// Copyright 2016 Yahoo Inc. Licensed under the terms of the Apache 2.0 license. See LICENSE in the project root. #include #include LOG_SETUP(""); #include "auxTest.h" // Using separator definitions only from here: #define COLOR_HIGH_ON "\e[1;31m" #define COLOR_HIGH_OFF "\e[0m" #ifndef FASTOS_DEBUG static int debug_level = 0; #endif bool color_highlight = false; bool verbose = false; const unsigned char* connectors = reinterpret_cast("-'"); using juniper::SpecialTokenRegistry; AuxTest::AuxTest() : Test("Auxiliary"), test_methods_(), _sumconf(0) { init(); } AuxTest::~AuxTest() { DeleteSummaryConfig(_sumconf); } void AuxTest::init() { test_methods_["TestExample"] = &AuxTest::TestExample; test_methods_["TestPropertyMap"] = &AuxTest::TestPropertyMap; test_methods_["TestRerase"] = &AuxTest::TestRerase; test_methods_["TestUTF811"] = &AuxTest::TestUTF811; test_methods_["TestUTF812"] = &AuxTest::TestUTF812; test_methods_["TestDoubleWidth"] = &AuxTest::TestDoubleWidth; test_methods_["TestPartialUTF8"] = &AuxTest::TestPartialUTF8; test_methods_["TestLargeBlockChinese"] = &AuxTest::TestLargeBlockChinese; test_methods_["TestUTF8context"] = &AuxTest::TestUTF8context; test_methods_["TestJapanese"] = &AuxTest::TestJapanese; test_methods_["TestStartHits"] = &AuxTest::TestStartHits; test_methods_["TestEndHit"] = &AuxTest::TestEndHit; test_methods_["TestJuniperStack"] = &AuxTest::TestJuniperStack; test_methods_["TestSpecialTokenRegistry"] = &AuxTest::TestSpecialTokenRegistry; test_methods_["TestWhiteSpacePreserved"] = &AuxTest::TestWhiteSpacePreserved; } // needed closures void AuxTest::TestUTF811() { TestUTF8(11); } void AuxTest::TestUTF812() { TestUTF8(12); } int countBrokenUTF8(const char *data, uint32_t len) { int broken = 0; int remain = 0; for (uint32_t i = 0; i < len; ++i) { unsigned char val = data[i]; switch (val & 0xc0) { case 0xc0: // first char remain = 1; val <<= 2; while ((val & 0x80) != 0) { ++remain; val <<= 1; } if (remain > 5) { ++broken; remain = 0; } break; case 0x80: // continuation char if (remain == 0) { ++broken; } else { --remain; } break; default: // single char if (remain > 0) { ++broken; remain = 0; } break; } } return broken; } void AuxTest::TestDoubleWidth() { char input[17] = "[\x1f\xef\xbd\x93\xef\xbd\x8f\xef\xbd\x8e\xef\xbd\x99\x1f]"; juniper::PropertyMap myprops; myprops // no fallback, should get match .set("juniper.dynsum.escape_markup", "off") .set("juniper.dynsum.highlight_off", "") .set("juniper.dynsum.continuation", "") .set("juniper.dynsum.highlight_on", ""); Fast_NormalizeWordFolder wf; juniper::Juniper juniper(&myprops, &wf); juniper::Config myConfig("best", juniper); juniper::QueryParser q("\xef\xbd\x93\xef\xbd\x8f\xef\xbd\x8e\xef\xbd\x99"); juniper::QueryHandle qh(q, NULL, juniper.getModifier()); juniper::Result* res = juniper::Analyse(&myConfig, &qh, input, 17, 0, 0, 0); _test(res != NULL); juniper::Summary* sum = juniper::GetTeaser(res, NULL); (void) sum; // this should work // _test(sum->Length() != 0); juniper::ReleaseResult(res); } void AuxTest::TestPartialUTF8() { const int inputSize = 5769; // NB: update this if input is changed char input[inputSize]; FastOS_File