return (zone.environment().isProduction() ? "production" : zone.environment().value()) + "-" + zone.region().value(); } /** Returns a response with a 2XX status code, with up to 10 attempts, or throws. */ private HttpResponse send(HttpRequest request) { UncheckedIOException thrown = null; for (int attempt = 1; attempt <= 10; attempt++) { try { HttpResponse response = client.send(request, ofByteArray()); if (response.statusCode() / 100 == 2) return response; Inspector rootObject = toSlime(response.body()).get(); String message = response.request() + " returned code " + response.statusCode() + (rootObject.field("error-code").valid() ? " (" + rootObject.field("error-code").asString() + ")" : "") + ": " + rootObject.field("message").asString(); if (response.statusCode() == 403) throw new IllegalArgumentException("Access denied for " + request + ": " + message); if (response.statusCode() / 100 == 4) throw new IllegalArgumentException("Bad request for " + request + ": " + message); throw new IOException(message); } catch (IOException e) { // Catches the above, and timeout exceptions from the client. if (thrown == null) thrown = new UncheckedIOException("Failed " + request + ": " + e, e); else thrown.addSuppressed(e); if (attempt < 10) try { Thread.sleep(10 << attempt); } catch (InterruptedException f) { throw new RuntimeException(f); } } catch (InterruptedException e) { throw new RuntimeException(e); } } throw thrown; } private static T unchecked(Callable callable) { try { return callable.call(); } catch (Exception e) { throw new RuntimeException(e); } } /** Returns a JSON representation of the deployment meta data. */ private static String metaToJson(Deployment deployment) { Slime slime = new Slime(); Cursor rootObject = slime.setObject(); deployment.version().ifPresent(version -> rootObject.setString("vespaVersion", version)); if (deployment.isDryRun()) rootObject.setString("dryRun", "true"); return toJson(slime); } /** Returns a JSON representation of the submission meta data. */ private static String metaToJson(Submission submission) { Slime slime = new Slime(); Cursor rootObject = slime.setObject(); submission.repository().ifPresent(repository -> rootObject.setString("repository", repository)); submission.branch().ifPresent(branch -> rootObject.setString("branch", branch)); submission.commit().ifPresent(commit -> rootObject.setString("commit", commit)); submission.sourceUrl().ifPresent(url -> rootObject.setString("sourceUrl", url)); submission.authorEmail().ifPresent(email -> rootObject.setString("authorEmail", email)); submission.projectId().ifPresent(projectId -> rootObject.setLong("projectId", projectId)); return toJson(slime); } /** Returns a multi part data stream with meta data and, if contained in the deployment, an application package. */ private static MultiPartStreamer toDataStream(Deployment deployment) { MultiPartStreamer streamer = new MultiPartStreamer(); streamer.addJson("deployOptions", metaToJson(deployment)); streamer.addFile("applicationZip", deployment.applicationZip()); return streamer; } /** Returns the response body as a String, or throws if the status code is non-2XX. */ private static String asString(HttpResponse response) { return new String(response.body(), UTF_8); } /** Returns an {@link Inspector} for the assumed JSON formatted response. */ private static Inspector toInspector(HttpResponse response) { return toSlime(response.body()).get(); } /** Returns the "message" element contained in the JSON formatted response. */ private static String toMessage(HttpResponse response) { return toInspector(response).field("message").asString(); } private static DeploymentResult toDeploymentResult(HttpResponse response) { Inspector rootObject = toInspector(response); return new DeploymentResult(rootObject.field("message").asString(), rootObject.field("run").asLong()); } private static DeploymentLog toDeploymentLog(HttpResponse response) { Inspector rootObject = toInspector(response); List entries = new ArrayList<>(); rootObject.field("log").traverse((ObjectTraverser) (step, entryArray) -> entryArray.traverse((ArrayTraverser) (___, entryObject) -> { entries.add(new DeploymentLog.Entry(Instant.ofEpochMilli(entryObject.field("at").asLong()), DeploymentLog.Level.of(entryObject.field("type").asString()), entryObject.field("message").asString(), "copyVespaLogs".equals(step))); })); return new