// Copyright Yahoo. Licensed under the terms of the Apache 2.0 license. See LICENSE in the project root. package com.yahoo.jdisc.test; import com.yahoo.api.annotations.Beta; import com.google.inject.AbstractModule; import com.google.inject.Key; import com.google.inject.Module; import com.google.inject.name.Names; import com.google.inject.util.Modules; import com.yahoo.jdisc.Request; import com.yahoo.jdisc.Response; import com.yahoo.jdisc.application.BindingSetSelector; import com.yahoo.jdisc.application.ContainerBuilder; import com.yahoo.jdisc.handler.AbstractRequestHandler; import com.yahoo.jdisc.handler.CompletionHandler; import com.yahoo.jdisc.handler.ContentChannel; import com.yahoo.jdisc.handler.ResponseHandler; import com.yahoo.jdisc.service.ServerProvider; import java.io.Closeable; import java.io.PrintWriter; import java.io.StringWriter; import java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException; import java.lang.reflect.Method; import java.lang.reflect.Modifier; import java.nio.ByteBuffer; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.Set; import java.util.concurrent.Callable; import java.util.concurrent.CountDownLatch; import java.util.concurrent.ExecutorService; import java.util.concurrent.Executors; import java.util.concurrent.RejectedExecutionException; import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit; import java.util.concurrent.TimeoutException; import java.util.logging.Logger; import java.util.stream.Stream; /** * @author Simon Thoresen Hult */ @SuppressWarnings("UnusedDeclaration") @Beta public abstract class ServerProviderConformanceTest { private static final Logger log = Logger.getLogger(ServerProviderConformanceTest.class.getName()); private static final int NUM_RUNS_EACH_TEST = 1; /** *

This interface declares the adapter between the general conformance test and an actual ServerProvider * implementation. Every test runs as follows:

  1. {@link #newConfigModule()} is called to bind server-specific configuration.
  2. *
  3. {@link #getServerProviderClass()} is called, and guice is asked to construct an instance of that class.
  4. *
  5. {@link #newClient(ServerProvider)} is called one or more times as required by the test case.
  6. *
  7. {@link #executeRequest(Object, boolean)} is called one or more times per client, as required by the test case.
  8. *
  9. {@link #validateResponse(Object)} is called once per call to {@link #executeRequest(Object, boolean)}.
  10. *
* * @param The ServerProvider under test. * @param An object that represents a remote client that can connect to the server. * @param An object that holds the response generated by the client when executing a request. */ public interface Adapter { Module newConfigModule(); Class getServerProviderClass(); U newClient(T server) throws Throwable; V executeRequest(U client, boolean withRequestContent) throws Throwable; Iterable newResponseContent(); void validateResponse(V response) throws Throwable; } /** *

An instance of this exception is thrown within the conformance tests that imply that they will throw an * exception. If your ServerProvider is capable of exposing such information, then this class is what you * need to look for in the output.

*/ public static class ConformanceException extends RuntimeException { private final Event peekEvent; public ConformanceException() { peekEvent = null; } /** * In some tests, we want to ensure that a thrown exception has been handled by the framework before * we do something else. There is no official hook to receive notification that the framework has * handled an exception, but we assume (actually know) that the message of the exception will be * accessed to create an error message. The provided event will signal that the exception * has been _looked at_ by the framework, which we treat as synonymous with "handled" (due to * synchronization in the framework, it is). */ public ConformanceException(final Event peekEvent) { this.peekEvent = peekEvent; } @Override public String getMessage() { if (peekEvent != null) { peekEvent.happened(); } return super.getMessage(); } } /* The following section declares and implements all test cases for the ServerProvider conformance test. When * subclassing this test, you must implement these methods, annotate them as test methods and call runTest() * from within each of them with an appropriate adapter instance. * * The test set up various scenarios with successes, failures and exceptions in different places and with * different timing. There are many dimensions to test across, hence some really long method names. Some * notes about the naming "scheme": * - "testRequest" means the funky stuff happens in the handleRequest() method. * - "testRequestContent" indicates that the funky stuff happens in the request content channel's code. * - "testResponse" indicates that the funky stuff happens with the response content channel. * - "Failure" means that failed() is called on some completion handler (the method name should indicate which). * - "Nondeterministic" exception/failure means that it can occur before, during or after writing response content. * The reason we include non-deterministic tests is that the deterministic ones involve synchronization, which * may hide race conditions in the underlying processing. So we want some tests that "run free" as well. * - "WithSync" means that anything NOT mentioned happens asynchronously, in a different thread. * - "Before"/"After" is significant in some protocols; e.g. in http, status and headers are committed at one point. * - "NoContent" refers to response content. * There are quite likely possible scenarios that are not tested, but this is a good portion. */ public abstract void testContainerNotReadyException() throws Throwable; private void testContainerNotReadyException( final Adapter adapter, final Module... config) throws Throwable { runTest(adapter, Modules.override(Modules.combine(config)).with(newActivateContainer(false)), RequestType.WITHOUT_CONTENT, new TestRequestHandler() { @Override public ContentChannel handle(Request request, ResponseHandler handler) { throw new AssertionError(); } }); } public abstract void testBindingSetNotFoundException() throws Throwable; private void testBindingSetNotFoundException( final Adapter adapter, final Module... config) throws Throwable { runTest(adapter, Modules.override(Modules.combine()).with(newBindingSetSelector("unknown")), RequestType.WITHOUT_CONTENT, new TestRequestHandler() { @Override public ContentChannel handle(Request request, ResponseHandler handler) { throw new AssertionError(); } }); } public abstract void testNoBindingSetSelectedException() throws Throwable; private void testNoBindingSetSelectedException( final Adapter adapter, final Module... config) throws Throwable { runTest(adapter, Modules.override(Modules.combine()).with(newBindingSetSelector(null)), RequestType.WITHOUT_CONTENT, new TestRequestHandler() { @Override public ContentChannel handle(Request request, ResponseHandler handler) { throw new AssertionError(); } }); } public abstract void testBindingNotFoundException() throws Throwable; private void testBindingNotFoundException( final Adapter adapter, final Module... config) throws Throwable { runTest(adapter, Modules.override(Modules.combine(config)).with(newServerBinding("not://found/")), RequestType.WITHOUT_CONTENT, new TestRequestHandler() { @Override public ContentChannel handle(Request request, ResponseHandler handler) { throw new AssertionError(); } }); } public abstract void testRequestHandlerWithSyncCloseResponse() throws Throwable; private void testRequestHandlerWithSyncCloseResponse( final Adapter adapter, final Module... config) throws Throwable { runTest(adapter, Modules.combine(config), RequestType.WITHOUT_CONTENT, new TestRequestHandler() { @Override public ContentChannel handle(final Request request, final ResponseHandler handler) { final ContentChannel out = handler.handleResponse(new Response(Response.Status.OK)); writeResponse(out); closeResponse(out); return null; } }); } public abstract void testRequestHandlerWithSyncWriteResponse() throws Throwable; private void testRequestHandlerWithSyncWriteResponse( final Adapter adapter, final Module... config) throws Throwable { runTest(adapter, Modules.combine(config), RequestType.WITHOUT_CONTENT, new TestRequestHandler() { @Override public ContentChannel handle(final Request request, final ResponseHandler handler) { final ContentChannel out = handler.handleResponse(new Response(Response.Status.OK)); writeResponse(out); closeResponseInOtherThread(out); return null; } }); } public abstract void testRequestHandlerWithSyncHandleResponse() throws Throwable; private void testRequestHandlerWithSyncHandleResponse( final Adapter adapter, final Module... config) throws Throwable { runTest(adapter, Modules.combine(config), RequestType.WITHOUT_CONTENT, new TestRequestHandler() { @Override public ContentChannel handle(final Request request, final ResponseHandler handler) { final ContentChannel out = handler.handleResponse(new Response(Response.Status.OK)); callInOtherThread(() -> { writeResponse(out); closeResponse(out); return null; }); return null; } }); } public abstract void testRequestHandlerWithAsyncHandleResponse() throws Throwable; private void testRequestHandlerWithAsyncHandleResponse( final Adapter adapter, final Module... config) throws Throwable { runTest(adapter, Modules.combine(config), RequestType.WITHOUT_CONTENT, new TestRequestHandler() { @Override public ContentChannel handle(final Request request, final ResponseHandler handler) { respondWithContentInOtherThread(handler); return null; } }); } public abstract void testRequestException() throws Throwable; private void testRequestException( final Adapter adapter, final Module... config) throws Throwable { runTest(adapter, Modules.combine(config), RequestType.WITHOUT_CONTENT, new TestRequestHandler() { @Override public ContentChannel handle(Request request, ResponseHandler handler) { throw new ConformanceException(); } }); } public abstract void testRequestExceptionWithSyncCloseResponse() throws Throwable; private void testRequestExceptionWithSyncCloseResponse( final Adapter adapter, final Module... config) throws