file((GetSourceDirectory() + "partialutf8.input.utf8").c_str()); _test(file.OpenReadOnly()); _test(file.GetSize() == inputSize); _test(file.Read(input, inputSize)); _test(countBrokenUTF8(input, inputSize) == 0); file.Close(); juniper::PropertyMap myprops; myprops // config taken from vespa test case .set("juniper.dynsum.escape_markup", "off") .set("juniper.dynsum.highlight_off", "") .set("juniper.dynsum.continuation", "") .set("juniper.dynsum.fallback", "prefix") .set("juniper.dynsum.highlight_on", ""); Fast_NormalizeWordFolder wf; juniper::Juniper juniper(&myprops, &wf); juniper::Config myConfig("best", juniper); juniper::QueryParser q("ipod"); juniper::QueryHandle qh(q, NULL, juniper.getModifier()); juniper::Result* res = juniper::Analyse(&myConfig, &qh, input, inputSize, 0, 0, 0); _test(res != NULL); juniper::Summary* sum = juniper::GetTeaser(res, NULL); _test(sum->Length() != 0); // check for partial/broken utf-8 _test(countBrokenUTF8(sum->Text(), sum->Length()) == 0); juniper::ReleaseResult(res); } void AuxTest::TestLargeBlockChinese() { const int inputSize = 10410; // NB: update this if input is changed char input[inputSize]; FastOS_File file((GetSourceDirectory() + "largeblockchinese.input.utf8").c_str()); _test(file.OpenReadOnly()); _test(file.GetSize() == inputSize); _test(file.Read(input, inputSize)); _test(countBrokenUTF8(input, inputSize) == 0); file.Close(); juniper::PropertyMap myprops; myprops // config taken from reported bug .set("juniper.dynsum.length", "50") .set("juniper.dynsum.min_length", "20") .set("juniper.dynsum.escape_markup", "off") .set("juniper.dynsum.highlight_off", "") .set("juniper.dynsum.continuation", "") .set("juniper.dynsum.fallback", "prefix") .set("juniper.dynsum.highlight_on", ""); Fast_NormalizeWordFolder wf; juniper::Juniper juniper(&myprops, &wf); juniper::Config myConfig("best", juniper); juniper::QueryParser q("希望"); juniper::QueryHandle qh(q, NULL, juniper.getModifier()); juniper::Result* res = juniper::Analyse(&myConfig, &qh, input, inputSize, 0, 0, 0); _test(res != NULL); juniper::Summary* sum = juniper::GetTeaser(res, NULL); _test(sum->Length() != 0); // check that the entire block of chinese data is not returned in the summary _test(sum->Length() < 100); // check for partial/broken utf-8 _test(countBrokenUTF8(sum->Text(), sum->Length()) == 0); juniper::ReleaseResult(res); } void AuxTest::TestExample() { juniper::QueryParser q("AND(consume,sleep,tree)"); juniper::QueryHandle qh(q, NULL, juniper::_Juniper->getModifier()); // some content const char* content = "the monkey consumes bananas and sleeps afterwards." "&%#%&! cries the sleepy monkey and jumps down from the tree." "the last token here is split across lines consumed"; int content_len = strlen(content); juniper::Result* res = juniper::Analyse(juniper::TestConfig, &qh, content, content_len, 0, 0, 0); _test(res != NULL); res->Scan(); Matcher& m = *res->_matcher; _test(m.TotalMatchCnt(0) == 2 && m.ExactMatchCnt(0) == 0); juniper::ReleaseResult(res); } void AuxTest::TestPropertyMap() { juniper::PropertyMap map; IJuniperProperties *props = ↦ map.set("foo", "bar").set("one", "two"); _test(props->GetProperty("bogus") == NULL); _test(strcmp(props->GetProperty("bogus", "default"), "default") == 0); _test(strcmp(props->GetProperty("foo"), "bar") == 0); _test(strcmp(props->GetProperty("one", "default"), "two") == 