// Copyright 2016 Yahoo Inc. Licensed under the terms of the Apache 2.0 license. See LICENSE in the project root. #include #define _NEED_SUMMARY_CONFIG_IMPL #include #include #include #include #include using namespace juniper; struct FixtureBase { const char *_connectors; SummaryConfig _cfg; Appender _appender; FixtureBase(ConfigFlag preserve_white_space) : _connectors(""), _cfg("[on]", "[off]", "[dots]", "\x1f", reinterpret_cast(_connectors), ConfigFlag::CF_OFF, preserve_white_space), _appender(&_cfg) { } void assertString(const vespalib::string &input, const vespalib::string &output) { std::vector buf; _appender.append(buf, input.c_str(), input.size()); EXPECT_EQUAL(output, vespalib::string(&buf[0], buf.size())); } }; struct DefaultFixture : public FixtureBase { DefaultFixture() : FixtureBase(ConfigFlag::CF_OFF) {} }; struct PreserveFixture : public FixtureBase { PreserveFixture() : FixtureBase(ConfigFlag::CF_ON) {} }; TEST_F("requireThatMultipleWhiteSpacesAreEliminated", DefaultFixture) { f.assertString("text with\nwhite \nspace like this", "text with white space like this"); } TEST_F("requireThatMultipleWhiteSpacesArePreserved", PreserveFixture) { f.assertString("text with\nwhite \nspace like this", "text with\nwhite \nspace like this"); } TEST_MAIN() { TEST_RUN_ALL(); }