Throwable { runTest(adapter, Modules.combine(config), RequestType.WITHOUT_CONTENT, new TestRequestHandler() { @Override public ContentChannel handle(final Request request, final ResponseHandler handler) { final ContentChannel out = handler.handleResponse(new Response(Response.Status.OK)); writeResponse(out); closeResponse(out); throw new ConformanceException(); } }); } public abstract void testRequestExceptionWithSyncWriteResponse() throws Throwable; private void testRequestExceptionWithSyncWriteResponse( final Adapter adapter, final Module... config) throws Throwable { runTest(adapter, Modules.combine(config), RequestType.WITHOUT_CONTENT, new TestRequestHandler() { @Override public ContentChannel handle(final Request request, final ResponseHandler handler) { final ContentChannel out = handler.handleResponse(new Response(Response.Status.OK)); writeResponse(out); closeResponseInOtherThread(out); throw new ConformanceException(); } }); } public abstract void testRequestNondeterministicExceptionWithSyncHandleResponse() throws Throwable; private void testRequestNondeterministicExceptionWithSyncHandleResponse( final Adapter adapter, final Module... config) throws Throwable { runTest(adapter, Modules.combine(config), RequestType.WITHOUT_CONTENT, new TestRequestHandler() { @Override public ContentChannel handle(final Request request, final ResponseHandler handler) { final ContentChannel out = handler.handleResponse(new Response(Response.Status.OK)); callInOtherThread(() -> { writeResponse(out); closeResponse(out); return null; }); throw new ConformanceException(); } }); } public abstract void testRequestExceptionBeforeResponseWriteWithSyncHandleResponse() throws Throwable; private void testRequestExceptionBeforeResponseWriteWithSyncHandleResponse( final Adapter adapter, final Module... config) throws Throwable { runTest(adapter, Modules.combine(config), RequestType.WITHOUT_CONTENT, new TestRequestHandler() { @Override public ContentChannel handle(final Request request, final ResponseHandler handler) { final ContentChannel out = handler.handleResponse(new Response(Response.Status.OK)); final Event exceptionHandledByFramework = new Event(); callInOtherThread(() -> { exceptionHandledByFramework.await(); writeResponse(out); closeResponse(out); return null; }); throw new ConformanceException(exceptionHandledByFramework); } }); } public abstract void testRequestExceptionAfterResponseWriteWithSyncHandleResponse() throws Throwable; private void testRequestExceptionAfterResponseWriteWithSyncHandleResponse( final Adapter adapter, final Module... config) throws Throwable { runTest(adapter, Modules.combine(config), RequestType.WITHOUT_CONTENT, new TestRequestHandler() { @Override public ContentChannel handle(final Request request, final ResponseHandler handler) { final ContentChannel out = handler.handleResponse(new Response(Response.Status.OK)); callInOtherThread(() -> { writeResponse(out); closeResponse(out); return null; }); responseWritten.await(); throw new ConformanceException(); } }); } public abstract void testRequestNondeterministicExceptionWithAsyncHandleResponse() throws Throwable; private void testRequestNondeterministicExceptionWithAsyncHandleResponse( final Adapter adapter, final Module... config) throws Throwable { runTest(adapter, Modules.combine(config), RequestType.WITHOUT_CONTENT, new TestRequestHandler() { @Override public ContentChannel handle(final Request request, final ResponseHandler handler) { callInOtherThread(new Callable() { @Override public Void call() throws Exception { try { final ContentChannel out = handler.handleResponse(new Response(Response.Status.OK)); closeResponse(out); } catch (Throwable ignored) { } return null; } }); throw new ConformanceException(); } }); } public abstract void testRequestExceptionBeforeResponseWriteWithAsyncHandleResponse() throws Throwable; private void testRequestExceptionBeforeResponseWriteWithAsyncHandleResponse( final Adapter adapter, final Module... config) throws Throwable { runTest(adapter, Modules.combine(config), RequestType.WITHOUT_CONTENT, new TestRequestHandler() { @Override public ContentChannel handle(final Request request, final ResponseHandler handler) { final Event exceptionHandledByFramework = new Event(); callInOtherThread(new Callable() { @Override public Void call() throws Exception { exceptionHandledByFramework.await(); try { final ContentChannel out = handler.handleResponse(new Response(Response.Status.OK)); exceptionHandledByFramework.await(); writeResponse(out); closeResponse(out); } catch (Throwable ignored) { } return null; } }); throw new ConformanceException(exceptionHandledByFramework); } }); } public abstract void testRequestExceptionAfterResponseCloseNoContentWithAsyncHandleResponse() throws Throwable; private void testRequestExceptionAfterResponseCloseNoContentWithAsyncHandleResponse( final Adapter adapter, final Module... config) throws Throwable { runTest(adapter, Modules.combine(config), RequestType.WITHOUT_CONTENT, new TestRequestHandler() { @Override public ContentChannel handle(final Request request, final ResponseHandler handler) { callInOtherThread(() -> { try { respondNoContent(handler); } catch (Throwable ignored) { } return null; }); responseClosed.await(); throw new ConformanceException(); } }); } public abstract void testRequestExceptionAfterResponseWriteWithAsyncHandleResponse() throws Throwable; private void testRequestExceptionAfterResponseWriteWithAsyncHandleResponse( final Adapter adapter, final Module... config) throws Throwable { runTest(adapter, Modules.combine(config), RequestType.WITHOUT_CONTENT, new TestRequestHandler() { @Override public ContentChannel handle(final Request request, final ResponseHandler handler) { callInOtherThread(new Callable() { @Override public Void call() throws Exception { final ContentChannel out = handler.handleResponse(new Response(Response.Status.OK)); writeResponse(out); closeResponse(out); return null; } }); responseWritten.await(); throw new ConformanceException(); } }); } public abstract void testRequestContentWriteWithSyncCompletion() throws Throwable; private void testRequestContentWriteWithSyncCompletion( final Adapter adapter, final Module... config) throws Throwable { runTest(adapter, Modules.combine(config), RequestType.WITH_CONTENT, new TestRequestHandler() { @Override public ContentChannel handle(final Request request, final ResponseHandler handler) { respondWithContentInOtherThread(handler); return new ContentChannel() { @Override public void write(final ByteBuffer buf, final CompletionHandler handler) { handler.completed(); } @Override public void close(final CompletionHandler handler) { handler.completed(); } }; } }); } public abstract void testRequestContentWriteWithAsyncCompletion() throws Throwable; private void testRequestContentWriteWithAsyncCompletion( final Adapter adapter, final Module... config) throws Throwable { runTest(adapter, Modules.combine(config), RequestType.WITH_CONTENT, new TestRequestHandler() { @Override public ContentChannel handle(final Request request, final ResponseHandler handler) { respondWithContentInOtherThread(handler); return new ContentChannel() { @Override public void write(final ByteBuffer buf, final CompletionHandler handler) { completeInOtherThread(handler); } @Override public void close(final CompletionHandler handler) { handler.completed(); } }; } }); } public abstract void testRequestContentWriteWithNondeterministicSyncFailure() throws Throwable; private void testRequestContentWriteWithNondeterministicSyncFailure( final Adapter adapter, final Module... config) throws Throwable { runTest(adapter, Modules.combine(config), RequestType.WITH_CONTENT, new TestRequestHandler() { @Override public ContentChannel handle(final Request request, final ResponseHandler handler) { final ContentChannel out = handler.handleResponse(new Response(Response.Status.OK)); callInOtherThread(() -> { writeResponse(out); closeResponse(out); return null; }); return new ContentChannel() { @Override public void write(final ByteBuffer buf, final CompletionHandler handler) { handler.failed(new ConformanceException()); } @Override public void close(final CompletionHandler handler) { handler.completed(); } }; } }); } public abstract void testRequestContentWriteWithSyncFailureBeforeResponseWrite() throws Throwable; private void testRequestContentWriteWithSyncFailureBeforeResponseWrite( final Adapter adapter, final Module... config) throws Throwable { runTest(adapter, Modules.combine(config), RequestType.WITH_CONTENT, new TestRequestHandler() { @Override public ContentChannel handle(final Request request, final ResponseHandler handler) { final ContentChannel out = handler.handleResponse(new Response(Response.Status.OK)); final Event failDone = new Event(); callInOtherThread(() -> { failDone.await(); writeResponse(out); closeResponse(out); return null; }); return new ContentChannel() { @Override public void write(final ByteBuffer buf, final CompletionHandler handler) { try { handler.failed(new ConformanceException()); } finally { failDone.happened(); } } @Override public void close(final CompletionHandler handler) { handler.completed(); } }; } }); } public abstract void testRequestContentWriteWithSyncFailureAfterResponseWrite() throws Throwable; private void testRequestContentWriteWithSyncFailureAfterResponseWrite( final Adapter adapter, final Module... config) throws Throwable { runTest(adapter, Modules.combine(config), RequestType.WITH_CONTENT, new TestRequestHandler() { @Override public ContentChannel handle(final Request request, final ResponseHandler handler) { final ContentChannel out = handler.handleResponse(new Response(Response.Status.OK)); callInOtherThread(() -> { writeResponse(out); closeResponse(out); return null; }); return new ContentChannel() { @Override public void write(final ByteBuffer buf, final CompletionHandler handler) { responseWritten.await(); handler.failed(new ConformanceException()); } @Override public void close(final CompletionHandler handler) { handler.completed(); } }; } }); } public abstract void testRequestContentWriteWithNondeterministicAsyncFailure() throws Throwable; private void testRequestContentWriteWithNondeterministicAsyncFailure( final