0); } void AuxTest::TestRerase() { std::list ls; for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) ls.push_back(i); for (std::list::reverse_iterator rit = ls.rbegin(); rit != ls.rend();) { if (*rit == 5 || *rit == 6) { // STL hackers heaven - puh this was cumbersome.. std::list::reverse_iterator new_it(ls.erase((++rit).base())); rit = new_it; } else ++rit; } std::string s; for (std::list::iterator it = ls.begin(); it != ls.end(); ++it) s += ('0' + *it); _test(s == std::string("01234789")); } // Debug dump with positions for reference void test_dump(const char* s, unsigned int len) { printf("test_dump: length %u\n", len); for (unsigned int i = 0; i < len;) { unsigned int start = i; for (; i < len;) { if (s[i] < 0) { printf("�"); } else { printf("%c", s[i]); } i++; if (!(i % 100)) break; } printf("\n"); i = start + 10; for (; i < len && i % 100; i+= 10) printf("%7s%3d", "", i); printf("\n"); } } void AuxTest::TestUTF8(unsigned int size) { const char* s = u8"\u00e5pent s\u00f8k\u00e6\u00f8\u00e5\u00e6\u00f8\u00e5\u00e6\u00f8\u00e5"; const unsigned char* p = (const unsigned char*)s; int moved = 0; for (int i = 0; i < (int)size + 2; i++) { // Forward tests: p = (const unsigned char*)(s + i); moved = Fast_UnicodeUtil::UTF8move((const unsigned char*)s, size, p, +1); LOG(spam, "forw. moved %d, pos %d", moved, i); if (i == 0 || i == 8) _test(moved == 2); else if (i >= (int)size) _test(moved == -1); else _test(moved == 1); // backward tests p = (const unsigned char*)(s + i); moved = Fast_UnicodeUtil::UTF8move((const unsigned char*)s, size, p, -1); LOG(spam, "backw.moved %d, pos %d", moved, i); if (i == 10 || i == 9 || i == 2) _test(moved == 2); else if (i == 0 || i > (int)size) _test(moved == -1); else _test(moved == 1); // move-to-start tests: p = (const unsigned char*)(s + i); moved = Fast_UnicodeUtil::UTF8move((const unsigned char*)s, size, p, 0); LOG(spam, "to-start.moved %d, pos %d", moved, i); if (i == 9 || i == 1) _test(moved == 1); else if (i >= (int)size) _test(moved == -1); else _test(moved == 0); } // Assumption about equality of UCS4 IsWordChar and isalnum for // ascii (c < 128) : for (unsigned char c = 0; c < 128; c++) { const unsigned char* pc = &c; ucs4_t u = Fast_UnicodeUtil::GetUTF8Char(pc); bool utf8res = Fast_UnicodeUtil::IsWordChar(u); bool asciires = isalnum(c); _test(utf8res == asciires); if (utf8res != asciires) fprintf(stderr, ":%c:%d != :%c:%d\n", u, utf8res, c, asciires); } } void AuxTest::TestUTF8context() { const char* iso_cont = u8"AND(m\u00b5ss,fast,s\u00f8kemotor,\u00e5relang)"; juniper::QueryParser q(iso_cont); juniper::QueryHandle qh(q, NULL, juniper::_Juniper->getModifier()); // some content std::string s(u8"Fast leverer s\u00d8kemotorer og andre nyttige ting for \u00e5 finne frem p\u00e5 "); s.append(u8"internett. Teknologien er basert p\u00e5 \u00c5relang"); s += UNIT_SEPARATOR; s.append(u8"norsk innsats og forskning i"); s += GROUP_SEPARATOR; s.append(u8"trondheimsmilj\u00f8et. M\u00b5ss med denne nye funksjonaliteten for \u00e5 vise frem"); s += UNIT_SEPARATOR; s.append(u8" beste forekomst av s\u00f8ket med s\u00f8kemotor til brukeren blir det enda bedre. "); s.append(u8"Hvis bare UTF8-kodingen virker som den skal for tegn som tar mer enn \u00e9n