# Copyright 2017 Yahoo Holdings. Licensed under the terms of the Apache 2.0 license. See LICENSE in the project root. namespace=jdisc.http # The TCP port to listen to for this connector. listenPort int default=0 # The connector name name string default="default" # The header field cache size. headerCacheSize int default=512 # The size of the buffer into which response content is aggregated before being sent to the client. outputBufferSize int default=65536 # The maximum size of a request header. requestHeaderSize int default=65536 # The maximum size of a response header. responseHeaderSize int default=65536 # The accept queue size (also known as accept backlog). acceptQueueSize int default=0 # Whether the server socket reuses addresses. reuseAddress bool default=true # The maximum idle time for a connection, which roughly translates to the Socket.setSoTimeout(int). idleTimeout double default=180.0 # DEPRECATED - Ignored, no longer in use stopTimeout double default = 30.0 # TODO Vespa 8 Remove stop timeout # Whether or not to have socket keep alive turned on. tcpKeepAliveEnabled bool default=false # Enable/disable TCP_NODELAY (disable/enable Nagle's algorithm). tcpNoDelay bool default=true # Whether to enable connection throttling. New connections will be dropped when a threshold is exceeded. throttling.enabled bool default=false # Max number of connections. throttling.maxConnections int default=-1 # Max memory utilization as a value between 0 and 1. throttling.maxHeapUtilization double default=-1.0 # Max connection accept rate per second. throttling.maxAcceptRate int default=-1 # Idle timeout in seconds applied to endpoints when a threshold is exceeded. throttling.idleTimeout double default=-1.0 # Whether to enable SSL for this connector. ssl.enabled bool default=false # File with private key in PEM format. Specify either this or privateKey, but not both ssl.privateKeyFile string default="" # Private key in PEM format. Specify either this or privateKeyFile, but not both ssl.privateKey string default="" # File with certificate in PEM format. Specify either this or certificate, but not both ssl.certificateFile string default="" # Certificate in PEM format. Specify either this or certificateFile, but not both ssl.certificate string default="" # with trusted CA certificates in PEM format. Used to verify clients ssl.caCertificateFile string default="" # Client authentication mode. See SSLEngine.getNeedClientAuth()/getWantClientAuth() for details. ssl.clientAuth enum { DISABLED, WANT_AUTH, NEED_AUTH } default=DISABLED