Adapter adapter, final Module... config) throws Throwable { runTest(adapter, Modules.combine(config), RequestType.WITH_CONTENT, new TestRequestHandler() { @Override public ContentChannel handle(final Request request, final ResponseHandler handler) { final ContentChannel out = handler.handleResponse(new Response(Response.Status.OK)); callInOtherThread(() -> { writeResponse(out); closeResponse(out); return null; }); return new ContentChannel() { @Override public void write(final ByteBuffer buf, final CompletionHandler handler) { callInOtherThread(() -> { handler.failed(new ConformanceException()); return null; }); } @Override public void close(final CompletionHandler handler) { handler.completed(); } }; } }); } public abstract void testRequestContentWriteWithAsyncFailureBeforeResponseWrite() throws Throwable; private void testRequestContentWriteWithAsyncFailureBeforeResponseWrite( final Adapter adapter, final Module... config) throws Throwable { runTest(adapter, Modules.combine(config), RequestType.WITH_CONTENT, new TestRequestHandler() { @Override public ContentChannel handle(final Request request, final ResponseHandler handler) { final ContentChannel out = handler.handleResponse(new Response(Response.Status.OK)); final Event failDone = new Event(); callInOtherThread(() -> { failDone.await(); writeResponse(out); closeResponse(out); return null; }); return new ContentChannel() { @Override public void write(final ByteBuffer buf, final CompletionHandler handler) { callInOtherThread(() -> { try { handler.failed(new ConformanceException()); } finally { failDone.happened(); } return null; }); } @Override public void close(final CompletionHandler handler) { handler.completed(); } }; } }); } public abstract void testRequestContentWriteWithAsyncFailureAfterResponseWrite() throws Throwable; private void testRequestContentWriteWithAsyncFailureAfterResponseWrite( final Adapter adapter, final Module... config) throws Throwable { runTest(adapter, Modules.combine(config), RequestType.WITH_CONTENT, new TestRequestHandler() { @Override public ContentChannel handle(final Request request, final ResponseHandler handler) { final ContentChannel out = handler.handleResponse(new Response(Response.Status.OK)); callInOtherThread(() -> { writeResponse(out); closeResponse(out); return null; }); return new ContentChannel() { @Override public void write(final ByteBuffer buf, final CompletionHandler handler) { callInOtherThread(() -> { responseWritten.await(); handler.failed(new ConformanceException()); return null; }); } @Override public void close(final CompletionHandler handler) { handler.completed(); } }; } }); } public abstract void testRequestContentWriteWithAsyncFailureAfterResponseCloseNoContent() throws Throwable; private void testRequestContentWriteWithAsyncFailureAfterResponseCloseNoContent( final Adapter adapter, final Module... config) throws Throwable { runTest(adapter, Modules.combine(config), RequestType.WITH_CONTENT, new TestRequestHandler() { @Override public ContentChannel handle(final Request request, final ResponseHandler handler) { final ContentChannel out = handler.handleResponse(new Response(Response.Status.OK)); callInOtherThread(() -> { closeResponse(out); return null; }); return new ContentChannel() { @Override public void write(final ByteBuffer buf, final CompletionHandler handler) { callInOtherThread(() -> { responseClosed.await(); handler.failed(new ConformanceException()); return null; }); } @Override public void close(final CompletionHandler handler) { handler.completed(); } }; } }); } public abstract void testRequestContentWriteNondeterministicException() throws Throwable; private void testRequestContentWriteNondeterministicException( final Adapter adapter, final Module... config) throws Throwable { runTest(adapter, Modules.combine(config), RequestType.WITH_CONTENT, new TestRequestHandler() { @Override public ContentChannel handle(final Request request, final ResponseHandler handler) { final ContentChannel out = handler.handleResponse(new Response(Response.Status.OK)); callInOtherThread(() -> { writeResponse(out); closeResponse(out); return null; }); return new ContentChannel() { @Override public void write(final ByteBuffer buf, final CompletionHandler handler) { throw new ConformanceException(); } @Override public void close(final CompletionHandler handler) { handler.completed(); } }; } }); } public abstract void testRequestContentWriteExceptionBeforeResponseWrite() throws Throwable; private void testRequestContentWriteExceptionBeforeResponseWrite( final Adapter adapter, final Module... config) throws Throwable { runTest(adapter, Modules.combine(config), RequestType.WITH_CONTENT, new TestRequestHandler() { @Override public ContentChannel handle(final Request request, final ResponseHandler handler) { final ContentChannel out = handler.handleResponse(new Response(Response.Status.OK)); final Event exceptionHandledByFramework = new Event(); callInOtherThread(() -> { exceptionHandledByFramework.await(); writeResponse(out); closeResponse(out); return null; }); return new ContentChannel() { @Override public void write(final ByteBuffer buf, final CompletionHandler handler) { throw new ConformanceException(exceptionHandledByFramework); } @Override public void close(final CompletionHandler handler) { handler.completed(); } }; } }); } public abstract void testRequestContentWriteExceptionAfterResponseWrite() throws Throwable; private void testRequestContentWriteExceptionAfterResponseWrite( final Adapter adapter, final Module... config) throws Throwable { runTest(adapter, Modules.combine(config), RequestType.WITH_CONTENT, new TestRequestHandler() { @Override public ContentChannel handle(final Request request, final ResponseHandler handler) { final ContentChannel out = handler.handleResponse(new Response(Response.Status.OK)); callInOtherThread(() -> { writeResponse(out); closeResponse(out); return null; }); return new ContentChannel() { @Override public void write(final ByteBuffer buf, final CompletionHandler handler) { responseWritten.await(); throw new ConformanceException(); } @Override public void close(final CompletionHandler handler) { handler.completed(); } }; } }); } public abstract void testRequestContentWriteExceptionAfterResponseCloseNoContent() throws Throwable; private void testRequestContentWriteExceptionAfterResponseCloseNoContent( final Adapter adapter, final Module... config) throws Throwable { runTest(adapter, Modules.combine(config), RequestType.WITH_CONTENT, new TestRequestHandler() { @Override public ContentChannel handle(final Request request, final ResponseHandler handler) { final ContentChannel out = handler.handleResponse(new Response(Response.Status.OK)); callInOtherThread(() -> { closeResponse(out); return null; }); return new ContentChannel() { @Override public void write(final ByteBuffer buf, final CompletionHandler handler) { responseClosed.await(); throw new ConformanceException(); } @Override public void close(final CompletionHandler handler) { handler.completed(); } }; } }); } public abstract void testRequestContentWriteNondeterministicExceptionWithSyncCompletion() throws Throwable; private void testRequestContentWriteNondeterministicExceptionWithSyncCompletion( final Adapter adapter, final Module... config) throws Throwable { runTest(adapter, Modules.combine(config), RequestType.WITH_CONTENT, new TestRequestHandler() { @Override public ContentChannel handle(final Request request, final ResponseHandler handler) { final ContentChannel out = handler.handleResponse(new Response(Response.Status.OK)); callInOtherThread(() -> { writeResponse(out); closeResponse(out); return null; }); return new ContentChannel() { @Override public void write(final ByteBuffer buf, final CompletionHandler handler) { handler.completed(); throw new ConformanceException(); } @Override public void close(final CompletionHandler handler) { handler.completed(); } }; } }); } public abstract void testRequestContentWriteExceptionBeforeResponseWriteWithSyncCompletion() throws Throwable; private void testRequestContentWriteExceptionBeforeResponseWriteWithSyncCompletion( final Adapter adapter, final Module... config) throws Throwable { runTest(adapter, Modules.combine(config), RequestType.WITH_CONTENT, new TestRequestHandler() { @Override public ContentChannel handle(final Request request, final ResponseHandler handler) { final ContentChannel out = handler.handleResponse(new Response(Response.Status.OK)); final Event exceptionHandledByFramework = new Event(); callInOtherThread(() -> { exceptionHandledByFramework.await(); writeResponse(out); closeResponse(out); return null; }); return new ContentChannel() { @Override public void write(final ByteBuffer buf, final CompletionHandler handler) { handler.completed(); throw new ConformanceException(exceptionHandledByFramework); } @Override public void close(final CompletionHandler handler) { handler.completed(); } }; } }); } public abstract void testRequestContentWriteExceptionAfterResponseWriteWithSyncCompletion() throws Throwable; private void testRequestContentWriteExceptionAfterResponseWriteWithSyncCompletion( final Adapter adapter, final Module... config) throws Throwable { runTest(adapter, Modules.combine(config), RequestType.WITH_CONTENT, new TestRequestHandler() { @Override public ContentChannel handle(final Request request, final ResponseHandler handler) { final ContentChannel out = handler.handleResponse(new Response(Response.Status.OK)); callInOtherThread(() -> { writeResponse(out); closeResponse(out); return null; }); return new ContentChannel() { @Override public void write(final ByteBuffer buf, final CompletionHandler handler) { handler.completed(); responseWritten.await(); throw new ConformanceException(); } @Override public void close(final CompletionHandler handler) { handler.completed(); } }; } }); } public abstract void testRequestContentWriteExceptionAfterResponseCloseNoContentWithSyncCompletion() throws Throwable; private void testRequestContentWriteExceptionAfterResponseCloseNoContentWithSyncCompletion( final Adapter adapter, final Module... config) throws Throwable { runTest(adapter, Modules.combine(config), RequestType.WITH_CONTENT, new TestRequestHandler() { @Override public