byte."); juniper::Result* res = juniper::Analyse(juniper::TestConfig, &qh, s.c_str(), s.size(), 0, 0, 0); _test(res != NULL); size_t charsize; Matcher& m = *res->_matcher; res->Scan(); _test(m.TotalMatchCnt(0) == 1 && m.ExactMatchCnt(0) == 1); _test(m.TotalMatchCnt(1) == 1 && m.ExactMatchCnt(2) == 1); _test(m.TotalMatchCnt(2) == 2 && m.ExactMatchCnt(2) == 1); _test(m.TotalMatchCnt(3) == 1 && m.ExactMatchCnt(2) == 1); char separators[3]; separators[0] = UNIT_SEPARATOR; separators[1] = GROUP_SEPARATOR; separators[2] = '\0'; if (color_highlight) _sumconf = CreateSummaryConfig(COLOR_HIGH_ON, COLOR_HIGH_OFF, "...", separators, connectors); else _sumconf = CreateSummaryConfig("", "", "...", separators, connectors); for (int i = 1; i <= 10; i++) { // Short summaries with many matches test_summary(m, s.c_str(), s.size(), i*30, i / 3, i*10, charsize); // fewer matches, longer summaries test_summary(m, s.c_str(), s.size(), i*60, i / 6, i*20, charsize); } // Summary som er stort nok til � ta hele teksten test_summary(m, s.c_str(), s.size(), 800, 100, 300, charsize); // fprintf(stderr, "charsize %d s.size %d\n", charsize, s.size()); _test(charsize == s.size() - 3 - 11); // Subtract eliminated separators and dual bytes // "Syke" settinger for summary: test_summary(m, s.c_str(), s.size(), 10000, 0, 1000, charsize); // fprintf(stderr, "charsize %d s.size %d\n", charsize, s.size()); _test(charsize == s.size() - 3 - 11); // Subtract eliminated separators and dual bytes if (GetNumFailed() > 0 && debug_level > 0) { fprintf(stderr, "Characters in original text: %ld\n", s.size()); test_dump(s.c_str(), s.size()); m.dump_statistics(); } juniper::ReleaseResult(res); } const char* japanese_sep_ex = "。"; struct TermTextPair { const char* term; const char* text; }; static TermTextPair testjap[] = { // japanese string as term { "私はガラスを食べられます", "this is some japanese: 私はガラスを食べられます。それは私を傷つけません。 ending here" }, // HUGE japanese prefix and postfix and simple match in middle: { "bond", "私はガラスを食べられます。それは私を傷つけません。私はガラスを食べられます。それは私を傷つけません。私はガラスを食べられます。それは私を傷つけません。私はガラスを食べられます。それは私を傷つけません。私はガラスを食べられます。それは私を傷つけません。私はガラスを食べられます。それは私を傷つけません。私はガラスを食べられます。それは私を傷つけません。私はガラスを食べられます。それは私を傷つけません。私はガラスを食べられます。それは私を傷つけません。私はガラスを食べられます。それは私を傷つけません。私はガラスを食べられます。それは私を傷つけません。私はガラスを食べられます。それは私を傷つけません。 bond 私はガラスを食べられます。それは私を傷つけません。私はガラスを食べられます。それは私を傷つけません。私はガラスを食べられます。それは私を傷つけません。私はガラスを食べられます。それは私を傷つけません。私はガラスを食べられます。それは私を傷つけません。私はガラスを食べられます。それは私を傷つけません。私はガラスを食べられます。それは私を傷つけません。私はガラスを食べられます。それは私を傷つけません。私はガラスを食べられます。それは私を傷つけません。私はガラスを食べられます。それは私を傷つけません。私はガラスを食べられます。それは私を傷つけません。私はガラスを食べられます。それは私を傷つけません。" }, { "japanese", "Simple。match。check。for。japanese。sep" }, { "hit", " -. hit at start" }, { "hit", "hit at end .,: " }, { "hit", "---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------this is a text that is long enough to generate a hit that does have dots on both sides ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; " }, { NULL, NULL } }; void AuxTest::TestJapanese() { for (int i = 0; testjap[i].term != NULL; i++) { const char* qstr = testjap[i].term; juniper::QueryParser q(qstr); juniper::QueryHandle qh(q, NULL, juniper::_Juniper->getModifier()); const char* content = testjap[i].text; int content_len = strlen(content); juniper::Result* res = juniper::Analyse(juniper::TestConfig, &qh, content, content_len, 0, 0, 0); _test(res != NULL); size_t charsize; Matcher& m = *res->_matcher; res->Scan(); if (color_highlight) _sumconf = CreateSummaryConfig(COLOR_HIGH_ON, COLOR_HIGH_OFF, "...", "", connectors); else _sumconf = CreateSummaryConfig("", "", "...", "", connectors); SummaryDesc* sumdesc = m.CreateSummaryDesc(256, 256, 4, 80); _test(sumdesc != NULL); if (!sumdesc) return; std::string sum = BuildSummary(content, content_len, sumdesc, _sumconf, charsize); switch (i) { case 0: // Matching a multibyte sequence _test(m.TotalMatchCnt(0) == 1 && m.ExactMatchCnt(0) == 1); // printf("total %d exact %d\n", m.TotalMatchCnt(0),m.ExactMatchCnt(0)); break; case 1: // Matching short word in loong multibyte sequence _test(m.TotalMatchCnt(0) == 1 && m.ExactMatchCnt(0) == 1); _test(sum.size() <= 400); break; case 2: // Matching word in between multibyte separators _test(m.TotalMatchCnt(0) == 1 && m.ExactMatchCnt(0) == 1); break; case 3: // Check that result is the complete string (markup excluded) _test(sum.size() - 11 == charsize); // printf("sz %d charsz %d :%s:\n", sum.size(), charsize, sum.c_str()); break; case 4: // Check that result is the complete string (markup excluded) _test(sum.size() - 11 == charsize); // printf("sz %d charsz %d :%s:\n", sum.size(), charsize, sum.c_str()); break; case 5: // Check that we get no noise at the start or end of this _test(sum.size() == 103 && charsize == 86); // printf("sz %d charsz %d :%s:\n", sum.size(), charsize, sum.c_str()); break; default: break; } juniper::ReleaseResult(res); DeleteSummaryDesc(sumdesc); DeleteSummaryConfig(_sumconf); } } void AuxTest::test_summary(Matcher& m, const char* content, size_t content_len, int size, int matches, int surround, size_t& charsize) { SummaryDesc* sum = m.CreateSummaryDesc(size, size, matches, surround); _test(sum != NULL); if (!sum) { // No summary generated! return; } std::string res = BuildSummary(content, content_len, sum, _sumconf, charsize); if ((verbose || GetNumFailed() > 0) && debug_level > 0) { printf("\nRequested size: %d, matches: %d, surround: %d, Summary size %lu :%s:\n", size, matches, surround, static_cast(res.size()), res.c_str()); } DeleteSummaryDesc(sum); } class DefProps : public IJuniperProperties { public: virtual const char* GetProperty(const char*, const char* def) { return def; } }; void AuxTest::TestStartHits() { juniper::QueryParser q("elvis"); juniper::QueryHandle qh(q, "dynlength.120", juniper::_Juniper->getModifier()); const char* content = "Elvis, this is a long match before matching Elvis again and then som more text at" " the end. But this text at the end must be much longer than this to trigger the case." " In fact it must be much longer. And then som more text at the end. But this text at " "the end must be much longer than this to trigger the case"; int content_len = strlen(content); juniper::Result* res = juniper::Analyse(juniper::TestConfig, &qh, content, content_len, 0, 0, 0); _test(res != NULL); juniper::Summary* sum = juniper::GetTeaser(res, NULL); (void) sum; // TODO: ReEnable _test(sum->Length() != 0); juniper::ReleaseResult(res); } void AuxTest::TestEndHit() { juniper::QueryParser q("match"); juniper::QueryHandle