// Copyright 2016 Yahoo Inc. Licensed under the terms of the Apache 2.0 license. See LICENSE in the project root. #include #include class RPCInfo : public FastOS_Application { public: void GetReq(FRT_RPCRequest **req, FRT_Supervisor *supervisor) { if ((*req) != NULL) (*req)->SubRef(); (*req) = supervisor->AllocRPCRequest(); } void FreeReqs(FRT_RPCRequest *r1, FRT_RPCRequest *r2) { if (r1 != NULL) r1->SubRef(); if (r2 != NULL) r2->SubRef(); } void DumpMethodInfo(const char *indent, FRT_RPCRequest *info, const char *name) { if (info->IsError()) { printf("%sMETHOD %s\n", indent, name); printf("%s [error(%d): %s]\n\n", indent, info->GetErrorCode(), info->GetErrorMessage()); return; } const char *desc = info->GetReturn()->GetValue(0)._string._str; const char *arg = info->GetReturn()->GetValue(1)._string._str; const char *ret = info->GetReturn()->GetValue(2)._string._str; uint32_t argCnt = strlen(arg); uint32_t retCnt = strlen(ret); FRT_StringValue *argName = info->GetReturn()->GetValue(3)._string_array._pt; FRT_StringValue *argDesc = info->GetReturn()->GetValue(4)._string_array._pt; FRT_StringValue *retName = info->GetReturn()->GetValue(5)._string_array._pt; FRT_StringValue *retDesc = info->GetReturn()->GetValue(6)._string_array._pt; printf("%sMETHOD %s\n", indent, name); printf("%s DESCRIPTION:\n" "%s %s\n", indent, indent, desc); if (argCnt > 0) { printf("%s PARAMS:\n", indent); for (uint32_t a = 0; a < argCnt; a++) printf("%s [%c][%s] %s\n", indent, arg[a], argName[a]._str, argDesc[a]._str); } if (retCnt > 0) { printf("%s RETURN:\n", indent); for (uint32_t r = 0; r < retCnt; r++) printf("%s [%c][%s] %s\n", indent, ret[r], retName[r]._str, retDesc[r]._str); } printf("\n"); } int Main() override { if (_argc < 2) { printf("usage : rpc_info [verbose]\n"); return 1; } bool verbose = (_argc > 2 && strcmp(_argv[2], "verbose") == 0); FRT_Supervisor supervisor; FRT_Target *target = supervisor.GetTarget(_argv[1]); FRT_RPCRequest *m_list = NULL; FRT_RPCRequest *info = NULL; supervisor.Start(); for (int i = 0; i < 50; i++) { GetReq(&info, &supervisor); info->SetMethodName("frt.rpc.ping"); target->InvokeSync(info, 60.0); if (info->GetErrorCode() != FRTE_RPC_CONNECTION) { break; } FastOS_Thread::Sleep(1000); target->SubRef(); target = supervisor.GetTarget(_argv[1]); } if (info->IsError()) { fprintf(stderr, "Error talking to %s\n", _argv[1]); info->Print(); FreeReqs(m_list, info); supervisor.ShutDown(true); return 1; } GetReq(&m_list, &supervisor); m_list->SetMethodName("frt.rpc.getMethodList"); target->InvokeSync(m_list, 60.0); if (!m_list->IsError()) { uint32_t numMethods = m_list->GetReturn()->GetValue(0)._string_array._len; FRT_StringValue *methods = m_list->GetReturn()->GetValue(0)._string_array._pt; FRT_StringValue *arglist = m_list->GetReturn()->GetValue(1)._string_array._pt; FRT_StringValue *retlist = m_list->GetReturn()->GetValue(2)._string_array._pt; for (uint32_t m = 0; m < numMethods; m++) { if (verbose) { GetReq(&info, &supervisor); info->SetMethodName("frt.rpc.getMethodInfo"); info->GetParams()->AddString(methods[m]._str); target->InvokeSync(info, 60.0); DumpMethodInfo("", info, methods[m]._str); } else { printf("METHOD [%s] <- %s <- [%s]\n", retlist[m]._str, methods[m]._str, arglist[m]._str); } } } else { fprintf(stderr, " [error(%d): %s]\n", m_list->GetErrorCode(), m_list->GetErrorMessage()); } FreeReqs(m_list, info); target->SubRef(); supervisor.ShutDown(true); return 0; } }; int main(int argc, char **argv) { RPCInfo myapp; return myapp.Entry(argc, argv); }