ContentChannel handle(final Request request, final ResponseHandler handler) { final ContentChannel out = handler.handleResponse(new Response(Response.Status.OK)); callInOtherThread(() -> { closeResponse(out); return null; }); return new ContentChannel() { @Override public void write(final ByteBuffer buf, final CompletionHandler handler) { handler.completed(); responseClosed.await(); throw new ConformanceException(); } @Override public void close(final CompletionHandler handler) { handler.completed(); } }; } }); } public abstract void testRequestContentWriteNondeterministicExceptionWithAsyncCompletion() throws Throwable; private void testRequestContentWriteNondeterministicExceptionWithAsyncCompletion( final Adapter adapter, final Module... config) throws Throwable { runTest(adapter, Modules.combine(config), RequestType.WITH_CONTENT, new TestRequestHandler() { @Override public ContentChannel handle(final Request request, final ResponseHandler handler) { final ContentChannel out = handler.handleResponse(new Response(Response.Status.OK)); callInOtherThread(() -> { writeResponse(out); closeResponse(out); return null; }); return new ContentChannel() { @Override public void write(final ByteBuffer buf, final CompletionHandler handler) { completeInOtherThread(handler, IllegalStateException.class); throw new ConformanceException(); } @Override public void close(final CompletionHandler handler) { handler.completed(); } }; } }); } public abstract void testRequestContentWriteExceptionBeforeResponseWriteWithAsyncCompletion() throws Throwable; private void testRequestContentWriteExceptionBeforeResponseWriteWithAsyncCompletion( final Adapter adapter, final Module... config) throws Throwable { runTest(adapter, Modules.combine(config), RequestType.WITH_CONTENT, new TestRequestHandler() { @Override public ContentChannel handle(final Request request, final ResponseHandler handler) { final ContentChannel out = handler.handleResponse(new Response(Response.Status.OK)); final Event exceptionHandledByFramework = new Event(); callInOtherThread(() -> { exceptionHandledByFramework.await(); writeResponse(out); closeResponse(out); return null; }); return new ContentChannel() { @Override public void write(final ByteBuffer buf, final CompletionHandler handler) { completeInOtherThread(handler, IllegalStateException.class); throw new ConformanceException(exceptionHandledByFramework); } @Override public void close(final CompletionHandler handler) { handler.completed(); } }; } }); } public abstract void testRequestContentWriteExceptionAfterResponseWriteWithAsyncCompletion() throws Throwable; private void testRequestContentWriteExceptionAfterResponseWriteWithAsyncCompletion( final Adapter adapter, final Module... config) throws Throwable { runTest(adapter, Modules.combine(config), RequestType.WITH_CONTENT, new TestRequestHandler() { @Override public ContentChannel handle(final Request request, final ResponseHandler handler) { final ContentChannel out = handler.handleResponse(new Response(Response.Status.OK)); callInOtherThread(() -> { writeResponse(out); closeResponse(out); return null; }); return new ContentChannel() { @Override public void write(final ByteBuffer buf, final CompletionHandler handler) { completeInOtherThread(handler, IllegalStateException.class); responseWritten.await(); throw new ConformanceException(); } @Override public void close(final CompletionHandler handler) { handler.completed(); } }; } }); } public abstract void testRequestContentWriteExceptionAfterResponseCloseNoContentWithAsyncCompletion() throws Throwable; private void testRequestContentWriteExceptionAfterResponseCloseNoContentWithAsyncCompletion( final Adapter adapter, final Module... config) throws Throwable { runTest(adapter, Modules.combine(config), RequestType.WITH_CONTENT, new TestRequestHandler() { @Override public ContentChannel handle(final Request request, final ResponseHandler handler) { final ContentChannel out = handler.handleResponse(new Response(Response.Status.OK)); callInOtherThread(() -> { closeResponse(out); return null; }); return new ContentChannel() { @Override public void write(final ByteBuffer buf, final CompletionHandler handler) { completeInOtherThread(handler, IllegalStateException.class); responseClosed.await(); throw new ConformanceException(); } @Override public void close(final CompletionHandler handler) { handler.completed(); } }; } }); } public abstract void testRequestContentWriteExceptionWithNondeterministicSyncFailure() throws Throwable; private void testRequestContentWriteExceptionWithNondeterministicSyncFailure( final Adapter adapter, final Module... config) throws Throwable { runTest(adapter, Modules.combine(config), RequestType.WITH_CONTENT, new TestRequestHandler() { @Override public ContentChannel handle(final Request request, final ResponseHandler handler) { final ContentChannel out = handler.handleResponse(new Response(Response.Status.OK)); callInOtherThread(() -> { writeResponse(out); closeResponse(out); return null; }); return new ContentChannel() { @Override public void write(final ByteBuffer buf, final CompletionHandler handler) { handler.failed(new ConformanceException()); throw new ConformanceException(); } @Override public void close(final CompletionHandler handler) { handler.completed(); } }; } }); } public abstract void testRequestContentWriteExceptionWithSyncFailureBeforeResponseWrite() throws Throwable; private void testRequestContentWriteExceptionWithSyncFailureBeforeResponseWrite( final Adapter adapter, final Module... config) throws Throwable { runTest(adapter, Modules.combine(config), RequestType.WITH_CONTENT, new TestRequestHandler() { @Override public ContentChannel handle(final Request request, final ResponseHandler handler) { final ContentChannel out = handler.handleResponse(new Response(Response.Status.OK)); final Event failDone = new Event(); callInOtherThread(() -> { failDone.await(); writeResponse(out); closeResponse(out); return null; }); return new ContentChannel() { @Override public void write(final ByteBuffer buf, final CompletionHandler handler) { try { handler.failed(new ConformanceException()); } finally { failDone.happened(); } throw new ConformanceException(); } @Override public void close(final CompletionHandler handler) { handler.completed(); } }; } }); } public abstract void testRequestContentWriteExceptionWithSyncFailureAfterResponseWrite() throws Throwable; private void testRequestContentWriteExceptionWithSyncFailureAfterResponseWrite( final Adapter adapter, final Module... config) throws Throwable { runTest(adapter, Modules.combine(config), RequestType.WITH_CONTENT, new TestRequestHandler() { @Override public ContentChannel handle(final Request request, final ResponseHandler handler) { final ContentChannel out = handler.handleResponse(new Response(Response.Status.OK)); callInOtherThread(() -> { writeResponse(out); closeResponse(out); return null; }); return new ContentChannel() { @Override public void write(final ByteBuffer buf, final CompletionHandler handler) { responseWritten.await(); handler.failed(new ConformanceException()); throw new ConformanceException(); } @Override public void close(final CompletionHandler handler) { handler.completed(); } }; } }); } public abstract void testRequestContentWriteExceptionWithSyncFailureAfterResponseCloseNoContent() throws Throwable; private void testRequestContentWriteExceptionWithSyncFailureAfterResponseCloseNoContent( final Adapter adapter, final Module... config) throws Throwable { runTest(adapter, Modules.combine(config), RequestType.WITH_CONTENT, new TestRequestHandler() { @Override public ContentChannel handle(final Request request, final ResponseHandler handler) { final ContentChannel out = handler.handleResponse(new Response(Response.Status.OK)); callInOtherThread(() -> { closeResponse(out); return null; }); return new ContentChannel() { @Override public void write(final ByteBuffer buf, final CompletionHandler handler) { responseClosed.await(); handler.failed(new ConformanceException()); throw new ConformanceException(); } @Override public void close(final CompletionHandler handler) { handler.completed(); } }; } }); } public abstract void testRequestContentWriteExceptionWithNondeterministicAsyncFailure() throws Throwable; private void testRequestContentWriteExceptionWithNondeterministicAsyncFailure( final Adapter adapter, final Module... config) throws Throwable { runTest(adapter, Modules.combine(config), RequestType.WITH_CONTENT, new TestRequestHandler() { @Override public ContentChannel handle(final Request request, final ResponseHandler handler) { final ContentChannel out = handler.handleResponse(new Response(Response.Status.OK)); callInOtherThread(() -> { writeResponse(out); closeResponse(out); return null; }); return new ContentChannel() { @Override public void write(final ByteBuffer buf, final CompletionHandler handler) { callInOtherThread(() -> { fail(handler, new ConformanceException(), IllegalStateException.class); return null; }); throw new ConformanceException(); } @Override public void close(final CompletionHandler handler) { handler.completed(); } }; } }); } public abstract void testRequestContentWriteExceptionWithAsyncFailureBeforeResponseWrite() throws Throwable; private void testRequestContentWriteExceptionWithAsyncFailureBeforeResponseWrite( final Adapter adapter, final Module... config) throws Throwable { runTest(adapter, Modules.combine(config), RequestType.WITH_CONTENT, new TestRequestHandler() { @Override public ContentChannel handle(final Request request, final ResponseHandler handler) { final ContentChannel out = handler.handleResponse(new Response(Response.Status.OK)); final Event exceptionHandled = new Event(); callInOtherThread(() -> { exceptionHandled.await(); writeResponse(out); closeResponse(out); return null; }); return new ContentChannel() { @Override public void write(final ByteBuffer buf, final CompletionHandler handler) { callInOtherThread(() -> { fail(handler, new ConformanceException(exceptionHandled), IllegalStateException.class); return null; }); throw new ConformanceException(exceptionHandled); } @Override public void close(final CompletionHandler handler) { handler.completed(); } }; } }); } public abstract void