qh(q, "dynlength.120", juniper::_Juniper->getModifier()); const char* content = "In this case we need a fairly long text that does not fit entirely into the resulting" " summary, but that has a hit towards the end of the document where the expected length" " extends the end of the doc. This means that the prefix must be more than 256 bytes" " long. Here is the stuff we are looking for to match in a case where we have " "surround_len bytes closer than good towardstheend�����������������������������������"; size_t content_len = strlen(content) - 55; juniper::Result* res = juniper::Analyse(juniper::TestConfig, &qh, content, content_len, 0, 0, 0); _test(res != NULL); juniper::Summary* sum = juniper::GetTeaser(res, NULL); _test(sum->Length() != 0); juniper::ReleaseResult(res); } class TokenChecker : public ITokenProcessor { private: TokenChecker(const TokenChecker&); TokenChecker& operator= (const TokenChecker&); Token* _out; int i; public: TokenChecker(Token* output) : _out(output), i(0) { } virtual void handle_token(Token& token) { _out[i] = token; i++; } virtual void handle_end(Token&) {} }; void AuxTest::TestJuniperStack() { // Stack simplification tests QueryExpr* q = new QueryNode(1, 0, 0); QueryExpr* q1 = new QueryNode(1, 0, 0); QueryExpr* q2 = new QueryTerm("Hepp", 4, 0); q->AddChild(q1); q1->AddChild(q2); SimplifyStack(q); std::string s; q->Dump(s); _test(strcmp(s.c_str(),"Hepp:100") == 0); delete q; if (GetNumFailed() > 0) fprintf(stderr, "TestJuniperStack: %s\n", s.c_str()); q = new QueryNode(2, 0, 0); q->_arity = 0; SimplifyStack(q); std::string s1; _test(q == NULL); if (GetNumFailed() > 0) fprintf(stderr, "TestJuniperStack: %s\n", s.c_str()); } class TokenProcessor : public ITokenProcessor { private: const std::string & _text; std::vector _tokens; public: TokenProcessor(const std::string & text) : _text(text), _tokens() {} virtual void handle_token(Token & t) { _tokens.push_back(std::string(_text.c_str() + t.bytepos, t.bytelen)); //LOG(info, "handle_token(%s): bytepos(%d), wordpos(%d), bytelen(%d), curlen(%d)", //_tokens.back().c_str(), //(int)t.bytepos, (int)t.wordpos, t.bytelen, t.curlen); } virtual void handle_end(Token & t) { _tokens.push_back(std::string(_text.c_str() + t.bytepos, t.bytelen)); //LOG(info, "handle_end(%s): bytepos(%d), wordpos(%d), bytelen(%d), curlen(%d)", //_tokens.back().c_str(), //(int)t.bytepos, (int)t.wordpos, t.bytelen, t.curlen); } void clearTokens() { _tokens.clear(); } const std::vector & getTokens() const { return _tokens; } }; bool AuxTest::assertChar(ucs4_t act, char exp) { //LOG(info, "assertChar(%d(%c), %c)", act, (char)act, exp); return _test((char) act == exp); } void AuxTest::TestSpecialTokenRegistry() { { typedef SpecialTokenRegistry::CharStream CharStream; ucs4_t buf[16]; { std::string text = " c+-"; CharStream cs(text.c_str(), text.c_str() + text.size(), buf, buf + 16); _test(!cs.isStartWordChar()); _test(cs.hasMoreChars()); _test(assertChar(cs.getNextChar(), ' ')); _test(cs.hasMoreChars()); cs.reset(); _test(cs.hasMoreChars()); _test(assertChar(cs.getNextChar(), ' ')); _test(assertChar(cs.getNextChar(), 'c')); _test(cs.hasMoreChars()); cs.reset(); _test(cs.hasMoreChars()); _test(assertChar(cs.getNextChar(), ' ')); _test(assertChar(cs.getNextChar(), 