# SD Reader IntelliJ plugin for working with Vespa application packages. ## Using the plugin Download it from JetBrains Marketplace. ## Using a local build Build (see below) and load it in IntelliJ by choosing Preferences -> Plugins -> Press the gear icon -> Install Plugin from Disk. ## Building the plugin gradle This produces an installable plugin .zip in the directory build/distributions *Prerequisite*: gradle 7. Why gradle? Because it's what JetBrains supports for building plugins. However, gradle is configured with a maven directory layout. ## Optional IntelliJ plugins for working with plugin development 1. Plugin DevKit 2. Grammar-Kit: For reading the .bnf file. 3. PsiViewer: Helps testing the bnf grammar. With the first (?), you can run the gradle task "intellij/runIde" (or "./gradlew runIde" in the command line), open a project with some sd file and see how the plugin works on it. ## Some useful links: 1. JetBrains official tutorials: https://plugins.jetbrains.com/docs/intellij/custom-language-support.html and https://plugins.jetbrains.com/docs/intellij/custom-language-support-tutorial.html 2. Grammar-Kit HOWTO: Helps to understand the BNF syntax. https://github.com/JetBrains/Grammar-Kit/blob/master/HOWTO.md 3. How to deal with left-recursion in the grammar (in SD for example it happens in expressions). Last answer here: https://intellij-support.jetbrains.com/hc/en-us/community/posts/360001258300-What-s-the-alternative-to-left-recursion-in-GrammarKit- 4. Great tutorial for a custom-language-plugin, but only for the basics (mainly the parser and lexer): https://medium.com/@shan1024/custom-language-plugin-development-for-intellij-idea-part-01-d6a41ab96bc9 5. Code of Dart (some custom language) plugin for IntelliJ: https://github.com/JetBrains/intellij-plugins/tree/0f07ca63355d5530b441ca566c98f17c560e77f8/Dart