testRequestContentWriteExceptionWithAsyncFailureAfterResponseWrite() throws Throwable; private void testRequestContentWriteExceptionWithAsyncFailureAfterResponseWrite( final Adapter adapter, final Module... config) throws Throwable { runTest(adapter, Modules.combine(config), RequestType.WITH_CONTENT, new TestRequestHandler() { @Override public ContentChannel handle(final Request request, final ResponseHandler handler) { final ContentChannel out = handler.handleResponse(new Response(Response.Status.OK)); callInOtherThread(() -> { writeResponse(out); closeResponse(out); return null; }); return new ContentChannel() { @Override public void write(final ByteBuffer buf, final CompletionHandler handler) { callInOtherThread(() -> { responseWritten.await(); fail(handler, new ConformanceException(), IllegalStateException.class); return null; }); responseWritten.await(); throw new ConformanceException(); } @Override public void close(final CompletionHandler handler) { handler.completed(); } }; } }); } public abstract void testRequestContentWriteExceptionWithAsyncFailureAfterResponseCloseNoContent() throws Throwable; private void testRequestContentWriteExceptionWithAsyncFailureAfterResponseCloseNoContent( final Adapter adapter, final Module... config) throws Throwable { runTest(adapter, Modules.combine(config), RequestType.WITH_CONTENT, new TestRequestHandler() { @Override public ContentChannel handle(final Request request, final ResponseHandler handler) { final ContentChannel out = handler.handleResponse(new Response(Response.Status.OK)); callInOtherThread(() -> { closeResponse(out); return null; }); return new ContentChannel() { @Override public void write(final ByteBuffer buf, final CompletionHandler handler) { callInOtherThread(() -> { responseClosed.await(); fail(handler, new ConformanceException(), IllegalStateException.class); return null; }); responseClosed.await(); throw new ConformanceException(); } @Override public void close(final CompletionHandler handler) { handler.completed(); } }; } }); } public abstract void testRequestContentCloseWithSyncCompletion() throws Throwable; private void testRequestContentCloseWithSyncCompletion( final Adapter adapter, final Module... config) throws Throwable { runTest(adapter, Modules.combine(config), RequestType.WITHOUT_CONTENT, new TestRequestHandler() { @Override public ContentChannel handle(final Request request, final ResponseHandler handler) { respondWithContentInOtherThread(handler); return new ContentChannel() { @Override public void write(final ByteBuffer buf, final CompletionHandler handler) { handler.completed(); } @Override public void close(final CompletionHandler handler) { handler.completed(); } }; } }); } public abstract void testRequestContentCloseWithAsyncCompletion() throws Throwable; private void testRequestContentCloseWithAsyncCompletion( final Adapter adapter, final Module... config) throws Throwable { runTest(adapter, Modules.combine(config), RequestType.WITHOUT_CONTENT, new TestRequestHandler() { @Override public ContentChannel handle(final Request request, final ResponseHandler handler) { respondWithContentInOtherThread(handler); return new ContentChannel() { @Override public void write(final ByteBuffer buf, final CompletionHandler handler) { handler.completed(); } @Override public void close(final CompletionHandler handler) { completeInOtherThread(handler); } }; } }); } public abstract void testRequestContentCloseWithNondeterministicSyncFailure() throws Throwable; private void testRequestContentCloseWithNondeterministicSyncFailure( final Adapter adapter, final Module... config) throws Throwable { runTest(adapter, Modules.combine(config), RequestType.WITHOUT_CONTENT, new TestRequestHandler() { @Override public ContentChannel handle(final Request request, final ResponseHandler handler) { final ContentChannel out = handler.handleResponse(new Response(Response.Status.OK)); callInOtherThread(() -> { writeResponse(out); closeResponse(out); return null; }); return new ContentChannel() { @Override public void write(final ByteBuffer buf, final CompletionHandler handler) { handler.completed(); } @Override public void close(final CompletionHandler handler) { handler.failed(new ConformanceException()); } }; } }); } public abstract void testRequestContentCloseWithSyncFailureBeforeResponseWrite() throws Throwable; private void testRequestContentCloseWithSyncFailureBeforeResponseWrite( final Adapter adapter, final Module... config) throws Throwable { runTest(adapter, Modules.combine(config), RequestType.WITHOUT_CONTENT, new TestRequestHandler() { @Override public ContentChannel handle(final Request request, final ResponseHandler handler) { final ContentChannel out = handler.handleResponse(new Response(Response.Status.OK)); final Event failDone = new Event(); callInOtherThread(() -> { failDone.await(); writeResponse(out); closeResponse(out); return null; }); return new ContentChannel() { @Override public void write(final ByteBuffer buf, final CompletionHandler handler) { handler.completed(); } @Override public void close(final CompletionHandler handler) { try { handler.failed(new ConformanceException()); } finally { failDone.happened(); } } }; } }); } public abstract void testRequestContentCloseWithSyncFailureAfterResponseWrite() throws Throwable; private void testRequestContentCloseWithSyncFailureAfterResponseWrite( final Adapter adapter, final Module... config) throws Throwable { runTest(adapter, Modules.combine(config), RequestType.WITHOUT_CONTENT, new TestRequestHandler() { @Override public ContentChannel handle(final Request request, final ResponseHandler handler) { final ContentChannel out = handler.handleResponse(new Response(Response.Status.OK)); callInOtherThread(() -> { writeResponse(out); closeResponse(out); return null; }); return new ContentChannel() { @Override public void write(final ByteBuffer buf, final CompletionHandler handler) { handler.completed(); } @Override public void close(final CompletionHandler handler) { responseWritten.await(); handler.failed(new ConformanceException()); } }; } }); } public abstract void testRequestContentCloseWithSyncFailureAfterResponseCloseNoContent() throws Throwable; private void testRequestContentCloseWithSyncFailureAfterResponseCloseNoContent( final Adapter adapter, final Module... config) throws Throwable { runTest(adapter, Modules.combine(config), RequestType.WITHOUT_CONTENT, new TestRequestHandler() { @Override public ContentChannel handle(final Request request, final ResponseHandler handler) { final ContentChannel out = handler.handleResponse(new Response(Response.Status.OK)); callInOtherThread(() -> { closeResponse(out); return null; }); return new ContentChannel() { @Override public void write(final ByteBuffer buf, final CompletionHandler handler) { handler.completed(); } @Override public void close(final CompletionHandler handler) { responseClosed.await(); handler.failed(new ConformanceException()); } }; } }); } public abstract void testRequestContentCloseWithNondeterministicAsyncFailure() throws Throwable; private void testRequestContentCloseWithNondeterministicAsyncFailure( final Adapter adapter, final Module... config) throws Throwable { runTest(adapter, Modules.combine(config), RequestType.WITHOUT_CONTENT, new TestRequestHandler() { @Override public ContentChannel handle(final Request request, final ResponseHandler handler) { respondWithContentInOtherThread(handler); return new ContentChannel() { @Override public void write(final ByteBuffer buf, final CompletionHandler handler) { handler.completed(); } @Override public void close(final CompletionHandler handler) { failInOtherThread(handler, new ConformanceException()); } }; } }); } public abstract void testRequestContentCloseWithAsyncFailureBeforeResponseWrite() throws Throwable; private void testRequestContentCloseWithAsyncFailureBeforeResponseWrite( final Adapter adapter, final Module... config) throws Throwable { runTest(adapter, Modules.combine(config), RequestType.WITHOUT_CONTENT, new TestRequestHandler() { @Override public ContentChannel handle(final Request request, final ResponseHandler handler) { final Event failDone = new Event(); callInOtherThread(() -> { failDone.await(); respondWithContent(handler); return null; }); return new ContentChannel() { @Override public void write(final ByteBuffer buf, final CompletionHandler handler) { handler.completed(); } @Override public void close(final CompletionHandler handler) { callInOtherThread(() -> { try { fail(handler, new ConformanceException()); } finally { failDone.happened(); } return null; }); } }; } }); } public abstract void testRequestContentCloseWithAsyncFailureAfterResponseWrite() throws Throwable; private void testRequestContentCloseWithAsyncFailureAfterResponseWrite( final Adapter adapter, final Module... config) throws Throwable { runTest(adapter, Modules.combine(config), RequestType.WITHOUT_CONTENT, new TestRequestHandler() { @Override public ContentChannel handle(final Request request, final ResponseHandler handler) { callInOtherThread(() -> { respondWithContent(handler); return null; }); return new ContentChannel() { @Override public void write(final ByteBuffer buf, final CompletionHandler handler) { handler.completed(); } @Override public void close(final CompletionHandler handler) { callInOtherThread(() -> { responseWritten.await(); fail(handler, new ConformanceException()); return null; }); } }; } }); } public abstract void testRequestContentCloseWithAsyncFailureAfterResponseCloseNoContent() throws Throwable; private void testRequestContentCloseWithAsyncFailureAfterResponseCloseNoContent( final Adapter adapter, final Module... config) throws Throwable { runTest(adapter, Modules.combine(config), RequestType.WITHOUT_CONTENT, new TestRequestHandler() { @Override public ContentChannel handle(final Request request, final ResponseHandler handler) { callInOtherThread(() -> { respondNoContent(handler); return null; }); return new ContentChannel() { @Override public void write(final ByteBuffer buf, final CompletionHandler handler) { handler.completed(); } @Override public void close(final CompletionHandler handler) { callInOtherThread(() -> { responseClosed.await(); fail(handler, new ConformanceException()); return