'c')); _test(assertChar(cs.getNextChar(), '+')); _test(cs.hasMoreChars()); cs.reset(); _test(cs.hasMoreChars()); _test(assertChar(cs.getNextChar(), ' ')); _test(assertChar(cs.getNextChar(), 'c')); _test(assertChar(cs.getNextChar(), '+')); _test(assertChar(cs.getNextChar(), '-')); _test(!cs.hasMoreChars()); cs.reset(); _test(cs.hasMoreChars()); _test(assertChar(cs.getNextChar(), ' ')); _test(cs.hasMoreChars()); _test(assertChar(cs.getNextChar(), 'c')); _test(cs.hasMoreChars()); _test(assertChar(cs.getNextChar(), '+')); _test(cs.hasMoreChars()); _test(assertChar(cs.getNextChar(), '-')); _test(!cs.hasMoreChars()); } { // test reset with increase to next char std::string text = " c+-"; CharStream cs(text.c_str(), text.c_str() + text.size(), buf, buf + 16); _test(cs.resetAndInc()); _test(cs.isStartWordChar()); _test(cs.hasMoreChars()); _test(assertChar(cs.getNextChar(), 'c')); _test(assertChar(cs.getNextChar(), '+')); _test(assertChar(cs.getNextChar(), '-')); _test(!cs.hasMoreChars()); cs.reset(); _test(cs.hasMoreChars()); _test(assertChar(cs.getNextChar(), 'c')); _test(assertChar(cs.getNextChar(), '+')); _test(assertChar(cs.getNextChar(), '-')); _test(!cs.hasMoreChars()); _test(cs.resetAndInc()); _test(!cs.isStartWordChar()); _test(cs.hasMoreChars()); _test(assertChar(cs.getNextChar(), '+')); _test(assertChar(cs.getNextChar(), '-')); _test(!cs.hasMoreChars()); _test(cs.resetAndInc()); _test(!cs.isStartWordChar()); _test(cs.hasMoreChars()); _test(assertChar(cs.getNextChar(), '-')); _test(!cs.hasMoreChars()); _test(!cs.resetAndInc()); _test(!cs.hasMoreChars()); } { // test lower case std::string text = "C"; CharStream cs(text.c_str(), text.c_str() + text.size(), buf, buf + 16); _test(assertChar(cs.getNextChar(), 'c')); } } { // test tokenizer with special token registry typedef std::unique_ptr QueryNodeUP; struct QB { QueryNodeUP q; QB(size_t numTerms) : q(new QueryNode(numTerms, 0, 0)) {} QB(QB & rhs) : q(std::move(rhs.q)) { } QB & add(const char * t, bool st = true) { QueryTerm * qt = new QueryTerm(t, strlen(t), 0); if (st) qt->_options |= X_SPECIALTOKEN; q->AddChild(qt); return *this; } }; struct Ctx { std::string text; QB qb; SpecialTokenRegistry str; Fast_NormalizeWordFolder wf; TokenProcessor tp; JuniperTokenizer jt; Ctx(const std::string & text_, QB & qb_) : text(text_), qb(qb_), str(qb.q.get()), wf(), tp(text), jt(&wf, text.c_str(), text.size(), &tp, &str) { jt.scan(); } }; { // only special token registered Ctx c("foo", QB(2).add("c++").add("foo", false)); _test(c.str.getSpecialTokens().size() == 1); } { // various matches std::string annotation = "\357\277\271dvdplusminus\357\277\272dvd+-\357\277\273"; std::string text = "c++ !my C++ text ?.net dvd+- stuff " + annotation; Ctx c(text, QB(3).add("c++").add(".net").add("dvd+-", false)); _test(c.str.getSpecialTokens().size() == 2); _test(c.tp.getTokens().size() == 9); _test(c.tp.getTokens()[0] == "c++"); _test(c.tp.getTokens()[1] == "my"); _test(c.tp.getTokens()[2] == "C++"); _test(c.tp.getTokens()[3] == "text"); _test(c.tp.getTokens()[4] == ".net"); _test(c.tp.getTokens()[5] == "dvd"); _test(c.tp.getTokens()[6] == "stuff"); _test(c.tp.getTokens()[7] == annotation); _test(c.tp.getTokens()[8] == ""); } { // cannot start inside a word Ctx