// Copyright Yahoo. Licensed under the terms of the Apache 2.0 license. See LICENSE in the project root. package com.yahoo.jrt; import java.util.concurrent.CountDownLatch; import java.util.concurrent.CyclicBarrier; import java.util.logging.Logger; import static com.yahoo.jrt.CryptoUtils.createTestTlsContext; import static org.junit.Assert.assertEquals; import static org.junit.Assert.assertTrue; public class LatencyTest { private static final Logger log = Logger.getLogger(LatencyTest.class.getName()); private static class Network implements AutoCloseable { private final Supervisor server; private final Supervisor client; private final Acceptor acceptor; public Network(CryptoEngine crypto, int threads, boolean dropEmpty) throws ListenFailedException { server = new Supervisor(new Transport("server", crypto, threads)); client = new Supervisor(new Transport("client", crypto, threads)); server.setDropEmptyBuffers(dropEmpty); client.setDropEmptyBuffers(dropEmpty); server.addMethod(new Method("inc", "i", "i", this::rpc_inc)); acceptor = server.listen(new Spec(0)); } public Network(CryptoEngine crypto, int threads) throws ListenFailedException { this(crypto, threads, false); } public Target connect() { return client.connect(new Spec("localhost", acceptor.port())); } private void rpc_inc(Request req) { req.returnValues().add(new Int32Value(req.parameters().get(0).asInt32() + 1)); } public void close() { acceptor.shutdown().join(); client.transport().shutdown().join(); server.transport().shutdown().join(); } } private static class Client { public static class Result { public final double latency; public final double throughput; public Result(double ms, double cnt) { latency = ms; throughput = cnt; } public Result(Result[] results) { double ms = 0.0; double cnt = 0.0; for (Result r: results) { ms += r.latency; cnt += r.throughput; } latency = (ms / results.length); throughput = cnt; } } private final boolean reconnect; private final Network network; private final CyclicBarrier barrier; private final CountDownLatch latch; private final Throwable[] issues; private final Result[] results; private enum State { WARMUP, BENCHMARK, COOLDOWN } private long warmupEnd = 0; private long benchmarkEnd = 0; private long cooldownEnd = 0; private long addSecs(long ns, double s) { return ns + (long)(s * 1000_000_000); } private void setupBenchmark(double warmup, double benchmark, double cooldown) { final long now = System.nanoTime(); warmupEnd = addSecs(now, warmup); benchmarkEnd = addSecs(warmupEnd, benchmark); cooldownEnd = addSecs(benchmarkEnd, cooldown); } private void run(int threadId) { try { barrier.await(); State state = State.WARMUP; int value = 0; long t1 = 0; long t2 = 0; int s1 = 0; int s2 = 0; double minLatency = 1.0e99; Target target = network.connect(); for (long t = System.nanoTime(); state != State.COOLDOWN || t < cooldownEnd; t = System.nanoTime()) { if ((state == State.WARMUP) && (t >= warmupEnd)) { t1 = t; s1 = value; state = State.BENCHMARK; } if ((state == State.BENCHMARK) && (t >= benchmarkEnd)) { t2 = t; s2 = value; state = State.COOLDOWN; } if (reconnect) { target.close(); target = network.connect(); } Request req = new Request("inc"); req.parameters().add(new Int32Value(value)); target.invokeSync(req, 60.0); long duration = System.nanoTime() - t; assertTrue(req.checkReturnTypes("i")); assertEquals(value + 1, req.returnValues().get(0).asInt32()); ++value; double latency = (duration / 1000_000.0); if (latency < minLatency) { minLatency = latency; } } target.close(); double benchTime = (t2 - t1) / 1000_000_000.0; results[threadId] = new Result(minLatency, (s2 - s1) / benchTime); } catch (Throwable issue) { issues[threadId] = issue; } finally { latch.countDown(); } } public Client(boolean reconnect, Network network, int numThreads, double warmup, double benchmark, double cooldown) { this.reconnect = reconnect; this.network = network; this.barrier = new CyclicBarrier(numThreads, ()->setupBenchmark(warmup, benchmark, cooldown)); this.latch = new CountDownLatch(numThreads); this.issues = new Throwable[numThreads]; this.results = new Result[numThreads]; } public Client(boolean reconnect, Network network, int numThreads) { this(reconnect, network, numThreads, 0.1, 0.5, 0.1); } public void measureLatency(String prefix) throws Throwable { for (int i = 0; i < results.length; ++i) { final int threadId = i; new Thread(()->run(threadId)).start(); } latch.await(); for (Throwable issue: issues) { if (issue != null) { throw(issue); } } Result result = new Result(results); log.info(prefix + "latency: " + result.latency + " ms, throughput: " + result.throughput + " req/s"); } } @org.junit.Test public void testNullCryptoLatency() throws Throwable { try (Network network = new Network(new NullCryptoEngine(), 1)) { new Client(false, network, 1).measureLatency("[null crypto, no reconnect] "); new Client(true, network, 1).measureLatency("[null crypto, reconnect] "); } } @org.junit.Test public void testXorCryptoLatency() throws Throwable { try (Network network = new Network(new XorCryptoEngine(), 1)) { new Client(false, network, 1).measureLatency("[xor crypto, no reconnect] "); new Client(true, network, 1).measureLatency("[xor crypto, reconnect] "); } } @org.junit.Test public void testTlsCryptoLatency() throws Throwable { try (Network network = new Network(new TlsCryptoEngine(createTestTlsContext()), 1)) { new Client(false, network, 1).measureLatency("[tls crypto, no reconnect] "); new Client(true, network, 1).measureLatency("[tls crypto, reconnect] "); } } @org.junit.Test public void testTlsCryptoWithDropEmptyBuffersLatency() throws Throwable { try (Network network = new Network(new TlsCryptoEngine(createTestTlsContext()), 1, true)) { new Client(false, network, 1).measureLatency("[tls crypto, drop empty, no reconnect] "); } } @org.junit.Test public void testTransportThreadScaling() throws Throwable { try (Network network = new Network(new NullCryptoEngine(), 1)) { new Client(false, network, 64).measureLatency("[64 clients, 1/1 transport] "); } try (Network network = new Network(new NullCryptoEngine(), 4)) { new Client(false, network, 64).measureLatency("[64 clients, 4/4 transport] "); } } }