null; }); } }; } }); } public abstract void testRequestContentCloseNondeterministicException() throws Throwable; private void testRequestContentCloseNondeterministicException( final Adapter adapter, final Module... config) throws Throwable { runTest(adapter, Modules.combine(config), RequestType.WITHOUT_CONTENT, new TestRequestHandler() { @Override public ContentChannel handle(final Request request, final ResponseHandler handler) { final ContentChannel out = handler.handleResponse(new Response(Response.Status.OK)); callInOtherThread(() -> { writeResponse(out); closeResponse(out); return null; }); return new ContentChannel() { @Override public void write(final ByteBuffer buf, final CompletionHandler handler) { handler.completed(); } @Override public void close(final CompletionHandler handler) { throw new ConformanceException(); } }; } }); } public abstract void testRequestContentCloseExceptionBeforeResponseWrite() throws Throwable; private void testRequestContentCloseExceptionBeforeResponseWrite( final Adapter adapter, final Module... config) throws Throwable { runTest(adapter, Modules.combine(config), RequestType.WITHOUT_CONTENT, new TestRequestHandler() { @Override public ContentChannel handle(final Request request, final ResponseHandler handler) { final ContentChannel out = handler.handleResponse(new Response(Response.Status.OK)); final Event exceptionHandledByFramework = new Event(); callInOtherThread(() -> { exceptionHandledByFramework.await(); writeResponse(out); closeResponse(out); return null; }); return new ContentChannel() { @Override public void write(final ByteBuffer buf, final CompletionHandler handler) { handler.completed(); } @Override public void close(final CompletionHandler handler) { throw new ConformanceException(exceptionHandledByFramework); } }; } }); } public abstract void testRequestContentCloseExceptionAfterResponseWrite() throws Throwable; private void testRequestContentCloseExceptionAfterResponseWrite( final Adapter adapter, final Module... config) throws Throwable { runTest(adapter, Modules.combine(config), RequestType.WITHOUT_CONTENT, new TestRequestHandler() { @Override public ContentChannel handle(final Request request, final ResponseHandler handler) { final ContentChannel out = handler.handleResponse(new Response(Response.Status.OK)); callInOtherThread(() -> { writeResponse(out); closeResponse(out); return null; }); return new ContentChannel() { @Override public void write(final ByteBuffer buf, final CompletionHandler handler) { handler.completed(); } @Override public void close(final CompletionHandler handler) { responseWritten.await(); throw new ConformanceException(); } }; } }); } public abstract void testRequestContentCloseExceptionAfterResponseCloseNoContent() throws Throwable; private void testRequestContentCloseExceptionAfterResponseCloseNoContent( final Adapter adapter, final Module... config) throws Throwable { runTest(adapter, Modules.combine(config), RequestType.WITHOUT_CONTENT, new TestRequestHandler() { @Override public ContentChannel handle(final Request request, final ResponseHandler handler) { final ContentChannel out = handler.handleResponse(new Response(Response.Status.OK)); callInOtherThread(() -> { closeResponse(out); return null; }); return new ContentChannel() { @Override public void write(final ByteBuffer buf, final CompletionHandler handler) { handler.completed(); } @Override public void close(final CompletionHandler handler) { responseClosed.await(); throw new ConformanceException(); } }; } }); } public abstract void testRequestContentCloseNondeterministicExceptionWithSyncCompletion() throws Throwable; private void testRequestContentCloseNondeterministicExceptionWithSyncCompletion( final Adapter adapter, final Module... config) throws Throwable { runTest(adapter, Modules.combine(config), RequestType.WITHOUT_CONTENT, new TestRequestHandler() { @Override public ContentChannel handle(final Request request, final ResponseHandler handler) { respondWithContentInOtherThread(handler); return new ContentChannel() { @Override public void write(final ByteBuffer buf, final CompletionHandler handler) { handler.completed(); } @Override public void close(final CompletionHandler handler) { handler.completed(); throw new ConformanceException(); } }; } }); } public abstract void testRequestContentCloseExceptionBeforeResponseWriteWithSyncCompletion() throws Throwable; private void testRequestContentCloseExceptionBeforeResponseWriteWithSyncCompletion( final Adapter adapter, final Module... config) throws Throwable { runTest(adapter, Modules.combine(config), RequestType.WITHOUT_CONTENT, new TestRequestHandler() { @Override public ContentChannel handle(final Request request, final ResponseHandler handler) { final Event exceptionHandledByFramework = new Event(); callInOtherThread(() -> { exceptionHandledByFramework.await(); respondWithContent(handler); return null; }); return new ContentChannel() { @Override public void write(final ByteBuffer buf, final CompletionHandler handler) { handler.completed(); } @Override public void close(final CompletionHandler handler) { handler.completed(); throw new ConformanceException(exceptionHandledByFramework); } }; } }); } public abstract void testRequestContentCloseExceptionAfterResponseWriteWithSyncCompletion() throws Throwable; private void testRequestContentCloseExceptionAfterResponseWriteWithSyncCompletion( final Adapter adapter, final Module... config) throws Throwable { runTest(adapter, Modules.combine(config), RequestType.WITHOUT_CONTENT, new TestRequestHandler() { @Override public ContentChannel handle(final Request request, final ResponseHandler handler) { callInOtherThread(() -> { respondWithContent(handler); return null; }); return new ContentChannel() { @Override public void write(final ByteBuffer buf, final CompletionHandler handler) { handler.completed(); } @Override public void close(final CompletionHandler handler) { handler.completed(); responseWritten.await(); throw new ConformanceException(); } }; } }); } public abstract void testRequestContentCloseExceptionAfterResponseCloseNoContentWithSyncCompletion() throws Throwable; private void testRequestContentCloseExceptionAfterResponseCloseNoContentWithSyncCompletion( final Adapter adapter, final Module... config) throws Throwable { runTest(adapter, Modules.combine(config), RequestType.WITHOUT_CONTENT, new TestRequestHandler() { @Override public ContentChannel handle(final Request request, final ResponseHandler handler) { callInOtherThread(() -> { respondNoContent(handler); return null; }); return new ContentChannel() { @Override public void write(final ByteBuffer buf, final CompletionHandler handler) { handler.completed(); } @Override public void close(final CompletionHandler handler) { handler.completed(); responseClosed.await(); throw new ConformanceException(); } }; } }); } public abstract void testRequestContentCloseNondeterministicExceptionWithAsyncCompletion() throws Throwable; private void testRequestContentCloseNondeterministicExceptionWithAsyncCompletion( final Adapter adapter, final Module... config) throws Throwable { runTest(adapter, Modules.combine(config), RequestType.WITHOUT_CONTENT, new TestRequestHandler() { @Override public ContentChannel handle(final Request request, final ResponseHandler handler) { respondWithContentInOtherThread(handler); return new ContentChannel() { @Override public void write(final ByteBuffer buf, final CompletionHandler handler) { handler.completed(); } @Override public void close(final CompletionHandler handler) { completeInOtherThread(handler, IllegalStateException.class); throw new ConformanceException(); } }; } }); } public abstract void testRequestContentCloseExceptionBeforeResponseWriteWithAsyncCompletion() throws Throwable; private void testRequestContentCloseExceptionBeforeResponseWriteWithAsyncCompletion( final Adapter adapter, final Module... config) throws Throwable { runTest(adapter, Modules.combine(config), RequestType.WITHOUT_CONTENT, new TestRequestHandler() { @Override public ContentChannel handle(final Request request, final ResponseHandler handler) { final Event exceptionHandledByFramework = new Event(); callInOtherThread(() -> { exceptionHandledByFramework.await(); respondWithContent(handler); return null; }); return new ContentChannel() { @Override public void write(final ByteBuffer buf, final CompletionHandler handler) { handler.completed(); } @Override public void close(final CompletionHandler handler) { completeInOtherThread(handler, IllegalStateException.class); throw new ConformanceException(exceptionHandledByFramework); } }; } }); } public abstract void testRequestContentCloseExceptionAfterResponseWriteWithAsyncCompletion() throws Throwable; private void testRequestContentCloseExceptionAfterResponseWriteWithAsyncCompletion( final Adapter adapter, final Module... config) throws Throwable { runTest(adapter, Modules.combine(config), RequestType.WITHOUT_CONTENT, new TestRequestHandler() { @Override public ContentChannel handle(final Request request, final ResponseHandler handler) { respondWithContentInOtherThread(handler); return new ContentChannel() { @Override public void write(final ByteBuffer buf, final CompletionHandler handler) { handler.completed(); } @Override public void close(final CompletionHandler handler) { completeInOtherThread(handler, IllegalStateException.class); responseWritten.await(); throw new ConformanceException(); } }; } }); } public abstract void testRequestContentCloseExceptionAfterResponseCloseNoContentWithAsyncCompletion() throws Throwable; private void testRequestContentCloseExceptionAfterResponseCloseNoContentWithAsyncCompletion( final Adapter adapter, final Module... config) throws Throwable { runTest(adapter, Modules.combine(config), RequestType.WITHOUT_CONTENT, new TestRequestHandler() { @Override public ContentChannel handle(final Request request, final ResponseHandler handler) { respondNoContentInOtherThread(handler); return new ContentChannel() { @Override public void write(final ByteBuffer buf, final CompletionHandler handler) { handler.completed(); } @Override public void close(final CompletionHandler handler) { completeInOtherThread(handler, IllegalStateException.class); responseClosed.await(); throw