c("foo ac++", QB(1).add("c++")); _test(c.tp.getTokens().size() == 3); _test(c.tp.getTokens()[0] == "foo"); _test(c.tp.getTokens()[1] == "ac"); _test(c.tp.getTokens()[2] == ""); } { // can end inside a word (TODO: can be fixed if it is a problem) Ctx c("++ca foo", QB(1).add("++c")); _test(c.tp.getTokens().size() == 4); _test(c.tp.getTokens()[0] == "++c"); _test(c.tp.getTokens()[1] == "a"); _test(c.tp.getTokens()[2] == "foo"); _test(c.tp.getTokens()[3] == ""); } { // many scans but only match at the end Ctx c("a+b- a+b+c- a+b+c+", QB(1).add("a+b+c+")); _test(c.tp.getTokens().size() == 7); _test(c.tp.getTokens()[0] == "a"); _test(c.tp.getTokens()[1] == "b"); _test(c.tp.getTokens()[2] == "a"); _test(c.tp.getTokens()[3] == "b"); _test(c.tp.getTokens()[4] == "c"); _test(c.tp.getTokens()[5] == "a+b+c+"); _test(c.tp.getTokens()[6] == ""); } { // two special tokens (one being a substring of the other) Ctx c("c+c+c-", QB(2).add("c+c+c+").add("+c+")); _test(c.tp.getTokens().size() == 4); _test(c.tp.getTokens()[0] == "c"); _test(c.tp.getTokens()[1] == "+c+"); _test(c.tp.getTokens()[2] == "c"); _test(c.tp.getTokens()[3] == ""); } { // cjk Ctx c("fish: \xE9\xB1\xBC!", QB(1).add("\xE9\xB1\xBC!")); _test(c.tp.getTokens().size() == 3); _test(c.tp.getTokens()[0] == "fish"); _test(c.tp.getTokens()[1] == "\xE9\xB1\xBC!"); _test(c.tp.getTokens()[2] == ""); } { // special token with non-word first Ctx c("+++c ..net", QB(2).add("++c").add(".net")); _test(c.tp.getTokens().size() == 3); _test(c.tp.getTokens()[0] == "++c"); _test(c.tp.getTokens()[1] == ".net"); _test(c.tp.getTokens()[2] == ""); } } } void AuxTest::TestWhiteSpacePreserved() { vespalib::string input = "\x1f" "best" "\x1f" " " "\x1f" "of" "\x1f" " " "\n" "\x1f" "metallica" "\x1f"; juniper::PropertyMap myprops; myprops.set("juniper.dynsum.escape_markup", "off") .set("juniper.dynsum.highlight_off", "") .set("juniper.dynsum.continuation", "") .set("juniper.dynsum.highlight_on", "") .set("juniper.dynsum.preserve_white_space", "on"); Fast_NormalizeWordFolder wf; juniper::Juniper juniper(&myprops, &wf); juniper::Config myConfig("myconfig", juniper); juniper::QueryParser q("best"); juniper::QueryHandle qh(q, NULL, juniper.getModifier()); juniper::Result* res = juniper::Analyse(&myConfig, &qh, input.c_str(), input.size(), 0, 0, 0); _test(res != NULL); juniper::Summary* sum = juniper::GetTeaser(res, NULL); vespalib::string expected = "best of \nmetallica"; vespalib::string actual(sum->Text(), sum->Length()); _test(actual == expected); juniper::ReleaseResult(res); } void AuxTest::Run(MethodContainer::iterator &itr) { try { (this->*itr->second)(); } catch (...) { _fail("Got unknown exception in test method " + itr->first); } } void AuxTest::Run(const char* method) { MethodContainer::iterator pos(test_methods_.find(method)); if (pos != test_methods_.end()) { Run(pos); } else { std::cerr << "ERROR: No test method named \"" << method << "\"" << std::endl; _fail("No such method"); } } void AuxTest::Run() { for (MethodContainer::iterator itr(test_methods_.begin()); itr != test_methods_.end(); ++itr) Run(itr); } void AuxTest::Run(int argc, char* argv[]) { for (int i = 1; i < argc; ++i) { if (strcmp(argv[i], "-m") == 0 && argc > i + 1) { Run(argv[++i]); return; } } Run(); }