DeploymentLog(entries, rootObject.field("active").asBool(), valueOf(rootObject.field("status").asString()), rootObject.field("lastId").valid() ? OptionalLong.of(rootObject.field("lastId").asLong()) : OptionalLong.empty()); } private static Set toTenants(HttpResponse response) { Set tenants = new HashSet<>(); toInspector(response).traverse((ArrayTraverser) (___, entryObject) -> tenants.add(TenantName.from(entryObject.field("tenant").asString()))); return tenants; } private static Set toApplications(HttpResponse response) { Set applications = new HashSet<>(); toInspector(response).traverse((ArrayTraverser) (___, entryObject) -> applications.add(ApplicationName.from(entryObject.field("application").asString()))); return applications; } private static Set toApplicationInstances(HttpResponse response, TenantName tenantName) { Set applicationIds = new HashSet<>(); toInspector(response).traverse((ArrayTraverser) (___, entryObject) -> { ApplicationName applicationName = ApplicationName.from(entryObject.field("application").asString()); entryObject.field("instances").traverse((ArrayTraverser) (____, instanceObject) -> applicationIds.add(ApplicationId.from(tenantName, applicationName, InstanceName.from(instanceObject.field("instance").asString())))); }); return applicationIds; } // Note: Much more data in response, only the interesting parts of response are included in InstanceInfo for now private static InstanceInfo toInstanceInfo(HttpResponse response, ApplicationId applicationId) { Set zones = new HashSet<>(); toInspector(response).field("instances").traverse((ArrayTraverser) (___, entryObject) -> zones.add(ZoneId.from(entryObject.field("environment").asString(), entryObject.field("region").asString()))); return new InstanceInfo(applicationId, zones); } private static Slime toSlime(byte[] data) { return SlimeUtils.jsonToSlime(data); } private static String toJson(Slime slime) { try { return Utf8.toString(SlimeUtils.toJsonBytes(slime)); } catch (IOException e) { throw new UncheckedIOException(e); } } private static SSLParameters tlsv12Parameters(SSLContext sslContext) { SSLParameters parameters = sslContext.getDefaultSSLParameters(); parameters.setProtocols(new String[]{ "TLSv1.2" }); return parameters; } /** Client that signs requests with a private key whose public part is assigned to an application in the remote controller. */ private static class SigningControllerHttpClient extends ControllerHttpClient { private final RequestSigner signer; private SigningControllerHttpClient(URI endpoint, String privateKey, ApplicationId id) { super(endpoint, null); this.signer = new RequestSigner(privateKey, id.serializedForm()); } private SigningControllerHttpClient(URI endpoint, Path privateKeyFile, ApplicationId id) { this(endpoint, unchecked(() -> Files.readString(privateKeyFile, UTF_8)), id); } @Override protected HttpRequest request(HttpRequest.Builder request, Method method, Supplier data) { return signer.signed(request, method, data); } } /** Client that uses a given key / certificate identity to authenticate to the remote controller. */ private static class MutualTlsControllerHttpClient extends ControllerHttpClient { private MutualTlsControllerHttpClient(URI endpoint, SSLContext sslContext) { super(endpoint, Objects.requireNonNull(sslContext)); } private MutualTlsControllerHttpClient(URI endpoint, PrivateKey privateKey, List certs) { this(endpoint, new SslContextBuilder().withKeyStore(privateKey, certs).build()); } } private static DeploymentLog.Status valueOf(String status) { switch (status) { case "running": return DeploymentLog.Status.running; case "aborted": return DeploymentLog.Status.aborted; case "error": return DeploymentLog.Status.error; case "testFailure": return DeploymentLog.Status.testFailure; case "outOfCapacity": return DeploymentLog.Status.outOfCapacity; case "installationFailed": return DeploymentLog.Status.installationFailed; case "deploymentFailed": return DeploymentLog.Status.deploymentFailed; case "endpointCertificateTimeout": return DeploymentLog.Status.endpointCertificateTimeout; case "success": return DeploymentLog.Status.success; default: throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unexpected status '" + status + "'"); } } public static class InstanceInfo { private final ApplicationId applicationId; private final Set zones; InstanceInfo(ApplicationId applicationId, Set zones) { this.applicationId = applicationId; this.zones = zones; } public ApplicationId applicationId() { return applicationId; } public Set zones() { return zones; } } }