new ConformanceException(); } }; } }); } public abstract void testRequestContentCloseNondeterministicExceptionWithSyncFailure() throws Throwable; private void testRequestContentCloseNondeterministicExceptionWithSyncFailure( final Adapter adapter, final Module... config) throws Throwable { runTest(adapter, Modules.combine(config), RequestType.WITHOUT_CONTENT, new TestRequestHandler() { @Override public ContentChannel handle(final Request request, final ResponseHandler handler) { final ContentChannel out = handler.handleResponse(new Response(Response.Status.OK)); callInOtherThread(() -> { writeResponse(out); closeResponse(out); return null; }); return new ContentChannel() { @Override public void write(final ByteBuffer buf, final CompletionHandler handler) { handler.completed(); } @Override public void close(final CompletionHandler handler) { handler.failed(new ConformanceException()); throw new ConformanceException(); } }; } }); } public abstract void testRequestContentCloseExceptionBeforeResponseWriteWithSyncFailure() throws Throwable; private void testRequestContentCloseExceptionBeforeResponseWriteWithSyncFailure( final Adapter adapter, final Module... config) throws Throwable { runTest(adapter, Modules.combine(config), RequestType.WITHOUT_CONTENT, new TestRequestHandler() { @Override public ContentChannel handle(final Request request, final ResponseHandler handler) { final ContentChannel out = handler.handleResponse(new Response(Response.Status.OK)); final Event failDone = new Event(); callInOtherThread(() -> { failDone.await(); writeResponse(out); closeResponse(out); return null; }); return new ContentChannel() { @Override public void write(final ByteBuffer buf, final CompletionHandler handler) { handler.completed(); } @Override public void close(final CompletionHandler handler) { try { handler.failed(new ConformanceException()); } finally { failDone.happened(); } throw new ConformanceException(); } }; } }); } public abstract void testRequestContentCloseExceptionAfterResponseWriteWithSyncFailure() throws Throwable; private void testRequestContentCloseExceptionAfterResponseWriteWithSyncFailure( final Adapter adapter, final Module... config) throws Throwable { runTest(adapter, Modules.combine(config), RequestType.WITHOUT_CONTENT, new TestRequestHandler() { @Override public ContentChannel handle(final Request request, final ResponseHandler handler) { final ContentChannel out = handler.handleResponse(new Response(Response.Status.OK)); callInOtherThread(() -> { writeResponse(out); closeResponse(out); return null; }); return new ContentChannel() { @Override public void write(final ByteBuffer buf, final CompletionHandler handler) { handler.completed(); } @Override public void close(final CompletionHandler handler) { responseWritten.await(); handler.failed(new ConformanceException()); throw new ConformanceException(); } }; } }); } public abstract void testRequestContentCloseExceptionAfterResponseCloseNoContentWithSyncFailure() throws Throwable; private void testRequestContentCloseExceptionAfterResponseCloseNoContentWithSyncFailure( final Adapter adapter, final Module... config) throws Throwable { runTest(adapter, Modules.combine(config), RequestType.WITHOUT_CONTENT, new TestRequestHandler() { @Override public ContentChannel handle(final Request request, final ResponseHandler handler) { final ContentChannel out = handler.handleResponse(new Response(Response.Status.OK)); callInOtherThread(() -> { closeResponse(out); return null; }); return new ContentChannel() { @Override public void write(final ByteBuffer buf, final CompletionHandler handler) { handler.completed(); } @Override public void close(final CompletionHandler handler) { responseClosed.await(); handler.failed(new ConformanceException()); throw new ConformanceException(); } }; } }); } public abstract void testRequestContentCloseNondeterministicExceptionWithAsyncFailure() throws Throwable; private void testRequestContentCloseNondeterministicExceptionWithAsyncFailure( final Adapter adapter, final Module... config) throws Throwable { runTest(adapter, Modules.combine(config), RequestType.WITHOUT_CONTENT, new TestRequestHandler() { @Override public ContentChannel handle(final Request request, final ResponseHandler handler) { final ContentChannel out = handler.handleResponse(new Response(Response.Status.OK)); callInOtherThread(() -> { writeResponse(out); closeResponse(out); return null; }); return new ContentChannel() { @Override public void write(final ByteBuffer buf, final CompletionHandler handler) { handler.completed(); } @Override public void close(final CompletionHandler handler) { callInOtherThread(() -> { fail(handler, new ConformanceException(), IllegalStateException.class); return null; }); throw new ConformanceException(); } }; } }); } public abstract void testRequestContentCloseExceptionBeforeResponseWriteWithAsyncFailure() throws Throwable; private void testRequestContentCloseExceptionBeforeResponseWriteWithAsyncFailure( final Adapter adapter, final Module... config) throws Throwable { runTest(adapter, Modules.combine(config), RequestType.WITHOUT_CONTENT, new TestRequestHandler() { @Override public ContentChannel handle(final Request request, final ResponseHandler handler) { final ContentChannel out = handler.handleResponse(new Response(Response.Status.OK)); final Event exceptionHandled = new Event(); callInOtherThread(() -> { exceptionHandled.await(); writeResponse(out); closeResponse(out); return null; }); return new ContentChannel() { @Override public void write(final ByteBuffer buf, final CompletionHandler handler) { handler.completed(); } @Override public void close(final CompletionHandler handler) { callInOtherThread(() -> { fail(handler, new ConformanceException(exceptionHandled), IllegalStateException.class); return null; }); throw new ConformanceException(exceptionHandled); } }; } }); } public abstract void testRequestContentCloseExceptionAfterResponseWriteWithAsyncFailure() throws Throwable; private void testRequestContentCloseExceptionAfterResponseWriteWithAsyncFailure( final Adapter adapter, final Module... config) throws Throwable { runTest(adapter, Modules.combine(config), RequestType.WITHOUT_CONTENT, new TestRequestHandler() { @Override public ContentChannel handle(final Request request, final ResponseHandler handler) { final ContentChannel out = handler.handleResponse(new Response(Response.Status.OK)); callInOtherThread(() -> { writeResponse(out); closeResponse(out); return null; }); return new ContentChannel() { @Override public void write(final ByteBuffer buf, final CompletionHandler handler) { handler.completed(); } @Override public void close(final CompletionHandler handler) { callInOtherThread(() -> { responseWritten.await(); fail(handler, new ConformanceException(), IllegalStateException.class); return null; }); responseWritten.await(); throw new ConformanceException(); } }; } }); } public abstract void testRequestContentCloseExceptionAfterResponseCloseNoContentWithAsyncFailure() throws Throwable; private void testRequestContentCloseExceptionAfterResponseCloseNoContentWithAsyncFailure( final Adapter adapter, final Module... config) throws Throwable { runTest(adapter, Modules.combine(config), RequestType.WITHOUT_CONTENT, new TestRequestHandler() { @Override public ContentChannel handle(final Request request, final ResponseHandler handler) { final ContentChannel out = handler.handleResponse(new Response(Response.Status.OK)); callInOtherThread(() -> { closeResponse(out); return null; }); return new ContentChannel() { @Override public void write(final ByteBuffer buf, final CompletionHandler handler) { handler.completed(); } @Override public void close(final CompletionHandler handler) { callInOtherThread(() -> { responseClosed.await(); fail(handler, new ConformanceException(), IllegalStateException.class); return null; }); responseClosed.await(); throw new ConformanceException(); } }; } }); } public abstract void testResponseWriteCompletionException() throws Throwable; private void testResponseWriteCompletionException( final Adapter adapter, final Module... config) throws Throwable { runTest(adapter, Modules.combine(config), RequestType.WITHOUT_CONTENT, new TestRequestHandler() { @Override public ContentChannel handle(Request request, ResponseHandler handler) { final ContentChannel out = handler.handleResponse(new Response(Response.Status.OK)); for (ByteBuffer buf : adapter.newResponseContent()) { out.write(buf, EXCEPTION_COMPLETION_HANDLER); } closeResponse(out); return null; } }); } public abstract void testResponseCloseCompletionException() throws Throwable; private void testResponseCloseCompletionException( final Adapter adapter, final Module... config) throws Throwable { runTest(adapter, Modules.combine(config), RequestType.WITHOUT_CONTENT, new TestRequestHandler() { @Override public ContentChannel handle(Request request, ResponseHandler handler) { ContentChannel out = handler.handleResponse(new Response(Response.Status.OK)); writeResponse(out); out.close(EXCEPTION_COMPLETION_HANDLER); return null; } }); } public abstract void testResponseCloseCompletionExceptionNoContent() throws Throwable; private void testResponseCloseCompletionExceptionNoContent( final Adapter adapter, final Module... config) throws Throwable { runTest(adapter, Modules.combine(config), RequestType.WITHOUT_CONTENT, new TestRequestHandler() { @Override public ContentChannel handle(Request request, ResponseHandler handler) { ContentChannel out = handler.handleResponse(new Response(Response.Status.OK)); out.close(EXCEPTION_COMPLETION_HANDLER); return null; } }); } // -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // // // The following section is implementation details that are not necessary to understand in order to implement a // // conformance test for a ServerProvider. // // // // -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // protected void runTest( final Adapter adapter, final Module... guiceModules) throws Throwable { Class clazz = ServerProviderConformanceTest.class; StackTraceElement[] stack = Thread.currentThread().getStackTrace(); for (StackTraceElement element : stack) { Method method; final String methodName = element.getMethodName(); try { method = clazz.getDeclaredMethod(methodName); } catch (NoSuchMethodException e) { continue; } if (!Modifier.isAbstract(method.getModifiers())) { continue; } try { method = clazz.getDeclaredMethod(methodName, Adapter.class, Module[].class); System.out.println("Invoking test method " + methodName); method.invoke(this, adapter, guiceModules); return; } catch (InvocationTargetException e) { throw e.getCause(); } } throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Method runTest() not called from overridden testXXX() method."); } // The only purpose of this is to avoid magic literals in calls to runTest (which we'd have if we used a bool flag). private enum RequestType { WITHOUT_CONTENT, WITH_CONTENT } private void runTest( final Adapter adapter, final Module testConfig, final RequestType requestType, final TestRequestHandler requestHandler) throws Throwable { final Module config = Modules.override(newDefaultConfig(), adapter.newConfigModule()).with(testConfig); final TestDriver driver = TestDriver.newSimpleApplicationInstance(config); final ContainerBuilder builder = driver.newContainerBuilder(); builder.serverBindings().bind(builder.getInstance(Key.get(String.class, Names.named("serverBinding"))), requestHandler); final T serverProvider = builder.guiceModules().getInstance(adapter.getServerProviderClass()); builder.serverProviders().install(serverProvider); if (builder.getInstance(Key.get(Boolean.class, Names.named("activateContainer")))) { driver.activateContainer(builder); } serverProvider.start(); serverProvider.release(); for (int i = 0; i < NUM_RUNS_EACH_TEST; ++i) { log.fine("Test run #" + i); requestHandler.reset(adapter.newResponseContent()); final U client = adapter.newClient(serverProvider); final boolean withRequestContent = requestType == RequestType.WITH_CONTENT; final V result = adapter.executeRequest(client, withRequestContent); adapter.validateResponse(result); if (client instanceof Closeable) { ((Closeable) client).close(); } requestHandler.awaitAsyncTasks(); } serverProvider.close(); driver.close(); } private static Module newDefaultConfig() { return Modules.combine(newServerBinding("*://*/*"), newActivateContainer(true)); } private static Module newBindingSetSelector(final String bindingSetName) { return new AbstractModule() { @Override protected void configure() { bind(BindingSetSelector.class).toInstance(uri -> bindingSetName); } }; } private static Module newServerBinding(final String serverBinding) { return new AbstractModule() { @Override protected void configure() { bind(String.class).annotatedWith(Names.named("serverBinding")).toInstance(serverBinding); } }; } private static Module newActivateContainer(final boolean activateContainer) { return new AbstractModule() { @Override protected void configure() { bind(Boolean.class).annotatedWith(Names.named("activateContainer")).toInstance(activateContainer); } }; } /** * Wrapper around CountDownLatch for single-occurrence events. */ private static class Event { private final CountDownLatch latch = new CountDownLatch(1); public void happened() { latch.countDown(); } public void await() { try { final boolean success = latch.await(600, TimeUnit.SECONDS); if (!success) { throw new IllegalStateException("Wait for required condition timed out"); } } catch (InterruptedException e) { throw new IllegalStateException("Wait for required condition was interrupted", e); } } } private static abstract class TestRequestHandler extends AbstractRequestHandler { private static class TaskHandle { private final Exception stackTrace = new Exception(); @Override public String toString() { final StringWriter stringWriter = new StringWriter(); stackTrace.printStackTrace(new PrintWriter(stringWriter)); return "(" + stringWriter.toString() + ")"; } } protected Event responseWritten; protected Event responseClosed; private ExecutorService executor; private final Object taskMonitor = new Object(); private Set pendingTasks = new HashSet<>(); private Exception taskException; private Iterable responseContent; public void reset(final Iterable responseContent) { synchronized (taskMonitor) { if (!pendingTasks.isEmpty()) { throw new AssertionError("pendingTasks should be empty, was " + pendingTasks); } } this.executor = Executors.newCachedThreadPool(); this.responseWritten = new Event(); this.responseClosed = new Event(); this.responseContent = responseContent; this.taskException = null; } protected final void callInOtherThread(final Callable task) { final TaskHandle taskHandle = addTask(); final Runnable runnable = () -> { try { task.call(); } catch (Exception e) { setTaskFailure(e); } removeTask(taskHandle); }; try { executor.submit(runnable); } catch (RejectedExecutionException e) { setTaskFailure(e); removeTask(taskHandle); } } private void setTaskFailure(Exception e) { synchronized (taskMonitor) { if (taskException == null) { taskException = e; } else { System.out.println("Got subsequent exception in task execution: "); e.printStackTrace(); } } } private void removeTask(final TaskHandle taskHandle) { synchronized (taskMonitor) { pendingTasks.remove(taskHandle); taskMonitor.notifyAll(); } } private TaskHandle addTask() { final TaskHandle taskHandle = new TaskHandle(); synchronized (taskMonitor) { pendingTasks.add(taskHandle); } return taskHandle; } protected final void writeResponse(final ContentChannel out) { try { writeAll(out, responseContent); } finally { responseWritten.happened(); } } private void writeAll(final ContentChannel out, final Iterable content) { for (ByteBuffer buf : content) { out.write(buf, newCompletionHandler()); } } protected final void closeResponseInOtherThread(final ContentChannel out) { callInOtherThread(() -> { closeResponse(out); return null; }); } protected final void closeResponse(final ContentChannel out) { try { out.close(newCompletionHandler()); } finally { responseClosed.happened(); } } protected final CompletionHandler newCompletionHandler() { final CallableCompletionHandler handler = new CallableCompletionHandler(); callInOtherThread(handler); return handler; } protected final void respondWithContentInOtherThread(final ResponseHandler handler) { callInOtherThread(() -> { respondWithContent(handler); return null; }); } protected final void respondNoContentInOtherThread(final ResponseHandler handler) { callInOtherThread(() -> { respondNoContent(handler); return null; }); } protected void respondWithContent(final ResponseHandler handler) { final ContentChannel out = handler.handleResponse(new Response(Response.Status.OK)); writeResponse(out); closeResponse(out); } protected void respondNoContent(final ResponseHandler handler) { final ContentChannel out = handler.handleResponse(new Response(Response.Status.OK)); closeResponse(out); } protected final void completeInOtherThread( final CompletionHandler handler, final Class... allowedExceptionTypes) { callInOtherThread(() -> { try { handler.completed(); } catch (Throwable t) { if (!isInstanceOfAnyOf(t, allowedExceptionTypes)) { throw t; } } return null; }); } protected final void fail( final CompletionHandler handler, final Throwable failure, final Class... allowedExceptionTypes) { try { handler.failed(failure); } catch (Throwable t) { if (!isInstanceOfAnyOf(t, allowedExceptionTypes)) { throw t; } } } private static boolean isInstanceOfAnyOf(final Object object, final Class... types) { return Stream.of(types).anyMatch(type -> type.isAssignableFrom(object.getClass())); } protected final void failInOtherThread( final CompletionHandler handler, final Throwable failure, final Class... allowedExceptionTypes) { callInOtherThread(() -> { fail(handler, failure, allowedExceptionTypes); return null; }); } @Override public final ContentChannel handleRequest(final Request request, final ResponseHandler responseHandler) { // Ensure that task executor is not shut down before handleResponse() is done. final TaskHandle handleResponseTask = addTask(); try { final ContentChannel requestContentChannel = handle(request, responseHandler); if (requestContentChannel == null) { return null; } // Ensure that task executor is not shut down before close() is done. final TaskHandle requestContentChannelCloseTask = addTask(); return new ContentChannel() { @Override public void write(ByteBuffer buf, CompletionHandler handler) { requestContentChannel.write(buf, handler); } @Override public void close(CompletionHandler handler) { try { requestContentChannel.close(handler); } finally { removeTask(requestContentChannelCloseTask); } } }; } finally { removeTask(handleResponseTask); } } protected abstract ContentChannel handle(Request request, ResponseHandler responseHandler); public final void awaitAsyncTasks() throws Exception { final long maxWaitTimeMillis = 600_000L; final long startTimeMillis = System.currentTimeMillis(); synchronized (taskMonitor) { while (!pendingTasks.isEmpty()) { final long currentTimeMillis = System.currentTimeMillis(); final long timeElapsedMillis = currentTimeMillis - startTimeMillis; if (timeElapsedMillis >= maxWaitTimeMillis) { throw new IllegalStateException( "Wait timed out, still have the following pending tasks: " + pendingTasks); } final long waitTimeMillis = maxWaitTimeMillis - timeElapsedMillis; taskMonitor.wait(waitTimeMillis); } } executor.shutdown(); final boolean haltedCleanly = executor.awaitTermination(600, TimeUnit.SECONDS); if (!haltedCleanly) { throw new IllegalStateException("Some tasks did not finish. executor=" + executor); } synchronized (taskMonitor) { if (taskException != null) { throw new Exception("Task threw exception", taskException); } } } } private static class CallableCompletionHandler implements Callable, CompletionHandler { final CountDownLatch done = new CountDownLatch(1); @Override public void completed() { done.countDown(); } @Override public void failed(final Throwable t) { done.countDown(); } @Override public Void call() throws Exception { if (!done.await(600, TimeUnit.SECONDS)) { throw new TimeoutException(); } return null; } } private static final CompletionHandler EXCEPTION_COMPLETION_HANDLER = new CompletionHandler() { @Override public void completed() { throw new ConformanceException(); } @Override public void failed(Throwable t) { throw new ConformanceException(); } }; }